In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 354 The Planet World is Completed

With the creation of the small high-dimensional world, the speed of rule research by both parties is getting faster and faster. The most direct effect is that the theoretical research on the planet world has been completed, and the actual construction is about to begin.

On Lu Chen's side, as the research on the rules was completed, the construction of the planet world was also put on the agenda.

"Sir, the current theoretical research has been completed, but how to form a planet-shaped world is still at the theoretical stage.

If you want to experiment, I suggest you conduct the experiment in the small high-dimensional world now, and then go to the chaotic space for the next experiment. "

“Well, to be on the safe side, it’s better not to do this in the small high-dimensional world.

Didn’t we get the technology to create a dimensional universe from the Qiankun Civilization before? Maybe we can conduct experiments on this latitude universe first to see if we can transform the dimensional universe into a latitude planet. "

"Sir, in theory it is possible.

Because the principles are similar, I will arrange for people to experiment. "

"Well, go faster, but keep it safe."

"Yes sir!"

Although it is easy to collect chaotic matter nowadays, Lu Chen does not store a lot of chaotic matter here.

In these cases, nothing goes to waste easily.

Unlike Tianting, Tianting built the Pangu directly, and the fault tolerance rate is very high. If there is anything wrong, just take it apart and modify it.

And the creation of the world is also very simple, just use the Pangu to open up a new world.

Therefore, Heavenly Court can collect chaotic matter while completing the construction of Pangu.

Lu Chen is different here. What he plans to build is a movable planet world, and there is only one world.

In this case, if there is a problem in the planet world, then he needs to collect chaotic matter again to repair it.

If the problem is too big, the planet world must be abandoned.

In this case, a resource for building a planetary world will be wasted.

It is easy for Heaven to build new worlds. As long as there are no problems with the Pangu, new worlds can be opened up continuously.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct experiments using some newly constructed blank dimension universes.

As Zero's arrangement continued, a new blank dimension universe was soon completed.

Then, Daxia directly blocked the rules of the high-dimensional world around this three-dimensional universe with a large-scale effort. At the same time, he used the rules simulator to start modifying the rules in this blocked space.

After several new rules were entered, the three-dimensional universe in front of us began to change.

From the outside, the entire three-dimensional universe is gradually shrinking, and the distance between the various galaxies inside is also shrinking.

And when the distance between these galaxies gradually shrinks and exceeds a zero point, all planets, stars and other massive objects are attracting each other.

Collisions, explosions, and fusions are happening every moment in this three-dimensional universe.

In the end, as time passed, under the control of the equipment, only thirty days passed in the outside world, but in the three-dimensional universe, billions of years passed.

After such a long time, all the matter in the three-dimensional universe was finally brought together.

Because of the modification of the rules, these substances did not cause a collapse effect after they came together.

Under the control of the big hands of rules, the matter in the entire three-dimensional universe gradually formed a sphere.

At this time, with an order, the cosmic barrier of the entire three-dimensional universe was directly destroyed, and this very massive sphere was exposed upright in the void.

Faced with this situation, of course the surrounding void energy would not let go and swarmed directly forward, wanting to melt the huge planet in front of them.

However, it may be because the mass is too strong. After these void energies melted some areas on the surface, this huge planet also began to adapt to the void energy on its surface.

Under this situation, the planet soon became filled with rich void energy.

As Daxia's scientific researchers continue to transform this huge planet, it has become a planet suitable for the people of Daxia to survive.

“I didn’t expect that by accident, we would actually create a planet that is so suitable for our survival. Maybe we can continue to complete four- and five-dimensional planets according to this pattern, so that we can get the planet that is most suitable for us to live in.

Of course, this kind of planet cannot be placed in a chaotic world, otherwise it will be easily dissolved. "

"Sir, in this experiment, we have a deep understanding of the theory of planetary rules. I believe that after we successfully transform the four-dimensional and five-dimensional universe into a new planet, we will also be able to transform an entire world into a planetary world. Ability."

"Well, let the scientific researchers go for it, but it is for experiments after all. Let them note that they can only use blank dimensional universes. Those dimensional universes that have given birth to life should not touch them."

"Yes sir!"

After all, they are all lawful civilizations, and it is impossible to arbitrarily wipe out the dimensional universe life in the world regardless of the development of the high-dimensional world.

In fact, after studying the rules of the world, these researchers discovered that these rules are like computer programming.

However, ordinary computer programming is based on 01 binary. Even if it is upgraded to ternary, it cannot simulate the operating rules of the entire world.

But today's Qiankun and Daxia are fully capable of analyzing the operating rules of the entire world.

If it can be parsed, it can also be compiled.

Nowadays, Daxia and Qiankun have understood the operating principles of the world's rules, so they can compile the rules according to their own requirements.

If we say that the previous processing of those world fragments used copies of rules.

So this time Daxia used a rule compiled by himself.

Just like computer programming, the program needs to be constantly debugged, and Daxia's researchers don't know whether these rules are correct.

So in this case, it is natural to conduct experiments to know whether it really works.

Moreover, there should be no conflicts in the preparation of rules.

Because it is the real world, if there is a conflict, it is likely to lead to the destruction of the world.

For example, water can extinguish fire, and fire can also evaporate water. These are two rules. There are other conditions for one of them to take effect.

But if there are no other rules to supplement it, then these two will conflict, because it is not known under what conditions water can extinguish fire, and under what conditions fire can evaporate water.

So creating the world is a very rigorous matter.

Fortunately, this experiment is very simple. It just adds a rule that allows the interior of the three-dimensional universe to continuously compress, and eventually form a huge planet without collapsing.

After simulation calculations, conflicts with other rules were also modified, such as removing the rule that would cause collapse if the mass was too large.

In this way, their experiment was really successful.

Next, there are experiments on the four- and five-dimensional universe.

In the following time, Daxia's experiments were not so smooth sailing.

After all, the three-dimensional universe is the simplest adjustment, and the difficulty of the four-dimensional universe and the five-dimensional universe are completely different.

However, with the investment of a large amount of resources, results can gradually be seen.

This situation also inspired the confidence of Daxia researchers.

Finally, within a period of three and five thousand years, Daxia finally completed the experiment of transforming the universe at all latitudes.

The newly transformed five-dimensional planet has officially become Daxia's new residence.

Although the previous three-dimensional planet was quite suitable, Lu Chen did not rush it and asked the people to wait for the latest five-dimensional planet.

The scientific researchers lived up to Lu Chen's expectations and completed the transformation of the five-dimensional universe.

The next step is to create a new planet world.

But this world includes three dimensions, four dimensions, five dimensions, and high dimensions.

The difficulty increases exponentially.

So in this case, Daxia also plans to merge the planets from three latitudes together to see if they can form a multi-dimensional planet that coexists.

As long as this experiment can be completed, then this multi-dimensional planet will be equivalent to a high-dimensional world.

So everyone takes it very seriously.

Then, there was another long period of research, and time slowly passed by.

During this period of time, because Daxia was obsessed with research, the world fragments of the fantasy world floating from the depths of chaos were also intercepted by Lin Yu, and he completed the research on the internal rules and the transformation of the fragments.

Of course, Lin Yu also used these rule data to obtain a lot of precious research data from Daxia.

These data are part of Daxia's research data on the planet world, and they are very inspiring to Lin Yu.

The radiation range of the entire high-dimensional world in chaos is already the size of three high-dimensional worlds.

Such a large range greatly enhances the ability to respond to the unknown dangers of chaos.

As long as it doesn't destroy the world with one blow, Lin Yu will have enough time to deal with it.

Soon, ten thousand years had passed since Daxia completed the research on the five-dimensional planet. On this day, with a loud noise, the high-dimensional world was no longer peaceful.

A huge star appeared in the original territory of Daxia, and the latitude above it changed regularly, which was dazzling.

Eventually, as time passed, the latitudes on the planet slowly became fixed.

Finally, when the latitude was completely fixed, Lin Yu also understood the latitude distribution on the star.

The surface of the planet is high-dimensional and connected to the entire high-dimensional world. There is no so-called atmosphere.

Because the earth's surface is in direct contact with the high-dimensional world, it is also a high-dimensional world.

Going below the ground, there are five dimensions, then four dimensions, and then three dimensions.

The core area is a special zero-dimensional world, where it is like chaos and the rules are not apparent.

However, this situation is an attribute that is exactly the opposite of chaos.

In chaos, all things dissolve and all things are born, but in this zero-dimensional world, all existence has no meaning. Here, we are in a real world of death.

By accident, Daxia successfully created a world that was opposite to chaos.

However, this kind of world is very fragile. If it comes into direct contact with chaos, it may react and explode with huge energy, which may open up a new world.

But once it comes into contact with the three-dimensional universe, it will transform back into the ordinary zero-dimensional state.

This is also in the state of a planet. Although it exists within the three dimensions, it is in an isolated state.

At this time, Lu Chen had not yet studied this situation in depth, and was still immersed in the joy of successfully creating a multi-dimensional planet in a high-dimensional world.

At this time, all the technical conditions for building a chaotic planet world are finally mature.

Lu Chen planned to collect this multi-dimensional planet into a museum as a witness to past history.

Soon, after reorganizing and reviewing all the experimental data, the success rate of this experiment reached 90%.

The remaining 10% are also various uncertain factors that will basically not appear in Daxia. They are usually chaotic storms, invasions from other worlds, etc.

If these situations really happened, Lu Chen could only blame himself for his bad luck, as he encountered situations with extremely low probability.

Soon, with all personnel and equipment preparations completed, Daxia's planet experiment officially began.

The first is the construction of the skeleton.

Using a large amount of chaotic matter, a huge spherical skeleton was directly formed.

Then various equipment was quickly installed on these skeletons.

The appearance of this equipment is also made of chaotic material, which can resist the erosion of chaotic space.

Then after the central device is installed, all devices are started at the same time.

Next, a large amount of chaotic airflow was gathered around the spherical skeleton, wrapping it layer by layer.

Looking at the skeleton of the planet that had disappeared before his eyes, Lu Chen wasn't worried at all.

Because it's all part of the plan.

Soon, a thousand years after the high-dimensional world passed, there was finally movement in the chaotic sphere outside.

The first thing is that the chaotic airflow disperses, and the shell of the sphere in front of you has been formed, all composed of chaotic matter.

In this case, the entire chaotic planet has been isolated inside, and then the next step can be started.

As the internal equipment operates, a large amount of chaotic airflow inside is transformed, gradually forming a huge world.

The barriers of this world have been mixed with the shell of the newly formed chaotic planet. The shell now composed entirely of chaotic matter is the barrier of the inner world.

This kind of barrier has very strong defensive capabilities.

The Pangu Ax of the Pangu is made entirely of chaotic matter. Find Shuyuan

So if you use Pangu ax to attack this shell, it may take a long time to break through this defense.

After seeing that everything was going in order, Lu Chen felt relieved.

"It seems that the theories and experiments studied before were not in vain, and it was successful at the first try.

Moreover, this planet world is better than we imagined, and its performance is very powerful.

By the way, Zero, be careful to install the Chaos Planet Engine in time, otherwise you won't be able to move, and this planet world will be a target. "

"Okay sir, I will arrange it."

"Well, we can't forget about the construction of the Chaos Warships. This time all the Chaos Materials have been consumed. The Chaos Materials that will be added later will be used to build the Chaos Warships!"

"Yes, sir!"

After the explanation, Lu Chen felt relieved and left the laboratory after seeing that everything was on track.

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