In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 24 Bed Crossbow Experiment

On the afternoon of the second day of his third trip, Lin Yu completed the manufacturing of parts for the repeating bed crossbow. There were three bed crossbows in total.

At the same time, the crossbow arrows on the temporary manufacturing platform have also been manufactured.

In order to enhance the power of the crossbow arrow, Lin Yu added a little titanium metal to the shear head to form a titanium alloy arrow.

The arrow body is made of lightweight aluminum alloy, which not only ensures the crossbow is light in weight, but also prevents the strength of the crossbow from being reduced!

For this metal crossbow arrow, Lin Yu exhausted all his metal resource reserves and made a total of 300 crossbow arrows!

Lin Yu moved all the parts outside the workshop and assembled them directly on the spot!

As time went by, the first bed crossbow gradually took shape.

As the last part was installed by Lin Yu, there was a "click" and the first bed crossbow was officially assembled!

Looking at the assembled bed crossbow, Lin Yu was ready to test it to see how it worked.

He took out an arrow box and put it directly on it. This was an arrow box containing ten crossbow arrows. Each crossbow arrow was 80 centimeters long.

After installing it, Lin Yu began to control the crossbow to test its steering performance!

After adding a gear device, this bed crossbow can turn 180 degrees on the plane and 45 degrees on the elevation, and it is also very fast.

Seeing that the steering effect was good, Lin Yu then tested its shooting power.

After using the metal bow string, Lin Yu didn't know the specific power!

Like loading a sniper rifle, Lin Yu reached out to close a safety device, then pulled down the joystick. The crossbow arrows in the quiver were directly pressed onto the launch track!

Lin Yu looked at the shop opposite and decided to try the shop sign in front.

On the bed crossbow, Lin Yu installed a circular aiming center similar to the one on the anti-aircraft gun.

After inserting the iron chain hanging from the sign opposite, Lin Yu took a deep breath and pulled the trigger directly.

"Boom~" With the sound of a crossbow arrow piercing the air, this shot directly hit the signboard and did not hit the iron chain above.

This situation was also expected by Lin Yu. After all, this was just a bed crossbow he had initially designed, and the aiming system had not been adjusted yet.

Lin Yu was not in a hurry to take the next shot. Although he did not hit the target, the power test was still normal.

When he came to the store opposite, Lin Yu observed the shooting effect and found that the iron sheet of the store's sign was directly shot through.

Taking a ladder, Lin Yu climbed up after setting it up. After taking apart the store sign, he saw the square steel inside that had been directly shot through.

Lin Yu was very satisfied with how powerful it was, but after careful observation, he found that the crossbow arrow had been completely scrapped, the arrowhead was directly squeezed and deformed, and the arrow shaft also had cracks.

"It seems that it is still a bit difficult to shoot through the steel plate, but it should be enough to deal with mutant creatures!"

After Lin Yu came down from the ladder, he put away the ladder and came back to the bed crossbow.

In the test just now, Lin Yu found that there was still some error in the aiming system that needed to be adjusted, and the crossbow arrows in this quiver were used for testing, so Lin Yu didn't feel bad if he used them all.

Next, the surrounding shop signs suffered. In order to test the aiming system, Lin Yu constantly adjusted, then launched, then adjusted again, and launched again,

Lin Yu stopped testing only after putting the target into the sight within 50 meters and being able to hit it directly.

At this time, the quiver was empty and all ten crossbow arrows were fired.

Then, Lin Yu took out another arrow box and replaced the previous arrow box.

The next step is to test its rapid burst function.

As the crossbow was loaded, Lin Yu aimed at one of the stone balls and started shooting.

As the trigger was pulled, "Boom~Boom~Boom..."

After the previous crossbow bolt is fired, the crossbow bolt in the quiver is directly pressed on the firing track by the internal spring device.

As for the dual launcher, after the first one launches the crossbow, the second launcher is directly in place.

The next crossbow bolt is then fired by the second launcher while the first launcher is in place.

In less than ten seconds, a quiver was fired.

Lin Yu calculated that the firing interval of the crossbow was close to one second, and the firing rate was already very fast.

After the test, Lin Yu was very satisfied with this fixed defense device.

After being fixed on the ground, the recoil is basically negligible, so the shooting accuracy is also very high, especially the continuous accuracy, which basically does not change much.

After removing the arrow body from the previously shot crossbow, Lin Yu went back to install the spare arrow and pressed it into the two arrow boxes again.

Then, after Lin Yu installed the remaining two bed crossbows according to the data of the first bed crossbow, and after debugging to confirm that they were normal, Lin Yu also began to prepare for the installation of ammunition.

Three large boxes were carried out from the workshop, about one meter in length, containing 30 crossbow arrows.

Place these three boxes one by one under the three bed crossbows.

Go to one of the crossbows on the bed and open the box. Inside are crossbow arrows connected by bullet chains.

Because of the short range, these crossbows do not have tail fins.

After pressing the crossbow arrows in the box onto the launch track, the bed crossbow is considered completed. Find Shuyuan

Then after installing the ammunition on the remaining two bed crossbows, Lin Yu started the next move.

At this time, the bed crossbow was only manual and needed someone to fire it!

Lin Yu's idea is to create an automatic trigger device that can carry out limited automatic defense!

And pressing the pedal is a good choice,

So Lin Yu returned to the workshop and started making push pedals.

It's a simple device, so it's quick to make.

After the manufacturing was completed, Lin Yu took out the device and installed pedals on the front and both sides of the outside of the workshop according to the length, ensuring that most areas could be covered.

After this pedal is activated, the bed crossbow will continue to fire crossbow arrows until the ammunition is exhausted!

In order to cause maximum damage, Lin Yu also installed a clockwork device on the moving gear, which can automatically move at a certain angle.

This can cover an area and greatly enhance the defense area!

When everything was done, it was time for the next night,

Seeing that it was getting dark, Lin Yu hung the last bell alarm device on the outermost and innermost parts, and then returned to the workshop to wash up and rest!

When Lin Yu was about to take a rest, a large number of mutated rats gathered in some rooms on the outskirts of the town.

Because of the long period of running, these rats also need to rest before launching an attack!

Therefore, it also gave Lin Yu time to install defense in disguise!

When the mutant rats arrived, the van brothers also noticed something unusual. Although they wanted to remind Lin Yu, they found that the road leading to Lin Yu's workshop was full of mutant rats, so they had to give up the idea for the time being!

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