In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 291 The war is about to begin

In the biochemical parallel universe, on the battlefield of the Milky Way, as the final meeting was finalized, the Temple Civilization provided the super weapons needed for this operation.

In a secret base, the secret weapons of the temple civilization have been transported here.

Olaf and Ying Ye were also talking in a command room.

"Mr. Olaf, this time we are jointly taking action, it is better to decide some things in advance."

"Mr. Ying Ye is right. In order to avoid disputes, this is indeed the case."

“Since Mr. Olaf agrees, let me get straight to the point.

In this operation, you carried super weapons and arrived at the target location on our battleship.

After launching the secret weapon, we need to know its scope of action and its manifestation.

Or you can also tell us what our escape velocity should be if this kind of weapon breaks out on the planet.

This is also to avoid casualties of our personnel. "

"Mr. Ying Ye said the same thing, I didn't think carefully.

Our Templars are also a group of people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of justice. They can sacrifice everything.

Of course, I don’t mean to belittle your civilization. "

"Mr. Olaf, I know what you mean, my men are also very brave, but as a commander, what I have to consider is to bring them all home as much as possible while winning the war.

Maybe Mr. Olaf doesn't understand our culture.

In the inheritance of our civilization, only when there is a country, there is a family, and the family and the country are one. I cannot let this group of lovely people who fight for the country and civilization make useless sacrifices. "

"Mr. Yingye, I admire you very much. In this case, I will give you some basic data so that you can be prepared."

"Thank you, Mr. Olaf."

"Well, then I'll go down first and see how they're preparing!"

"Okay, Mr. Olaf, please."

After the two parties finished talking, Ying Ye also came to the scientific research laboratory with this part of the basic data.

After calculations by scientific researchers, its scope of action has been basically determined.

"It is worthy of being an old level four civilization, since it can firmly limit the scope of the entire super weapon to one planet."

One of the researchers' words attracted Ying Ye's attention.

"Any results?"

"Commander, it has been determined that the maximum range of this super weapon is only within the planet.

The way this weapon works is to produce a large area of ​​very chaotic space debris that can completely cut off the entire planet.

But this is not the final effect.

Through simulation, we have calculated that when the entire planet is cut into pieces by space, a chain reaction will occur.

The entire planet will explode, with fragments colliding randomly, with subsequent effects that can ripple throughout the galaxy.

So once this kind of weapon is released, basically a galaxy is almost destroyed.

Commander, I suggest that after releasing this weapon, the fleet should not take into account the exposure situation and speed up and escape at full power. "

"Okay, I understand, I will make arrangements.

Based on these circumstances, if we were hit by such a blow, would we have the ability to prevent it? "

"Unfortunately, with our current technology, we can only detect this anomaly in time, but there is no way to prevent the spread of this space fragmentation."

"Well, you continue to study, I will make arrangements first."

After listening to the words of the scientific researchers, Yingye finally understood the gap between the Qiankun Empire and the fourth-level civilization of the Milky Way.

When this report was submitted, Lin Yu felt a little bitter. He thought that the third-level civilization could be regarded as able to survive in the universe for a long time.

But I didn't expect that the effect of a super weapon produced by a fourth-level civilization can affect a star system. The difference is really too big.

After sorting out his mood, Lin Yu cheered up again.

"Pan King, this information is classified as top secret. Except for the senior officials of the empire, no one else has permission to view it."

"Yes, sir!"

On the biochemical plane, as everything was ready, the Trojan team set off for this mission.

Similar to the reconnaissance team, the entire Trojan team only has five battleships.

In addition to the five modified Warlord-class battleships, there is also a modified shuttle, which contains this time's super weapon, the space crushing device.

As the Trojan team sneaked along, they quickly arrived at the Zerg planet again.

Looking at the huge biological battleship below that was almost completed, everyone present felt relieved.

Fortunately, there was no ink at the meeting, otherwise according to the normal meeting process, by the time the final decision is made, the opponent's biological battleship will have already been cultivated.

"Commander, it seems that after what happened last time, the other party has accelerated the cultivation of biological battleships.

It can be seen from these two pictures that the other party has begun to ignore the damage to the planet. "

From the two projected photos, you can see that a large area of ​​the planet has turned into a desert state at this time.

"Order the Trojan team to pay attention to their own safety."


At the scene, as the Trojan team slowly approached, the planet in front of them gradually became clearer.

After the Trojan team successfully entered the planet's orbit by relying on inertia, everyone knew that the final moment was coming.

At the scene, as the super weapon entered orbit, the super weapon also entered the launch countdown.

"Super weapon shuttle ready for launch, 3, 2, 1, launch."

As the shuttle was gently thrown out of the battleship, the shuttle without the stealth device was immediately discovered by the Zerg.

Seeing the Zerg coming from all directions, Gao Qing, the captain of the Trojan team, immediately ordered the fleet to break away from the invisible state and cover the shuttle to reach the ground safely.

"All battleships blocked the Zerg and covered the shuttle's entry into the atmosphere."


The personnel on the five battleships all had serious expressions and performed various operations meticulously.

As the five battleships appeared, all the Zergs present were boiling. Some Zergs rushed towards the fleet, while others rushed towards the shuttle.

Even the new biological warship on the ground that is about to be developed has activated its own cannon, preparing to attack the shuttle.

As the Trojan team and the biological warships on the ground opened fire at the same time, the outer space of the entire planet directly turned into a battlefield.

The shuttle also has Templar remote control, so it is very flexible in the air to avoid artillery attacks from all directions.

Soon, the shuttle reached a height of one thousand meters above the ground.

With the final firepower all over the sky, the shuttle was unable to dodge. Seeing this, the Templars immediately activated their super weapons.

As a broken space appeared, the shuttle was immediately torn into locking pieces.

Even the incoming attacks were shattered by the space.

"The super weapon has been successfully activated. Start the engine at full power and escape from here."


Seeing that the super weapon had been successfully activated, Trojan Disinfection did not hesitate to start all engines at full power and quickly escaped from the battlefield.

As the curvature engine was successfully started, the Trojan team successfully escaped from the battlefield. From the hidden observation station left in the star system, it could be seen that broken spaces began to appear on the surface of the target planet.

From the observation point, Yingye and Olaf could clearly see that a broken space appeared at the muzzle of one of the biological battleships, and it was cut in half.

A large amount of green liquid was sprayed out. As a biological battleship, it actually didn't feel much pain, but the damage of directly cutting off the muzzle also made the entire biological battleship shake.

This situation also occurs on other biological battleships.

As the area of ​​space fragmentation became larger and larger, it soon spread to the entire planet.

Yingye was also shocked by the effect of the scene.

After spreading to the entire planet, the power of the super weapon completely exploded.

With the chain reaction of space fragmentation, black lines of space fragmentation also spread in invisible places, inside the planet.

The entire core was directly chopped into pieces, although there were signs of mutual attraction and re-aggregation due to the gravity of the core.

But as a star-killing weapon, the super weapon is more powerful than that.

As the degree of space fragmentation increases, part of the entire earth's core is directly transmitted to the surface by space.

At this moment, the disaster completely broke out, and the entire planet began to slowly shatter.

Some biological warships inside the planet urgently disconnected and wanted to take off, but the surface was covered with broken space and was directly dismembered by the space.

Looking at the various parts of the biological battleship falling from the sky and the green liquid spraying all over the sky, Yingye and Olaf were also very satisfied with the effect of this operation.

With the final ray of light, the entire planet exploded completely.

A large number of planet fragments flew out.

Seeing this, it is certain that the Zerg warship breeding base has been completely destroyed.

But the matter is not over yet, the Trojan team has not escaped from the Zerg's pursuit.

So Ying Ye immediately ordered the fleet to dispatch, attack the Zerg in front of the front, and respond to the Trojan team.

On the Zerg side, seeing the destruction of the warship breeding base, they launched an attack desperately.

Various civilizations that had already received the news immediately deployed additional troops to block the Zerg attack.

The other omnic battlefields were not affected because they were not connected to the Zerg.

Therefore, these quasi-third-level and third-level civilizations still have room to increase their troops.

Because of this action, the Milky Way Alliance and the Zerg had a harbinger of all-out war.

Looking at the battle reports from various places, Olaf also commented on them one by one.

Ying Ye is also paying attention to the situation of the Trojan team.

When the Trojan team did not consider losses, the curvature engine was directly overloaded.

Soon, they arrived at the defense line.

As the Trojan team exited the warp flight, the fleet on Yingye's side immediately opened fire to cover.

The Zerg around the Trojan team were directly cleared.

After the Trojan team was transferred to the fleet, the Zerg pursuit fleet also arrived.

Another battle broke out between the two sides not far from the defense line.

Ying Ye and Olaf also smiled when they saw that the Trojan team was successfully picked up.

"Mr. Ying Ye, this is a great victory. We successfully defeated the Zerg's new warship cultivation plan, which greatly reduced the pressure on our defense line. I am very grateful to you for discovering this anomaly in time!"

"Mr. Olaf is ridiculous. Without your super weapon, even if we discovered it, we wouldn't have the strength to destroy them.

This operation was successful, thanks to your support. I have asked people to prepare a celebration banquet. Mr. Olaf will follow me and attend the celebration banquet! "

"Hahaha, what an honor!"

Watching the two people leave, the other commanders and fighters in the command room also smiled and continued to command the battle on the front line.

Just as human civilization was holding a celebration banquet, far away in the Zerg galaxy, the Zerg ruler was very angry because the planet where the new biological warship was cultivated was destroyed.

However, this situation also made him pay attention. After all, the enemy could sneak into the hinterland of the Zerg without being discovered, and it had already posed a great threat to the Zerg.

"This new human civilization poses a great threat to us, and we must find ways to destroy them.

Is the war against the Arcturus Galaxy over? "

"Back to the Lord, it has entered the final stage, and all resistance forces have been destroyed.

Only a small number of the remaining fleets of civilization escaped through the wormholes around the river system, and they no longer pose a threat to us. "

“Very good, let’s allocate part of the Arcturus Galaxy’s power and focus on attacking this galaxy.

Originally I just wanted to experience the new Zerg race, but I didn't expect to find such a threatening civilization. We must completely eliminate them before they grow up. "

"Yes, Lord."

"In addition, let Sachs study the wormhole leading to the Milky Way and find a way to expand it so that our Leviathan can go through."

"Yes, Lord!"

With a series of arrangements made by the Zerg Overlord, the Zerg focused their attack on the Milky Way.

If there had not been this attack, perhaps the Zerg would have followed the previous strategy and expanded their territory step by step, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com Build a new Leviathan on the spot, and then rely on the powerful Leviathan to destroy all resistance in the galaxy.

But when the warships of human civilization can quietly enter the Zerg hinterland, this makes the master feel a hidden danger.

Nowadays, when we know that human civilization is still only a third-level civilization, we know that we should kill this potentially threatening civilization as soon as possible.

Just when Ying Ye was arranging the celebration banquet, he didn't know that he was already being targeted by the Zerg in the distant galaxy.

But even if he knew, he would not be afraid at all.

Because behind him is a huge human civilization.

At the same time, the scientific and technological development of this human civilization is still improving rapidly, and it will soon reach the fourth level of civilization.

Of course, both sides don't know what the final outcome will be.

However, on the home side of the Qiankun Empire, after the two Zergs transported from the front line entered the biological laboratory, the research on the Zergs also entered the agenda.

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