[Year 2106: In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. ]

[Over the years, you have been comprehending this “World Origin Mark”. ]

[With the help of the orange talent “All Ways Return to One”, coupled with your profound attainments in the way of the world, your progress in comprehension is rapid. ]

[Now, as long as you want, you can refine it in an instant. ]

[Year 2190: As you delve into this “World Origin Mark”, you find something strange in it. ]

[The “World Origin Mark” is essentially an aggregate of a bunch of rule forces, and is a symbol of the supreme authority of this world. ]

[In the inconspicuous corner of the “Origin Mark”, a strand of seemingly ordinary rules caught your attention. ]

[Compared with the vast amount of rule power contained in the entire mark, this strand of rules is not even as good as a drop of water in the ocean. If you are not careful enough and have strong means, you really can’t find it. ]

[Although it was well disguised, you still tasted a flavor that did not belong to the “Gods’ Universe”. ]


[Carefully separate the rule from the origin imprint, the whole process went smoothly. ]

[Then, you got into a dilemma. ]

[According to your own perception, this rule power does not seem to cause any harm to you. ]

[And its structure looks very simple, I don’t think there are any fancy things in it. ]

[This is the same as “a byte of storage space can hardly store a movie”. ]

[However, out of the principle of caution, you are worried that rashly touching this rule will cause some changes, leading to a crisis. ]

[This is a real body simulation, you only have one life, unlike ordinary simulations, you die, and you die. ]

[Year 2193: After considering for a long time, you decided to make full preparations and give it a try. ]

[In your opinion, it is unlikely that this strand of rule contains a crisis. After all, it is a reward prepared by an unknown big man for the final winner of the war of gods in this world. ]

[No existence will know in advance that you will come to this world from the outside world with the help of the “Xianwu Simulation System”. ]

[Making up your mind, you separate an incarnation and stand in front of the strand of rule power. ]

[“Time accelerates!”]

[Then, the space area where the incarnation and the strand of rule power are located is directly accelerated by your time by tens of millions of times. ]

[The “Chaos Clock” has the power to control the time and space of the heavens. This method is not difficult for you. ]

[“Return to the prehistoric world!”]

[Then, your real body stays away and is in the normal time flow area. With a thought, you choose to return. ]


[From choosing to return to actually returning, there is a delay of half a breath. ]

[The delay time of this half breath is calculated based on the time flow rate of your real body. ]

[Just before the half breath was about to end, your separated incarnation activated the power of rules. ]

[Buzz! ]

[The power of rules turned into a light curtain with a vague figure on it, which was not clear. ]

[“No wonder the structure of this power of rules is so simple. It seems that it is fighting wits and courage with the void.” ]

[You feel relieved. ]

[After the power of rules was activated, you quickly determined that it was just a simple image, which should be left by the “world creator”. ]

[Due to the existence of tens of millions of times the time flow rate, after your incarnation confirmed the nature of this power of rules, the delay time of the real body has not yet ended. ]

[“Stop returning!” ]

[The mind connection system, under your control, stops returning, and you still stay in the “Gods’ Universe”. 】


【Since your mental power has reached the “half-step mixed element level” and you have updated your control over the system, you can control whether to return during the “real body simulation”. 】

【Even if you have chosen to return, you can still actively interrupt before the delay time ends. 】

【This is also the biggest confidence for you to decide to activate this rule power. 】

【If a crisis comes after the rule power is activated, you can run away smoothly without interrupting the return. 】

【With the power of the system, as long as you do not actively interrupt the return, no existence can interrupt it. 】

【As for whether you will be killed by an unknown existence at the last moment. 】

【In your opinion, if there is really an existence that travels through endless chaos and comes to kill you without even a moment, then you will accept it. 】

【You must know that with your current strength, even in front of a Hunyuan strongman, he can hold out for a few moves. 】


【After the return is terminated, you cancel the time acceleration, staring at the light curtain formed by the power of rules, and a clear voice comes out from it. 】

【”Little guy, congratulations on becoming the master of this world.”】

【”My name is Qingyang, I am a traveler in the endless chaos, and also the pioneer of this world.”】

【”According to the rules I made back then, you should be teleported to my sphere of influence by the power of rules and become a registered disciple of this deity.”】

【”However, when you failed to teleport to the origin of this world, it means that something went wrong with this deity, and it is likely that I am on the run.”】

【”Some time ago, I heard from an old friend that this deity was targeted by a madman who was obsessed with research and wanted to use me as an experimental material.”】

【”That madman is very powerful. Some strong, I need to find a place to hide from the limelight. “]

[“You are unlucky that you cannot become my registered disciple.”]

[“Refining the origin mark of this great world and becoming the master of the world is your compensation, and also the reward for being the final winner of this game of gods.”]

[“However, compared with other worlds in the endless chaos, this great world opened up by me has some special features.”]

[“Before, I traveled in the endless chaos and passed by here. I found that this is an extremely rare place where information factors gather. “]


[“You may I don’t know what information factors are.”]

[“In the endless chaos, there are countless worlds.”]

[“Little guy, don’t be surprised, this is a fact, the world you are in is not the only one.”]

[“Every world will involuntarily emit information factors in its development process. These information factors will spread to various dimensions and time and space, and some will even be received by living beings.”]

[“Don’t ask me why, this is determined by the basic rules of endless chaos.”]

[“Information factors only contain the relevant process of world development, and there is no Tao rhyme in it.”]

[“For living beings, information factors are of little use, even if they receive I received it, but I just thought it was a flash of inspiration in my mind.”]

[“However, it is very important to the Endless Chaos.”]

[“In the Endless Chaos, there are worlds that are born and die every moment, and powerful worlds are only a minority after all.”]

[“The information factor can be said to be the proof of the existence of a world. It is an important part of the basic rules of the Endless Chaos and the cornerstone of the natural birth of a new world.”]

[“Many different worlds look similar, and even practitioners with the same names appear, which is caused by the information factor.”]

[“When you are qualified to set foot in the Endless Chaos, you will experience this.”]

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