This array of laws seems to have a synergistic effect. The eighteen gods will merge the blade light into one, and cut it at the center of the giant palm.

The si si sounds, the giant palm is not supported, and it is broken from the middle and scattered into the air.

“Sure enough, out of the ordinary!” Fang Ming’s eyes are bright and unmoved, but more urgent.

With both hands pressed, between the heavens and the earth, Mo Ran emerged with a strong force, oppressing the opposite god.

The leader was shocked and sipped: “The enemy is powerful! Knot Black Tortoise!” Commanding the subordinates, changing direction, connected with breath, rune flashing, into a turtle-like shape, faintly cracked, but extremely strong, resisting Fang Ming oppression.

“Well! Good! Good! It seems that Baiyunguan, you have spent a lot of effort on you!”

Fang Ming nodded, another move, in Void, the giant palm reappears, about ten, or boxing or palm, forming a handprint, exuding the fluctuations, let the gold armor leader, the face changes greatly.

“Go!” Fang Ming sipped.

The giant palms took the wind and slammed into the Black Tortoise array, making a loud noise.

This giant palm is constantly flowing, even if it is broken, it will be generated quickly and hit again.

The leader of the gold armor used a lot of strategies, and it was impossible.

The voice of peng peng continues, the tortoiseshell rune, under the giant palm, gradually dimmed…

In the end, it broke open.

“Impossible!” The golden armor will look incredulously, and his eyes will almost come out. He waits for the 18 people to join hands, and the defense laid down can resist the real person. I don’t want Fang Ming to break a few times.

“true body sees you waiting for some bravery. It is better to follow me and go to the nursing home!” Fang Ming smiled and increased his power.

The giant palm is only turned into golden. Hiding the sky and covering the earth

“Kill!” Golden armor will lead the guards to slash, this time the blade light, cut on the giant palm, just a slight movement, leaving a knife mark, it splits on its own.

On the surface of the giant palm, the golden light flashes. It is to quickly repair the scars and restore them.

The big palm slammed down. Although the golden armor will have armor, it is also pressed to the ground, and the form is scattered and some are not.

Fang Ming smiled. When the giant palms are harvested, several gods who will lose their resistance will pick up and gradually shrink, becoming a golden projectile, flying into Fang Ming cuffs and disappearing.

“Damn! Brothers, fight with him!” The leader of the gold armor roared and rushed.

“This kind of intelligence, but it seems to have done things in the refining. Some do not know how to advance and retreat.” Fang Ming faint comments.

These gods will see the gap between the two sides and don’t think about how to get out. However, I only know that the courage of bloody moments must be erased by the memory of the mind, only knowing my own duties, can be dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

If it is a glimpse, Fang Ming wants to get rid of it, but it is a little troublesome. I am now in the middle of my mind.

The golden giant is constantly flying out and catching the gods. Sealed into beads and earned cuffs.

In a short time, the guardian god in front of the mountain gate will only have one person left.

“These gods, although they are stupid, but it’s good to take a look at the door. My city’s jurisdiction is missing this, just take them to the top and join the facade…”

Fang Ming touched his chin and thought about it. His hands were not slow. The giant hand was swaying, and the last gold armor leader was taken and turned into a golden pill. The faintness was bigger than other similar ones.

“Well! This leader has the best appearance. It seems that before, it will be a hero in the evil spirits.

Fang Ming looked at the golden pill in the hand, very satisfied, the evaluation said.

“The thief!” At this time, loudly shouted came, Baiyunguan at this time, finally reacted!

A big man with a red gourd at his waist, as soon as he came out, he saw Fang Ming’s scene of taking care of the golden armor, and he could not help but see and crack.

These mountain gate protection methods are the accumulation of Baiyunguan for hundreds of years. Now they are being smashed into a net. Even if the Baiyun ancestors resurrected, they must jump.

This great man is the Qing and the real person, behind him, he is followed by many disciples and grandchildren. There is another person, the face is sallow, wrinkled, the hair is dry, the shape is pin-shaped, like a scorpion, all relying on others to support, only barely stand, the body uploads to mark the fluctuations, it is pure!

It seems that this bloody technique is really damaging, and this situation is not good enough to drop the real rank.

Fang Ming is just a glimpse of Qing Xu, and he doesn’t care.

His attention has been drawn to the past by the Qing and the real people. More precisely, it is what Qinghe holds.

This Qinghe real person, holding a long sword in his hand, non-gold non-wood, I do not know what material is made, no scabbard, the whole body is light green color, outside the golden light.

This shape is exactly the same as that offered in Anchang County and Baishuiguan.

“White, cloud, sword!” Fang Ming stopped, calling out the name of Baiyunguan Town Guanzhibao. This is of course not the fake in the Baishui view, but the body of the Baiyun sword.

The core of the attack and the heavy treasure, the foundation of Baiyunguan, it can be said that half of the reputation of Baiyunguan is supported by this treasure.

Now Fang Ming kills dreams, hurts the emptiness, destroys countless counts, hits the mountain gate, clears and helpless, and finally invites the base of this town!

“The true body said that it was only this mountain gate protection method that was resisted. It was originally for the sake of time. Please come out to treasure!” Fang Ming understands why he had not supported the mountain in time when he and the eighteen gods were fighting.

“City God! You immediately let me guard the mountain gods, and then respectfully retreat, but also protect themselves, otherwise …” Qing and sword refers to Fang Ming, persuaded.

This gesture is almost unbelievable in terms of a pure nature.

The enemies all hit the mountain gate, but they just asked the other party to leave. It was a big loss, and there was a commotion in the discipline.

Clear lips and fretting, still did not say anything.

He also knows and cares, this Baiyun sword, although the formidable power is extremely strong, but each time it is driven, it requires a lot of mana, it is the body of the real person, and can not be used in succession.

What’s more, in the event that this city is desperate to fight back and cause damage to the Baiyun sword, what deterrent factions will be taken in the future? The Baiyun view of this robbery is already a great loss of strength, and then the incident is passed. I am afraid that the period of the door will not be far away. At that time, the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are the sinners of Sect!

Because of this concern, Qinghe has a hot temper. Still bite your teeth and let Fang Ming leave, try to keep your strength.

Among them, Fang Ming is just thinking about it. Also guessed one or two.

But slowly shook his head: “true body came here, just to see the power of the Baiyun sword, how can we go?”

One refused the proposal of Qinghe.

“Good! Good! Good! Under the Baiyun sword, I don’t know how many souls are there. Today, I will add another god!” Seeing Fang Ming in Qinghe, I know that today’s things can’t be done well. It is the life and death of you. Coldly said.

Reaching for a touch on the Baiyun sword.

The Baiyun sword Changming, the azure light came out. It turned out to be three feet long!

The body of the sword is wrapped in azure light, visible to the naked eye, and turned into a cyan ray sword.

The pressure of terror is falling on the ground. Even the clear and behind the discipline can’t stand it, and they have retired and vacated a large piece of white land.

This pressure is even more obvious for Fang Ming.

Fang Ming’s robe is windless and automatic, hunting.

“This Baiyun sword, the fruit is not the weapon of the attacking class, the power can be treasured.” Fang Ming looks no joy and no sadness. The comment said.

“This person, how can it be so calm, is it. Is there a backhand?” Qinghe thought.

“Not good!” But she thought of something, struggling to say: “Junior Brother is careful, he has…”

Fang Ming turned over the palm, an azure print appeared, and smiled and said: “Unfortunately, the air is treasured. True body seems to have it too!”

The Taiping Seal was stimulated by the Baiyun Sword and floated out of the air. Exuding the azure ripples, I seem to want to compete with the Baiyun sword.

Qinghe’s face is extremely dignified and slowly said: “Thank God’s Taiping Seal, but from Taishang Road, Saintess Su Xia?”

“Yes! Today, just look at it, the two are strong.” Fang Ming smiles.

Since I knew that the other side of the mountain gate had the number of pressures in Baiyunjian Town, Fang Ming took the Taiping Seal from Song Yu before he came, preventing accidents.

Song Yu has defeated Qianlong, and he has grown up in a long-term manner. He can escape from Taiping Printing for a while and can survive independently.

In Fang Ming’s heart, there are also ways to let the distraction go through wind and rain. Don’t rely on the meaning of the treasure.

At this time, the two sides of the air transport to the Bao Zhengfeng, Void, the green gas surging, entangled with each other, the power of the belt, even the real people are not willing to approach.

The view of Baiyunguan, where you can see such wonders, the eyes are round and almost protruding.

Occasionally, relying too close, they were all shaken by the aftermath, and the blood was directly sprayed.

The crowd was awkward and far away from the distance.

At this time, only Qinghe and Fang Ming looked at each other. The Qing Dynasty was a little closer, looking at Qinghe, with a worry.

“Hah!” Qinghe real person is the first to launch, waving the Baiyun sword, is a glimpse!

Oh! ! !

With the Baiyun sword drawn down.

In Void, suddenly there is a more than 100 feet long azure sword light, headed to Fang Ming!

Fang Ming expression Dignified, a touch on the Taiping print.

The azure light of the plaque is flashing, and a razure is displayed. It has a circling dragon, and the out of the ordinary, together with the sword light.

Bang!! !

A loud bang, the land rolled, revealing the turf.

The distant white cloud disciples were all shaken to the ground, and the head was broken, battered and exhausted.

When I got up, someone shouted: “Mountain… Mountain Gate!”

Everyone was shocked and looked towards the mountain gate.

hiss! ! !

I saw that the original mountain gate had disappeared completely, and there was a big pit left on the ground.

Just after the aftermath, the White Cloud Mountain door was wiped out!

“Qinghe Shishu?” There is a discipline called.

When everyone was shocked, they came to the edge of the big pit, and they saw it and their face was red. They held a sword and confronted Fang Ming.

The Baiyun Sword and the Taiping Seal each show a natural phenomenon, occupying half of the sky and fighting each other.

The sweep of the green gas, the aftermath of the belt, exudes tremendous destructive power and cuts the ground layer.

Seeing this situation, the crowds of the palms are all pinching a cold sweat.

At the center of the venue, Fang Ming smiled: “Baiyun Jianwei can be extraordinary, but unfortunately, it is not a person!”

Within the body Divine power, unreservedly poured into the Taiping seal, has been used up!

At this time, the disciple, you can see, a round of scarlet big day, rising from behind Fang Ming! In this big day, the infrared gold, the external flame, is extremely hot!

This is not what the spiritual eye sees, but it appears directly in the yang, and the naked eye can be seen!

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