In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 335 Experiment, Lord God Space

At the microcosm site, all the scientific researchers were very interested when looking at the microcosm in front of them.

"Old Chen, I didn't expect that the energy conversion device I originally designed could be used like this. Not to mention, it's really suitable."

"Yes, and this also opens up an idea for us. Most of the destruction of the three-dimensional universe in the past was due to excessive expansion, and then the barriers to the universe eventually became thinner and then destroyed.

But this time the small universe allows us to see another way, which can be used directly as a basis to design a huge three-dimensional universe. "

"That's right, and we can also artificially control its expansion. While keeping the internal energy full, after it expands to a certain volume, it will stop expanding.

At the same time, the energy conversion device can also be used in reverse, using low-level energy to re-convert it into high-level energy.

After all, the physical law of the three-dimensional universe is that energy will not be created or destroyed out of thin air.

So we can also use this as a basis in the later stage to create a real energy cycle. "

"That's right, if you set the rules, the entire three-dimensional universe can run healthily and stably, unless there are foreign objects or external forces that break the balance."

"This balance is also a very good experimental material. It cannot be destroyed by external forces. Maybe we can also add some defensive measures to prevent the invasion of alien species."

"That's true, but we only exist as observers, let the universe develop freely and see what it will be like!"

"No, we still need to carry out minor intervention to let them follow the path we set. After all, we also want to verify our conjecture and need real experimental data support."

"Okay, in that case, let's start deciding which civilization system to use?"

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone stopped talking and started thinking carefully.

"We have already gone through the technological system, and the data is the most comprehensive, so there is no need to consider this direction for the time being."

"Everyone should take a look at the two systems of human evolution and the use of rune technology, and you can give us any opinions."

Everyone is thinking.

The first is personal evolution, which is also a type of energy application.

It can be divided into two types: monks and magicians.

Both of these types of civilizations can be found in the small universe.

However, the development of their civilization has not yet reached the level of breaking through the three-dimensional universe and advancing to higher dimensions, which has a lot to do with the upper limit of their skills.

But there is no need to worry about this. These scientific researchers will naturally calculate higher-level techniques and then put them into experiments.

There is also a civilization that uses various rune technologies or energy arrays.

This type of civilization was actually a pure cultivation civilization at the beginning. However, after encountering technological civilization, it also understood the importance of research and developed rune technology based on the characteristics of technological civilization.

It can be regarded as a combination of cultivation civilization and technological civilization.

So now there are two paths, one is the pure cultivation and civilization development path, and the other is the technological path that combines the two.

In order to study clearly the advantages and disadvantages of these two routes, researchers are also preparing to create two three-dimensional universes for experiments.

After all, the current Qiankun civilization only has 450 billion members.

These created three-dimensional universes are not only energy bases, but also backup military supply bases.

Once a strong route is determined between the two routes, the physical rules and cosmological constants of the universe will be changed, and the corresponding civilization will be cultivated to grow into a four-dimensional or five-dimensional state.

These civilizations will become very good soldiers in the future, and they can play a big role in the battle against extraterrestrial demons.

After seeing the discussion among these scientific researchers, King Pan on the side thought of the various ideas about the main god space that Lin Yu had told him before, and was also considering how to cultivate more thugs for the empire.

"Sir, I have an idea here and need your advice."

"Oh, I have become a real high-dimensional life and finally have my own ideas. Not bad, let's talk about it."

"I heard you talk about the situation of the Main God Space before. I think I can also create a Main God Space and then train soldiers for the empire."

"Yes, I have an idea. Anyway, we are relatively immortal now, and there is still a long time. If you think of it, just go ahead and do it."

"Okay sir, I understand."

Soon, the scientific researchers completed their discussion and decided to build two three-dimensional universes according to the needs of their respective experiments.

Because a large amount of dark energy has to be rushed into the universe, a lot of equipment needs to be prepared again.

"Fortunately, the most important thing in the void world is energy, which we can use as much as we want."

"Yes, the practical application of mass-energy conversion comes in handy here."

The void world is a void, filled with void energy, so except for many three-dimensional universes, there is no other matter.

But the abundant void energy allows energy to be converted into matter.

With a large number of energy conversion devices being deployed in the void world.

As various substances are transformed, various equipment and materials for building a three-dimensional universe are gradually being prepared.

Looking at the materials in front of them, the researchers began to take action.

Use the characteristics of its own high-dimensional life to process these materials.

Soon, all the required equipment was assembled and the next step could begin.

"The instruments are ready. Drag the two cosmic debris over."

Soon, two surrounding cosmic debris were dragged over.

The first step is to fuse the two cosmic remnants together.

"Calculate the resonant frequency of the wreckage and prepare for adjustments."

"After the calculation is completed, start adjusting the resonant frequency."

"Report, the resonance frequency has been adjusted, and the debris of the universe is integrating into each other."

"Report, the cosmic barrier has been reactivated."

"Suppress the cosmic barrier immediately, and the debris will merge to speed up."

"Report, the integration of the cosmic debris is completed and the barrier is suppressed successfully."

"Very good, reactivate the cosmic barrier, activate the barrier generator, and speed up the barrier convergence."

"Received, start the universe barrier node, the simulation barrier has been opened, start to guide the barrier."

Soon, just like the original construction of the small universe, the barriers of the three-dimensional universe were successfully activated and wrapped the entire universe.

Next, just like the previous small universe, build an energy converter to convert void energy into the internal energy of the three-dimensional universe.

In this way, as time goes by, all the void energy inside the entire three-dimensional universe is decomposed, and with the continuous transformation of the void energy outside, the entire three-dimensional universe is also expanding rapidly.

Soon it reached the size of a moment, which is 1.08 billion light-years in size.

By this time, the expansion rate of the entire universe is also slowing down. Scientific researchers also know that the explosion period is over. If you want to expand again, you need to continue to accumulate energy and wait for the next expansion.

"Okay, the universe has been successfully restarted and activated, and life seeds can be released."

Like Pan Wang, these life seeds also randomly traveled to the depths of the universe along with the asteroids.

Looking at the reactivated universe, all the scientific researchers were very satisfied.

Another wave of scientific researchers also completed the restart of the universe, using the same method, except that some energy properties in the universe were modified.

After all, we are comparing the advantages and disadvantages of two civilization routes, so there are naturally some differences.

But this is only the initial comparison, but in the later stage, when entering the four-dimensional or five-dimensional space, you will no longer be limited by this energy attribute.

In the final analysis, the civilization upgrade between the two is useful for Qiankun Civilization.

But the speed of producing high-latitude life is also very important.

Therefore, after the competition between the two is over, the one with the faster upgrade speed will receive much more resource support.

The resources here are not only energy, but also various techniques, development directions, etc.

While the two waves of people were still waiting for civilization to develop in the universe, King Pan had already begun to take action.

Different from the research routes of the two waves of scientific researchers, Panwang uses the main god space model.

Going to other universes is much simpler. You can directly make deals with each three-dimensional universe, and each experience will provide some dimensional matter.

Moreover, the selected experienced personnel are not limited to humans or carbon-based organisms, silicon-based organisms, and Bose-Einstein condensed matter organisms.

Therefore, in the town of Lord God, all kinds of creatures can be seen everywhere.

The initial main god space does not require too many worlds.

And in order to satisfy the initial exploration, King Pan searched for many planets in Lin Yu's small universe, sowing the seeds of life on them, speeding up time locally, and quickly generating civilization.

Therefore, after the scientific researchers' two three-dimensional universes were formed, Panwang's landlord god space was almost on the right track.

At this time, Lin Yu was also listening to reports from King Pan and scientific researchers.

"Sir, the strongest person in the main god space here has produced a person as strong as a generation of gods.

However, something is wrong now. Because of too many tasks, these people have a lot of hidden injuries in their bodies and need to be cultivated.

There are also about tens of thousands of third-generation super soldiers, who have initially formed combat effectiveness. "

"Well, yes, but what is the potential of these trialists?"

"It can only reach the fifth-dimensional state at most, and has not been upgraded to a true high-dimensional life."

"Well, it's no wonder. Using potential to get such a fast upgrade speed will naturally greatly reduce their upper limit."

"Sir, the improvement of these people has now reached a bottleneck, and a large-scale battle is needed to break through,"

"How's your universe going?"

After hearing Pan Wang's words, Lin Yu did not answer immediately. Instead, he asked the scientific research institute first.

"Leader, the highest civilization in our universe currently has reached the level of third-level civilization.

These civilizations are mainly based on personal force and rune technology creation.

After all, these two newly built universes have abundant dark energy inside and are very suitable for the development of these two paths.

However, technological civilization may be a little weaker, and it has only reached the level of second-level civilization, which is still in the fringe areas.

There is a lack of dark energy there, so we embark on the path of technology. "

"Well, in that case, let's take some time to fight in the three-way universe and conduct a large-scale combat trial.

King Pan, although your main god space can easily cultivate powerful men with powerful weapons, what we need in the future is a civilization that can fight in large groups.

Therefore, your main god space will also need to be changed in the future.

And this battle is not just a one-time battle. The future trials will simply be conducted based on the three parties.

After determining the mission goal, let the three parties enter the field, and finally decide the winner.

In this way, they can also grow up quickly. I have a hunch that we may not have much time. "

"Yes, leader!"

After receiving Lin Yu's instructions, the three parties went to prepare separately.

In their eyes, although the personnel involved in these experiments are important, the ultimate goal is to cultivate real and usable soldier templates.

Only in this way can we gain an advantage in the battle with the extraterrestrial demons.

After all, Lin Yu and others are high-dimensional beings, and an attack may directly destroy a three-dimensional universe.

But this way, it feels like a cannon hitting mosquitoes.

Therefore, the soldiers below still need to deal with the cannon fodder of the demon outside the territory.

The members of Qiankun Civilization are very valuable in Lin Yu's eyes, and it is naturally impossible for them to be thrown into such a battlefield.

That's why this experiment was conducted.

After becoming a high-dimensional life, Lin Yu always felt depressed.

After many searches, Lin Yu finally understood that it was a warning given to him by high-dimensional time.

Although Tianting and Daxia drove away the extraterrestrial demons before, their base camp was not harmed.

Therefore, the demons outside the high-dimensional world have been attacking the world barriers and want to completely invade.

There was no real high-dimensional life in the past, so even if the devil attacks the world barrier, the high-dimensional universe can't do anything about it.

Now that Lin Yu and others have finally successfully upgraded and become high-dimensional beings, they have given hope to the high-dimensional world and immediately warned Lin Yu to speed up his development.

That's why just now, Lin Yu said that there was not much time left for his own civilization.

According to the content of the warning, there is almost one yuan of time, that is, about 120,000 years, before the world's barriers will be overwhelmed and completely shattered by the extraterrestrial demons.

So for the sake of future development, Lin Yu also wants to speed up.

It just so happens that war is a very good catalyst.

So this time the plan for the three-party confrontation was decided. Find bookstore

Seeing King Pan and everyone from the Research Institute who were preparing, Lin Yu was also ready to start another thing.

That is to awaken the heaven and the civilization of Daxia.

Even if the current Qiankun civilization has been upgraded to high dimensions, it is still in its infancy and is in urgent need of such seniors to guide it.

Therefore, it is imperative to revive the two civilizations.

"Pan King, you let your clone do the confrontation between the three armies. There is an important thing now, which is to find the sleeping place of the real Heaven and Daxia civilization, and then wake them up."

"Okay sir, I'll make arrangements right away.

In the past, there were some clones who were searching, and recently there were new clues, and the location was almost locked. "

"Very good. The storm is about to come. It's a bit uneasy without these two seniors here."

Looking at King Pan leaving, Lin Yu was also ready to see the real Heaven and Daxia.

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