【With the guidance of the evil spirit in the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”, you enter the “chaotic space turbulence” without any delay, and rush at full speed in one direction. 】

【After an unknown amount of time, you waded out of the space turbulence, sensed the surrounding environment, and knew that you were not far from the lair of “Li Ben”. 】

【Coming to a quiet and empty area, you released the evil spirit transformed by “Li Ben” from the phantom of the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”. 】

【The evil spirit turned into a “tiger head, ten arms and seven tails”, which looked no different from when it was alive, except that black smoke was coming out of its body. 】

【The heroic spirit in the Human Emperor Banner flashed golden light, and the evil spirit was emitting black smoke, which you naturally knew. 】

【However, there were no heroic spirits in the banner, only evil spirits, which caused the appearance of the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” to become more and more biased. 】

【But looking at the appearance, no one would think that this is the “Human Emperor Banner”. ]

[After the evil spirit came out, it bowed respectfully to you, and then all ten arms came out, and dozens of fingers formed a mysterious hand seal together. ]

[Suddenly, a crack appeared in the ordinary chaotic space, revealing the tip of the iceberg of the huge dojo inside. ]

[In fact, you can use the “Boundary Terminator” skill of the “Zhu Tian Dao Zun” talent to force your way in. ]

[However, from the evil spirit, you learned that in the old nest, “Li Ben” had already arranged a self-destruction rule, and this self-destruction rule would be activated after his death. ]

[Once any existence breaks into the dojo, the entire dojo will instantly explode, giving the intruder a fierce blow. ]


[Now that “Li Ben” is dead and gone, this self-destruction rule has been activated. If you want to successfully reap the benefits inside, you can only let the evil spirit take action and shut down the self-destruction rule. 】

【Perhaps “Li Ben” never dreamed that there would be such a treasure as the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” in the world. 】

【After his death, he would turn into a fierce spirit and become a guide to lead the murderer to his home. 】

【No accident happened, the “self-destruction rule” was successfully lifted, and you separated a weak incarnation and entered it to confirm safety. 】

【Then, you stepped into the “Li Ben” lair, and under the guidance of the fierce spirit, you looted everything inside. 】

【To be honest, there are quite a few good things inside. 】

【Spiritual Plant Garden, Dan Pavilion, Wanbao Tower, Sutra Hall, Quantum Interference Room, Enlightenment Pavilion… . . . . . . 】

【There are dozens of places of all sizes, each with its own unique effect. 】

【”As expected of a nest that has been painstakingly cultivated for countless years by a powerful person who is about to enter the realm of ‘Great Chaos Venerable’, it has a deep foundation.”】

【”If it were in this nest, I might not be able to do anything to him.”】

【You couldn’t help but think in your heart, and at the same time sighed at the difficulties and obstacles on the road of cultivation. 】

【One wrong step, countless years of hard work will turn into ashes, and you will be a wedding dress for others. 】


【You are welcome, you pack up everything and take it away. 】

【You have integrated it with the dojo, and you even directly dug out this space and put it into your sleeves. 】

【It didn’t take long before there was not a hair left in the entire nest. 】

【As for the specific uses of these good things in the dojo, you plan to slowly taste them when you have time. 】

【”If I can exchange it to the system, I will probably have a lot more Chaos Simulation Points on hand.”】

【”Unfortunately, the treasures obtained in the simulation world at this stage cannot be exchanged for simulation points.”】

【While thinking, you left the lair of “Li Ben”, and before leaving, you did not forget to punch the remaining empty shell into pieces. 】

【After the house search, you returned directly. 】

【Because there is a special place near the place where “Li Ben” died that has not been explored. 】

【That place is exactly the destination of “Li Ben”‘s escape, and it is also his hope to escape. 】

【From the “evil spirit”, you already knew what this place is, and you are very interested in its mysteriousness. 】

【In your opinion, if your guess is correct, this special place will be of great help to the perfection of your fundamental method – “The Great Chaos Treasure Scripture of the Heavens”. 】


【However, before entering that special place, you still need to solve a hidden danger. 】

【While running away, “Li Ben” promised a lot of benefits to a “Chaos Grand Master” level strongman, hoping that the other party would come to help. 】

【From the memory of the evil spirit, it can be known that the force where this “Chaos Grand Master” belongs, “Creation Alliance”, has done many transactions with “Li Ben”. 】

【This Chaos Grand Master is the leader of the “Creation Alliance”, and it is said that he has a suspected “Second Step Chaos”Great Venerable”.]

[According to the time, this person should still be on the way.]

[After all, the territory of the “Fortune Alliance” is much farther away from here than the lair of “Li Ben”.]

[At the entrance of that special place, there is a “barrier method” arranged by “Li Ben”, and there is no risk of being discovered by other beings in a short time.]

[So, you decided to wait until this “Chaos Great Venerable” realizes that “Li Ben” has died and no longer intervenes in this matter, and then enter that special place.]

[In this way, you can practice with peace of mind without any worries.]

[In addition, you are a little curious about the “Fortune Alliance Leader” who came to support you, and want to secretly see what kind of person he is.]

[So , after returning to the place where “Li Ben” died, you have to stay away from it and sneak into the void space, while at the same time fully activating the talents of “The Escaped One” and “The Thief of All Heavens” to cover yourself. 】

【As long as the supreme being at the level of “Chaos Master” does not come and carefully investigate, no one can find you hiding in the dark. 】


【In the chaos, time is not noticeable. 】

【After an unknown amount of time, a figure suddenly walked out of the turbulent space, with white hair and beard, wearing a Taoist robe, and exuding a power similar to that of “Northern Ming Great Venerable” Ji Ning. 】

【He came to the place where “Li Ben” died, looked carefully, and remained silent. 】

【”How is this possible! ! ”]

[Located in the dark, you sensed the breath of the person coming and almost couldn’t hold it.]

[Although his appearance and cultivation are different from what you know, you are very familiar with that breath.]

[“Why did Daozu come here? !”]

[“And the power he founded is not the Tiandao Palace, how come he became the leader of the Creation Alliance?”]

[“Also, didn’t he just break into the level of ‘Chaos Grand Lord’ not long ago? He reached the second level so quickly?”]

[That’s right, the ‘Chaos Grand Lord’ that “Li Ben” asked for help is the Daozu of the “Honghuang Great World”!]

[You are extremely surprised, and a strong sense of confusion surges in your heart.]

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