【“And the ‘place where information factors converge’ can be seen as a transit station or hub in the process of information factor propagation in the endless chaos.”】

【“Information factors from many worlds converge here, and then enter other time and space dimensions under the operation of the chaos rules.”】

【“In the endless chaos, there are some places where information factors converge like this, but in the boundless chaos, they are just a drop in the ocean.”】

【“This deity has traveled through the chaos for endless years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a magical place.”】

【“Out of interest, I opened up the world you are in based on this place where information factors converge.”】

【“Under the operation of the world rules, life with related experiences will be bred based on the information factors absorbed.”】

【“Although the professional mismatch has caused the world grade to not reach the top, and it is difficult to give birth to practitioners at the Hunyuan level, but because the information factor is rich , there are many kinds, and the number of strong people below Hunyuan is definitely not less than those top-level worlds. “】

【”Little guy, it is not easy for you to stand out from so many strong people. I don’t know if you can have the opportunity to go further and reach the Hunyuan level.”】

【”Haha, maybe one day, when I come back from hiding, I will think of you. If you are still alive and the world is not destroyed, I can help you at that time.”】

【”If you can step into Hunyuan by yourself and have the qualifications to explore the endless chaos, I will allow you to be my successor.”】

【”I am a practitioner at the level of ‘Chaos Grand Master’ above Hunyuan. When you step into chaos, you will understand the meaning of being the ‘heir of Chaos Grand Master’.”】

【”Okay, that’s all I have to say. I know you are shocked. Take your time to digest it.”】

【After speaking, the light curtain shattered and dissipated between heaven and earth. 】


【You stood there in a daze. The message left by the unknown existence who opened up this world made you unable to recover for a long time. 】

【In the sea of ​​consciousness, the three treasures headed by the “Chaos Bell” were also greatly shocked. 】

【”Traveling through the endless chaos and opening up a world at will, is this person a great existence comparable to Pangu the Father God?”】

【The “Chaos Bell” trembled in its heart. 】

【From the photo just now, it realized that there are many strong people in the endless chaos. 】

【As strong as this “Qingyang Great Venerable” will also be targeted by unknown existences and forced to hide away from the limelight. 】

【”Chaos Great Venerable? Is this the level above Hunyuan?”】

【You thought to yourself, and at the same time, it suddenly became clear that all the strange things in this world have a perfect explanation. 】

【”It’s actually the place where information factors gather. It seems that what I said about information factors in my previous life is correct.”】

【”I just didn’t expect that information factors would have such an important role and status in the endless chaos.”】

【”In a world built on the place where information factors gather, it’s no wonder that there are so many people I’m familiar with.”】

【”Since information factors do not contain Tao rhyme, these gods with the same name in this world only look similar to the prototype, but are essentially completely different beings.”】

【”Just like the immortal of the Chen clan pantheon, it is very likely that some of the information factors emitted by the world above the heavens passed through this place where information factors gather and were perceived by the rules of this world, and then they were born.”】

【”Only information factors are the cause and effect hub, so the cause and effect connection is so weak, it can be said that there is almost no.”】


【After understanding the truth behind the “Gods’ Universe”, all your previous doubts are solved. ]

[After becoming the “Lord of the Gods”, you were still a little surprised that there were so many “Supreme God Kings” who were comparable to quasi-saints in this world, far exceeding the orange-level world. ]

[Even the number of quasi-saints in the seven-color-level world like “Above the Heavens” was not as good as that in the “Gods’ Universe”. ]

[It turned out that it was caused by the place where information factors converged. ]

[Year 2194: You decided to refine the world imprint of this world. ]

[In the original idea of ​​”Qingyang Dazun”, after you refined the “World Origin Imprint”, the image he left behind would be activated, allowing you to understand everything. ]

[Unexpectedly, the rule power that contained the image was stripped out by you in advance. ]

[However, the phantom in the image did not know all this and still said those words according to the preset. ]

[It seems that this image is just a fixed program, and it will not change no matter who activates it. 】

【“The universe of gods should be the time when this great Qingyang was traveling in the chaos,I just did it when I was in the mood, and I didn’t take it too seriously.”]

[“Combined with the failure of the transmission, it is very likely that the Great Master Qingyang is still on the run or hiding from the limelight, so it should be safe to take this world into your possession at this stage. ”】


【However, for the sake of caution, you decide to refine an avatar and let this avatar inherit the “Great Universe of Gods”.】

【Your real body will return to the “Great World of Great Desolation” sooner or later. Although it seems safe, after refining the imprint with your real body, this imprint will become a part of you and will follow you to the Great Desolation. This is the biggest hidden danger.】

【If this “Great Qingyang” returns from hiding and descends to the “Great World of Great Desolation” along the world imprint, it may cause big trouble.】

【Refine the world imprint with the avatar and let it stay in the “Great Universe of Gods” as the master of the world, you can prevent this from happening.】

【The role of this avatar is like the chicken used by hackers to invade the network in your previous life, which can prevent the real body from being tracked.】

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