[You are not in a hurry about this. ]

[There is no possibility that “Chen Zun” will wake up in the short term, and you have enough time to solve this problem. ]

[After all, it is not a simple matter to bring a “Chaos Grand Master” under control. ]

[In the following years, you began to retreat and digest the various benefits you gained from “Lan Ying Grand Master”. ]

[You should know that the legacy of a “Chaos Grand Master” is very precious. ]

[After the war, “Lan Ying Grand Master” had not much resources and treasures left except a bunch of puppets, but these are not what you are looking at. ]

[Since the evil spirit transformed by “Lan Ying Grand Master” inherited all her memories, the foundation of Tao and Fa accumulated by her endless years was completely preserved. ]

[These “Tao and Fa” are not only the insights of “Lan Ying Grand Master” in puppets, salvation, charm, five elements, etc., but also include the foundation of those powerful Hunyuan masters who were secretly plotted by her and refined into puppets. ]

[Although the will of the evil spirits transformed by these “Hunyuan Puppets” has been wiped out and they have no past memories, their memories are intact when they are controlled by “Lan Ying Da Zun”. ]

[So, from “Lan Ying Da Zun”, you can also harvest the Tao and Fa of those Hunyuan strongmen. ]

[This is a huge fortune! ]

[Old rules, comprehend and learn from it to strengthen your own foundation and heritage. ]

[This is what you have been doing for a long time, and it is also the greatest reliance for gathering great power in yourself. ]


[It is worth mentioning that in the memory of “Lan Ying Da Zun”, there is also the fundamental law created by “Chen Zun”. ]

[This does not surprise you. ]

[After all, “Chen Zun” has been in “Lan Ying Palace” for so many years, and he has become the other party’s puppet. It is normal for the “fundamental law” to be fooled away. ]

[Here you can’t help but laugh at “Chen Zun” again, because “Lan Ying Da Zun” only took out his own understanding of the Five Elements and exchanged “Chen Zun”‘s fundamental method. ]

[In addition, you also learned from “Lan Ying Da Zun’s” memory the coordinates of the hometown worlds of those Hunyuan practitioners who were plotted by him. ]

[This is the location of the “Seven Colors Nine Level Great Worlds” as many as two hands! ]

[Although these worlds are not too strong in the “Seven Colors Grade Great Worlds”, they are numerous. ]

[In order to reduce the risk of being discovered that his major “Puppet Transformation Way” was discovered, “Lan Ying Da Zun” did not plunder these worlds wantonly, but only harvested one or two of them at the right time. ]

[The remaining “Seven Colors World Coordinates” are naturally cheap for you. ]

[Unfortunately, in the “True Body Simulation” state, you only have one “Chaos Month” of free action time, otherwise you really don’t mind going to those “Seven Colors Nine Level Great Worlds”. 】


【Time flies, and nearly two million years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

【In the “Great World Above Heaven”, except for a few “Xianzun Lineage” strongmen who broke into the “Sacrificial Dao” level, nothing major happened. 】

【Over the years, you have been in seclusion in the “Xianzun Daochang” to comprehend the gains of the war, especially the fundamental method of “Lan Ying Dazun”, you have a lot of your own understanding. 】

【With the help of mental power, you can even perform the “Heart Puppet Technique” of “Lan Ying Dazun” in a very realistic way. 】

【This makes you think of a way to bring “Chen Zun” under control. 】

【It took you nearly 100,000 years to create a method for “Chen Zun”. 】

【Convert “mental power” into the power of “Heart Puppet Technique” and inject it back into “Chen Zun” to fill the position left by “Lan Ying Dazun” before. ]

[In this way, “Chen Zun” has almost returned to the state before being controlled by “Lan Ying Da Zun”, and at the same time, he can’t feel the abnormality of his body. ]

[If “Chen Zun” wants to do something after waking up, you only need to activate the “Mind Puppet Technique” to temporarily make him lose all his ability to move. ]

[Such a long time is enough for you to suppress him a hundred times. ]

[In addition, you also use the talent of “Supreme Human Emperor” to extract part of the breath of “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” and condense it into a brand, and inject it into the soul of “Chen Zun”. ]

[Since “Chen Zun” is of human origin, this brand can subtly influence him, making him sincerely respect and be loyal to you, the “Supreme Human Emperor”. ]

[Under the double insurance, you feel that “Chen Zun” is no longer a threat, but a helper, so let him enter the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” slowly. ]


【Then, you summoned “Shi Tiandi” and “Ye Tiandi” and handed them two tokens that could activate the “Heart Puppet Technique”. 】

【After all, under the simulation of your true body, it is difficult for you to stay in the “Great World Above Heaven” for a long time, and you will return to the “Great World of Primordial Desolation” sooner or later. 】

【You told Shi and Ye about the situation of “Chen Zun” and told them that after “Chen Zun” wakes up, if he wants to do something wrong, he should be controlled by the “Heart Puppet Technique”. You will come and suppress him at that time. 】

【After dealing with “Chen Zun”, you secretly breathed a sigh of relief. 】

【Next, you erase the “Barrier World Method” that “Chen Zun” left in the “Great World Above Heaven”, and then cover it up with your own “Barrier World Method”. 】

【So far, you have completely solved all the hidden dangers of the “Great World Above Heaven”, and took over the “Seven Colors Nine Levels Great World” which ranks first. ]

[This also means that your “real body simulation” is coming to an end. ]

[Next, you plan to use the less than one “chaos month” of free time left to go to the “Lan Ying Palace” and raid the home of “Lan Ying Da Zun”. ]

[From the memory of the evil spirit, you know that there are still many good things left in the “Lan Ying Palace”. ]

[If you don’t act in time, if other “chaos practitioners” find out and get there first, you will suffer a great loss. ]

[Calculate the distance. With your speed and spatial attainments, one “chaos month” is enough for you to get to the “Lan Ying Palace”, and there is probably a lot left. ]


[Summon six disciples of the Hunyuan realm, tell them that you are going to the “Endless Chaos” and ask them to practice well. ]

[The six of them also knew that with their own strength, it was difficult for them to gain a foothold in the “Endless Chaos”. Even if they followed you, they would be a burden, so they did not clamor to go with you. ]

[After sending the six away, you spent some time meeting old friends and acquaintances, and visited the “Great World Above Heaven” in the new era. ]

[One day, you quietly passed through the fetal membrane of the world, activated the “Golden Wings of Chaos”, and rushed to the “Blue Ying Palace” with all your strength, leaving the “God’s Mind” and “Red Sun Fist Gloves” to sit in the Immortal Venerable Dojo. ]

. . . . . . .

The second chapter is not finished yet. I am too sleepy. I will go to sleep first and make up for it tomorrow at noon.

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