In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 336 Awakening Heaven and Daxia

Outside the territory, it is different from the high-dimensional world where Lin Yu and others live.

This is a dark world about the same size as the high-dimensional world, and is called an abyss by the creatures inside.

The entire abyss world, from top to bottom, is divided into levels: Demon God, Quasi-Demon God, Great Heavenly King, Heavenly King, Little Heavenly King, High Demon, Middle Demon, Low Demon, Ordinary Demon, and Demon Servant.

They respectively correspond to the first-generation super warriors, the second-generation super warriors, the third-generation super warriors, and the first-generation divine body to the sixth-generation divine body in today's high-dimensional world.

Among them, when you reach the demon stage, the level of life is at the same position.

Although it has strengths and weaknesses, it is basically immortal.

Of course, just like the high-dimensional world, they are immortal only in their own world.

If you were in another world, you definitely wouldn't have this ability.

Just like the demons that invaded Lin Yu's high-dimensional universe before, after being directly defeated by Tianting and Daxia with the power of all civilizations, they were all decomposed into nutrients by the high-dimensional world.

However, this loss is nothing more than drizzle to the abyss world.

After all, the abyss world has successfully invaded several worlds of the same level. In terms of evolutionary level, it is half a level higher than the high-dimensional world.

But after all, the upgrade was not successful, so these demon gods did not dare to enter the high-dimensional world easily, otherwise they would be directly suppressed by the rules, lose their immortality, and be killed by the strong men in the high-dimensional world.

So at the beginning, cannon fodder was sent to consume, and then the rules here were invaded bit by bit, and gradually assimilated, becoming an intertwined area of ​​two world rules.

At that time, the two sides will no longer be suppressed by the rules and can fight freely in this area.

In the last war, Tianting and Daxia did not think about counter-invasion, but their own strength was there. After wiping out these invading demons, the remaining energy could only restore this rule and could no longer organize a counter-attack.

However, it is impossible for both worlds to mass-produce something like the Demon God level.

After all, if you want to complete the upgrade, you must keep up with your understanding of yourself and the universe. Otherwise, even if you upgrade to this stage, you will not be able to exert your due combat effectiveness.

Being sent to other universes can only serve as nourishment for the other party.

However, the unique rules of the abyss world make training very fast.

In the previous invasion war, although some demon-level experts were lost on our side, it also put many of the combat forces of Daxia and Tianting into a state of slumber.

According to the time calculations of both parties, it will take at least trillions of years for Daxia and Tianting to wake up from their slumber.

Such a long time is completely enough for the abyss world to replenish these lost demon gods.

But this time the abyss world miscalculated.

He did not expect that there would be such a pervert as Qiankun Civilization, which would directly carry out a comprehensive dimension upgrade.

And they are all high-dimensional life forms.

Even though its own civilization level has not been reached, the ordinary people inside have become high-dimensional beings.

Even if these high-dimensional life forms are not powerful in combat, their combat effectiveness is very low compared to high-dimensional life forms that specialize in fighting.

But as a scientific researcher, he is indeed very qualified.

With the divine body technology that was subsequently developed, the Qiankun civilization basically has scientists per capita.

Except for those who specialize in combat, everyone else has their own private research rooms to study areas of interest to them.

Therefore, the successful upgrade of 450 billion members this time has basically filled the gap caused by the sleeping of Tianting and Daxia.

And now, after all Tianting and Daxia are awakened, the combat power of the high-dimensional world will be more than twice as powerful as before.

The high-dimensional world did not expect that someone would actually complete the upgrade of all members of their own civilization and become high-dimensional beings.

That is to say, the world itself has no consciousness and can only rely on instinct to act.

Otherwise, we will definitely focus on Qiankun Civilization and provide support in research.

But after all, it's not a fantasy world. The rules are the rules, and consciousness is impossible.

In the abyss world, even at the level of demon gods, there are differences between civilizations.

There are a total of twelve top civilizations, and the members of each civilization are at the level of demon gods.

Below, there are servant civilizations governed by every demon-god-level civilization. Almost every demon-god-level civilization rules hundreds of quasi-demon-god-level civilizations.

At this time, in the abyss world, the top leaders of the twelve demon civilizations were having a remote video conference.

"Zaku, how are you doing over there?"

"Motos, the barrier to the other side's world is about to be opened again, but as promised before, we will occupy one-third of the resources for this operation. I hope you can keep your promise."

"Of course, Zaku, we have all signed the Abyss Agreement, don't worry about that."

"Your army should be prepared quickly. The last attack has achieved its goal and put all the opponent's high-end combat power to sleep.

This time, when we attack again, we don’t have to worry about the opponent’s high-end combat power. "

"Don't worry, we are ready. The newly promoted demon gods are all armed and ready to go out at any time."

"Well, once the world on the opposite side is completely devoured, the abyss world will almost be able to advance, and we can go one step further."

"Well, although we also want to get to this point, at this time, we should be more steady and steady.

For this attack, I suggest we build a bridgehead first. In this case, we can use it as a stronghold to continuously transport troops and assimilate the other side's world. "

"Well, let's do it."

Soon, after the discussion was over, everyone went back to prepare their troops.

At the same time, in the high-dimensional world, King Pan also discovered the specific location of Heaven.

"Pan King, have you heard any new news?"

"Yes, sir, we have discovered the specific location of the Thirty-Three Heavens."


"A place located in the dimensional mezzanine between three dimensions and four dimensions."

“I didn’t expect it to be in this place!”

Lin Yu still knows something about this latitude interlayer.

Normal latitudes can generally be counted as a world. Even a two-dimensional world is a complete world in the eyes of two-dimensional creatures.

But the latitude mezzanine is different. Because it is in the middle of two latitudes, the situation here is very chaotic.

How deep is this confusion?

For example, if it is a dimensional sandwich between a two-dimensional world and a three-dimensional world, there may not only be two-dimensional or three-dimensional states, but also a strange state of two-dimensional and three-dimensional interweaving.

In this case, it is very likely that the upper body will be three-dimensional and the lower body will be two-dimensional.

And not only that, sometimes the superposition of two and three dimensions is likely to briefly appear in a five-dimensional state and quickly clear up the latitudinal chaos in a large area.

But just for a moment, it will be reduced to a zero-dimensional or one-dimensional state.

So after learning that the Thirty-Three Heavens were in the interlayer between the four- and five-dimensional worlds, I was very surprised.

But Lin Yu soon understood what the Lord of Heaven was doing.

It's still the same as before, to avoid the incompetent Hanhan from rashly awakening Heaven.

Don't fail to wake it up when the time comes, and instead let Heaven completely fall into a deep sleep, losing the possibility of recovery.

“But sir, it’s obvious that their approach is also because they are afraid that the civilization they awaken is not strong enough to fully awaken them.

So I also checked carefully and determined the conditions for waking them up. "

"Tell me what they are?"

“First of all, the first point is that we need to have enough strength to fish them out of the latitude interlayer and return to the high-dimensional world.

The second is to activate more than a hundred marks left in the normal three-dimensional universe. Only after successfully linking to the thirty-third heaven can they be completely awakened.

The time to wake up has also been calculated and is almost a dollar. "

"The conditions are not too harsh for such a long time, but the time is too long."

"No way, sir, these energies still need to awaken the thirty-third heaven at the same time. The awakening of the members of the heaven is simple. It only takes thousands of years to awaken, but the remaining time is used to recharge the thirty-third heaven. , completely revive Heaven."

"Well, I understand, where is Daxia?"

“Daxia has also locked in a specific position, but compared to Tianting, Daxia’s condition is much better.

Most of the high-dimensional life forms fell into deep sleep. A small number of high-dimensional life forms that were upgraded from mechanical life forms did not fall into deep sleep. Instead, they traveled around in various dimensions.

I guess it is also to find potential civilizations and cultivate them, and finally reach the level where they can be awakened. "

Hearing Pan Wang say this, Lin Yu thought of Yuan who took him through time. At that time, he also said that he was brought here by mistake during an experiment. Now it seems that he may have concealed part of it.

I should have been one of the subjects of the experiment at the beginning.

But despite this, Lin Yu was not angry.

After all, as the demon from outside the territory invades again, no one can be immune.

And Yuan's experiment gave him the ability to protect himself and fight. From the bottom of his heart, he was quite grateful to Yuan.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time. I guess I'm still experimenting in a certain universe.

King Pan, Daxia’s awakening conditions should be much simpler, right? "

"Yes sir, we are both technological civilizations. We only need to continue to provide energy, and the other party can wake up on its own."

“Very good, it’s not too difficult for Daxia so far, let’s wake up Heaven first.

Order the fleet to go to the dimensional mezzanine and fish out the heaven. "


Soon, a fleet of high-dimensional warships set off for the location of Heaven.

After such a long period of development, all members have now been awakened.

However, the previous social model is still used, with only a few modifications.

For example, in the Qiankun civilization, there are no ordinary people anymore, because they are all high-dimensional life forms, so everyone is carrying out their own or group or official research based on their own talents and interests.

Lin Yu also announced that there will be an enemy invasion in the near future, so everyone also has a strong sense of urgency, and a team is working hard to research the technology of the high-dimensional world.

Today's high-dimensional warships are no longer the rough warships that were just created after entering the high-dimensional world.

It is said to be a high-dimensional battleship, but in fact it is better to say that it is a small universe with high-dimensional attributes.

With mature micro-universe manufacturing technology, a universe debris can be decomposed into tens of thousands of small debris, and then installed inside the battleship to form a micro-universe cycle.

In this way, high-level battleships can not only have strong defensive power, but also have an endless energy core.

As long as the small universe inside the battleship is not destroyed, the high-dimensional battleship can maintain full firepower just by absorbing the thinking energy emitted by the creatures inside.

Moreover, the members inside the battleship can also rely on these energies to act normally.

It can be said that a high-dimensional battleship is a complete cycle, which can ensure that the one hundred high-dimensional creatures inside can be at their peak condition with full firepower.

Moreover, in the high-dimensional world, battleships are no longer divided into different types of battleships based on their functions, but are instead a comprehensive mothership.

The mothership will be equipped with a variety of weapons to attack the enemy.

However, the current attack power of high-dimensional warships is still slightly insufficient.

Because existing weapons are basically aimed at the three-dimensional world.

Such as dimensionality reduction strikes, mathematical weapons, etc.

However, the recent rules and philosophy weapons have been developed, and I believe that they will be completed and developed soon and can be used in actual combat.

Here, this high-dimensional fleet soon arrived at its destination.

This is a location in the four-dimensional world.

When this high-dimensional fleet arrived, all surrounding four-dimensional civilizations saw it.

When they were about to come forward to check, the next scene shocked them.

I saw the high-dimensional fleet aiming at a location in the void and launching a beam of light, directly opening a hole in the void in front of me.

Then, two battleships entered it and soon disappeared.

After a while, I saw two battleships returning, seemingly dragging something behind them.

When they were about to reach the entrance of the cave, all the high-dimensional warships worked together to open a larger entrance.

As the trailing object gradually approaches the hole, its size gradually increases.

When it came out, it had become a behemoth.

This is exactly how the thirty-three heavens appear in the four-dimensional universe. Looking for books

Soon, before they could get closer, this mysterious fleet disappeared with this behemoth.

Looking at the disappearing fleet in front of them, all four-dimensional civilizations knew that they had missed an opportunity to communicate with higher-dimensional civilizations.

But just as they are unwilling to communicate with people in the three-dimensional world, members of the Qiankun Empire will not communicate with them. After all, even the life levels are different, so there is nothing to communicate with.

When the Thirty-Third Heaven returned to the high-dimensional world, absorbing energy also gave him some signs of recovery.

But this spontaneous energy absorption is simply not enough and can only maintain the current state.

Therefore, the most important step is to activate the imprint left by Heaven in the three-dimensional world and continuously transport the high-level energy generated by the three-dimensional world.

However, there is no rush for this step now. Lin Yu plans to wait until Daxia's is also sent here, and then both parties will proceed together.

This way, if anything happens, we will have some countermeasures.

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