[Year 2386: After spending more than a thousand years, you successfully refined an incarnation. ]

[This incarnation is very different from the crude products you made in the past. It gathers a large number of precious treasures from the “Great World of Gods” and is carefully made by you. ]

[After becoming the “Lord of the Gods”, if you want to obtain resources, it is just a matter of a word. The gods under your command and billions of races in the universe offer all kinds of treasures. ]

[When refining this incarnation, you even integrated the Dao patterns that control the “Hall of Gods” into it, transferring the ownership of the “Hall of Gods” to the incarnation. ]

[Now, you have already understood the essence of the “Hall of Gods”. It is a treasure that is manifested by the power of the origin of the world of the “Great Universe of Gods” under the rule left by the “Great Lord Qingyang”. ]

[It can be said that the “Hall of Gods” is part of the origin of the world, and some specific rule power is integrated into it. ]

[Only those who possess the “World Origin Seal” + “Hall of the Gods” at the same time can be the complete “World Master” of this world. ]

[Of course, there is another very important reason for integrating the control pattern of the “Hall of the Gods” into the incarnation, that is, you don’t want to bring these things that may be related to the “Great Lord Qingyang” back to the “Great World of Primordial Desolation”. ]

[You don’t know what level the practitioners of the “Great Lord of Chaos” level are in the endless chaos. ]

[There is a difference of at least two major realms. You who have not yet entered the level of Hunyuan still know too little about such existence. ]

[If this “Great Lord Qingyang” is a great existence comparable to the “Great God Pangu”, the “Great World of Primordial Desolation” may be in trouble when facing its arrival. ]

[In order not to bring hidden dangers to your own base camp, it is not too much to act cautiously. ]

[Of course, since the opening of the “Great World of Primordial Desolation”, it has not been invaded by some big guys who have been in the “Endless Chaos” for countless years. Naturally, there is a reason. ]

[It’s just that you don’t understand the inside story. ]


[Year 2390: A few years later, the origin of the world was completely refined into your incarnation. ]

[So far, your incarnation has completely become the master of the world of the “Gods’ Universe”, and the operation of the entire world is in your mind. ]

[Even if you want, you can directly control this world to self-destruct. ]

[From now on, even if your real body returns to the “Great World of Primordial Desolation”, this incarnation will take your place in this world and exercise the authority of the master of the world. ]

[All gods and all races in the universe will not find that you suddenly disappeared mysteriously. ]

[To be on the safe side, you did not give this incarnation independent intelligence, but only set up a complete set of operating rules inside it. ]

[Rather than saying it is an incarnation, it is better to say it is a puppet completely under your control. 】


【Year 2395: After dealing with all matters, you began to re-establish the rules of the “Gods’ Universe”. 】

【In your opinion, you have become the ultimate winner of this feast between gods, and have taken the entire world into your pocket. Then, under the checks and balances of absolute power, the gods no longer need to be bound in the “Hall of the Gods”. 】

【So, under your control, the gods were freed from the “Hall of the Gods” and could walk freely in the outside world. 】

【However, you set the rules that the gods cannot attack the mortal race without reason, otherwise, karma will be generated. 】

【Once the karma accumulates to a certain extent, the heavenly punishment will be descended, and even the gods at the “Supreme God King Level” will turn into ashes. 】

【At the same time, you passed on some of the technological civilization you had previously harvested in the orange-grade technological world with “level 12 civilization” to the mortal race. ]

[This greatly increases the foundation of the mortal race. Once technology advances by leaps and bounds, it is not impossible to fight against the gods with the power of the race. ]

[And the gods who walk freely in the universe, at your suggestion, began to accept some disciples and pass on the orthodox practice methods of their own power system. ]

[Many mortal lives embarked on the path of practice, and the special product of the special period of “God’s Favored” gradually disappeared in the long river of history. ]

[The “Hua Clan” who unified the universe was named the royal family of the “World of Gods” by you. ]

[You gave them extremely high authority and are nominally the “common master of all races.” ]

[Even if the “Supreme God King” meets the leader of the Hua Clan, he must treat him with courtesy. ]

[From the perspective of the fruit position of heaven and earth, the status of the leader of the Hua Clan is only below you, and is half a head higher than the “Supreme God King”. ]

[At the same time, the transmission of scientific and technological civilizationCheng, what you gave to the “Chinese” is also the most advanced. 】

【You think it is enough to achieve this point, and any more will harm them. 】


【Year 5128: After so many years of improvement and transformation by you, the “Great World of Gods” has a brand new look. 】

【Technological civilization and cultivator civilization gradually merge together. 】

【With the continuous updating and advancement of scientific and technological means, many cultivators drive Gundams, wield swords, and activate Samadhi True Fire. When fighting with the enemy, they throw out a two-dimensional foil. 】

【Although the painting style is a bit strange, it is really useful. 】

【Of course, this scene can only appear in a world like the “Great Universe of Gods” where cultivation and technological rules coexist. 】

【Compared with the world of a single attribute side, there are much fewer such worlds in the “Endless Chaos”. 】

【Year 5150: You finished the things at hand and practiced in seclusion at the origin of the world. ]

[Thinking of the previous experience of returning to the chaos with the help of the “Creation Mark” of the “Chaos Bell” and experiencing the creation of the world by the great god Pangu, you decided to conduct a deeper study on the “World Origin Mark” that was previously refined by the incarnation. ]

[Year 5381: After hundreds of years of meditation and practice, coupled with the previous experience of “Dream of Creation” and the help of the “Great Dao Returns to Oneness” talent, you finally entered the state of enlightenment again. ]


[In the dark, your consciousness continues to rise, passing through endless time and space, and coming to the chaos. ]

[After sensing for a moment, you found that your consciousness was not attached to a certain object, but overlooking this chaotic space from a God’s perspective. ]

[Just then, a huge human figure suddenly descended nearby. ]

[He has a handsome face, a golden horn on his head, six wings on his back, and green scales all over his exposed parts. He is wearing a metallic outfit similar to a combat uniform, with six arms, two large and four small, behind his back. ]

[He also wears bracelets on his wrists, emitting powerful fluctuations. ]

[“This should be the Great Qingyang. He looks quite unique. No wonder he is targeted as an experimental material.” ]

[You think to yourself. ]

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