With the successful development of two forms of magnetically constrained nuclear fusion devices, and the realization of the technology to convert carbon dioxide into starch, long-distance immigration has become possible.

The habitable target this time is the satellite of the eighth planet, a life planet about the same size as Blue Star.

Previous water blue star detection data showed that the temperature and pressure on this galaxy are relatively suitable for human habitation.

But since it is so far away from the sun, how to maintain a suitable temperature on the surface of this galaxy is also something worth studying.

Inside the lunar base, an expedition fleet has been prepared.

This research fleet consists of three Chilong-class cruisers, two UFO cargo spacecraft, and a modified scientific research spacecraft.

Although an orbital collector has been established on the eighth gas planet, this satellite has not been explored too much.

The purpose of this fleet is to understand the situation of this satellite and to start the immigration plan on this planet only after confirming that there is no danger on it.

"Sir, all materials have been prepared, and the scientific researchers involved in this inspection have also been assembled and on standby."

"Well, let's go over and take a look!"

"Yes sir!"

As Lin Yu arrived, everyone present stood up.

"Everyone does it. Before setting off this time, I just had a casual chat with everyone."

After Lin Yu motioned for everyone to sit down, he started chatting with everyone.

There are only people on these six spacecrafts for this expedition. Although there are a lot of people, the expedition will last for half a year to a year.

After being outside for such a long time and possibly being in danger, Lin Yu also came over to see how the team members were feeling.

Although the test had been done during the initial screening, people's psychology changes at any time, and Lin Yu had to understand it again before setting off.

Lin Yu is not worried about those battleship personnel. After all, they have received professional training and have strong will.

Mainly scientific researchers, Lin Yu needs to focus on understanding them.

As the conversation progressed, Lin Yu felt confident and was very satisfied with the status of the scientific researchers.

"Okay, I've talked to everyone, don't be too burdened. Our population is not large now, and the demand for interstellar immigrants is not very big, so just maintain a normal inspection mentality."

"Yes, leader!"

"In my heart, I won't say much else. Let's go. I wish you good luck!"

"Yes, go all out and complete the mission!"

"Set off!"

Everyone began to line up and headed to the boarding gate to land on the scientific research spacecraft.

Soon, the six spaceships left the star port directly. After the space formation was completed, they accelerated directly to the eighth planet.

Looking at the leaving expedition team, Lin Yu also started to do the next thing.

After the black technology of converting starch with carbon dioxide was developed, it was not just because there was enough food to just leave it unused.

The next step is to study how to make food.

Moreover, starch alone is only needed to supplement the energy of the human body, such as protein and vitamins, which still have to be obtained from animals and plants.

Among them, vitamins are not bad and can be made into vitamin tablets as a daily supplement.

As for the acquisition of meat, the Academy of Sciences has also prepared two plans.

One solution is to make the meat directly into flavored jerky in the base, which will naturally reduce the weight.

Another option is to carry animal seeds, and after landing, establish a corresponding ecological circle to quickly cultivate the required animals.

Although the meat quality of these quick-cooked animals is not good, it is very good as a protein supplement.

This time the scientific research fleet carried a large amount of materials in the two cargo spacecraft, and they wanted to establish a permanent research base on the eighth planet's satellite.

While Lin Yu was busy, time also passed slowly, and soon the day came when the scientific expedition team arrived.

In the orbit of the eighth planet in the Aqua Blue Galaxy, there is a circle of orbital collectors surrounding the synchronous orbit in the equatorial region.

Not far away, a fleet of six spaceships arrived and began to slowly approach the orbital collector.

"Send the identification code and request to park the orbital collector."

"Yes, the identification code has been sent and the berth in Area A has been opened."

"Okay, hand over the navigation control authority and let the orbital collector take us into the port."


As the artificial intelligence inside the orbital collector took over the navigation authority of the spacecraft, it began to control the six spacecrafts to dock into the port in sequence.

After the spacecraft stopped, everyone stepped off the spacecraft one by one to rest.

After all, they had been sailing for seven or eight days. Although everyone took turns to rest, they were still a little tired.

"Captain Zhang, please put the three warships on automatic alert. You can rest here for a day.

At the same time, we will also send out unmanned spacecraft to inspect the interior of the planet. "

After arriving at the scene, after seeing the size of this satellite, it can no longer be defined in terms of satellites. It is completely the size of a planet.

"Okay, Professor Liu, we will be responsible for the perimeter security. You guys can have a good rest over there!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

One day later, the rested fleet set off again and arrived at the orbit of a satellite the size of a planet.

At this time in this planet, the unmanned spacecraft has already arrived here.

The scientific researchers in orbit are also observing the internal conditions of the planet.

"Professor Liu, we have conducted a preliminary detection of this planet and can confirm that the composition of the atmosphere is similar to that of Aquamarine, but the internal gravity is lighter than that of our parent star."

"what about others?"

“There are a lot of vegetation inside, and there are also many large animals.

Some of the flora and fauna are very similar to the Aqua Blue Planet in ancient times, but strangely, there is no intelligent life on this planet. "

"This is a strange phenomenon, but we still need to conduct research to see how long this planet has lasted. Maybe there may have been civilizations on this planet in history."

"This possibility is very high. So, professor, do we want to log in?"

"After observing for a period of time and confirming that there are no problems, we will find a place to log in."

"Okay, Professor, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Looking at the green planet in front of him, Professor Liu was also very fascinated.

Unlike the previous modified planets, this naturally habitable planet is much more beautiful.

As unmanned spacecraft continue to explore, the situation on this planet becomes increasingly detailed.

But soon, something went wrong with the unmanned spacecraft. It entered an area of ​​abnormal gravity and was directly pulled to the ground by the strong gravity.

This situation immediately triggered the alarm, and all personnel immediately took action to check the situation.

Xiaoxiao Xiaobai

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