In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 78 Human Heart and Contact

On the afternoon of February 1, 2024 in the Qiankun calendar,

Lin Yu was driving a heavy truck on a perfect road outside the Hulu Valley.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the cab,

Lin Yu switched the heavy truck to assisted driving, and then checked the cause of the alarm.

It turned out that the alarm was sent by drones on alert around the area.

Lin Yu called out the alarm situation and found that it was a living human being who walked out of a dilapidated house and passed out after reaching the roadside!

Although I don’t know what the situation is,

Lin Yu decided to wait until he was nearby and then take a look!

Soon, the heavy truck drove near this person.

Lin Yu parked the car on the side of the road, sat in the car, and controlled the drone to get close to the unconscious man!

As a result, Lin Yu discovered that this person was actually a foreigner.

This surprised Lin Yu. During the war, it was difficult for such foreigners to survive in Qiankun Country.

Even if the authorities do not take action against these foreigners, those who have lost their loved ones due to the war are likely to have extreme people who will retaliate against these foreigners!

Lin Yu continued to control the drone and observed the foreigner!

And John was lying on the ground, squinting at the drone in front of him, speechless in his heart.

This person was actually so cautious, even when he was in front of me, he didn't even get out of the car.

If you were in your own country, even if you didn't know what was going on, you would get out of the car and check it out.

John continued to play dead and appear harmless!

After a while, Lin Yu saw that the man was motionless, so he put on protective clothing and slowly got out of the car with an electromagnetic gun!

As Lin Yu approached, John felt very nervous!

Lin Yu also felt something was wrong when he was one meter away from John.

It was such a coincidence that I happened to discover it,

Looking at the foreigner's strong body, Lin Yu estimated that this person must have done it on purpose.

Lin Yu's strengthened physique made Lin Yu's five senses very powerful.

Lin Yu noticed that the man's eyes kept moving, indicating that the man was still awake.

Lin Yu decided to cheat.

"Hey, I know you're okay, get up quickly!"

Seeing that John made no movement, Lin Yu was not sure whether this person was just faking it!

After thinking about it, Lin Yu decided to ignore the foreigner. He took the gun and slowly started to retreat.

At the same time, Lin Yu always faced him,

John was anxious when he saw Lin Yu leaving, but after squinting his eyes and seeing Lin Yu holding a unique weapon pointed at him, he gave up the idea of ​​a surprise attack!

As Lin Yu came to the car, he activated the color-changing function of the front window, deepening the color so that the situation inside could not be seen from the outside!

Then Lin Yu started the vehicle's assisted driving, delayed it for one minute, and stopped automatically after driving 100 meters!

This assisted driving function was also developed by Lin Yu.

After all, I am only one person. If someone is chasing me, I can turn on assisted driving and let the truck drive on its own.

And you can control the drone to block the enemy!

Later, Lin Yu came to the back of the carriage through the secret door, jumped out of the car,

Come to the roadside and ambush!

With a man's intuition, Lin Yu always felt that something was wrong with this foreigner.

Now I am very closed to information about the outside world. Maybe from this foreigner's mouth, I can also know some specific conditions of this world!

As the one-minute countdown ended, the heavy truck started to start and left here.

John heard the sound of the truck driving until it passed by him. John also turned over and looked at the truck going away!

"Fake! The cold-blooded Qiankun countryman!"

But after the heavy truck traveled a hundred meters, it stopped, which made John happy!

But as soon as I took a step, the sound of a bullet passing through came directly to my ears.

This made John react instantly, turn around and fall to the ground!

At this time, John saw Lin Yu pointing a gun at him.

"Hands up! Get on your knees!"

As the two sentences came out of Lin Yu's mouth, John also heard and understood them.

But he was going to pretend not to understand, let Lin Yu get close to him, and wait for Lin Yu to be defeated!

John also had some confidence in his heart. Since the other party did not shoot him immediately, it meant that the other party wanted to capture him alive.

In this case, just wait for him to get close, and then attack at close range!

When he saw that the other party stood up and did not follow his request, Lin Yu also approached John with an electromagnetic gun.

Taking the electromagnetic gun, he directly attacked the ground next to him, making John raise his hand again!

At this time, John also knew that if he didn't raise his hand, it was very likely that the next bullet would be his body.

John didn’t dare to gamble, so he raised his hands obediently!

Lin Yu walked in slowly and gradually got closer to John!

When Lin Yu held the electromagnetic gun to John's head,

John moved,

In an instant, John slapped the gun and attacked Lin Yu at the same time.

But before his fist could hit Lin Yu, he was kicked away by Lin Yu!


Five meters away, John was lying on the ground, unable to move.

"how come?"

I didn't react at all to Lin Yu's kick just now.

Seeing Lin Yu walking like himself, John couldn't help but despair!

Lin Yu looked at John lying on the ground with disdain.

After he was strengthened, he didn't even know how strong his physical fitness was. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm

Regarding John's attack, Lin Yu's reaction was simply in slow motion!

"Boy, do you think you can hide your poor acting skills from me?

Do you know how you were exposed?

It was you who listened to Different Qiankun's words that instantly told me that you were either faking it or you had recently entered the country! "

Looking at John lying on the ground pretending to be dead and silent, Lin Yu didn't care.

Although I have never caused any criminal detention, the effect of electrotherapy has always been very good for these die-hards!

Lin Yu raised his left hand and turned on a device on the protective suit.

Inside, there is a simple heavy truck operation program that can remotely control heavy trucks!

Following Lin Yu's control, the heavy truck in the distance began to reverse and return here!

After the heavy truck arrived, Lin Yu got into the car and took out a small electric shock device.

He put it on John's back and activated the button. The powerful current instantly made John forget the pain and immediately activated it!

"what did you do to me?"

Seeing what John said about Qiankun, Lin Yu also nodded with satisfaction,

"Don't you know how to speak Qiankun! Now, you are my prisoner. Don't even think about escaping. Although the one on the back is just a gadget I made casually, the current inside is enough to kill you ten times. Many times,

Don't even think about taking it off,

This thing will explode the moment it leaves your body, so I advise you to be obedient! "

After hearing Lin Yu's words, John made no new moves, but honestly did not resist.

Because he didn't know if what Lin Yu said was true, he could only believe it first and then study how to escape later!

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