From a distance, they gave off an atmosphere like a cold wind blowing, but when they were close, they became very friendly to each other. Even though they were still clumsy, they did not hide their feelings for each other but showed and cherished them.

Georg looked at the two with satisfaction and met Elisha’s gaze.

“Do you have anything to say, Your Ladyship?”

He thought there must be something because this time was unlike usual, where the maid would wait for them and tell them the 2nd Consort was waiting.

“You must know that the master of Western Tower is dead, right?”

Georg’s expression darkened.

“I heard that you were with him at the end.”

It might have contributed to the rebellion’s subjugation, but on the other hand, some said that Elisha, who killed her teacher, was immoral.

It must be her dignity to be able to mention such a biting incident before people without being provocative. This was Elisha’s personality.

“Yes. I’ve made sure he doesn’t wake up again.”


While Georg didn’t know what to say, Elisha continued, “So the seat of the master of Western Tower has become vacant.”

Mages are basically brilliant. Their life is different from that of ordinary people, so even though many aspects deviate from common sense, they’re used to finding answers when asked questions.

In particular, Georg, who rose from the bottom of Barossa and maintained a deep relationship while staying in the 2nd Consort’s Palace, has now captured the attention of the entire continent beyond the empire. This means that he could know how the political world was going and the position of the 2nd Consort’s Palace. Georg’s face was pensive.

“I’m not forcing you.” When Elisha read his expression and spoke, Georg shook his head.

“I have received a lot from Your Ladyship, so I have to repay the debt, but it’s not necessarily because of that. I want to protect this place too. However…I don’t know if the mages of the Western Tower will follow me because my magical achievements aren’t high.”

The gap between the determination to do it and the fact that one could really do it was huge. It wouldn’t be easy if the 2nd Consort wanted to subjugate the Western Tower by elevating Georg to a temporary master seat.

After hearing Georg’s concerns, Elisha let Jillian sit beside her and offered Georg tea, clearing up his misunderstanding. “I am grateful that you think so. But Mr. Georg, I won’t let the 3rd Prince lose his grandfather to tell him about the old days, and Jillian here is still in need of her teacher’s attention.”

“Is there any other way to manage the Western Tower other than for me to become the temporary master?”

“There’s no need to lead them. We just have them bow down to us.”

“What do you mean? It is not easy to move the mages of the Mage Tower. Even more so if it involves you, who have a problem with the former master.”

Since the imperial knights had not yet withdrawn from the Western Tower, the antipathy towards Barossa would also be high. Elisha, who was silent, looked directly at Georg and asked him, “Mr. Georg, do you know that there was some kind of contract between the former master and me?”

“I’m not sure, but I thought it might be. After coming here and seeing that the Your Ladyship’s magic knowledge was better than expected, I thought an agreement must’ve been made with that.”

“Yes, but it wasn’t just magic knowledge or magic formulas. The condition I put forward to the former master and teacher was the mana theory that could reach the 8th circle. Even with the half I gave him, it was enough to expose his long-cherished desire.”


Before expressing his admiration, Georg had to stay firm with the continued fantastic story. The former Tower Master, who coveted Jillian, had started paying more attention to the 3rd Prince at some point before disappearing. Georg merely thought the Tower was busy, but it turns out he had been focusing his attention on making an 8th-circle ring.

Georg never assumed that the 2nd Consort before him, who had helped her master achieve the dream stage of the 8th-circle before killing such a person, was lying. But would others?

“The mages will definitely be interested, but we don’t know how to prove that 8th-circle mana theory. It will be difficult even to interpret unless one is at the level of the former master.”

“I guess so. Only after knowing it’s the right theory will they bother me to elaborate. It would’ve been best if they deal with things secretly like the former master, but I’ll be in trouble if the senior mages link up and try to grab my ankles with their might.”

“Despite knowing all that, you still want to take the Western Tower?”

“That’s how much I need it. If I don’t, it will be like an enemy camp sitting in the land of Verdin Duchy and its vassals. How long can the seat in the Western Tower remain vacant? Will the backers of the masters of the Imperial and Eastern Towers continue to stay still?”

She was right, but as he listened, there was a point where he hesitated. Georg cautiously opened his mouth, “Didn’t you say you didn’t need a temporary Magic Tower master, Your Ladyship?”

“I don’t need a temporary one. However, don’t we have a genius that they, the high-ranking mages of the Western Tower, are willing to bend down to be taught by her as their master?”

Elisha looked at Jillian. As Jillian stared back with her gray eyes, Elisha said as if to remind her, “Of course, on the premise that Jillian agrees, I intend to make Jillian an 8th-circle mage. It won’t happen right away and it will take quite a while, but it will be worthwhile. And the high-ranking mages of the Western Tower are changing their operating method from a single mage lord system to a consensus system with joint resolutions. They will watch before their very eyes as the genius girl becomes the youngest to reach the 5th, 6th, 7th, and eventually stands at the 8th circle looking down on them. That process will be the best textbook and opportunity.”

“Me?” Jillian asked.

“Yes, if you want to.”

“I want to if it’s for you and the 3rd Prince. And not just the 8th-circle, I will even reach the 9th-circle one day! I’ll reach the source of the world and let you know all the secrets of the world.”

“I’ll be happy to wait. But isn’t there something else as important as your resolution? Don’t forget your teacher’s permission. Otherwise, how sad would Georg be?”

At Elisha’s words, Jillian turned to Georg. The glittering gray eyes were full of faith that her teacher would listen to what she wanted.

It wasn’t a bad suggestion for Georg either. Jillian was excellent. Talented enough to attract many people’s attention. Fortunately, she stayed in the 2nd Consort’s Palace and made an oath with the 3rd Prince. If it wasn’t for that, she might have been dragged somewhere, used, or died while being kept in check.

It was a way to keep his apprentice safer and an excellent opportunity to elevate her.

Above all, the teacher and apprentice shared life and death with the 2nd Consort’s Palace. It wasn’t just their thought; outsiders would’ve thought the same.

It was already beyond Georg’s ability to refuse, to be frightened by the vast plan, or to have his student withdraw. He no longer hesitated when he thought he would’ve accepted it if it was himself to bear the risk.

“Since the disciple has become a full-fledged mage and someone who raises her status, I will follow Jillian’s decision.”

“I already answered just now! I’ll do it, and I’ll do it well!”

With the teacher’s permission, Elisha sipped her tea and opened her mouth, “I don’t know if they’ve found the contract the former master hid by now. They wouldn’t believe it all, but since it has the signature of their lord, they won’t treat it carelessly. Since they won’t believe it immediately, it will buy us time to wait until Jillian goes up a notch. If they say nonsense even after seeing Jillian’s rise, then the Western Tower is doomed. They will fail even if I push them from behind, so I will destroy it with my own hands.”

“Aren’t you going to leave Jillian as the next Tower Master?”

The agreement system resulted from the fact that the Western Tower had no one to stand alone as the master, adding to the reality that the high-ranking mages wouldn’t make the inside of the Western Tower collapse prematurely by dragging each other while waiting for the growth of young geniuses.

“That’s Jillian’s choice. Doesn’t it depend on how well they look to Jillian? Your opinion is also essential, Mr. Georg, but don’t forget that Jillian doesn’t officially belong to the Western Tower. You don’t have to be discouraged before them. As long as Jillian and I are behind you, your weight is not less that the Western Tower.”

Georg was always well-behaved and good-natured and often criticized for not being like a mage. It was a compliment, but on the other hand, it was an indirect ridicule. The reason why mages were fierce was that they were so extreme that they couldn’t keep mediocrity as they usually focused on digging into the mana’s truth and being strong.

Georg couldn’t do that, and in the end, he became a passable but quite usable mage. He never hated himself, and it wasn’t that he felt bitter, but…

“Everyone is here!”

The door opened, and a small child ran to the drawing-room sofa. He kissed the 2nd Consort on the cheek, greeted Jillian, and immediately sat on Georg’s lap.

The wrinkles around Georg’s eyes softened with that gentle and friendly attitude. Looking around him like this, he didn’t regret anything. Even if he couldn’t see the end as a mage, he was extremely satisfied as a single being called Georg.

“They will move according to our will even if we don’t manage it. When the Verdin Duchy in the west is rebuilt, it would be good to meet there often and give lessons. It will be a great picture if Jillian becomes the bridge between the Magic Tower and the duchy, and they become Jillian’s wings.”

And a painting properly shows its value when viewed from the outside. Surely this would be the most expensive.

“Mr. Georg, I heard no one hates you in the Western Tower. Even in a fight, everyone will step back if it’s your intervention. You don’t have to stay at the Western Tower all the time, but I think you should visit at least once. Would that be okay?”

That long and important talk cannot be shared only through a communication device. Determination dwelled in the wrinkled face that seemed benevolent.

“Leave it to me, Your Ladyship,” Georg replied in a firm tone.

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