This is the terrifying effect of the top “heart force world” in the melee, which can definitely be called “mowing the grass without parallel”.


As Qi Changfeng’s mind moved, all the “Daluo Jinxian Realm” Buddhist masters on the battlefield fainted and lost consciousness.

“The world in the sleeve, collect!”

With a wave of his sleeves, all these Buddhist masters fell into Qi Changfeng’s sleeves and became prisoners.

“These are all the treasures of Buddhism. After the war, we can find the two saints in the West to exchange for some benefits.”

Qi Changfeng was very happy.

Fortunately, most of the Buddhists who took action in this battle were “quasi-saints”. There were not many “Daluo Jinxian Realm” masters on the battlefield, only less than one palm, and they were basically masters who were converted from Jiejiao.

In the outside world, although the face of Zhunti Saint who was watching the battle was a little ugly, it was not to the point of being unacceptable.

“What idiots! I have already issued a decree to remind them that those who have not reached the quasi-saint level should not participate in the war and should focus on self-preservation. But Qingxuan still succeeded.”

“Zunti Saint” couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

However, he also knew that it was a blessing from heaven that only three “Daluo Jinxian Realm” Buddhist masters were captured.

After all, the Taoist sect acted too suddenly. From the time when Zhunti Saint issued a decree and gave instructions to Qi Changfeng using the “Heart Power World” to clean up the trash, the time in between was extremely short.

Fortunately, most of the “Daluo Jinxian Realm” Buddhas reacted quickly enough. After receiving the decree from “Zunti Saint”, they quickly left the battlefield and successfully ran away.

Only three people who were a little slow in their thinking were happy to get the “Sleeve Qianku” package with food and accommodation.

Otherwise, there would definitely be more than three Daluo Jinxian Realm Buddhas lying in seconds under the “Heart Power World”.

“Saint Zhunti” had a clear understanding of Qi Changfeng’s mental attainments from “Saint Jieyin”, and knew that anyone below the quasi-saint level would be killed in seconds, unless they had a treasure of the “innate treasure” level to protect themselves.


“Qingxuan Daojun, how dare you!”

“Buddha of Burning Lamp” shouted sternly when he saw this.

“Why are you yelling? The person is not dead, why are you so anxious? Could it be that your lover is inside?”

Qi Changfeng said disdainfully.

As Qi Changfeng used the “Mind Power World” to clear the small fish in the battlefield, the battle situation escalated again, and the strong man of “Daluo Jinxian Realm” had lost the qualification to participate in the battle.

Although the great masters of Buddhist supernatural powers at the “quasi-saint level” were not killed in seconds by the “Mind Power World”, they were suppressed in all aspects, as if they were trapped in a quagmire, and their combat power was greatly reduced.

Although the Taoist quasi-saints were not in a numerical advantage, they were all like chicken blood under the blessing of the mental world. Even if they were one against two, they would not lose.

“You all spread out and rush out of the mental world of Qingxuan Daojun. Don’t limit the battlefield to the heaven.”

“Kong Xuan, Randeng, the three of us will follow the instructions of the saint to hold Qingxuan Daojun and wait for reinforcements to arrive.”

“In terms of the number of quasi-saints, our Buddhist sect has an advantage. As long as Qingxuan Daojun is unable to take action, victory will naturally be ours over time.”

“If everything goes well, it may even be possible to capture Qingxuan Daojun alive!”

“Tathagata Buddha” immediately made arrangements and sent a message to all the Buddhist quasi-saints.

In that battle, “Tathagata Buddha” was defeated by Qi Changfeng and captured on the spot. This made him feel uneasy and felt that his face as a Buddhist monk was about to be lost.

However, “Buddha Tathagata” also knew that in a one-on-one situation, he would hardly be Qi Changfeng’s opponent.

Even the “half-step Hunyuan realm” Kunpeng demon master died in Qi Changfeng’s hands. Tathagata, Kong Xuan, and Randeng, the three “peak quasi-saints”, could only grasp the cooperation to temporarily hold him back.

“Tathagata, the strength of this Qingxuan Taoist is unfathomable, and it is likely to exceed our expectations. The five-color divine light of this seat is difficult to have any effect on him.”

“The Peacock King” reminded him through voice transmission.

“I know, don’t worry, the main force in this battle is not us, just hold him back for a short time.”

“Buddha Tathagata” comforted.


Hearing this, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Donglai Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Medicine Buddha and other Buddhist quasi-saints moved outside the heaven while fighting, trying to pull the Taoist masters away and leave the range of Qi Changfeng’s “heart power world”.

Buddha Tathagata, Kong Xuan, and Buddha Dipankara attacked Qi Changfeng in their own ways.

“If they want to leave, let them go. Our goal is to seize the Conferred God List, so we can kill Haotian together!”

“Master Xuandu” saw this and immediately sent a message to the Taoist quasi-saints.

At this time, he was besieging “Haotian God” and “Queen Mother” together with “Wudang Shengmu” and “Yunxiao Niangniang”. The entire heaven where Yaochi was located had beenIt has become a ruin.

The masters of Buddhism were dealt with by the Taoist quasi-saints such as Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Taiyi Zhenren, Nanji Xianweng, and Yunzhongzi.

It is worth mentioning that during the period of killing the “Kunpeng Demon Master”, Yunzhongzi successfully cut off the “self-corpse” and stepped into the “quasi-saint realm”. Although it was only the early stage of quasi-saint, it was much stronger than the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

The Taoist quasi-saints received the instructions and went directly to “Haotian God” regardless of those Buddhist masters who wanted to fight in the outside world.

This made “Haotian God” change his face.

With the help of “Haotian Mirror” and “Western Plain Cloud Realm Flag”, even with the suppression of “Heart Power World”, “Haotian God” and “Queen Mother” were able to fight two against three with ease.

However, five quasi-saints suddenly came to kill at this time, and two against eight was beyond their ability.

If there were no helpers, the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother would have been in danger of death in a moment.


“Emperor of Heaven, bless me!”

“Haotian God” was immediately anxious, and directly used his best tricks and started to fight desperately.

I saw a ray of light descending from the sky and sinking into the body of “Haotian God”. In an instant, his aura increased greatly, and compared with the strong man of “half-step Hunyuan level”, he was even stronger.

“Go to hell!”

“Haotian God” felt his own great power, and was furious. He urged the “Haotian Mirror” to shoot a golden light, sweeping towards the eight quasi-saints who surrounded him.


“Xuandu Master” saw this and did not dare to take it hard. He directly summoned a small tower on his head to protect everyone.

The golden light of “Haotian Mirror” hit the pagoda, only ripples appeared, and then disappeared.

“The exquisite pagoda of the Mysterious Heaven and Earth!”

“Haotian God” looked very unhappy.

This treasure is the “acquired merit treasure” born from the combination of the merit of opening up the “primordial world” by the great god Pangu, the “exquisite pagoda of the Mysterious Heaven and Earth”. In terms of defense, it is only below the “Taiji Diagram” and can be compared with the “Chaos Bell”.

This pagoda is the companion treasure of “Daode Tianzun”.

In this operation, “Daode Tianzun” not only asked “Xuandu Dafashi” to bring the “Taiji Diagram”, but also asked him to bring the “Exquisite Pagoda of the Mysterious Heaven and Earth”, which is enough to show the importance of “Daode Tianzun”.

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