In Wasteland Survival I have a Dyson Sphere

Chapter 79 Situation and Contact

On top of Lin Yu's heavy truck, John was lying in the cargo box at the back with a lifeless expression.

Looking at the silver-white eggs around me, I was very curious and wanted to study them.

But at this time, he was formed into a big character and was attached to the bottom of the carriage. He was lying on top of the carriage unable to move!

In this way, the two of them quickly arrived at the entrance of Apple Valley!

Looking at the rugged trail in front of me, fortunately the site is high enough for my heavy truck to travel!

Soon, Lin Yu came to the inside of the valley!

Looking at the mutated crocodile carcasses all over the ground, Lin Yu let go of John and asked him to transport all the crocodile carcasses to the side!

Seeing so many crocodile carcasses, John was also surprised.

But he soon knew that these crocodiles were the targets of his investigation this time.

The man from the Qiankun Kingdom in front of him was not surprised by this. Obviously, the death of these crocodiles had a lot to do with him!

After thinking about this, John didn't want to run away for the time being, and was ready to figure this matter out first.

And he also believes that his country will send people to save him.

When the time comes to figure these things out for yourself, not only will you not be punished, but you may also be rewarded!

Lin Yu looked at John who was trapped in fantasy, and felt helpless in his heart.

I don’t know if this prisoner has a brain problem, but he always falls into fantasy!

Seeing John who was lost in fantasy and not continuing to work, Lin Yu activated the electric shock device behind his back!

The powerful current instantly woke John up,

Lin Yu looked at him with a half-smile, shook his head, and continued to work!

Seeing John continuing to work, Lin Yu also started to do his own things!

The first is the establishment of electromagnetic transmission towers.

Because this is a basin, the terrain is relatively low!

To this end, Lin Yu is preparing to fully deploy a matrix research station like a mineral base to place electromagnetic transmission towers!

Before coming here, two matrix research stations had been built, one for researching crude oil technology and the other for agricultural technology.

However, these things cannot be known to the foreigner for the time being, so Lin Yu also stepped forward to clean up the crocodile carcasses, hoping to quickly clean up the place here.

Then put the foreigner outside the basin and prevent him from entering the core area!

Soon, with the cooperation of the two, these crocodile carcasses were cleared into a corner!

Take John back to the outside of the basin,

Here, Lin Yu plans to build a temporary camp!

After setting up the tent, Lin Yu lifted two nuclear radiation batteries from the car behind to absorb the surrounding nuclear radiation and bring the environment here into a short-term normal state!

At the same time, Lin Yu used these two nuclear radiation batteries as the power supply for the temporary camp!

After Lin Yu completed all this, two tents were set up here, one big and one small.

The small one is for John, and the big one is for Lin Yu himself!

After giving John some food, Lin Yu looked at John gobbling up food. Lin Yu didn't know how long it had been since the foreigner had eaten!

After finishing the meal, Lin Yu began to formally question John.

From previous contacts, I already knew that John could speak Qiankun dialect, so communication was much easier!

At first, John wanted to show his loyalty to the motherland, but after Lin Yu gave him two electrotherapy treatments, he immediately became honest!

Now, whatever Lin Yu asks, he will answer!

"Tell me, what is your name and why are you here? Normally, you should have returned to the Eagle Federation long ago!"

"I wasn't originally here. This time, I was ordered to fly a reconnaissance plane and come here for reconnaissance.

As a result, nothing was detected. When I was about to leave, I was shot down by a missile from your country! "

"Huh? Our country's missiles? Are the official forces still there?"

"As far as I know, a lot of the elite troops of the three major forces have been preserved, but I only know that our country has long been prepared for a full-scale war, so there are many large-scale permanent underground bases on the mainland.

Each base can survive for a long time with a population of more than 100,000 people! Through the underground transportation network, as a hub! "

"How many such dungeons do you have in total?"

"I don't know about this. I'm just a reconnaissance aircraft pilot at an overseas base. These are things we soldiers have the authority to know!"

"How much do you know about the other two major forces?"

"I don't know much about the Republic of Qiankun. I only know that your main force is stationed in the northwest, where the mountains are high and thick. It is difficult for our attacks to cause destructive blows to the permanent underground facilities!

As for the Arthur Empire, I know a lot about it. Like us, they also have large underground facilities, but the number is much smaller.

As far as I know, they are harassed by mutant beasts every day and can only fight on their own, trapped on big islands! "

"I didn't expect that the three major forces would still have so much power remaining.

In this way, what Xia Lan mentioned before about the situation of the survivors around him makes sense.

With the official pressure on it, no one dares to act rashly! "

After listening to John's introduction, Lin Yu gradually became clear about the situation in the world!

If you think about it in the worst light, it looks a lot like a purge operation by the Eagle Federation! The Arthur Empire and the Qiankun Republic only responded passively;

However, Lin Yu estimates that the Qiankun Republic should be the one with the best situation among the three forces!

Just like on Blue Star before, here on Water Blue Star, the Qiankun Republic has the same culture and the same tradition of hoarding grain widely and digging holes deeply.

That's why in a land with so many air defense facilities, early casualties are minimal!

After understanding the situation, Lin Yu was ready to go back to sleep.

But at this moment, the sound of people moving around was heard in the distance.

Lin Yu immediately became alert!

After a while, a team wearing protective clothing and holding various weapons arrived here!

Looking at the flag of the Republic of Qiankun on the team's arms, Lin Yu guessed that it should be the official stay-at-home force in this area!

Sure enough, when the other party arrived here and saw Lin Yu and John, he immediately raised his weapons and pointed them at them.

Lin Yu also raised the weapon in his hand and pointed it at the opponent!

The atmosphere at the scene was very tense.

After a stalemate for a while, Lin Yu spoke first, breaking the solemn atmosphere!

"Hello, I would like to ask if this is an official team. The pilot next to me claims to be the Blackbird reconnaissance plane. I wonder if he is the person you are looking for!"

Looking at the team in front of him, Lin Yu simply sold John out!

Following Lin Yu's words, the team members also spoke,

"Hello, sir, this is exactly what we are looking for. I wonder what your relationship is with this driver!"

"I also met this man on the road. I originally planned to save him out of kindness, but unexpectedly, he actually attacked me, so I subdued him!"

"Since he was subdued, why wasn't he tied up?"

"Sirs, there is no need to tie him up. I have other ways to keep him honest!"

With that said, Lin Yu took out a remote control from his pocket!

And this action also made the team on the opposite side tense for a while, and they pointed the guns they had just put down at Lin Yu and the two!

Seeing this, Lin Yu also knew that his actions just now caused a misunderstanding!

He smiled awkwardly and stretched out the remote control in his hand!

A team member took it and looked at Lin Yu with the remote control!

"It has start and stop, plus and minus signs,

The display will show the intensity of the current on it. There is an electric shock device on his back. Once it leaves his back, it will explode, and it is powerful enough to kill him!

And once he gets too far away from me, the electric shock device will be automatically activated and knock him down directly! "

Listening to Lin Yu's introduction, this group of team members were also curious.

But he didn’t press the button in his hand immediately!

The captain thought for a while and decided to give it a try.

After taking the remote control from the team members and letting the other team members disperse, John activated the remote control with a horrified look on his face.

With a surge of electricity, John was knocked down directly!

Seeing John whipping out on the ground, other team members around him were also shocked!

At first, these team members thought it was just pretending, but as time went by, John began to foam at the mouth. This kind of situation is not something that can be performed casually!

Seeing this situation, the captain also stopped activating the electric shock device.

At this time, John had already fainted with foaming at the mouth. There was still a pool of liquid on the ground. Look for Shuyuan It was incontinence caused by the long-term electric current!

Seeing John's miserable appearance, Lin Yu also admired this captain. He was really ruthless. He started it for so long just to verify whether it was an act!

A team member stepped forward to check and after confirming that he had really passed out, he turned back and nodded!

Because I was wearing protective clothing, apart from being a little disgusting, I couldn’t smell the stink!

"Sir, I have now confirmed that what you said is true.

However, we still need you to come with us, but please don’t worry, sir, it’s just a routine inquiry and it won’t take up much of your time! "

"Okay, but I don't know if my heavy truck can be driven. If I leave it here, I'm afraid something will go wrong!"

"Don't worry about this, someone will help you drive to us!"


The current situation is stronger than others, and Lin Yu can't guarantee whether he will get something good if he resists!

Putting down the weapons in his hands, Lin Yu followed the team and left here!

On the way, Lin Yu also thought carefully about it.

If your life is in danger, you have to think about how to save yourself.

The only way is to show your own value,

If nothing else, wireless power transmission is a very good technology.

In exchange for this, I should be able to escape.

And Lin Yu also decided in his heart that once this happens, after he escapes, he will immediately pack up his belongings, expand the scope of the Qiankun Republic, and go overseas to find a new place as his base!

PS: This is written to allow the protagonist to undergo a process of inner transformation, and his destiny must be in his own hands.

From this chapter on, the protagonist will speed up his development!

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