In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 31 Unlocking Automated Metallurgy

In the past two days, Lin Yu dismantled 20 scrap cars, and many magnets were removed from the speakers.

After purification, Lin Yu also got a ten kilogram magnet.

At this moment, after completing the transaction with the Xu Zhiwen brothers, Lin Yu returned to the workshop while watching the van go away.

Take out the magnets and copper blocks, put them in the temporary manufacturing bench, and start making coils!

While the temporary manufacturing table was automatically manufacturing items, Lin Yu began to carry the materials in the workshop to the car!

With the support of his strong physique, Lin Yu carried all the purified materials to the car!

Afterwards, Lin Yu checked the progress of the coil manufacturing and found that it had been completed, so he took out ten coils!

Then he took out the ten circuit boards that had been prepared from the tricycle.

Seeing that everything was ready, Lin Yu locked the car and came to the workshop!

Opening the Dyson Sphere technology tree and looking at the gloomy automated metallurgy, Lin Yu clicked to unlock it.

As the coil and circuit board disappear, what is replaced is a slightly larger nanoegg and a slightly smaller nanoegg.

Lin Yu knew that this was the nano-egg of the arc furnace.

At the same time, with the unlocking of automated metallurgy, all advanced knowledge about metallurgy was transferred to Lin Yu.

Following the previous knowledge of metallurgy, Lin Yu can learn and understand all the way to the third-level civilization stage.

There will be no gaps in knowledge, making subsequent knowledge incomprehensible!

After digesting this knowledge for a while, Lin Yu knew that most of the days to come would be spent studying!

Closing the Dyson Sphere technology tree, Lin Yu picked up the nano egg in front of him!

Brief information about this arc furnace is shown above!


arc furnace

Operating power: 360 kW

Standby power: 12kW

Covered area: 4m*4m

Description: The high temperature generated by the electrode arc is used to smelt ores and metals, and can also be used for purification and crystal smelting!


In this explanation, what Lin Yu likes most is its purification function!

With this arc furnace, you can purify various metal scraps at a nearly one-to-one ratio from the scrapped cars you dismantle!

After looking at the larger nano egg, Lin Yu looked at the smaller nano egg next to it!

After picking it up, Lin Yu's breathing became rapid.

This nano egg is a technological product that has not appeared in previous games, called mineral crystal seeds!

This is a technology unique to level three civilizations. It can directly concentrate minerals in the ground to form crystals that appear on landmarks, and then use mining machines to mine them.

The most common approach for Level 3 civilizations is to scatter these seeds into the universe and then fall into the surrounding galaxies.

In this way, when you come to this galaxy later, you can directly place the mining machine to mine and obtain resources quickly!

"I asked how to use this mining machine, but it turns out it is used in conjunction with this!"

Previously, Lin Yu was worried that after finally unlocking electromagnetism, the miner would be like a useless machine and would be unable to conduct large-scale automatic mining.

I didn’t expect to be waiting for myself here!

I took a look at this mineral crystal seed, and it also shows how to use it. Just throw it into the mining area, and it will automatically gather the minerals underground and form crystals to grow on the ground, making it easier for mining machines to mine!

However, there are also restrictions on it, that is, you need to select the corresponding mineral before placing it, and each seed can only crystallize one mineral!

So if you want to mine enough minerals in the future, you will need a lot of seeds!

Seeing this, Lin Yu also began to search the memories in his mind, and found that this time's automated metallurgical technology also has this method of manufacturing crystal seeds.

There is also an introduction to its operating principle. It uses particle technology to gather all the single crystal materials into everything, and then mixes the soil to grow to the ground.

In this knowledge, Lin Yu also saw its advanced technology, which is the planetary mining technology used by the third-level peak civilization and is only used for rare resources.

Directly invest a seed to extract all the rare resources on the planet.

At that time, the mining efficiency of mining machines was already very low. For rare resources, input and output were far from proportional!

Lin Yu immediately thought of the use of this seed, which was iron ore.

However, Lin Yu currently doesn't know if there are mining areas around, so he won't be able to use it yet!

After the completion of automated metallurgy, Lin Yu's mission of going out this time was half completed. As for the collection of materials, the material aspect has been completed. Next is the collection of other daily necessities!

After putting away the two nano-eggs, Lin Yu left the workshop.

Standing next to the car and looking back at the workshop where he had been staying for half a month, Lin Yu was filled with emotions!

Next, Lin Yu will not come here,

The location here is not particularly good in a small town, but there are manual lathes and milling machines, so it is convenient for you to make your own items, so I have been staying here.

Now, the mission here has been completed,

After all the items were loaded onto the car, Lin Yu began to disassemble the temporary manufacturing device.

As his knowledge increased, Lin Yu also had new ideas about this simple device.

It just so happens that I also got a small truck this time, and I can remodel it when I go back and turn it into a mobile manufacturing workshop!

After everything is installed, go to Shuyuan www. Lin Yu also embarked on the way back!

On the other side, after getting the bed crossbow and temporary recovery device traded by Lin Yu, the two of them rushed back to the shelter without stopping!

After entering the civil defense fortification, everyone at home also gathered around!

After seeing them return safely, the family members also breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing these steel parts inside the car, I wondered what they were!

However, as the two of them assembled, a large mechanical bed crossbow was quickly installed.

This bed crossbow is right at the main entrance and can be a good defense against frontal attacks!

The other one is placed in the living area where I and others live.

Here is the last line of defense,

Two lines of defense are enough for the brothers to return and attack the enemy from behind!

Seeing the two bed crossbows this time, the father and daughter-in-law were also very surprised. In this way, the family's defense would be strong enough.

The next temporary recycling device refreshed their outlook.

After the brothers assembled it step by step according to Lin Yu's instructions, everyone was looking forward to seeing this rough-looking machine!

With the power turned on, the machine officially starts!

After seeing that the machine was operating normally, the eldest brother Xu Zhiwen took out the scrap metal on the side and put it into the machine.

After a while, a small iron block was spit out from the discharge port.

After comparison, the recycling efficiency is 80%, which is why Lin Yu has made some optimizations.

After all, I still have a huge demand for this kind of standard iron block.

Having such a cheap labor to use will indeed save you a lot of effort!

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