【Just as you were stunned, in the distance, “Daozu” took out a broken jade tablet and fiddled with it. 】

【”Li Ben should be dead. It seems that I, the old Taoist, have made a wasted trip this time.”】

【”The quality of the world he cultivated is quite good. I wanted to take this opportunity to see if I could absorb it into the Creation Alliance. What a pity.”】

【”I don’t know who Li Ben offended and suffered such a disaster.”】

【”According to Li Ben’s call for help at the time, he himself did not know who was chasing him. He only thought that the other party was powerful, had an outrageous attainment in boxing, and had hidden his cultivation. However, it can be confirmed that he has not yet stepped into the “Later, Li Ben sent a message to the Taoist priest, saying that the one chasing him was most likely a clone.” “Among the Hunyuan level, Li Ben can be regarded as the top one. There are very few Hunyuan masters who can threaten him.” “I have never heard of such a monster who could kill a Hunyuan master with just a clone.” “Who could it be?” “Taoist Ancestor” pondered in his heart after confirming that “Li Ben” had died. “Then, he used the broken jade tablet to deduce the information and roots of the existence of the killer “Li Ben”, but found nothing. 】


【“This person must be very important, and he ended up so cleanly!”】

【“To be able to hide the power of the Jade Book of Creation, either he has a treasure to protect him, or there is an extremely powerful existence behind him to support him.”】

【“Whichever it is, it means that this person is not easy to mess with.”】

【“Forget it, I am not familiar with Li Ben, and we only have some interests in daily life. There is no need to continue to take risks for him.”】

【“This trip is just to go out and relax.”】

【“Daozu” shook his head and wandered around for a while, but did not find any clues, and finally left. 】

【As for whether the death of “Li Ben”, the “world dealer”, will affect the “Creation Alliance” to collect and purchase worlds. 】

【Just kidding, how many sources of goods can a dealer who has not yet entered the realm of “Chaos Grand Master” have? “Li Ben” is just one of the suppliers of the “Creation Alliance”. ]

[Moreover, there are not a few practitioners engaged in “world trading” in the endless chaos. Many practitioners who walk alone in the chaos and have no big power behind them make a fortune by trading the world. ]

[With the size of the “Great Lord of Chaos” in the “Creation Alliance”, you can contact a world trader to fill the vacancy of “Li Ben”. It’s no big deal. ]


[With the power of the “Escaped One” and “The Thief of All Heavens” talents, you didn’t make any noise throughout the whole process and lurked in the dark. ]

[Until the Taoist left, you didn’t choose to show up. ]

[You haven’t figured out the current situation yet, and you are not even sure whether this Taoist who suddenly appeared is the same person as your master in the “Great World of Great Desolation”. ]

[In addition, your strength in the ordinary simulation state is not enough in front of the “Second Step Chaos Great Lord”. If you show up rashly without enough confidence, some unpredictable changes are likely to occur. ]

[Although you really want to show up and see if Daozu recognizes you, so as to make a preliminary judgment on the situation of some simulated worlds, you finally hold back for the sake of safety. ]

[You decide to explore the endless chaos of the simulated world in this simulation to see if you can find any clues. ]

[To be honest, you have had this plan for a long time, but before, you were limited by the lack of means to travel, and you didn’t know much about “endless chaos”, so you could only bump around like a headless fly. ]

[Now, the greatly increased spatial attainments and the memories of the evil spirit transformed by “Li Ben” have made up for these shortcomings for you. ]

[It’s like a mortal getting an off-road vehicle and a map in the desert, and having the capital and ability to visit the beautiful scenery of the desert. ]


[In the memory of the evil spirit transformed by “Li Ben”, there is even some information about the “Pangu Domain” and its location! ]

[You really want to try it out. What will happen if you find and enter the “Great World of Great Desolation” during the simulation? ]

[Is this “Great World of Great Desolation” the same as the one where your original body is? Will you meet a second self? Can you use this method to bring the treasures you harvested in the simulated world to your original body? ]

[These are still unsolved mysteries, and you need to explore and verify them one by one. ]

[“From the memory of the evil spirit transformed by ‘Li Ben’, I learned a lot about the chaotic forces, but I have never heard of ‘Heavenly Dao’ near Pangu Domain.”This is very strange. It stands to reason that with Chaos Grand Master in charge and a world community, it is impossible for the power to be unknown.” “Before in Zixiao Palace, according to Daozu, the ‘Heavenly Palace’ should not be too far away from the ‘Pan Gu Domain’.” “With the level of information of this world trader ‘Li Ben’, if the Heavenly Palace really exists, he cannot be unaware of it. ”]

[Your mind was full of thoughts, constantly pondering all this.]

[After a long time, you had some preliminary guesses, and decided to verify your guesses after finishing the things at hand and leaving the special place that “Li Ben” wanted to go.]


[Without thinking any more, you saw “Dao Zu” leave, but you did not go out, but silently comprehended the “Barrier Realm Method” that was said to be from the hands of “Chaos Lord”.]

[Because you are not sure whether “Dao Zu” has really left, and you may come back.]

[Time flies, and I don’t know how long it has passed. A cultivator in a Taoist robe suddenly appears. It is the “Dao Zu” who has already left.]

[“It seems that the existence who killed Li Ben has left a long time ago. There are still some things in the Creation Alliance that I need to deal with. I can’t delay here any longer. ”】

【“Daozu” turned around a few more times, still without any results, and finally gave up, using space means to truly leave this place.】

【“Sure enough, this old Deng really didn’t leave. Fortunately, I acted cautiously, otherwise I would have been exposed. ”]

[Seeing this, you, who were lurking in the dark, could not help but secretly complain.]

[This time, “Daozu” turned a little bigger, and even passed by you, almost stepping on your face.]

[Thanks to this, you used the theft method of “Zhu Tian Thief Lord” talent to quietly capture a breath of “Daozu”.]

[After “Daozu” left again, you waited for a long time.]

[Then with the help of that breath, you used the “Chaos Hunter God” talent to lock the position of the owner of the breath, and found that “Daozu” had really gone far away.]

[In order to prevent “Daozu” from realizing that he was being tracked and locked, you also deliberately turned off the effect of “Chaos Hunter God” talent that reduces the strength of the “locked person” by 20%.]

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