In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 214 Drinking the Northwest Wind Skill

"The secondary ignition experiment of the Tokamak reactor has begun, ignition!"

"Yes, the second ignition starts, 3, 2, 1, ignition!"

As the energy input is turned back on, the plasma in the center is excited again.

Seeing the familiar blue light appear again, everyone consciously put on their sunglasses.

"Pay attention to the ratio of reactor output and input, and immediately cut off the energy output after reaching balance!"


The ultimate goal of a fusion reactor is to output energy, and because of the characteristics of the fusion reaction, the energy output is very huge.

But similarly, in the initial stage of the reaction, a huge high-temperature and high-pressure environment must be formed in the confinement field to promote the dramatic changes in the reaction materials inside.

Therefore, a large amount of energy must be input at the beginning to create this high-temperature and high-pressure environment.

In Blue Star, due to materials science, there are many high-pressure resistant materials, as well as high-temperature resistant and heat-insulating materials.

But high-performance materials that combine both are very rare.

Therefore, the original Blue Star was directly blocked by the mountain of materials on the road to the fusion reactor, and its progress was slow.

But here, this situation was directly achieved due to Lin Yu's cheating.

Therefore, the second ignition experiment still ran stably.

Soon, as the output energy gradually increased, everyone became more and more nervous.

"Report, input and output are balanced."

"Immediately disconnect the energy supply and let the fusion reactor supply itself."


When the input and output were balanced, the chief engineer made a prompt decision to immediately cut off the energy supply and switch to the fusion reactor output energy supply to continue the operation of the reactor.

After running for a while, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the reactor was still running stably.

"Very good. It seems that the operation of the reactor is now stable. Everyone, please check the status of each component of the reactor immediately to ensure that all systems are operating normally!"


After some inspections, it was confirmed that all parts were in good condition, but the interior could not be seen due to high temperature and pressure, and the situation could only be understood through sensor feedback.

"Start the neutrino detector and check what's going on inside."


Using neutrinos for detection will not affect the internal fusion reaction, so you can detect boldly with confidence!

"Report, the inspection of area 1 has been completed and no abnormality was found."

"Report, Area 2 has also been checked, there is nothing abnormal!"

"The same goes for area three."

"Area 4 is normal."

After seeing that all four major areas reported normal conditions, the chief engineer nodded with relief.

"Everyone begins to take turns on duty and pay attention to the operation of the reactor at all times."


At this time, although there was no announcement, everyone also knew that the reactor should be successful. At this time, half an hour had passed since the second ignition started.

"Chief Engineer, we have just calculated that the power generation power of this fusion reactor should reach 80 million kilowatts, which is much higher than the fusion reactor in stellarator mode.

This is only preliminary data, because it is the first time for us to build such a reactor, and we are completely following the previous information, so there is still a lot of room for improvement. "

“How much power can we expect to achieve if we continue to optimize?”

"Currently we estimate it to be 100 million kilowatts."

The chief engineer nodded. This data was a bit unexpected. I didn't expect magnetic confinement nuclear fusion to be so much more efficient than stellarator nuclear fusion.

After receiving the information and reading it carefully, he roughly understood the reason.

In the final analysis, it is still a question of the utilization of internal raw materials by the two fusion methods.

An environment of high temperature and high pressure is the ideal condition for the fusion of light nuclear elements into heavy nuclear elements. The environmental conditions of the fusion reactor of the stellarator are not enough.

Coupled with structural reasons, the stellarator structure cannot accommodate as many raw materials as a tokamak.

Naturally, in this case, the energy output is much smaller than that of a tokamak.

However, now that the Tokamak fusion reactor has been successfully operated, everyone can finally take a break. As for the power generation, it will not be too late to consider it after it is confirmed that the reactor can operate stably.

Just when the tokamak device was successful, shocking news came from the Academy of Sciences' laboratory in the Eagle Continent area.

At this time, in the base of the moon, Lin Yu was enjoying his leisure time. At this time, Panwang suddenly sent news.

"Sir, the latest news is that the Biological Research Institute on the Eagle Continent has developed a technology for converting starch with carbon dioxide."

"Oh? What kind of black technology is this? Open the file and let me take a look!"

"Yes, sir!"

Because I am used to seeing situations in previous movies where data was lost due to the destruction of the laboratory computer.

Therefore, in all laboratories, all research data are stored in real-time cloud storage, eliminating data loss due to machine damage.

Lin Yu was also surprised when he heard Pan Wang's report. The conversion of carbon dioxide into starch sounds so mysterious!

After opening the information, Lin Yu looked at it carefully and found that it was really a technology for converting starch with carbon dioxide.

The experimental data and videos above prove that this technology is real.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that it is actually a bionic technology of plant photosynthesis.

However, it is very incredible to study it, so Lin Yu also admires these researchers very much.

"I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to drink the northwest wind and be full, hahaha!"

"Sir, with this current technology, combined with the fusion reactor, you basically don't have to worry about food."

Although King Pan didn't quite understand what Lin Yu was talking about, he looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. cooBut this does not prevent her from continuing to report this technology to Lin Yu.

"Yes, yes, these researchers always surprise me. They should be rewarded. This technology should be classified as a major invention and rewarded according to the standards."

"Yes sir!"

Lin Yu has never been stingy with researchers and teams who can develop powerful technologies, so this award will be given.

However, with the supervision of the king of the game, those bastards who want to cheat will not get a single cent of the bonus.

In this way, true high-level talents will always be left behind despite the great waves.

Moreover, all these funds are kept by Panwang and transferred directly to personal accounts, so there is no need to worry about being embezzled.

Therefore, these current scientific researchers are very enthusiastic about research. In addition to research, everyone is also studying hard to prevent themselves from falling behind and not keeping up with the pace of the large army.

In such an atmosphere, the progress of scientific research is naturally very fast.

Seeing the current scientific research environment, Lin Yu was very satisfied, humming a little tune and continuing his leisure time.

The staff in the Biological Research Institute on Eagle Continent also received reminders that the funds had arrived, and they cheered excitedly.

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