In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 25 The rat tide comes and is annihilated

At night, after Lin Yu took a rest, the workshop here fell into silence.

But outside the workshop, there was a lot of movement.

In the shop opposite the workshop, more and more mutated rats gathered. There were more than fifty of them in total.

The remaining mutant rats headed towards the two brothers in the van,

Under the strong sense of smell, two different smells are directly captured!

So these mutated rat soldiers divided into two groups and surrounded three people respectively.

Before the end of the world, rats would be afraid of people.

But after the mutation, the lethality of rats skyrocketed to unarmed humans.

Especially after these rats discovered that it is easier to get food by attacking humans today, humans have become the primary target of attack.

In addition, after the apocalypse, the rat population grew too fast, and the collective consciousness was also subconsciously reducing the number of rats.

Therefore, in some large gathering areas, large-scale rat tide attacks often occur!

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that these rats attacked Lin Yu.

And once the attack is successful, the corpses of these three people alone will be enough to feed the remaining rats!

Opposite the workshop, the rats finally gathered together.

In several surrounding shops, there were rats gathered this time.

Viewed from the front, a pair of red eyes stared directly at Lin Yu's workshop!


As a mutated rat leader shouted, all the rats rushed out!

Dozens of rats that were as big as medium-sized dogs ran wildly on the ground, and the vibrations they produced also woke Lin Yu up.

When Lin Yu woke up and felt the ground shaking, his first reaction was that it was an earthquake, but then he realized,

This is not what an earthquake feels like, it should be a very strong shaking feeling!

Lin Yu immediately got up and walked to the window. Lin Yu saw the mutated mouse running towards him.

When the leading mouse ran into the middle of the road,

Lin Yu also immediately left the workshop, walked to one of the bed crossbows, released its triggering device, and sat on the bed crossbow!


The sound of the machine starting is very faint among the running rats!

But the effect is truly terrifying!

After the mechanism was triggered, the remaining two bed crossbows started firing directly!


After the first crossbow arrow was fired, it directly hit the mutant rat running in front of it.

The powerful kinetic energy allows the sharp crossbow arrow to pass directly through the mutant rat in the front and go straight to the rat behind,

After shooting through two more mutated mice, they lost their lethality due to lack of kinetic energy.

Seeing the effect of one arrow piercing three, Lin Yu felt slightly relieved.

I just saw so many mutated rats rushing towards me. It would be a lie to not be afraid.

And Lin Yu doesn’t know whether these defensive measures can be effective.

Now that I see that the defense effect is good, I feel a little relieved.

But there were still a lot of mutant rats on the streets at this time, so Lin Yu didn't dare to relax!

The two bed crossbows on the side are still firing, and while firing, they are moving slowly under the action of the clockwork.

During this process, many crossbow arrows were fired directly into the air without producing any killing effect.

When Lin Yu saw this situation, he also knew that he had to support the two bed crossbows next to him!

Controlling the bed crossbow, he brought the mouse in front of him into the crosshairs and fired the crossbow arrow directly.

Lin Yu kept pulling the trigger in his hand without letting go. At the same time, the pedals on his feet were also stepping on them, constantly turning in the horizontal direction!

After Lin Yu joined the battle, the situation began to be favorable to Lin Yu's side.

Under Lin Yu's precise shooting, the number of rats was decreasing, but there were also many mutant rats left!

In less than a minute, the mutant rats finally approached Juma despite a hail of bullets.

The two bed crossbows on the side have also run out of ammunition, leaving only Lin Yu's bed crossbow still firing!

While shooting, Lin Yu was also calculating the amount of ammunition for the crossbow under his feet.

At this time, the bed crossbow had less than five arrows left.

There are three mutant rats directly opposite him, and five more on both sides.

From the time the bed crossbow started shooting to now, the casualties of the rats have been very heavy.

Of the fifty mutant mice, only eight are left now;

But the remaining eight mice were also stimulated by the blood of the same kind and completely lost their minds.

The three mice on the front are outside Juma, ready to jump in.

Taking advantage of the pause, Lin Yu directly aimed at a mutant mouse and fired a crossbow!



With the sound of crossbow arrows being fired into flesh, one of the mutant mice was directly eliminated.

"There are seven left!"

After taking care of one of them, Lin Yu continued his efforts and aimed at the next one. At this time, one of them had already jumped up and was about to jump directly over Juma.

But Lin Yu didn't care about it. There were traps waiting for it behind.

Lin Yu directly aimed at the one that had not yet taken off, and took it away with one arrow!

At this time, on both sides, three on one side and two on the other, a total of five mutant mice began to jump.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yu stepped on the pedal crazily, turned the direction of the bed crossbow, and faced the two mice.

As the mice took off, after the trap eliminated three mice, there were still three mice left.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yu immediately pointed the bed crossbow at the side where only one mutated mouse was left.

As the crossbow arrows were fired, the rats here were also eliminated.

"Great, only the last two are left!"

At this point, it was too late to turn the crossbow direction.

So Lin Yu ran directly into the workshop, picked up the already loaded military crossbow, and rushed out.

At this time, the remaining two mice are all in the trap. Find Shuyuan

Because of the bedding of similar corpses underneath, only the lower one of the two mice was slightly injured, but it did not affect its movement!

With the help of the two mice, the one above is about to come out of the trap!

When he walked to the trap and saw this situation, he raised the military crossbow in his hand without hesitation, aimed at the mutant mouse's head, and shot out with an arrow!


As the crossbow arrow shot in, the mouse stopped struggling.

When the mouse below saw that all its companions were dead and it was the only one left, it finally woke up from its bloodthirsty impulse.

The biological instinct of fear makes it want to escape as soon as possible,

In this case, the mutant rat started digging into the walls around the trap,

Lin Yu's trap was dug out with an ion cutting gun, so the surrounding walls were hardened by ions, making the mutant mouse's digging slightly difficult!

In response to this situation, Lin Yu took his time and reinstalled the crossbow arrows on the military crossbow, then aimed it at the mutated mouse.


The sound of crossbow arrows piercing flesh sounded again,

With the death of the last mutant mouse, this small-scale battle between humans and mice came to an end, and the winner was the human Lin Yu!

Seeing that all the mice were dead, Lin Yu was relieved.

At the same time, I am very grateful to my previous van brothers,

If they hadn't warned him, he might have been eaten by these rats in this attack!

As for whether it was the rats they attracted, Lin Yu thought there was no possibility.

If they really brought it here, they wouldn't remind themselves to be on defense!

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