【Golden streamers flickered constantly in the “Endless Chaos”. You pushed your spatial means to the extreme, and the speed of traveling was much faster than when “Chen Zun” and “Lan Ying Da Zun” came. 】

【While traveling, you were not idle either, and took the time to study the linkage effect of the orange talent of “Conqueror of All Heavens” and the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”. 】

【After harvesting the “Dark Weird Clan” and transforming a large number of captured puppets, the number of evil spirits in the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” is now considerable. 】

【Equipped with the “Conqueror of All Heavens” talent, you summoned the evil spirits and found that they did not change. 】

【”Could it be that the evil spirits cannot trigger the effect of this talent?” 】

【You were slightly disappointed. 】

【However, noticing the system’s description of the “Conqueror of All Heavens” talent, you had some guesses in your mind and began to pay attention to the worlds you might encounter along the way. ]

[In the talent explanation, there is a triggering prerequisite called “during war”. You think the problem lies here. It is not during war now. ]

[In order to verify what you think, you are going to find a random world to experiment. ]

[Not long after, a pink-grade world appears near your path. ]

[“That’s it.” ]


[After a short pause, you figured out the mechanism of the “Conqueror of the Heavens” talent. ]

[In fact, this “during war” is very broad, and the triggering condition is easy. ]

[As long as there is a combat target and the number of opponents exceeds one, it can be judged as “during war”. ]

[Among them, the opponent’s summons are also considered independent units, such as a puppeteer controlling a group of puppets, or a magic practitioner performing the “Ten Thousand Souls Banner”, which can allow you to trigger the effect of “Conqueror of the Heavens”. ]

[And if there is a target to choose from, you can control whether to enter the “war period” state, which is very flexible. ]

[It is worth mentioning that the bonus effect of this talent does not include you, the commander, yourself, only the army under your command can enjoy the benefit. ]

[A trace of hostility locked onto the “pink-level world” in front of you, and a group of “evil spirits” with high morale as if they were injected with chicken blood surrounded this world. ]

[If you had not allowed it, they would have rushed forward and torn the world into pieces. ]

[After the “Conqueror of the Heavens” talent effect was triggered, system prompts continued to come. 】

【“Ding, the host now has more than 1,000,000 ‘Immortal-level’ and above troops under his command. Trigger effect: All units in the army have their upper limit of vitality increased by 100%, defense increased by 100%, and speed increased by 80%.” (This stage has reached the maximum bonus.)】

【“Ding, the host now has more than 100 ‘Great Divine Power’ and above troops under his command. Trigger effect: All units in the army are immune to fatal damage and enter a very short blood lock state. After that, all their attacks will have a blood-sucking effect that heals their own injuries.”】

【“The death-free effect can be triggered once every three days. The blood-sucking effect lasts for 5 minutes. It is extended by 10 minutes for each enemy killed, and it does not exceed 30 minutes.”】

【“Ding, the host now has more than 10 ‘Hunyuan’ and above troops under his command, and most of them are puppets. ”]

[“‘I will form the head’: All the Hunyuan and above beings in the army can be briefly integrated with each other to form ‘Ultimate Chaos Puppet’, exerting combat power far beyond their own.”]


[“As I expected, the strength of the talent of ‘Conqueror of All Heavens’ lies in the subsequent special effects.”]

[“Greatly improves endurance and speed, and gains immunity when receiving fatal damage. Special effects of Hunyuan and above, plus the built-in 500% combat power bonus, 1000% morale boost and 1000% recovery ability!”]

[“This talent is definitely one of the top ones in the orange grade.”]

[Looking at the activated “Conqueror of All Heavens” talent effect, you are very satisfied.]

[Even so, the bonus of the second and third stages has not reached the maximum value, and the effect of the “Chaos Grand Master” level has not even been activated, so there is still a lot of room for improvement. 】

【“The bonus effect of this ‘Hunyuan Level’ is tailored according to the origin and attributes of my army. Since almost all of them are puppets and evil spirits transformed by puppeteers, the effect of ‘I will form the head’ is triggered.”】

【“It seems that with the changes in the composition of my army,The effect will also change accordingly, not bad, not bad!”]

[While thinking secretly, you moved your mind and ordered all the evil spirits at the level of Hunyuan and above to perform the “Ultimate Chaos Puppet” technique to see how it works.]

[The evil spirit transformed by “Lan Ying Dazun” was the leader, and all the other evil spirits merged into it, and a towering figure appeared in the chaotic space.]

[This is a terrifying humanoid puppet, and the peak aura of “One Step Chaos Dazun” emanates from it, sweeping all directions.]

[“Is this the ‘Ultimate Chaos Puppet’? It’s really amazing! ”]

[You can’t help but praise.]

[You should know that although “Lan Ying Dazun” was a great master in his lifetime, his strength was greatly reduced after he entered the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” and became a vicious spirit.]

[And this “Ultimate Chaos Puppet” with her as the core is definitely the top powerhouse among the great masters. It can be seen that the talent bonus effect is very significant.]

[You also realized that you have a very close connection with this “Ultimate Chaos Puppet”, and you can control it as easily as your arm, and at the same time, a steady stream of information comes from the puppet.]

[The next moment, you flashed to the center of the puppet’s eyebrows, tapped your fingers lightly, and golden light emerged, instantly merging with the “Ultimate Chaos Puppet”.]

[This is another use of the “Ultimate Chaos Puppet” besides fighting alone.]

[As your mind moved, the puppet transformed into the form of the Gundam in your memory of your previous life.]

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