Alcohol gushed from the tilted glass.

Gulp, gulp!

The wine in the glass was emptied as much as the neck bobbed up and down. Before long, the man who put the empty glass down with a thud opened his mouth.


His sigh mingled with the thick smell of alcohol. The alcohol that had gone down his throat accumulated in his stomach, waiting for only one spark to be thrown at any time.

“Stop drinking, Prince.”

Those around him tried to stop him, but Prince Raymond didn’t even pretend to hear. He had been in bad shape since returning to the capital from the West, and these past few days had been the worst.

“How many things we’ve done that we have to be treated like this?!”

Even though there were mistakes along the way, Prince Raymond could not stand the price of fighting with his life.

“You’d better talk about that elsewhere later,” Clen, a collateral descendant of the Cherkah Duchy, looked around and said. Eyes were directed at them from all directions.

Of course, this was where a social gathering was held at Marquis Bahrain’s mansion in the capital. A social gathering doesn’t just bring together aristocrats of the same faction. Instead, those who share the same will tend to come and go without making a separate seat, so this was the same as a banquet held by the nobles of the capital. But the meaning was different today.

If the 2nd Consort hadn’t boasted that she didn’t want to be celebrated separately because overthrowing the rebels was the responsibility of the nobles, a victory ceremony would’ve been held at the capital gate. Then the knights who returned first after subjugating the rebels and the nobles who had sent them out would’ve waited at the capital gates and lined up behind the 2nd Consort as they entered, tasted all sorts of compliments, and raised their honors… But he couldn’t even feel that. The spectacular victory banquet was also rejected.

It was only natural that many of those who belonged to the subjugation party felt sad. While Barossa took care of its people, the nobles acted to provide a place to raise their dignity and praised them.

Several aristocratic families made a move, but they quickly subsided when Marquis Bahrain, one of the wealthiest people in the East, moved in earnest. For the marquis, the gains to be made were also gains, but more than that…

Among the members of the subjugation party, the Eastern knights comprised most of the number, and the prince of Cherkah and Count Dyke were also included. If it weren’t an Eastern noble but someone from the Imperial or other miscellaneous faction that hosted this banquet, then the appearance of the Eastern region would’ve been like a joke, playing as guests!

Now since this banquet was hosted by an Eastern noble, the people belonging to the subjugation party could receive full attention, not as a guest, but as another host of the banquet!

Thus, the marchioness created this place and held a small social gathering—as it couldn’t be called a banquet.

It was fortunate that it was confirmed Prince Raymond’s mistake would no longer be officially brought to the fore since the discussion on the contribution was almost over.

It was impossible to leave out Prince Raymond or Count Dyke, who were the core members of the Eastern region of the subjugation party. But now it seemed quite a few people wondered if it was good.

“Elsewhere? Where?”

“I think it would work anywhere as long as it’s not here, my prince. This is not a good place to talk.”

Even this scuffle is eye-catching. As Clen looked almost tearful, Raymond, who was very drunk, looked around.

“What’s wrong with this place? Everyone gathered for us. Shouldn’t they know what they need to know? Even the behind-the-scenes stories of the subjugation party.”

Whatever it was, Clen didn’t want to hear it. On the other hand, many of the participants in the meeting had excited faces. The ones with bad complexions were the knights of other factions.

As much as it was a social gathering held for the subjugation party, those who didn’t like it and didn’t have a name that could beat the brilliance of Marquis Bahrain couldn’t refuse and had to attend… quickly grew weary after seeing Prince Raymond’s insolence.

When they were relieved that the 2nd Consort wasn’t here and thought of going back quickly…

“I’m curious about the behind-the-scenes.”

A clear, soft voice resounded from one of the social groups that the disturbance caused by Prince Raymond had stirred.

An invitation had been sent to the 2nd Consort, the main character of the subjugation party. However, as it was known that she only participated in banquets or gatherings of Barossa if they were related to the 3rd Prince, no one was surprised that a refusal was returned from the consort.

So what’s surprising now wasn’t the absence of the 2nd Consort, but the presence of that woman.


“Princess Jaylene!”

When she was quiet, no one dared to approach her, merely greeting her with a glance. But as soon as she stepped up, everyone opened their mouths with shining eyes.

Before the appearance of the 2nd Consort, the most famous woman in the empire was Jaylene Jean Rappelcia, Countess Jaylene Scherzer, so her appearance here must be shocking.

Prince Raymond, who was so drunk that he didn’t even know she had come, immediately seemed sober. She was a member of the imperial family and the one and only woman of his lifelong nemesis, Rohan Scherzer.

“Everyone knows how big a contribution the subjugation party made this time, but we don’t know the details. From time to time, all I heard from the west was about the 2nd Consort, so I was curious about the others.”

Jaylene’s words put smiles on most of the faces at the gathering. Although her body was weak and she didn’t do many outside activities, Jaylene’s beauty and good nature were widely known.

The audience saw Jaylene talk to Prince Raymond, cheer him up, and congratulate him. No one stopped her, thinking Prince Raymond would feel better after being warmed. At first, things went as everyone expected.

“So, we climbed the wall on horseback. The cold wind blew so strongly on the top of the wall that it was dangerous. Even a little stumble would let us plunge with the horse to the ground dozens of meters below.”

“Wow, the 2nd Consort is really amazing. Did she use the energy of the water to build a bridge so that you could go up to that place? It is several tens of meters tall, right?”

“… Yes. After that, the walls roared, and we held on, suppressing the rebels. After a while, the castle gate opened and the personnel waiting outside passed through the gate and took control of the inside, recapturing the territory of Viscount Tara from the rebels.”

“It is said that the 2nd Consort jumped off the wall by herself and made the gate open. Is that true?”

The bright purple eyes were innocent. She acted as if she genuinely liked and respected the 2nd Consort, so the listeners didn’t find it strange that Jaylene had skillfully ignored Prince Raymond’s words and picked up only about the 2nd Consort.

Only Raymond, the party involved in the conversation, wrinkled his face increasingly in reluctance. Then he ate a decisive blow.

“Then, at that time, Prince Raymond must have looked down at the subjugation party through the castle gate from the top of the castle wall. It must have been a spectacular view.”

This wasn’t something someone who didn’t know the situation could say. While unraveling the most exciting story of the process of Prince Raymond’s existence, she subtly exposed his role in being subdued by the 2nd Consort and falling behind.

If there were only the Eastern knights here, she could spit out as much as she could, as he’d still be able to deal with it later. However, knights from other factions, especially the Imperial faction, had also joined the subjugation party. He couldn’t tell lies.

“I couldn’t because I was in charge of capturing Viscount Tara, who was waiting.”

“Oh, that’s important too. Yes, of course. You don’t have to engage in fierce battles.” Jaylene hesitated, then she smiled brightly and clapped her hands. “Isn’t the rebellion of Viscount Tara ended when you capture him alive? That’s great!”

As the conversation continued, Raymond’s face became a mess. Even if no one knew the story in between, no one here didn’t know what happened later. Which one here didn’t know that Viscount Tara fled from his domain to Barossa?!

In the end, it was confirmed that Raymond hadn’t done anything unusual but still dared to express his regret that his achievements were not recognized and went wild with his surroundings.

“They say the story of Korobo Forest is great too. What happened there?”

It would’ve been better for him if the castle had been attacked. But in the Korobo Forest, the 2nd Consort wiped out the rebels single-handedly. Her power of action was the same as at the Tara Viscounty.

Raymond thought that there was no section in which he could make himself stand out in the story that may surprise the listeners as it was. He’d rather cut his tongue if he had to recite it with his own mouth, so he stayed silent.

“I’m curious, but you’re not saying anything. Then what about the occupation of the duchy and what follows?” Jaylene, who kept whispering to let him make up for it, was not an angel. Raymond thought she looked like a witch with the wings of a yellow canary.

“Is there anything else the countess wanted to hear? I didn’t even notice. Well, how could you not be curious? That lofty Count Scherzer followed the 2nd Consort as if he had become a loyal dog.”

“Prince Raymond, what are you saying?!”

“While the 2nd Consort was staying at the gentry mansion in the central city, he visited several times a day to look. Some say it was regrettable to see his handsome face full of pensiveness. Also, I don’t know if you’ve heard of this, but do you know how hurriedly the 2nd Consort rushed out when Sir Rohan crossed swords with Marquis Blemir? She intervened without hesitation to mediate between the two and examine Sir Rohan even though she’d just gotten up from the fall. At that time, many people almost misunderstood how affectionate they were as the gaze Sir Rohan and the 2nd Consort shared were so deep. Do you have any more questions, Countess? I’m sure you’re concerned if Sir Rohan truly treats the 2nd Consort favorably, so I’ll tell you as much as I know.”

The atmosphere seemed to turn strange, and when Prince Raymond suddenly had a maddening fit, Jaylene opened her mouth in surprise.

“Prince, please stop!”

She clung to him, and someone supported the staggering, slender Jaylene.

“Countess, are you all right?”

She was the wife of an aristocratic family belonging to the Imperial faction. The woman’s face was filled with anger, as if she had been humiliated. Of course, Rohan Scherzer was a knight representing the Imperial faction and the pride of the empire. I can’t help but be angry that the Eastern Prince insulted such a man.

The corner of Marchioness Barain’s eyes slightly hardened when the social gathering went awry, but soon he tried to pull the corners of his mouth.

She had to sort things out quickly somehow. Otherwise…the 1st Consort she adored might get caught up in it. 

However, the marchioness, who was about to step forward to solve the situation, suddenly froze. Because after she looked around, thinking about where to drag Prince Raymond, she found a man standing at the entrance.

As the organizer and the only one who could directly dissuade Prince Raymond as the 1st Consort’s closest aide stiffened, people were puzzled and turned their faces to where her gaze was directed. 

“… Sir Rohan?”

“Doesn’t Sir Rohan only appear at banquets that His Majesty orders him to attend? The social gathering was not on the schedule today, so how?”

Jaylene let out a belated cry as she heard the startled crowds.

“Sob, sob!”

As Jaylene covered her ears with both hands and shed pitiful tears, the attention of those focused on Rohan turned to her.

“How could you say that? Prince Raymond is truly a vulgar man.”

With Jayelene’s words, Prince Raymond was completely branded as trash. Then Rohan walked inside from the entrance. His direction was towards Jaylene, so everyone in the middle backed away a bit from Jaylene’s side to make it easier for him to support her, but the man didn’t turn to her.

He stopped only after approaching Prince Raymond and opened his mouth, “Sir Raymond Cherkah, I challenge you to a duel for tarnishing the honor of His Majesty’s consort, the 2nd Consort.”

The social gathering venue, which was full of whispers until just a moment ago, calmed down instantly.

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