In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 113: Moving mountains and reclaiming seas, artificial intelligence

March 21, 2024 in the Qiankun Calendar, yin

With the launch of the Night Owl UAV production line, Lin Yu's air support force is also increasing rapidly.

The ground forces used the newly developed Guardian-1 land combat robots.

This is Xia Xue's latest design of a land combat multi-purpose combat robot.

The entire robot is two meters tall and uses the latest alloy steel as its external armor and skeleton.

The internal power system is Lin Yu's most advanced motor technology at present, and the energy source uses a combined plasma battery.

In addition to these hardware, in terms of intelligence, Lin Yu and Xia Xue worked together to compile the latest intelligent program, using a new language architecture, which can effectively prevent Skynet from being cracked.

And its intellectual autonomy has reached the level of adults.

In addition to these, the weapon settings are also similar to the Night Owl.

Because it is a land combat robot, the basic standard equipment is a multi-barreled electromagnetic rifle.

The ammunition box at the rear of its body can hold more than 30,000 rounds of bullets.

And so many bullets are enough to fight a large battle.

In addition to these, there is also a launcher for the plasma cannon on the other arm.

Its stored 24 electro-plasma cannon shells can destroy any hard fortification or armor.

Because it is a land combat robot, it is foreseeable that the subsequent losses will be very large.

So this is the design for the time being, as the most basic version.

Because although this kind of robot is simple in design, it is still a big killer for ordinary people.

In addition, the current number of shelter personnel is insufficient.

So Lin Yu directly manufactured a fully automatic production line.

Using the basic manufacturing bench for manufacturing, various parts and equipment of the production line are produced very quickly.

In less than a day, the assembly of the production line was completed.

Because it is placed in the open air and there is no need to build a factory building, the speed is much faster.

After the construction of the production line was completed, Lin Yu arranged for the materials to start manufacturing.

But now there is a problem facing Lin Yu, that is, with the manufacturing of various unmanned machinery, his silicon plate storage is gradually declining.

After calculation, after manufacturing a hundred Night Owls and a thousand land combat robots, their own silicon plate storage will be exhausted.

Therefore, the manufacturing base of silicon panels needs to be put on the agenda, but I don't know much about the distribution of minerals in Aquablue Star, so I have to count on Xia Lan.

"Sir, I don't know much about this. I only know that there are many silica veins where we were."

Xia Lan opened the drawing and roughly marked some areas on it.

"Sir, I knew these locations before, but I'm not very clear now."

"It's okay. These are enough. The existing silicon storage can last for a few days. By the way, do you know where there are relatively large chip factories?"

"Sir, there should be a large-scale chip factory here. At that time, it was one of the best in the world."

"Okay, I understand. Send a Night Owl carrying a shock wave detector over there to check these places."

"Yes sir."

When Xia Lan went to look for silicon boards, Lin Yu was also thinking about the next development.

A few days ago, Lin Yu unlocked the steel smelting technology.

Among the subsequent technologies, the mountain-moving and sea-reclamation technology can already be unlocked.

This technology should be a very important technology in Lin Yu's vision.

In the game, you can use steel or stone to create corresponding blocks and change the entire terrain. This technology can be said to be very powerful.

For example, after unlocking this technology, if Lin Yu wants to build a base on the high seas, he doesn't have to look for a big island.

Just find an island and mix the prepared roadbed with sand to quickly expand the area of ​​the island.

In the future, just add soil to this expanded land to form a place where vegetables can be grown.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu checked his electromagnetic matrix storage and found that there were already a lot of them. After a rough look, he found that there were at least two thousand.

Therefore, all subsequent technologies can be unlocked.

But today, Lin Yu has other things to do, so for the time being he is only preparing to unlock the mountain-moving and reclamation technology.

As the electromagnetic matrix was put into the matrix research station, the technology of moving mountains and reclaiming seas was quickly unlocked.

After unlocking it, Lin Yu finally understood how powerful this technology was.

The wall hardening technology previously used in shelters is the precursor to this technology.

Looking at the knowledge in his mind, Lin Yu also began to expand the Jiangxin Continent and build the infrastructure of the sub-base.

After making some adjustments to the production line, Lin Yu began to produce and store this foundation.

Another material, sand, is also easy to obtain for Lin Yu.

With the adjustment of the production line completed, Lin Yu also returned to the electromagnetic research station and started another important work.

With the development now, Lin Yu finally has time to start writing artificial intelligence.

As for this work, Lin Yu had always written a little bit today and a little bit tomorrow. It was very sporadic.

So after having his subordinates and assigning many things to Xia Lan, he could be freed to officially start artificial intelligence programming with Xia Xue.

When Xia Lan watched her sister and Lin Yu enter the research station and start working, she also began to control the Night Owl, carrying the corresponding equipment and starting to explore the designated location.

Before Lin Yu entered the research station, he also assigned a Night Owl to carry equipment to explore the nearby waters to see if there were any silica veins on the seabed.

While Lin Yu was in retreat, the war between man and machine on the other side of the ocean was also heating up.

After Skynet destroyed two missile cruisers of the resistance, in order to retaliate, the leader of the resistance, Kyle, also planned several wars to attack Skynet's production base.

But somewhere they didn't know, on the continent south of the ocean, Skynet's army arrived.

After approaching the land, Skynet's Predator transport plane began to take off, looking for the previous port.

Soon, they found an abandoned port,

After Tianwang's cargo ship docked at the port, it also announced that the occupation of this land had officially begun.

After docking, the cargo ship door opened, and rows of T1 battlefield robots and T400s filed out and began to officially enter this land.

At this time, on this land, the surviving humans are still fighting for life and death for some food.

After all Skynet's supplies and legions landed, the freighter returned to prepare to transport the second batch of supplies.

After the freighter left, the Hunter transport plane left here carrying a batch of T1 and T400, and began to search for mining areas and conduct preliminary reconnaissance for the subsequent establishment of mines.

A few days later, on the night of March 30, Skynet had completed its substantial occupation of this land.

Various factories sprang up. After establishing large-scale factories, Skynet's power strengthened again.

At the same time, the various mechanical warriors produced by these factories also began to be transported back to the mainland to support the encirclement and suppression operations against the rebels.

In an underground base of the Eagle Federation, the leader of the resistance, Kyle, was reviewing the recent war situation.

When he saw that Skynet's soldiers suddenly increased in number, Kyle knew that Skynet must have established a complete production base elsewhere.

But today's resistance forces are trapped on this continent, and it is very difficult to produce all weapons.

Most of them are still used by disassembling the firearms of Skynet soldiers.

Under this situation, Kyle felt that he should also look for foreign aid to avoid being suppressed and then eliminated by Skynet.

"Kyle, in this situation, even with foreign aid, we can't contact each other."

"There must be a way. If we use satellites, what is the success rate?"

"If we use existing communication satellites, we should be able to send this message to the whole world.

But we don’t have satellites to use. "

"We don't have it, but Skynet does. The latest information is that there is a communication center of Skynet in this place, which must have equipment to connect to satellites.

So we need to gather our forces, knock this place down, and then leave immediately after sending the message. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Because Kyle had continuously commanded the resistance to victory one after another in previous battles, everyone believed in him.

As the deputy prepares for the afternoon, Kyle is also considering the way forward.

Skynet also has the ability to establish new production bases overseas, which made Kyle think that he should prepare early and establish his own weapons production base.

Soon, on April 1, Kyle launched a new round of offensive, taking advantage of Skynet's failure to react, and directly captured Skynet's communication center.

Then, the technicians quickly operated, connected to a communication satellite in the sky, and used ten commonly used languages ​​to directly send Skynet's recent actions and the current resistance of the rebels to the world through the satellite.

The satellite was operating at full power, allowing this message to directly penetrate the nuclear dust and be sent to every corner of the world.

Even on Lin Yu's side, Xia Lan, who monitors electromagnetic wave signals in real time, also received this message.

Seeing Lin Yu who was still researching, Xia Lan didn't dare to make any claims and replied privately.

So I just recorded it and told Lin Yu after he came out of confinement.

On Kyle's side, after seeing the message being sent, he immediately dismantled the main equipment and transported it back to the base.

Prepare to use these equipment to build a satellite communication center belonging to their own resistance.

There are also many talents among the resistance forces, and they are familiar with how to connect to the satellites belonging to the Eagle Federation in space.

Therefore, these devices played a big role in the subsequent battles.

In particular, Skynet's expansion was once greatly hindered by its connections with other parts of the world.

As time passed, finally on the evening of April 5, Lin Yu took Xia Xue out of the electromagnetic research station.

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