In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 114: Recruiting Refugees and New Technologies

April 5, 2024 in Qiankun Calendar, yin

As Lin Yu and Xia Xue came out of confinement, Xia Lan also felt relieved.

Of course, under the current situation, even if you are in retreat, you still need to eat and drink.

So Xia Lan can enter the place where they study artificial intelligence at any time, so there is nothing to worry about.

At this moment, after seeing the two people coming out, Xia Lan hurriedly greeted them.

"Sir, sister, how are you?"

"Sister, it worked. Now I just want to go back and take a nap. I'm so tired."

Xia Lan looked at Lin Yu. Lin Yu waved his hand and asked Xia Lan to take her sister back to rest. Lin Yu, after washing up, returned to the electromagnetic research station and rested.

After dealing with her sister, Xia Lan came to Lin Yu's bedroom. Looking at Lin Yu who was sleeping soundly, Xia Lan carefully covered Lin Yu with the quilt, and then returned to her laboratory to continue studying the mutation of nuclear radiation.

Before Lin Yu went into seclusion, he had already settled the matter of finding silica mines for Xia Lan.

Five hundred kilometers south of Jiangxinzhou, there is a small silica mine with a high content of quartz stone and vein stone.

So even though the reserves are not large, refining it is still relatively time-saving and labor-saving.

The next day, Lin Yu got up, had breakfast, and was ready to start a new day of work.

At this time, Xia Lan came over, ready to report the results of her work during this period.

"Sir, these are the daily developments during this period."

"Well, please tell me briefly."

"Yes sir."

Next, Xia Lan made some introductions about recent events.

"Sir, first of all, in terms of resources, you told me before that we need to find new silica veins.

So I used my previous knowledge to find a rough location, and then asked Night Owl to activate automatic detection, and found a small quartzite vein, which was not large, only covering an area of ​​one square kilometer. "

"Well, it's indeed very small, but this should be enough for our early use. It's done well. What about the others?"

"Sir, in addition to the quartzite veins, our crude oil base has been nearly saturated recently, and the on-site fluid storage devices have been almost completely filled."

"Well, don't worry about it. It will automatically stop producing oil when it's full."

"In addition to these, when I was looking for quartzite veins, I also discovered several open-air camps, which are areas with less radiation. I wonder if Sir, you want to gather these refugees."

Comparing the current life, in Xia Lan’s eyes, these camps are refugee camps.

Hearing what Xia Lan said, Lin Yu was also very interested.

After pulling up the information, Lin Yu saw the footage taken by Night Owl at that time.

In this picture, Lin Yu saw a lot of things.

First of all, in this camp, there is still a civilized social order.

Apart from this, there is no despair in the eyes of this group of people, and their eyes are still shining.

"It seems that the leader of this camp has two skills, and he can manage such a simple camp so well."

"Sir, despite this, their camp will not exist for long."

"How to say?"

"Near them, there is a mutant tiger habitat. Sooner or later, this camp will be discovered. This is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that after Night Owl passed by and detected the surrounding mountains and underground, it was discovered that there was an extremely active magma layer underground, and the surrounding mountains were also at risk of landslides.

The crops planted by the other party at the foot of the mountain are likely to be destroyed by a small landslide.

In recent detections, the magma underground has become more and more active. According to the model, it is expected to erupt in a week.

And similarly, in a week, some acid rain clouds from the sky will arrive here, forming huge acid rain and falling in this area. "

"Hey, it's really a disaster. Is there anything else?"

"In addition to these, I also received a very strong electromagnetic wave signal. It was a clear communication. After translation, it was about Skynet on the other side of the ocean."

"Bring it over and let me take a look."

After receiving Xia Lan's report, Lin Yu read it.

Soon, he discovered something unusual.

In this communication, the other party only asked other survivors in the outside world to stay vigilant and be careful of Skynet's expansion, but did not explain Skynet's current expansion direction.

This made Lin Yu very vigilant. After all, no one knew when Skynet's hunter fighter would come over his head.

After Xia Lan finished her report, Lin Yu asked Xia Lan to go work first while he thought about it.

After a long time, Lin Yu suddenly shouted into the air: "Pan King, how many Type 1 Guardians do we have now?"

"Sir, our current number of Guardian Type 1 units has reached one hundred."

"Well, there are a lot of them. Where is the Nightingale transport plane?"

"There are only two Nightingale transport aircraft off the production line at the moment."

"That's enough. Send Nightingale and bring 30 Guardian Type 1 units to this area, ready for rescue at any time!"

"Yes, sir!"

Nightingale is Lin Yu's latest planned air transport vehicle for rapid transportation of Guardian-1. Each Nightingale is fully loaded with 20 Guardian-1 land combat robots.

"King Pan, how is the production of nightingales now?"

"Sir, under the current situation, the daily resource output, except for storage, can only be used by one Nightingale."

"Well, just one. It's enough for now anyway. The new silica mining base hasn't been built yet, so let's save some for now."

"Yes sir!"

"In addition, after you take over the unmanned truck and fully charge it and fill it with the materials needed to build the mining base, you go to this mineral vein to build a new mining base and make high-purity silicon plates locally."

"Yes sir."

After making arrangements, Lin Yu was confidently prepared to unlock the next technology.

In subsequent technologies, Lin Yu is preparing to unlock applied superconductor technology.

Once this technology is unlocked, Gauss rifles can be mass-produced.

The electromagnetic guns manufactured now still use traditional coils, but now that copper is available, Lin Yu uses pure copper to make them.

And now that silver is available, Lin Yu also uses silver luxuriously to make coils.

Because it is not a superconductor, Lin Yu also needs to prepare other cooling devices to cool the coil.

Once the applied superconductor technology is unlocked, Lin Yu can create a real electromagnetic rifle.

Gauss rifle is also a type of electromagnetic rifle.

As for electromagnetic series technology, after using superconductors, the performance will be greatly improved.

However, after checking it, Lin Yu found that in order to unlock applied superconductors, he needed to unlock basic chemical engineering.

Fortunately, the electromagnetic matrices required for these two technologies are not very large, and Lin Yu can definitely provide them.

After watching the electromagnetic matrix enter the matrix research station, Basic Chemical Engineering was the first to unlock it.

As a burst of knowledge poured into his mind, Lin Yu quietly absorbed the chemical engineering knowledge.

After a preliminary look, it didn't take long for a burst of knowledge to come into his mind. Lin Yu took a look and found that it was about the technology of how to mass-produce superconductors.

With in-depth research on this technology, Lin Yu also lamented that superconductors are not in vain.

This kind of applied superconductor can be formed into various shapes and states according to Lin Yu's ideas.

The first thing to use is to upgrade today's electromagnetic guns and various electromagnetic launch devices on weapons.

After careful inspection, Lin Yu found that this superconductor is an application of graphene.

The superconductor above is a superconductor that appears after two layers of graphene are rotated at a certain angle. It can also be regarded as a superconductor.

After seeing this material, Lin Yu was also adjusting the production line and overall production.

Because the production of graphene requires sulfuric acid and high-energy graphite, Lin Yu also needs to make sulfuric acid.

The manufacture of sulfuric acid requires the use of refined oil mixed with rock ore and water.

Therefore, Lin Yu still needs to build a water pumping station on the beach.

As for the stone mine, Lin Yu also thought of a way.

Although there are no stone mines on Jiangxinzhou, Lin Yu happens to know a large quarrying base on the land to the west.

In this way, you don’t have to worry about your own stone mine.

Now that everything is ready, Lin Yu still needs to produce a batch of chemical plants. After all, this kind of graphene cannot be manufactured manually and requires the use of chemical plants.

The previous bridge leading to Jiangxinzhou was only made of temporary filler and was not strong enough to support the subsequent operation of unmanned trucks.

So Lin Yu also used the stone ore storage on hand to create a batch of foundations.

Coupled with the sand and soil excavated these days, Lin Yu is planning to lay a foundation road directly from Jiangxinzhou to the mainland.

Previously, Lin Yu was worried about being attacked by others after China Unicom.

But now that the Guardian Type 1 and Night Owl are being manufactured in batches, my own safety is guaranteed, so I don't have to worry about these anymore.

On the 10th, after several days of expedited construction, the first batch of quarry was delivered in the morning.

After arriving at the stone mine, Lin Yu immediately started graphene manufacturing. Find Shuyuan

When the first graphene was produced, Lin Yu immediately took it to test its performance. As expected, it had superconducting properties as described in the introduction, which could prevent the material from generating heat.

Using this graphene, Lin Yu created a real electromagnetic rifle.

Came to the shooting range and conducted a continuous fire test.

When the test was over, Lin Yu looked at the test results and felt very satisfied.

In this test, both the battery life and the heating performance of the coil are among the best.

Not only has the heating performance of the coil been reduced a lot, but the magnetic field generated by the coil has also been strengthened a lot, causing the initial speed of the steel needle to increase a lot.

This situation led Lin Yu to need to readjust the initial speed of the electromagnetic gun's steel needle to ensure that the lethality was within a certain range.

After all, in the atmosphere, although the speed is fast and the kinetic energy is large, the friction area consumed is also much larger, especially for small and lightweight ammunition such as steel needles. The steel needle is likely to have too fast an initial velocity. , the friction caused affects the accuracy of the steel needle injection.

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