In the small town workshop, before dark, Lin Yu completed the production of all the horses and steel spurs.

In the evening, due to the dark weather, the battery began to run low.

Therefore, all the remaining electricity is supplied to the temporary recovery device, allowing it to purify some of the remaining materials.

Lin Yu took the steel spike and went down into the trap and started to install it!

This trap is two meters wide and four meters deep.

Being able to dig out such a deep pit so quickly was largely due to the ion cutting gun.

The price is that both batteries of the ion cutting gun are completely exhausted!

Put the ladder into a trap,

Then Lin Yu went down to the bottom and installed the steel spikes bit by bit!

Although I don’t know the killing effect, it’s better than nothing!

In the trap situation, Lin Yu did not arrange the steel thorns too densely, but only had more than ten.

The length of each steel thorn reaches 1.5 meters, and the diameter at the bottom reaches ten centimeters!

Coupled with its own strong rigidity, it can ensure that creatures falling into the trap have enough time to regret, but it does not give them a chance to regret!

After installing these steel thorns, Lin Yu also carefully climbed out along the ladder.

Then a thin layer of baffles was laid on it to ensure that the weight of more than one kilogram could collapse directly on top. Lin Yu began to set up the barrier!

Drag the assembled horse out and place it in front of the trap.

Then take four steel spikes and insert them around the trap in the opposite direction.

Then put on the warning tape to prevent others from falling without knowing it!

Because this trap is prepared for mutant beasts, if a person falls into it, the trap will be useless!

Although Lin Yu feels that he is not a Holy Mother, he has just come to such a wasteland world from a peaceful society. He adheres to the idea that I will not offend others and others will not offend me, and he does not want innocent people to be injured or killed!

After the trap was completed here, Lin Yu also prepared the traps on both sides.

At this time, there is only one last direction left.

According to the plan, there are two resisting horses and two traps on both sides, and then there are also two resisting horses and traps on both sides of the front entrance and exit channel.

A total of eight rejection horses and eight traps are required!

At this time, there are only two rejection horses and traps on the right side of the entrance passage!

It was already dark outside at this time, but if the trap was not prepared, Lin Yu would feel restless.

Take out one of the spare batteries, connect a light, illuminate the construction area and continue working!

An hour later, Lin Yu finally completed all defensive measures!

Seeing the completely completed simple defense, Lin Yu also nodded with confidence!

After placing the last horse on the passage, Lin Yu returned to the workshop with peace of mind.

After closing the temporary door of the workshop, Lin Yu began to set up internal defense measures.

Put your only military crossbow on the shelf and aim it at the door.

Connect the mechanism, and once the door is opened, the trigger of the military crossbow is fired directly, and the crossbow arrow is fired.

At the same time, the bell above will be rung to wake you up!

After everything was arranged, Lin Yu felt a little relieved at this time!

When Lin Yu went back to sleep with peace of mind, in a residential building not far away, the two brothers standing at the window also saw Lin Yu's actions of setting up the trap!

"Brother, do you think we can get along well with each other? The other party's technology is too powerful. That tool with blue light can easily cut through the ground.

If this is made into a weapon, it won't be too easy to deal with mutated creatures! "

"Yes, we should be able to get along well with each other. I reminded him to be careful of mutant creatures during the day, and then he showed up like this. It seems that he is also a cautious person!"

"Brother, what should we do next?"

"Go back and rest first, and then find a way to communicate with him tomorrow to see if we can exchange some supplies!

Especially the opponent's battery. After the nuclear war started, the industrial system was destroyed, and standard batteries have not been seen for a long time!

Let's see if we can trade some tomorrow! "


After a brief conversation, the brothers also returned to their respective rooms to rest!

The next morning, after Lin Yu got up, he checked the defense measures in the house. After seeing that they were not triggered, he dismantled them and put away the military crossbow!

After leaving the door and seeing that the defense facilities outside were in normal condition, I felt slightly relieved.

"It seems that yesterday's operation did not attract mutant creatures! Continue to strengthen defense today!"

After thinking for a while, looking at the materials piled aside in the room, Lin Yu continued to think about yesterday's thoughts!

After charging the two batteries of the ion cutting gun

Lin Yu took out the paper and started drawing pictures on it!

Yesterday's consideration was to make a fixed bed crossbow, and then mount the previously made steel spurs as arrows.

With further thinking, Lin Yu suddenly thought of making a volley gun.

After getting up today, Lin Yu had new inspiration for this idea.

Make an automatic arrow-loading device like a magazine on the lower part, and then use the Gatling operating mechanism to continuously fire arrows.

As long as you have enough ammunition, you can keep firing.

Moreover, your own military crossbow can also undergo similar modifications to increase the continuous fire function.

In this way, you don’t have to worry about being unable to defeat a large number of enemies in the future!

Thinking of this, I went to Shuyuan Lin Yu was also very excited. The temporary drawings were also new. The temporary manufacturing station did not have a drawing entry function, so Lin Yu used the lathes and milling machines next to it to manufacture parts.

As the sound of the machine running was recalled again, the sound of the machine vibrating and roaring began to spread into the distance again!

When the two van brothers who were collecting supplies heard this, they could only sigh.

"Brother, that person has started making things again. I don't know how many mutant creatures he will attract this time!"

"Forget it, ignore him, let's collect supplies quickly,"

As an older brother, I originally wanted to do some trading.

Seeing how busy the other party is now, and the possibility of encountering mutant creatures at any time, for the sake of safety, it is better to observe it first!

As for Lin Yu, because he was concentrating on making parts for the repeating crossbow, he didn't know that in a corner of a shop not far away, a mutated mouse the size of a medium-sized dog looked at Lin Yu with red eyes. A workshop!

After observing for a while, the mutant rat returned the same way it came and did not attack directly!

After returning to the lair, he came to the mutant mouse leader inside the lair and began to report "squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Immediately, the rat swarm began to take action.

All the rats are out in force and running wildly in the wilderness!

Such a big movement also attracted some predators in the sky.

However, after seeing such a large group of mutated rats hovering in the sky for a few times, they all left one after another.

Predators like these in the sky usually prey on lone mutant beasts on the ground. On such a large scale, they simply don’t dare to hunt!

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