Just because the name of the 2nd Consort resonated so loudly in the past two years didn’t mean the light of the original stars of the empire faded. They were still firmly in place.

It was only natural that all eyes were focused on their every move. And since Rohan, who rarely came to the fore among them, revealed himself, the impact was bound to be bigger.

“So what’s there between the 2nd Consort and Sir Rohan? I guess what’s been said is true.”

The relationship between a man and a woman was the topic people were most passionate about.

“Not really. The upright Sir Rohan overheard Prince Cherkah spouting drunken nonsense. Would anyone with Sir Rohan’s character let it slide?”

“Sir Rohan indeed treated the 2nd Consort favorably. He even paid details to what His Majesty the Emperor doesn’t. Why, even when the 2nd Consort went missing in the west in the past, he took great care of 3rd Prince Leon.”

“That’s why I said it may not be so. If the relationship between them were unusual, they would’ve hidden it. Could they have revealed it openly? Besides, in the 3rd Prince’s case. Sir Rohan must’ve taken care of him in the 2nd Consort’s absence because he’s the Sir Rohan that we know.”

“Ah, how can you be so assertive about things between a man and a woman? When two beautiful and talented people are together, something that didn’t exist can happen.”

“Huh! There’s no way the 2nd Consort and Sir Rohan would do that!”

As is often the case with scandals without clear evidence, people believed what they thought. However, since the opponent was the 2nd Consort and Rohan, far more people leaned towards the lack of credibility in Prince Raymond’s remarks.

If there were even the slightest opening, it would surely escalate into a massive scandal that would turn the entire empire upside down. So some people were in big trouble because it didn’t work out as they intended.

“The fire is not burning. Loosen more people and blow the wind. Focus only on the nobles and continue to create suspicions because once it’s heard by the commoners, they will protest, saying it is a trick to slander the 2nd Consort and Sir Rohan. Prince Cherkah should just insist on the rumor that started in his mouth being a drunkard’s ramble.”

At the order of Marchioness Bahrain, the butler, who was serving as the master’s aide in the marquis’s capital’s mansion, bowed his head deeply. He admired his calm but capable hostess so much that he glanced displeasedly at the man sitting before her. 

But perhaps feeling the butler’s gaze…


When the man looked at him, the butler quickly lowered his head.

“Don’t quarrel with the innocent, Prince. You should leave now, butler. Don’t you have a lot to work on?”

As the butler left, Prince Raymond glared at the Marchioness Bahrain.

“Cecile, are your servants so arrogant because you look down on me?”

“What do you mean by Cecile? Please be polite, Prince. Do you think we’re still the little boy and girl who used to be childhood friends?”

“What childhood friends? Even then, you didn’t even look at me and just followed Isabelle around.”

“Princess Isabelle was as lovely as an angel, so that is natural. Didn’t I take care of this matter personally because you’re her brother?”

“If I get hit, the Cherkah Duchy will suffer, and that could become a weakness in Isabelle’s candidacy for the empress’ seat, so of course, you should do at least this much.”

“If you understand, please be more careful, Prince. No matter how much I do, I can’t force the marrquis family to overdo it.”

“Why? It is a well-known story that the marquis fell in love with his beautiful wife and handed over the real power to her.”

“And that’s why you have to be more careful. It’s mine, and someday it will be Her Majesty the Empress’.”

When Marchioness Bahrain stared at him coldly, Prince Raymon waved his hand.

“I get it. It’s true that I ruined the social gathering you prepared, so I’ll be careful from now on. I didn’t mean to either, but…”

Prince Raymond frowned. It wasn’t because of the Marchioness Bahrain’s criticism but because he was reminded of his huge mistake.

Count Dyke, who was with him in the capital, was immediately summoned to the East. As it happened when Count Dyke was most needed, it seemed to tell how great Duke Cherkah’s anger was.

“Why the hell did Princess Jaylene do that to me? Anyone can see that she was provoking me. Perhaps His Majesty…”

No matter how much the negotiations on sharing the credit for the subjugation party were roughly completed, the details still needed to be finalized. Because of Raymond, the East would have to make significant concessions in the subsequent process.

It also needed the premise that his mistake when drunk was made with minimal grounds and that he would not suffer an unsightly defeat, if not a victory, in a duel with that Rohan Scherzer. Otherwise, he would have to bow his head and give up what he has. But…

Marchioness Bahrain denied it.

“This trick too low for His Majesty the Emperor to use. Aren’t those two the best cards the emperor has now to bury filth?”

Of course, speaking of that emperor, there might have been a few more hidden motives behind him, but nothing immediately came to mind. Furthermore…

“Was there a need to move Princess Jaylene for something like that? Others will suffice.”

“Well, unless one is of the same status as the princess, one will be retaliated by me immediately…so to prevent that…”

“Why would His Majesty care about that? No, before that, do you, who thinks that the lives of lower nobles are mere consumable, even care about that?”

Prince Raymond frowned when his opinion was immediately denied, but he couldn’t insist anymore. Instead, Marchioness Bahrain, who had just cornered him, backed up her remarks.

“As you said, if he had used lower nobles, things would’ve been much bigger than it is now. Those in the venue who saw the blood would’ve been more excited, and it is possible that the duel could have turned into an emotional fight.”


“But the chances are extremely slim. No matter how you look at it, I think it would be right to say that Princess Jaylene was arbitrary.”

Jaylene’s appearance deceived most people, but the ladies in the upper aristocracy had various questions about her. From her princess days at Barossa before her marriage, many people around her were missing or had accidents, from her maidservants to nobles.

For a beautiful person of noble blood, followers sometimes show excessive loyalty even if they do not do it themselves, so they wouldn’t try to judge her by that alone.

The real thing was that things began to go as she had apparently wished as she hovered around Rohan Scherzer. Sure, people couldn’t find a connection with Princess Jaylene because the incidents were such a big deal, but it was visible to those who watched. Those sinister murders stretched out of her!

So the marchioness judged that if it were Princess Jaylene, who was so madly obsessed with Sir Rohan, she would most likely be unable to sit still, no matter what the truth between the 2nd Consort and Sir Rohan was.

Princess Jaylene collapsed at the social gathering and returned to the count’s residence while being embraced by her husband. She, who was already sick, was now in a state of shock and was lying down. Unlike before, when she did not receive visitors, she now dealt with those guests.

What would those who went there to comfort say to the princess with a pale complexion? All of them would be under the influence of Princess Jaylene. And that much weight would be placed on the 2nd Consort and Sir Rohan.

“It’s okay, Cecile. I feel like I’m losing my energy when I talk to you since before. I’ll just tell you what I’m doing: I’m here to find a knight to become my proxy.”

“Can’t you come forward yourself?”

Even if Raymond wasn’t a great knight, he was good enough to be knighted. Didn’t he occupy a place in the subjugation party?

“No. You should only show your best in front of that person. If I can’t do it, I’ll use the best thing I have!”

Not all nobles are knights, and even if they are knights, there are cases where they cannot step forward for their own reasons, so it’s not shameful to accept a duel request and send someone to take their place in their honor. This is because it includes accepting the damage that will be suffered by losing.

“So why did you send Count Dyke to the East? Did you trust our marchy so much? To find a knight like that in the capital city right now, we have no choice but to use the connection of our marquis’ family.”


The other person suddenly raised his voice in great denial, but Marchioness Bahrain was not surprised. Only one thing that scared her: the pretty girl—now that she had changed with age, the woman—with blonde hair and green eyes crying.

“Looking at Sir Rohan’s wrath, whose loyalties have been questioned, the participant’s life cannot be guaranteed. But given your sincerity to come here personally, I will offer you the knight Novanstein, the pride of the marquis’ family. However, Prince. Do not block the 1st Consort’s path any longer. The West collapsed more than expected, and the spoils they left behind ended up in the hands of His Majesty the Emperor and the 2nd Consort. It means that now we are the only ones who can stand as nobles for nobles’ sake. It also means we can live only when the 2nd Prince Stoneham becomes the next emperor. It’s not just a competition for the empress’ seat. We now have to jump into a full-fledged competition for the throne.”

Prince Raymond, who raised his sharp eyes even more at the advice she dared to give him, hesitated. Knight Novanstein was the best I could’ve got now!

Raymond’s eyebrows slowly crept back into place.

“Thank you for giving him to me. However, if you really gave up on being called Cecile, you’d better be polite to me the next time we meet.”

“Yes, Prince.”

Hearing the answer, Prince Raymond stood up without hesitation. He thought it was good he didn’t go to the 1st Consort’s Palace. If he had faced Isabelle, he would have fought and not gotten what he wanted.

Prince Raymond, who was about to open the drawing-room door, stopped momentarily and turned his head. When there was no sign of him going out, Marchioness Bahrain also looked at him and met his gaze.

“Is there anything else?”

“No. But this reminds me of those crazy old days. It would be best not to get entangled as much as possible.”

Even though Prince Raymond hadn’t named the subject, the marchioness seemed to understand immediately.

“That sounds like the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard.”

“But there’s no way you, who became Marchioness Bahrain to make Isabelle an empress through the marriage you keep putting off, will be able to escape the 2nd Consort.”

“That might be the case, but it doesn’t seem like something the prince, who provoked the 2nd Consort, should say.”


“Please take good care of Novanstein. If possible, please return him alive. Nova has work left to do for the 1st Consort.”

Instead of answering, Raymond slammed the open door and left. After some time, it was confirmed that the marquis’ knight, Novanstein, entered the mansion of Duke Cherkah in the capital.

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