The disciplines of the Baiyunguan, who stayed at Jianye, were all elite in the door.

Especially for the first three, there is a *cultivation base, which is the outer sect elder, which is highly respected.

According to their cultivation base, you can apply for back to the mountain to retreat and get detached.

For the sake of sect big business, these three people still insist on sitting in the secular, and they will not hesitate to delay the cultivation base.

The three people have a discount, and they are also a big hit on the Baiyun Temple!

Qingxuan’s face is unprecedentedly dignified. Knowing that this is a life and death bureau, it is a little bit worse, and you have to fall here!

Within the body mana, unreservedly sent out, flat wind, although the night, Fang Ming eyes, also see the clouds gather, World’s Spiritual Qi like a wave of waves.

“Hah!” Qingzhen real hands form a strange handprint.

I recited the curse: “Huanghuang Tianlei, I am true, I am good at heaven and earth, I am a long-term student… I am sick!”

In the sky, there are dark clouds, faint, and there is a thunder.

“Lefa!” Fang Ming lost his voice.

For the cultivator, the most fearful thing is the power of the thunder and the earth, the people in the monastic way, and the high-ranking people, there is Leifa.

This Leifa, known as “the True Qi of its own, the creation of the heavens and the earth”, “嘘为*, 嘻为雷霆”. Although it is not comparable to Heaven’s Punishment fur, but in all kinds of spells, it is also the largest forformable power, hurting others, not real people are not available.

Now Qingxudong use out of Thunder, it is determined to desperately.

The Qing dynasty curse was printed very quickly. When Fang Ming reacted, he pointed to Fang Ming and drank: “Five Thunder Execution, out!”

Tear off! ! !

The black cloud is torn. From there, stick out a bright white and practice the dragon. Straight down.

Fang Ming expression The unprecedented solemnity, the hand turned over, the city’s big seal appeared, and the sky thunder was printed.

The golden seal was sacrificed, and the golden gas gathered into a wave and rushed to the Thunder.

This is still Fang Ming coming from the city. For the first time, I used the big print, the power out of the ordinary.

Plus Song Yu wins the Qianlong. The number of gas has risen, and even the support for the true body has risen.

The gold seal at this time. Compared to before, formidable power has risen ten times!

boom! ! !

The gold seal and the Thunder contacted and burst into a loud noise.

Fang Ming and Qing Xu are both looking red and vomiting blood.

The golden gas and the white light are constantly entangled and annihilated. After a few breaths, both of them are exhausted at the same time.

Before the gold seal disappeared, it was different, and it fell.

Fang Ming catches. Looking at the gold seal, although the surface is bleak, fortunately the subject is not damaged. Not by the long breath, the income within the body.

The Thunder, only Qingxudong means to live, evolved than the real tragedy, the weak far more than tenfold? Fang Ming is fascinated by Lei Fa. For this vast Heavenly Dao, it is a bit more awe.

“How come?” Qing Xu saw the thunder of his own overdraft. For the god of the city, he was unscathed and could not help but lose his voice.

At this time, around the imaginary, the bright white light appeared, and there were thunderstorms from time to time.

Qingxuan’s face is red, and the blood is spit out, but it is subject to the backlash of Leifa!

Fang Ming sees this, but instead settles down, “This thunder is so powerful that it almost ruined my gold seal. How could the operator be harmless? This backlash is reasonable. Otherwise, before the dream is gone, it has already been used… …”

Qing Xu was subjected to Leifa backlash, and the breath was weaker, almost falling.

At this time, the old road was stunned and sipped: “Even if you can’t stop it, for the sake of the system, you need to pull you on the road!” With his hair scattered, his eyes glowed and he stared at Fang Ming.

Bite your fingers and bear the seal.

Suddenly, the body bloodline expansion, red with rage, the whole body seems to be up in a circle, very terrible!

“Do you want to use any big damages?” Fang Ming is waiting.

“Hah!” Suddenly, since the pores of the body are clear, the blood is constantly bleeding, and the robes are red. It seems that the whole person is immersed in blood, as Asura.

“Disease!” Qing deficiency yelled, blood gas spread, the whole person turned into a bloody long rainbow, burst out, like lightning, disappeared into the sky.

“But actually… actually… ran?” Fang Ming was a little unbelievable.

Qing Dignified real people, but also Baiyunguan sect master, just still generously swearing, swearing to death, but suddenly smashed away.

This huge contrast made Fang Ming react a little.

“hehe… dare to spoof the true body…” Fang Ming laughed.

This bloody method is out of the ordinary, but the backlash will be heavy. Before the Qing Dynasty, he was damaged by the Thunder. Now he is hurt and can save his life.

“Almost!” Fang Ming’s mouth, a mysterious smile appeared.

He made several times to force Qingxu into Danger Realm. Now he is exhausted and exhausted. He is seriously injured. He only walks back to the mountain gate. The Baiyunguan Grand Altar is mysterious. Fang Ming has been searching for more than a decade, and there is no news. It seems that no In the world, now, finally to unveil the veil.

“Now that the cloud of positive things to solve.”

When Fang Ming moved his mind, he came to Yang Yun’s body to know a place in the sea.

People know the sea, profound mystery infinite, can be virtual, this Yang Yun knows the sea, but it is a house, some worn out, it seems to be his old house.

“I have seen God!” Yang Yun came out and cringed.

At this time, Fang Ming, restores the original face, the body is like a glass, and the flame is released, directly to the casual feet. Every movement exudes infinite majesty, but for also some convergence, Yang Yun can not do even close.

“I occupy your body, can you dissatisfy?” Fang Ming asked with a smile.

“Don’t dare! Don’t dare!” Fang Ming’s pressure, almost let Yang Yun suffocate, then said in a row.

“This is human nature, why not fear!” Fang Ming said comfortably: “The matter of true body, has been done, today will return this flesh to you!”

“Ah? Many thanks adults! Many thanks adults!” Yang Yun was overjoyed and bowed again and again. After all, watching others, wearing their own bodies, naturally fear, and now listen to the body to return, victorious.

“Well, your flesh, there was only one year of Yangshou, but now I have nourishment and longevity, I can get it, and I am not afraid of a white bear!” Fang Ming smiled and said good news.

“Ah?” Yang Yun opened his mouth. When he heard that he had only one year of Yangshou, his heart was naturally scared. After all, his family knew his own affairs. He also has an understanding of his own body, and it can be considered a disease. Even if he dies at any time, it is possible.

Now listening to Fang Ming for his easy-washing, longevity, can not help but worship: “many thanks adults! Please also give the name, after the late return, will be enshrined day and night …”

At this tone, but it is a little more heart.

With a day’s body, in exchange for life essence, it is a big expense.

“true body name city battle, is a natural god! You can engrave the true body name, day and night to pay homage, true body will lower Fuze, protect you!” In Jianye, insert a chess piece, it is also indispensable.

“Late your life!” Yang Yun quickly remembered.

Suddenly, when I was black, I went to a square when I returned to God.

The night wind blew, and the body was cold.

Yang Yun touched his hands and feet and knew that he had returned to his body. He was overjoyed and quickly called: “many thanks! God of God! Many thanks!”

At this time, Fang Ming has already been out of Jianye City.

Before him, he secretly made his hands and feet on the emptiness. Now, just follow the mark and go all the way to find the White Cloud Mountain door.

“Hey? Is it here?” Fang Ming was surprised.

According to the imprint, Qingxu did not run far, and it fell into a mountain range in the suburbs of Jianye City.

When Fang Ming came here, he saw a little fanfare and had a mysterious effect. It seemed to be aimed at mortals.

Going in again, the grass and the green onions, there is a small Taoist view, Fang Ming is swept away. There are only a few Taoist priests. Although it is a true repair, it is also in the first step of the Taoist and Master, with the body, but the white clouds. Traces.

Fang Ming sensed the mark of divine power and found that Qing Xu was only staying in this small place and went deep into the mountains.

“Good deeds!” Fang Ming said with amazement.

First of all, the mountain gates are placed near Jianye, which is timid and can’t be done by others.

Others, absolutely, can’t think of it, Baiyunguan, actually hide the mountain gate, outside the Jianye City.

Then, and then dismissed, and used this path to cover. Even if there is a cultivator, mistakenly hit it, and found that it will only be considered a small point of view of Baiyunguan.

This white cloud view, in order to cover the mountain gate, is really attentive.

Fang Ming With the imprint, gradually deepening into the mountain range, along the way, the trees cover the sky, the grass is rich, and there are still such things as ghosts.

These, I am afraid, are also specifically reserved by Baiyunguan, which plays a role in covering up.

Fang Ming, regardless of disregard, is only enshrined with the mark of divine power, all the way through the mountains and crossing the mountains, crossing the river across the river, estimated that the journey has gone a hundred miles, and finally got one place.

It’s surrounded by white mist all year round, and it’s not really cut.

Fang Ming picked up Divine Ability, but it was faintly visible. A green mountain peak stood proudly, with a silhouette flashing in the middle.

“The White Cloud Mountain door is here!” Fang Ming said affirmatively.

“Since it is here, it is time to call hu!”

Fang Ming thought of a move, the day after the sun appeared, the flames were shining, the red and yellow gas gathered, condensed into a huge palm, floating behind.

Reaching for a shot, behind the giant palm, followed by Fang Ming movement, slap to the white fog.

boom! ! !

On the ground, the white mist was scattered by the giant palm, and the white Cloud Mountain door was displayed.

“Hey! Who would dare to scatter in front of Baiyunguan?”

In front of the mountain gate, the golden light flashed, and there were eighteen great men, all wearing gold armor, and the first one came out to drink.

This is the guardian of the gods, before Yu Heng used, but these, I am afraid they are all made with evil spirits, retaining the prestige.

The gods before Yu Heng used the ghosts. The difference is big.

“This mountain gate protection method, I am afraid that Baiyunguan has accumulated for hundreds of years, only got it. tsk tsk … 18 evil spirits, the handwriting is not small!”

Fang Ming has some heartbeats. If these people take it back to study, they can not only see the secret of the door guarding the law, but also have more than a dozen armed forces.

The giant palm was launched again, and the red and yellow entangled, even the 18 golden armor gods would be taken in one!

“Bold!” The gold armor led the explosion. “kill!”

Eighteen mountain gate guards are all drawn out of the knife, formed into a large array, cut off to the giant palm.

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