In a remote car repair shop on the edge of the town, the Xu Zhiwen brothers are modifying this newly discovered minivan!

After replacing the battery, he found that there was not much oil left, so Xu Zhiwen asked his brother Xu Zhiwu to search for a diesel barrel in the repair shop.

This kind of repair shop will definitely have a lot of engine oil, gasoline, and diesel.

Because after repairing the vehicle, it will definitely need to be tested.

And there are discounts for buying large quantities of oil yourself.

Moreover, the people who come to this kind of repair shop for repairs are all ordinary car owners who want to save money, and they are all acquaintances and will not be cheated!

So Xu Zhiwu easily found a twenty-liter unopened diesel barrel.

After coming to the parking lot and adding diesel, the car was finally ready to move!

Brother Xu Zhiwen drove it to the repair shop to prepare to reinforce the vehicle's frame!

"Xiao Wu, go look for other fuel. Move all the gasoline we need to our van, and leave some diesel.

I’m also looking for some diesel fuel to put aside. After I modify the vehicle, I’ll load the diesel fuel into the truck! "

"Okay brother!"

"By the way, after you find the gasoline, take it home and store it!"

"Yeah, I know!"

Originally, Xu Zhiwen was going to put the oil in the van, then get the crossbow and go back together.

But it suddenly occurred to me that the size of the bed crossbow is not small, and the two bed crossbows can only be put down in my own van, and they must be in parts condition!

So Xu Zhiwen asked his brother to go back first, transport a batch of supplies, and then come back!

Driving a car, it only takes an hour to get back and forth. Add in the loading and unloading time, add an extra half hour, and one and a half hours is definitely enough!

While Xu Zhiwen was remodeling the pickup truck, his brother Xu Zhiwu was also looking for oil from this repair shop.

In the place where the diesel barrel was just found, Xu Zhiwu found a closed door.

After opening it, Xu Zhiwu was very surprised by what was inside!

In this room, there are actually five oil barrels inside. They are all large oil barrels about one meter high. Each oil barrel has a capacity of about 200 liters.

Thanks to the fact that no one comes to this town, and the wasteland world is sparsely populated,

So these oil drums have been preserved until now!

Obviously Xu Zhiwu cannot transport so many oil barrels alone.

So Xu Zhiwu immediately returned to Xu Zhiwen and told him the situation here!

Seeing such a big harvest, Xu Zhiwen was also very happy!

He also temporarily put aside the modification of the small truck, and he and his brother worked hard to carry these oil drums!

After all five oil barrels were transported to the van, the specific oil properties inside the five oil barrels were also known.

Three barrels of 92 # gasoline and two barrels of diesel,

After the two moved three barrels of gasoline and one barrel of diesel to the van, Xu Zhiwen continued to modify the minivan.

And Xu Zhiwu drove a van back to the shelter!

Two hours later, Xu Zhiwu returned to the repair shop,

When he came to the repair room, Xu Zhiwu saw Xu Zhiwen who was busy and stepped forward to help!

In the next two days, Xu Zhiwen brothers and Lin Yu spent their time busy.

Among them, Lin Yu can dismantle ten scrap cars every day in two days.

In two days, Lin Yu dismantled a total of twenty scrap cars.

These scrapped cars brought Lin Yu a ton of iron, 500 kilograms of aluminum, 300 kilograms of copper, and other materials, each weighing about 50 kilograms.

Overall, the materials recovered from the twenty scrapped vehicles this time weighed more than two tons!

Without high-performance load-bearing vehicles, Lin Yu could only transport these materials back to the shelter in two batches!

"I don't know what happened to those two brothers. For professionals, it shouldn't be difficult to build a heavy-duty truck!"

At this time, the Xu Zhiwen brothers, who were talked about by Lin Yu, were making final modifications to the truck!

In the past two days, the two brothers made some strengthening modifications to the truck to increase its load-carrying performance.

The previous approved load capacity was 2.8 tons.

Now after modification, under normal circumstances, there is no problem with the load capacity of 3.5 tons, which has reached the boundary between small trucks and medium-sized trucks!

Looking at the completed truck, his brother Xu Zhiwu didn't want to hand it over to Lin Yu.

However, elder brother Xu Zhiwen rejected his younger brother's idea!

"Xiao Wu, I know you think we should keep such a good truck for ourselves.

But compared to this kind of truck that can continue to be modified in the future, that kind of bed crossbow is hard to come by. Don’t worry, there are one or two small repair shops in this town. Then we will go and see if we can gain anything! "

"Okay bro!"

My brother was also very happy to see that his brother understood what he was thinking!

After getting in the car, the elder brother drove the minivan, and the younger brother drove the minivan towards Lin Yu. There was a barrel of diesel left in the truck compartment!

In Lin Yu's workshop, Lin Yu, who was stacking materials, suddenly heard the sound of a car in the distance!

He quickly picked up the military crossbow and came outside the workshop.

Seeing a van and a small truck in the distance, Lin Yu knew that the other party was coming to complete the transaction.

Looking at the size of the small truck behind him, Lin Yu was also very happy.

It seems that the other party did not disappoint me. They got such a powerful truck.

In this way, all the materials I harvested this time can be transported back!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes!

Soon, looking for Shuyuan, the two brothers Xu Zhiwen arrived at the door of the workshop!

"Brother Lin, what do you think? This truck can meet your requirements!"

"Brother Xu is so generous. This truck is beyond my expectation.

In order to thank you for the surprise you gave me, I thought I would give you an extra 100 crossbow arrows! "

"Hahaha, thank you so much Brother Lin,

By the way, Brother Lin, there is also a barrel of 200 liters of diesel in this car. Do you need it over there? "

"Oh? It seems there is an unexpected gain. How do you want to trade!"

"Well, Brother Lin, I wonder if you can trade your recycling device?"

"Brother Xu is interested in this?"

"Hahaha, don't mind Brother Lin, I just thought that with this, future transactions with Brother Lin can be settled using this standard material block, which is also convenient!"

Lin Yu thought about it and felt that Xu Zhiwen was right.

Moreover, this kind of iron block will be used in large quantities by itself. Moreover, this temporary recycling device is really of no value. The only valuable thing is the internal circuit board!

So after thinking for a while, Lin Yu agreed to the transaction request.

At the same time, in order to prevent others from cracking it, Lin Yu also encrypted the circuit board. Once removed, it will be directly destroyed!

Moreover, Lin Yu did not avoid the two brothers.

As for Lin Yu's approach, Xu Zhiwen also expressed his understanding,

Finally, after the transaction was completed, both parties were happy.

The Xu Zhiwen brothers returned to the shelter with three equipment parts.

As for Lin Yu, although there is a temporary recovery device missing, thinking that he is about to unlock automated metallurgical technology, this simple device will be gone if it is gone!

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