【Perhaps because of its uniqueness, the “Seven-Colored Ninth-Level World” is difficult to move in the endless chaos. 】

【Unlike the orange and lower-level worlds, “Chaos Practitioners” can basically easily take it into their bodies and carry it with them. 】

【And the “home world” of a “Chaos Practitioner” is by default a seven-color-level world, because it is almost impossible for a “Chaos Practitioner” to be born in a world below seven colors. 】

【Under normal circumstances, only the big forces in the chaos will spend a lot of money to move a “Seven-Colored Ninth-Level World” to other places without affecting the world structure. 】

【The overlord-level force you encountered in the previous simulation, “Chaos Wuji Palace”, is like this. 】

【In its world community, the “Seven-Colored Level World” exceeds the number of hands. 】

【The “World Community” of ordinary Chaos forces is generally composed of a “Seven-Colored Ninth-Level World” as the core, supplemented by a bunch of orange and lower-level worlds. 】

【Of course, there are exceptions. ]

[If you refine the “Seven Colors Nine Level World” into a treasure, you can naturally carry it with you, just like the “World Bracelet” of “Li Ben”, which melts his hometown world. ]

[In addition, the “Seven Colors Nine Level World” derived from “Chaos Spirit Treasure” and even “Chaos Supreme Treasure” has its roots in “Chaos Treasure”, so it is not restricted by this rule. ]

[The “Eternal World” in the “Gate of Eternal Life” is a typical example. ]

[And the “Great World Above Heaven” is a “Seven Colors Grade World” naturally bred by “Endless Chaos”, and its location is difficult to move. ]

[“Lan Ying Dazun” is an outsider cultivator. This is the first time you have met her. It is normal to be on guard against her. 】


【“Fellow Daoist Immortal, Grand Master Lan Ying is my best friend and can be trusted absolutely.”】

【“To be honest, Grand Master Lan Ying helped me get rid of a lot of dark and strange substances in my body.”】

【“If she had any intentions, I might have died hundreds of times.”】

【“Grand Master Chen” said upon seeing this, and his expression seemed a little dissatisfied. 】

【“Brother Chen, you are joking. Since ‘Palace Master Lan Ying’ is your best friend, you can go with me.”】

【Hearing this, you can’t say much. After all, this “Grand Master Chen” is the nominal owner of the “Great World Above Heaven”, and the “Barrier World Method” outside the world was created by him. 】

【However, at this time, “Grand Master Lan Ying” spoke. 】

【”Brother Chen, you haven’t been home for many years. This time you came back and brought me, a foreign Chaos practitioner, directly into your hometown world. This is a bit against the rules and will inevitably be criticized.”】

【”Why don’t I go back to the ‘Lan Ying Palace’ and visit Brother Chen when the time is right.”】

【Hearing this, you were slightly stunned. You didn’t expect that this “Lan Ying Grand Master” would take the initiative to give up going to the “Great World Above Heaven”. 】

【”Maybe I’m overthinking it.”】

【You thought to yourself, and at the same time, you let down your vigilance against “Lan Ying Grand Master” a little, thinking that she is someone worth making friends with. 】


【“Lan Ying, you are too polite.”】

【“I am the first ‘chaos practitioner’ born in the ‘home world’, and now I have entered the realm of ‘chaos great master’. Who dares to criticize me?”】

【“Fellow Taoist Immortal Master, don’t you think so?”】

【When “Chen Zun” heard that “Lan Ying Great Master” wanted to go back, he was unwilling and said domineeringly. 】

【Your face darkened slightly when you heard it. 】

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【“No, buddy, you have cultivated to the level of ‘chaos great master’, why are you still thinking about love? Is your pursuit so low?”】

【“Also, don’t force me to slap you in front of your lover. I don’t know how long it has been since someone dared to talk to me like this.”】

【You secretly complained, but didn’t say much, leaving a little face for Chen Zun. 】

【You can see that this “Chen Zun” seems to have some interest in “Lan Ying Great Master”. ]

[Seeing you remain silent, “Chen Zun” snorted coldly, thinking that you, a latecomer from the “home world”, are somewhat ignorant of the immensity of the world. ]

[In his opinion, a younger generation of Hunyuan should not have this attitude towards his predecessor, the “Great Lord of Chaos”. ]


[Just when your mind was full of thoughts and you were a little distracted, suddenly a few imperceptible threads quietly attached to your soul, winding and winding, ready to drill into the depths of your soul. ]

[However, the “Chaos Pan God Armor” directly blocked the threads. ]

[The “Jianmu Sacred Tree” at the core of the Heart Power World stretched out its branches and leaves, and wanted toThe retreating silk thread intercepted a part of it. ]

[“The Way of Puppet and the Way of Universal Salvation, how brave!”]

[You reacted in an instant, using those silk threads as a medium, with the help of the power of “Chaos Hunter God”, directly locked the person who made the move. ]

[“Dare to plot against me, die!”]

[“Chaos Transformation!”]

[You punched out, and the terrifying fist pressed towards “Lan Ying Da Zun”. ]

[“Lan Ying Da Zun” showed an incredible look on his face, as if he didn’t expect that he, the “Chaos Da Zun”, would fail to plot against a latecomer in the Hunyuan realm. ]

[You are very familiar with the rules contained in those silk threads, which are “The Way of Puppet” and “The Way of Universal Salvation”, thanks to the two talents you drew, “Puppet Master” and “Urdu Master”. ]

[Although these two talents are not equipped, you can still do it just to distinguish them. 】

【”What a vicious witch. She has been influencing me imperceptibly. When I was not prepared, she secretly used the ‘Puppet Transformation Method’ to control me silently.”】

【”Fortunately, my soul foundation far exceeds her expectations. Otherwise, if it were an ordinary Hunyuan strongman, she would definitely fall into her trap.”】

【You punched with infinite anger, and the face of “Chen Zun” beside you changed drastically. 】

【”Fuck, is this a practitioner in the Hunyuan realm?!”】

【Without time to think, “Chen Zun” instinctively attacked and protected “Lan Ying Dazun” behind him. A nine-story pagoda appeared and blocked your “Ten Thousand Worlds Fist” thirteenth move. 】

【The space collapsed, and strong waves swept in all directions. 】

【Because of the hasty attack, Chen Zun was directly blasted back several steps by you, and the fist left some traces on the nine-story pagoda. 】


【“Fellow Daoist Immortal, why is this happening?!”】

【Feeling the power contained in your punch, “Chen Zun” asked solemnly. 】

【“Hmph, the witch behind you used puppet lines to invade my soul and wanted to control me. Unfortunately, she was not good at it and was discovered by me.”】

【“I advise you to get out of the way, otherwise don’t blame me for being ruthless and killing you too.”】

【You said coldly with a blank expression. 】

【“This is impossible, did you make a mistake? Lan Ying achieved enlightenment through the ‘Five Elements’, how could she have such a puppet transformation technique?”】

【“Chen Zun” didn’t believe it. 】

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