
With no more room to dodge, “Kunpeng Demon Master” was forced into a dead end.

At this time, the voice of Yuanshi Saint outside the “Earth Book” also came in.

Hearing the words “those who are born from eggs and covered with fur and feathers”, “Kunpeng Demon Master”‘s face turned red, and his eyes seemed to be about to spit out flames. The anger even overwhelmed the great terror between life and death.

Back then, in the “Purple Sky Palace”, the words of “Yuanshi Saint” made him lose his sainthood and changed his life’s destiny.

I didn’t expect that I would hear “Yuanshi Saint” say this when I was about to fall.

“Heaven is unfair! Heaven is unfair! I hate it!!”

“Kunpeng Demon Master” let out a sharp roar that resounded through the world, which was the vent of his unwillingness.

Why do some beings have great luck and treasures to protect them when they are born, and they are destined to be saints of heaven, while he, Kunpeng, has tried his best and abandoned everything, and his sainthood is still like the moon in the well and the flower in the water.

The next moment, under the terrifying fist of Qi Changfeng that swept the entire battlefield, “Kunpeng Demon Master” exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Faced with Qi Changfeng’s full-strength “Chaos Transformation”, the demon master’s “Kunpeng True Body” that had been practicing for countless years was like paper.

“If I can use the Chaos Bell, a bell sound will sweep across the entire battlefield, and Kunpeng Demon Master will have nowhere to escape. Why would I need to waste so much effort?”

Qi Changfeng thought to himself.

However, the “Nine Nine Souls Gourd” was exposed, which was not a big problem, and it was not the time to take out the “Chaos Bell”.

At least when he initially possessed the combat power of the “Hunyuan Level”, it would not be too late to let the “Chaos Bell” shine.


In the “Earth Book”, after the “Kunpeng Demon Master” was blasted by Qi Changfeng, only half of the residual soul was left and wanted to escape.

However, without the body and cultivation, the speed of the residual soul is far behind that of Kunpeng in his prime. In Qi Changfeng’s eyes, it is like a turtle crawling.

“If we don’t take action now, when will we do it!”

Seeing this, Qi Changfeng did not kill the residual soul of “Kunpeng Demon Master”, but said loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, a figure stepped out of Qi Changfeng’s body.

“Tongtian Divine Fire Pillar!”

Eight divine pillars appeared out of thin air, sealing the residual soul of “Kunpeng Demon Master” tightly, and forty-nine red fire dragons emerged from each divine pillar.

This person is “Yun Zhongzi”, who has been hiding in Qi Changfeng’s body for a long time.

Since “Yun Zhongzi” has only the peak level of Daluo Jinxian, although it is very good, he can’t intervene in the battle between the “Half-step Hunyuan Powerhouses”.

Therefore, Qi Changfeng let him hide in himself and give him a chance to finish off.


A wordless soul screamed, and the remaining half of the soul of “Kunpeng Demon Master” was annihilated by hundreds of fire dragons.

A true spirit rushed out of the divine pillar, trying to escape into the “Six Paths of Reincarnation” to reincarnate, but was blocked by the fetal membrane transformed by the “Earth Book”.

“Zhenyuan Daxian” reappeared on the battlefield, waved his Taoist robe, and used the “Sleeve Qiankun” technique to capture the true spirit.

Then, with a hideous face, the “Half-Step Hunyuan Realm” sub-sage cultivation suddenly exerted force, and the true spirit was annihilated in an instant.

The body was destroyed by Qi Changfeng, the remaining soul was destroyed by “Yun Zhongzi”, and the true spirit was turned into ashes in the hands of “Zhenyuan Daxian”.

Poor “Kunpeng Demon Master”, a powerful man who traveled across the prehistoric times, died today and did not even have the chance to reincarnate.


After “Yun Zhongzi” killed the soul of “Kunpeng Demon Master”, a look of relief appeared on his face, and he felt that the shackles that bound him were quietly broken.

“Yun Zhongzi” was extremely grateful that Qi Changfeng, an outrageous evildoer, could appear in the Taoist tradition he passed down in the lower world, and at the same time he couldn’t help but sigh at the impermanence of the changes in the way of heaven.

Qi Changfeng’s ascension seemed to be just yesterday. In just over 100,000 years, he grew into the strongest existence under the “Heavenly Saint”.

“Yun Zhongzi” could only look up to the “Kunpeng Demon Master” on weekdays, and also became a dead soul under Qi Changfeng’s fist.

Outside the “Book of the Earth”, the Saint Zhunti and the Saint Yuanshi had quietly left.

“Kunpeng Demon Master” died, and the matter of joining the Buddhist sect was naturally ruined. “Zunti Saint” had no reason to stay any longer.

Moreover, ever since they knew that Qi Changfeng had obtained the inheritance of “Red Cloud Ancestor” and inherited the cause and effect, the two saints of Buddhism did not want to see him.

Fortunately, the calculations of Buddhism against the dragon clan were not exposed, and the outside world still believed that the cause of the West Sea War was that the “Demon Master Palace” was unwilling to be lonely and coveted the land of the four seas.

Many great masters felt that the “Kunpeng Demon Master” was blinded by lard and sacrificed his life for the sake of the dragon clan.

In addition, on the battlefield, “Nine Infants”, “Teng Snake””, “Jiao Demon King” and a group of little demons were also in bad luck.

The move that Qi Changfeng used to kill “Kunpeng Demon Master” filled the entire battlefield with great power, and the strong men of the “Demon Master Palace” were directly affected and died without leaving any residue.


After the war, Qi Changfeng released a group of dragon clan strongmen.

“Meet the Taoist, meet the Zhenyuan Immortal, meet the Taoist friend Yun Zhongzi.”

“The Taoist is so kind and virtuous, and our dragon clan is grateful. We will follow the Taoist’s lead in the future.”

An old dragon in the realm of Daluo Jinxian thanked him.

The other dragon clan strongmen looked at Qi Changfeng with respect.

Qi Changfeng waved his hand and didn’t talk too much nonsense with the dragon clan, because he had things to do next.

As for the treasures in the treasure house promised by the dragon clan, Qi Changfeng was ready to take them when he had time.

“Collect! ”

“Zhen Yuan Da Xian” put away the “Earth Book”, and the pale yellow fetal membrane covering the sky and the earth disappeared.

After a cup of tea, Qi Changfeng, Zhen Yuan Da Xian and Yun Zhongzi descended on the lair of “Kun Peng Demon Master” – Bei Ming.

“Destroy! ”

The three of them were not foolish people who were soft-hearted and knew that they had to kill all the enemies. With their own methods, the entire Demon Master Palace was uprooted.

After the death of Kunpeng, Jiuying and Tengshe, the “Demon Master Palace” now has no great supernatural powers.

The strongest person left behind was only a great demon at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, and naturally had no resistance in front of the three.

It’s a pity that the “Demon Master Palace”, a great force that has been passed down for countless years, has completely dissipated in the “Honghuang World”.


After dealing with the “Demon Master Palace”, this operation has come to a successful conclusion.

The next step is to divide the spoils.

This time, together with the “Kunpeng Demon Master”, a total of three great supernatural powers were killed, and countless spoils were seized.

The most precious of them are the five innate spiritual treasures.

With the wealth of the three people, they don’t care about ordinary resources, and only these innate treasures are of some use to them.

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