February 1, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar, yin

It's the first day of another month. In a new month, Lin Yu feels that he will have greater gains.

The discovery of crude oil yesterday gave me a good start in February!

After getting up, Lin Yu washed up and came to the manufacturing station to check the progress of the drone manufacturing!

At the manufacturing station, Lin Yu also saw the progress of the drone manufacturing he set up yesterday.

Yesterday, Lin Yu assigned a total of one hundred drones to manufacture.

After one night, the task of 20 units has been completed.

In addition to these, the manufacturing tasks of 20 wind turbines have been completed,

After all, without wireless transmission towers, the power from the mining base cannot be transmitted!

Lin Yu also knows the respective powers of the crude oil extraction station and crude oil refinery, which are 840 kilowatts and 960 kilowatts respectively!

There cannot be only one crude oil refinery.

Lin Yu has also adjusted the production line and assigned tasks for five crude oil extraction stations and 11 crude oil refineries.

Now, Lin Yu discovered that a crude oil refinery has been completed!

Now that Lin Yu has put all these supplies on the heavy truck, all the supplies and equipment are ready and ready to go!

Just when Lin Yu was about to set off, a group of combatants wearing protective clothing arrived at the place where the Blackbird had fallen.

A team of 20 people, fully armed, came to the scene and all started to be on guard.

Then two scientific researchers in the team brought detection equipment to the crashed Blackbird reconnaissance plane!

As the detection progressed, two members of the perimeter defense team controlled the drone and began to investigate the surrounding situation!

As the drone takes off, the surrounding situation also comes into view!

Although they have seen it many times, the scorched earth around them still makes these warriors hate the other two forces very much.

If they hadn't started the war, this time wouldn't be what it is now!

After confirming that the surrounding situation was normal, this exploration came to an end.

After the two scientific researchers came back, they nodded to the team leader Liu Feng!

"Call the camel, call the camel. The scene has been inspected and the pilot has not been found. Now come over and pull the plane away!"

"Camel received!"

As a small convoy arrived, the crashed Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft was quickly dismembered and loaded onto the vehicle!

The Blackbird this time has brought great benefits to the Republic of Qiankun.

After the Eagle Federation carried out doomsday modifications to it, its engine has already adapted to the current sky environment!

And this kind of engine is exactly what the Republic urgently needs now!

Although controllable nuclear fusion has been researched in advance, there are still gaps in other aspects, especially engine technology!

And in today’s apocalypse, there is no need to abide by any patent technology protection clauses.

Therefore, if such an engine with excellent performance is in the hands of the Republic, it will not be replaced again!

Soon, after completing the dismantling task, the convoy left here immediately!

As for the previous team, except for the two scientific researchers who left with the convoy, the remaining eighteen members did not leave.

They also have another mission, which is to search for the pilot of the Blackbird reconnaissance plane!

A pilot who can control such an excellent reconnaissance aircraft is extremely valuable.

After catching this person, you can know everything about the Blackbird reconnaissance plane through his mouth!

While this team was searching for the pilot, Lin Yu had also driven a heavy truck to the foot of Hulu Valley.

Looking at the mountains not far away, Lin Yu made a visual inspection and found that they were much higher than his own mine.

Preliminary estimates suggest that the highest peak is 3,000 meters high, while the lowest ones are over 2,700 meters high.

Parking the car at the foot of the mountain, Lin Yu sat in the car, ignoring the Geiger counter that was ringing crazily. Lin Yu was ready to investigate the situation in the valley again!

The radiation concentration here is already very high, even higher than the previous mineral base!

However, in Lin Yu's eyes, these are not important. The most important thing now is to determine the safety issue.

While controlling the drones to investigate the surroundings, Lin Yu also let the drones above his head disperse to ensure the safety around the heavy trucks!

Along the mountain, after confirming that there was no danger, Lin Yu let the heavy truck continue to set off, looking for a passage into the valley!

As time went by, Lin Yu finally discovered a passage. It seemed that it should be the passage up the mountain used for tourism in the past.

However, as he tracked this mountain road, Lin Yu found that it broke off immediately after reaching the top of the mountain.

Comparing the map, Lin Yu also found that there used to be a relatively flat area inside the mountain here, but it was not as deep as it is now.

"It looks like the terrain here should be new, probably created by a nuclear bomb!"

Looking at the depth of the valley, which was much deeper than before, Lin Yu had some guesses in his mind!

After seeing that there was no way to get on the bus from here, Lin Yu continued to drive the heavy truck to the Apple Basin he had seen before.

There, there is this perfect passage into the valley,

It just so happens that we can build a crude oil base there now and build the first electromagnetic transmission tower to eliminate the radiation there!

Just when Lin Yu was driving the heavy truck to his destination again, he found Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Not far from Lin Yu's route, a blond and blue-eyed man from the Eagle Kingdom was resting in an abandoned house on the roadside!

This man is John, the previous pilot of the Blackbird reconnaissance plane.

After the successful ejection, although he did not crash with the Blackbird, he was still affected by the explosion. After landing, John also felt some pain in his body, which caused his condition to drop a lot.

After walking for a while in the wilderness, I finally saw an abandoned house.

Here, he can finally have a place to shelter from the wind and rain,

While he was resting, he suddenly heard the sound of a car in the distance!

This made his heart move, and he immediately walked to the window, took out his binoculars and looked into the distance.

Found a heavy truck parked here in the distance,

The high-definition telescope can clearly see that there is only one person in the cab.

After some estimation, this heavy truck was at least a kilometer away from me!

It was in this wilderness and it was very quiet that I heard the sound of the truck pointing!

Looking at the truck parked there, John thought for a moment, took off his coat, and found some shabby clothes from the abandoned house.

Putting on these clothes, I slowly ran to the roadside and looked at the heavy truck through binoculars.

I saw the heavy truck restarting and heading this way,

He quickly lay down on the side of the road, preparing to wait until the person in the truck came down to inspect, to subdue him directly, and then take over the heavy truck himself!

He was in the base before and heard that the people in Qiankun Country were very kind and helpful.

This plan of yours will definitely succeed!

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