In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 292 Zerg Biotechnology

In the native universe of the Qiankun Empire, in the biological laboratory, Xia Lan was conducting research on the Zerg.

"Team Leader Xia, after the experiment we just conducted, we have obtained the latest set of data.

This set of data should contain secrets about the Zerg communication network. "

"Oh? I didn't expect there was an unexpected harvest. Tell me what it is like?"

"Just now, the activities in our two experimental subjects suddenly became active.

Moreover, the secretion of various hormones in the experimental body also increased, and the brain activity became very intense.

Based on the brain waves of these bugs, we studied each other's specific frequencies.

It has been confirmed that this is the method used by the Zerg to communicate, but how this communication is sent out is still unknown.

Because according to our research, these bugs are like radios. They are just receiving terminals designed to receive signals from their superiors. "

"That makes sense. Just like robots, these bugs are more like biological weapons coming off the assembly line.

It's a pity that these bugs should be of a very low level. They don't even have internal genetic differences. They are more like being carved from the same mold.

Some mutation points found in genes have also been determined to be acquired mutations. "

Xia Lan looked at the two languid bugs in the laboratory and was thinking in her heart.

"Nuwa, what is the real-time fighting situation like on the front line now?"

"Academician Xia, the latest news is that the Zerg have begun to launch a full-scale attack."

"What time exactly?"

"An hour ago!"

"When did the Zerg brain abnormality occur just now?"

"Team Leader Xia, it was also an hour ago."

After answering, the researcher also reacted.

"No way. You can receive orders from your superiors even across a universe. This method of communication is simply unbelievable."

“Anyway, this possibility is still very high.

Nuwa, reported a new request, asking the frontline troops to find high-level Zerg to capture.

If the principle of this communication method can be studied, we will not need to rely on huge optical cables to communicate between the two universes. "

"Okay, Academician Xia."

This discovery is a very important discovery for all researchers at the institute.

"Also, Xiao Wang, how is the genetic research on the Zerg race going?"

"Team leader, all analysis has been completed, and the same genetic lock as the previous nail-shooting beast was found inside.

But the difference is that this gene lock is very powerful. Even after I applied for 50% of Nuwa's computing resources, I still couldn't crack it in a short time.

And after deduction, it was found that it would take at least hundreds of years to crack the operation method of this genetic lock! "

“As a civilization above level four, if the Zerg’s genes were so easy to decipher, the galaxy opposite would not be what it is now.

Have the growth patterns of these Zerg species been deciphered? "

"Team leader, this is quite simple and has been completely cracked. However, after I conducted breeding experiments, I found that the bug cultivated in this way is a replica of the bug and is not under our control at all.

I also specially added the cultivation mode to other biological weapons, and found that the cultivated biological weapons were completely uncontrollable, and their thinking was all chaotic.

If biochips are used for god-level control, it will be no different from rebuilding a robot. "

"I understand, continue researching. I have also been to the frontline battlefields. The strength of the Zerg can be said to be endless.

Especially the low-level units, they are like waves, one wave after another.

There are slightly fewer high-level arms, but this number is only compared to low-level arms.

And despite the fact that the combat effectiveness of the high-level units of insects is not as good as that of battleships of the same level, they are superior in number, and a pile of them can kill a single battleship.

So we still have a long way to go! "

"Yes, Team Leader Xia, we will definitely continue to work hard."

Everyone feels a heavy responsibility on their shoulders.

Although today's Qiankun Empire has begun to gradually expand its territory with the use of curvature engines. Ad-free network am~w~w.

But the location itself is the cantilever edge of the river system.

There are very few galaxies within a hundred light years around, and there are not too many of the same resources.

In the past five years, the production of warships in preparation for war has consumed one ten thousandth of the metal resources in the entire Qiankun Empire.

Don't underestimate this one ten thousandth. With the Yanhuang star system as the center, there are six star systems within a spherical ten-light-year radiation range.

Including the local galaxy, the resources of seven star systems in total are extremely large.

One ten thousandth is already an astronomical resource.

However, through research on the Zerg, scientific researchers discovered that the resources required to manufacture one Guardian can actually produce ten basic Zerg units.

These ten basic Zerg units can already dismember the Guardian.

Therefore, Xia Lan believes that future biological warriors will definitely shine on the battlefield.

While Xia Lan continued research, Lin Yu also received a request from Xia Lan.

After seeing the Zerg's communication method, he also guessed whether it was the same as the legend, using the main hive mind to communicate, right?

But no matter what kind of communication method the Zerg use, they can actually send messages to the Zerg in the parallel universe across the universe, which makes Lin Yu very interested.

At present, the cross-universe communication technology on our side is still very immature.

It consumes a lot of energy when used, and the device is also very large.

So Lin Yu immediately agreed to Xia Lan's request.

Immediately let King Pan issue the order.

Of course, this can only be done if there are no problems on the battlefield.

On the other side, in the biochemical universe, a war has completely broken out.

The sudden attack by the Zerg caught everyone unawares.

All river system civilizations were caught off guard.

There was no way, these civilizations were forced to start expanding their defense lines, and even Ying Ye's side also expanded their defense lines.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the Zerg will enter the galaxy through loopholes in the defense line.

However, this time the Zerg seemed to be well prepared. Even if the defense line was expanded, the offensive momentum still did not weaken.

Fortunately, all civilizations are not vegetarians, and they have all withstood the pressure, preventing the Zerg from advancing further.

Seeing such a big reaction from the Zerg, the first thing Olaf and Yingye thought was that these Zerg were retaliating for the previous destruction of the planet.

"Mr. Olaf, it seems that these Zerg are very vengeful."

"Hahaha, the point is fine, we just press it back. Don't worry, we have experienced this kind of scene many times. These Zerg will retreat in a short time. Just resist this wave of attacks."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Olaf for informing me."

But even though he said this, Ying Ye also felt that something was wrong.

So after Olaf left, Yingye ordered the fleet to prepare for first-level combat and be ready to support the battlefield at any time.

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