[Then, you used space skills to take Shi Tiandi, Fan Tiandi, Feng Tiandi and six others to experience “Chaos Shift”. ]

[After that, you broke through the space again, protected them, and came to visit the “Space Turbulence Layer”. ]

[Compared to your hard work back then, the six people had you as a guide, and their first experience of “Endless Chaos” was much smoother. ]

[Faced with the disciples’ questions about why the “Great World Above Heaven” could not be seen in the chaos, you explained to them the existence of the “Barrier World Method”. ]

[After that, you passed on the relevant inheritance of the “Barrier World Method” and “Chaos Moment” to them. 】

【”There is a higher realm above the ‘Great Lord of Chaos’?! It’s incredible!”】

【”It is indeed the endless chaos that contains all the heavens and worlds. Before, we were just frogs in the well, not knowing how vast the world is.”】

【After learning that this “Blocking Realm Method” and “Chaos Moment” were passed down by the legendary “Lord of Chaos”, the six newly promoted Hunyuan strongmen were shocked again. 】

【After finishing the “Journey to Chaos”, you return to the “Great World Above Heaven” and wait for the arrival of the “Lord of the Three-Life Copper Coffin”. 】


【Another million years have passed. 】

【One day, you look in a certain direction, take a step, and leave the “Immortal Lord Dojo”. 】

【The next moment, your figure appears in the “Endless Chaos”, with Shi Tiandi, Fan Tiandi, Feng Tiandi, and six other Hunyuan strongmen standing behind you. 】

【”According to my deduction based on the law of cause and effect, the ‘Lord of the Three-Life Copper Coffin’ is about to arrive. Let’s go forward to greet him.”】

【”To prevent a war from happening later and affecting the world.”】

【After saying that, you waved your sleeves and led the six people to perform several consecutive teleportations, blocking the way for the ‘Lord of the Three-Life Copper Coffin’ to return. 】

【”This is the ‘Chaos Concealment Talisman’ I made. One for each of you. If something unexpected happens and I can’t take care of you, activating this talisman can help you escape.”】

【You took out six talismans and gave one to each of the six people. 】

【This is a precious talisman that you made with the “refining method” and the power of the two talents “The Escaped One” and “The Thief of All Heavens”. ]

[After activating it, you can hide your figure in the chaotic void. Even if a “Chaos Great Venerable” with two or three steps of cultivation does not look for it deliberately, it is difficult to find it. ]

[The six new Hunyuan strongmen of the “Immortal Venerable Lineage” did not hesitate to accept the talisman. ]


[As time passed, you sensed that the “Lord of the Three Generations of Copper Coffin” was getting closer and closer through the “Chaos Hunting God” talent. ]

[The space turbulence layer sent out waves, which meant that there were “Chaos practitioners” shuttling quickly. ]

[Suddenly, your face changed. ]

[Because in your perception, the “Lord of the Three Generations of Copper Coffin” did not come alone. There was another powerful existence beside him. ]

[A golden light flashed in your eyes, and the “Chaos Cave True God Eyes” started to work. Looking at his aura, he was at the level of “One Step Chaos Great Venerable”! 】

【”The situation has changed. Two strong men have come. I may not be able to take care of you.”】

【”You should quickly move away and activate the ‘Chaos Concealment Talisman’ that I just gave you. Don’t expose yourself and don’t think about supporting me, otherwise you will be doing me a disservice.”】

【”The gap between Chaos Grandmaster and Primordial Primordial is far beyond your imagination.”】

【”Don’t worry, I won’t be in danger. If I can’t defeat them, there will be no problem in running away with you.”】

【Your voice echoed in the six people’s souls. 】

【The next moment, you waved your sleeves and the six people were sent far away. 】

【In your original consideration, it was highly likely that only the “Lord of the Three Generations of Copper Coffin” would return. After all, the number of “Chaos Grandmasters” in the endless chaos was too small. There was a possibility that two or more Grandmasters would team up, but it was not great. 】

【In a one-on-one situation, you thought it would be easy to defeat the opponent, so you wanted to take the six disciples to see the world. ]

[You should know that for practitioners at the “Hunyuan Realm”, the battle between the “Chaos Great Lords” can only be said to be a rare opportunity, and just watching the battle is of great benefit. ]

[Now, two of them have come at once. If you watch the battle at close range, you may not be able to protect six people, so you can only send them to watch the battle from a distance. ]

[As for whether there will be danger of falling when fighting one against two, you are not worried at all. ]

[This is your true body, with the ultimate version of the perfect “Chaos Golden Wings”. Let alone the “One Step Chaos Great Lord”, even the great existence of the three or four steps realm will probably eat your tail gas. ]


[Emperor Shi Tian and Emperor Ye Tian are not unreasonable people. They have experienced countless battles along the way. They believe that they will not disobey your orders and force themselves to show off. ]

[After being moved to a distance, the six people almost simultaneously activated the “Chaos Concealment Talisman” and disappeared in an instant. ]

[“Come out!”]

[Seeing that the six people were hidden, you no longer had any scruples. With a wave of your sleeves, a wave of time and space was emitted. The next moment, two figures fell out of the “space turbulence”. ]

[“What a high level of time and space attainment. It is really amazing that someone in the Hunyuan realm can have such a perception.”]

[“I wonder why this Taoist friend stopped me and Brother Chen?”]

[The space shuttle was forcibly interrupted. The humanoid “Chaos Great Venerable” who was dressed in blue and blue and wearing gorgeous palace clothes standing next to the “Master of the Three Generations of Copper Coffin” was not annoyed, but just opened his mouth and asked softly. ]

[This “Great Lord of Chaos” is no different from a normal human except for his skin color. He has a stunning face and a voice as sweet as a silver bell. ]

[When you heard this, your tense nerves relaxed unconsciously. ]

[Next to the beautiful woman in blue palace dress is the “Lord of the Three Generations of Copper Coffin”. ]

[He looks a bit like the Three Heavenly Emperors Huang, Ye, and Chu. The aura he exudes has also reached the level of “One Step Great Lord of Chaos”, but it gives you a sense of incongruity. ]

[Because you don’t know whether they are enemies or friends, you didn’t use the “True Divine Eyes of the Chaos Cave” to carefully observe the origins of the two. ]

[After all, exploring the origin is an extremely disrespectful and impolite thing, and it is usually used only after a falling out. ]


[While you were thinking, before you had time to answer, the “Lord of the Three Generations of Copper Coffin” suddenly spoke. ]

[“You have the smell of my home world, and there is a great cause and effect between you and me.”]

[Hearing this, the eyes of the palace-dressed beauty master lighted up slightly, and then her fingers moved imperceptibly. ]

[“What is your name, brother? Are you the one who left the three-life bronze coffin?”]

[You said. ]

[“My name is ‘Chen’, and the one next to me is ‘Lan Ying’, you can call me ‘Brother Chen’ or ‘Chen Zun’.”]

[“Three-life bronze coffin? Do you mean the coffin where I buried my old body and sealed the dark and strange one?”]

[“Chen Zun” thought for a while and answered. ]

[“Yes, the ‘Three-life bronze coffin’ stayed in my hands for a long time.”]

[You smiled slightly. ]

[Confirming that you also came from the home world, “Chen Zun” showed a happy look on his face. ]

[“I haven’t been back for such a long time. I didn’t expect that a person like you would be born in my hometown world.”]

[“I wonder what happened in my hometown world? I sensed that the origin of my hometown world was turbulent before. I was worried about any accidents, so I rushed back as soon as possible.”]


[“To be honest, brother, the darkness and weirdness in the ‘Three Worlds Copper Coffin’ overflowed and contaminated the realms of the heavens, but it has been pacified by us latecomers, and now it is peaceful.”]

[“Chen Zun” nodded when he heard it. ]

[The fact that you can stand here explains everything. He knows that the “darkness and weirdness” he left behind are nothing to the powerful Hunyuan. ]

[“As for the turbulence in the origin of the world that brother Dao mentioned some time ago, it should be caused by some of my disciples who broke into Hunyuan collectively.”]

[“Break into Hunyuan collectively!?”]

[“Chen Zun” was shocked when he heard it. ]

[“How many?”]


[This made “Chen Zun” take a breath of “chaos energy”. ]

[“Daoyou are really good. You have cultivated six Hunyuan disciples.”]

[“When I entered the Hunyuan realm, I cultivated from the first heaven to the ninth heaven. There was no second Hunyuan in my hometown world. I am ashamed.”]


[“Brother Chen, I wonder why you haven’t returned to your hometown world for so long?”]

[You asked the doubts in your heart. ]

[And the following narration of “Chen Zun” made you understand. ]

[It turned out that after reaching the peak of “Hunyuan Nine Heavens”, “Chen” embarked on his own path to becoming a great master. ]

[Later, after a long period of precipitation, he accumulated enough foundation and was ready to step into the realm of “Chaos Great Master”. ]

[The breakthrough was smooth, but a big problem occurred at the last step. 】

【This caused endless darkness and weirdness to appear in his body, his soul was polluted, his consciousness was unclear, and he fell into a state of madness.. ]

[However, there is one good thing. Although there was a problem when he broke through, he still stepped into the level of “Chaos Grand Venerable” in the end. ]

[This made “Darkness and Weirdness” unable to take his life. ]

[Why not let his hometown world be affected and destroyed? “Chen Zun” used his last period of clear consciousness to burn his old body and the “Darkness and Weirdness” that escaped. ]

[Afterwards, he buried his ashes in a “stone jar” and sealed them in a “three-life bronze coffin”. Then he rushed into the depths of “Endless Chaos” and never came back. ]


[“Endless Chaos” is vast and boundless, enough for “Chen Zun” to torment. ]

[The long-term madness and occasional recovery of reason made “Chen Zun” suffer. ]

[However, the vitality of “Chaos Grand Venerable” is strong enough, and the darkness and weirdness cannot kill him. Gradually, he has adapted to it and developed resistance. ]

[The time of madness is getting shorter and shorter, and the time of sobriety is getting longer and longer. Everything is developing in a good direction. ]

[In this process, “Chen Zun” met “Lan Ying Grand Venerable”, and the two became close friends and traveled together in “Endless Chaos”. ]

[Later, the two of them came to the chaotic force created by “Lan Ying Grand Venerable” – “Lan Ying Palace”. ]

[With the help of “Lan Ying Grand Venerable”, “Chen Zun” completely wiped out the “darkness and weirdness” in his body, returned to normal, and his cultivation was also stable in the realm of “One Step Chaos Grand Venerable”. ]

[However, the above is a long process. During this period, “Chen Zun” naturally did not care about the situation of “The Great World Above Heaven”. ]

[Now, “Chen Zun” has not solved his own problems for a long time. If he had not sensed that there might be something wrong with the origin of his hometown world, he would have stayed in “Lan Ying Palace” for a while longer. ]

[From what “Chen Zun” said, you learned that this “Lan Ying Da Zun” was a “Chaos Da Zun” who achieved enlightenment through the “Five Elements”. He was born with a special physique and had a natural affinity for everything. ]

[“No wonder I couldn’t feel hostility towards this person when I first met him. It turned out to be a special physique.” ]

[“I don’t know what this system is called. Can the system extract it in the form of talent?” ]

[You pondered in your heart. ]


[After a period of conversation, you and “Chen Zun” are familiar with each other. ]

[During the conversation, “Lan Ying Da Zun” occasionally interjected a few words, which made people feel like spring breeze, without the airs of “Chaos Da Zun”. ]

[“Fellow Daoist Xianzun, why did you appear here and stop the two of us?” ]

[At this time, “Chen Zun” asked. ]

[“Haha, what a coincidence. I came to the Chaos to find some materials for the disciples who have just broken through, and to refine some treasures to protect the Dao.”]

[“Brother Chen also knows that I became a Dao with the ‘Yu Dao’, and I am very sensitive to space. I sensed that there was something unusual in the turbulent layer of space, and thought that some treasure had appeared in the world, so I tried to stop it. I didn’t expect it was you two.”]

[You just found a reason to explain. ]

[“Chen Zun” nodded, without doubting anything. ]

[“Congratulations, Brother Chen, for escaping the catastrophe. Why don’t you go back to your hometown world?”]

[“That’s what I meant.”]

[You invited “Chen Zun” to return to the “Great World Above the Heavens” together, and “Chen Zun” naturally had no objection. ]

[Seeing this, “Lan Ying Da Zun” on the side also wanted to go with him. ]

[You stopped and glanced at “Lan Ying Da Zun”, a little hesitant. 】


【In “Endless Chaos”, bringing other “Chaos Practitioners” into the “Home World” is no small matter. 】

【Because once you enter the world, the coordinates of the world will be exposed, and the “Blocking World Method” will lose its effect. 】

【If the entrant has ill intentions, it is likely to cause unpredictable catastrophic consequences. 】

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