In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 32 Return to the Refuge

In Xu Zhiwen's shelter, the family looked at the temporary recycling device in front of them and admired the people who developed this machine.

This kind of recycling device had not appeared on this planet before the nuclear war.

Otherwise, there would be no war due to resource issues.

Controlled nuclear fusion is just a fuse!

If this kind of machine appeared before the war, then the war might not break out, or the outbreak of the war might be delayed!

But these people all thought wrong. At that time, the friction between the three major forces had reached the extreme, but there was only one missing fuse.

If such a recovery device were ever made, this would be the trigger!

Therefore, the occurrence of war can never be delayed casually!

Seeing how powerful this machine is, it can directly refining unusable scrap iron into iron blocks, which makes the family very happy.

Next, don’t worry about materials!

On the other side, Lin Yu drove a new vehicle truck back to the shelter,

Because the truck is already very large, it cannot be driven into the shelter.

So in this case,

Lin Yu needs to carry the materials in the car bit by bit by himself.

Aim the rear of the truck at the shelter, then drive a little distance away, then lower the two boards on the truck.

The tricycle parked above was driven down by Lin Yu!

Lin Yu did not throw away this tricycle directly, but transported it back together.

In order to transport the tricycle to the truck, Lin Yu specially made two boards for the tricycle to ride directly into the truck compartment!

After the tricycle landed, Lin Yu did not stay, but rode directly into the shelter.

Arriving at the warehouse, Lin Yu moved the goods on the tricycle to the warehouse one by one.

In this way, Lin Yu rode a tricycle to carry the materials on the truck back and forth.

After all materials were transported, Lin Yu transported all the parts of the temporary manufacturing bench to the manufacturing room.

After all the materials in the truck were moved, Lin Yu then needed to consider how to deal with the truck.

Because of its large size, it cannot enter the shelter, so it is necessary to build a garage!

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu took the ion crusher in the shelter to the outside world.

On the edge of a relatively remote mountain nearby, Lin Yu began to dig a tunnel into the mountain.

Open the ion crusher's crushing range to the maximum, aim at the mountain and start pushing!

Within the coverage of the power induction tower, as long as Lin Yu's movable equipment is equipped with wireless transmission devices, there is no need to worry about energy problems. As long as the energy in the power grid is sufficient, there is no need to worry!

After setting the advancement distance, Lin Yu was also considering the defense of this temporary garage.

Because it was dug directly, there was no gate.

In this case, Lin Yu still needs to create a new door!

When you have a door, you need a door frame so it can be secured!

From this ion crusher, Lin Yu got some ideas for strengthening the mountain.

Using ion technology, Lin Yu can harden the surrounding land and increase its own strength.

This knowledge is all in Lin Yu's mind. As a kind of basic knowledge, although these are black technologies, they are also incidental basic knowledge.

After entering the third level civilization, the traditional reinforcement method of cement concrete is no longer used.

Instead, it directly uses ionic properties to harden the area. The effect is much better than reinforced concrete.

Lin Yu didn't notice this technology before, because there were too many technologies in his mind, so it would be difficult for Lin Yu to find a suitable technology without prompts.

This time, the thought of hardening the surrounding mountains, coupled with the hardening of the surrounding walls by the ion crusher during the process of digging the tunnel, made Lin Yu find this technology in his mind!

Returning to the shelter, I checked the technology in my mind and found that with a basic manufacturing platform, this simple technology in the eyes of a third-level civilization can be produced!

Lin Yu is also very satisfied with this basic manufacturing platform. This hardening technology, even before the war, was not very easy to manufacture. Its accuracy issues can directly block the manufacturing process!

Coming to the manufacturing table and turning on the three-dimensional projection, Lin Yu began to design the device based on the knowledge in his mind!

This hardening device can be used multiple times, but the internal ion source needs to be replaced after each use.

And plasma is a very good ion source manufacturing material.

So in this case, only 50 kilograms of various metal materials are needed to manufacture a hardening device.

But each of the internal core ion sources requires the plasma in a standard plasma container as a material to make!

Regarding the production of plasma, Lin Yu also found the method in his mind!

Plasma, speaking of it, is plasma.

A flame is a plasma phenomenon.

So making plasma is really simple,

The difficult part is how to store the plasma stably.

Lin Yu already has this technology, so he only needs to generate plasma.

This kind of plasma can be obtained by high-voltage discharge, which is enough for use.

So in this case, Lin Yu first made a batch of plasma vessels using the basic manufacturing platform, and then approached Shuyuan www.zhaohhuyuan. com

A batch of high-voltage discharge devices were manufactured by!

After connecting to the power grid, Lin Yu started high-voltage discharge, and immediately some blue plasma began to appear in the plasma container.

At first it was very small, only the size of a grain of rice.

As time goes by, the volume of plasma in these plasma containers becomes larger and larger,

When Lin Yu cut off the power supply, the plasma container in front of him was filled with plasma.

Picking up a plasma container and looking at the flowing blue plasma inside, Lin Yu also squinted his eyes.

Sometimes, science and magic are really similar,

Just like the luminol reagent used in criminal investigation, it can detect traces of blood. Even if a drop of blood is dropped into a water tank, it can be detected and cannot be hidden.

So looking at this blue plasma, Lin Yu also marveled at the magic of technology!

After placing ten plasma containers into the basic manufacturing bench, together with the manufacturing materials for the hardening device, and selecting the options of one hardening device and ten ion sources, the basic manufacturing bench started to work!

While the basic manufacturing bench was working, Lin Yu was also working on the next task.

After getting the ancient method of making that kind of knife from Xu Zhiwen, Lin Yu had a complete set of special materials.

Lin Yu is not interested in his own knives. What really attracts Lin Yu's attention is the method of making this material!

After inputting these manufacturing steps into the three-dimensional projection of the basic manufacturing platform, Lin Yu began to use a three-dimensional simulation device to simulate the manufacturing process.

The basic manufacturing platform will also record this process simultaneously, and then analyze it to find the mass production process. The final manufacturing still requires a furnace.

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