After Fang Ming left, he left only a mess of open space and the corpse on it.

At this time, all around crying.

“Uncle Shi!!!”

“Junior Brother, Junior Brother ah!!!” Qing Xu real eye circles slightly red, looking around the discipline, has brought a cry.

Even, there is some sense of decadence.

I quickly sipped: “You wait for the uncle, for my path to survive, generously go to justice, and I should keep in mind, and then hold on to the heart of thin ice, do things bravely and fiercely, and light up our door, and we will not recover our peace of mind… ”

“Sect master is saying!” Around the discipline, gradually stopped crying.

“Under the circumstances, Qinghe is only a military solution, and there is a ghost to repair a way. If there is a chance, there is no chance to see the door of the longevity!”

In the heart of the emptiness, silently thinking.

At this time, there was a breeze on the ground.

From the Qing and the corpse, there is a silhouette, translucent, like a mist, not very real, look at the face, it is Qinghe real people!

This is the soul of the Qing and the gods. Only the Qingxu and several cultivation bases are deep and open, and the discrimice of the eye can be seen.

“Junior Brother! You are just a soul now, your spirit is weak, you can turn into a ghost repair, and stabilize the soul! I will help you!”

“many thanks Senior Brother!”

As for the practice of ghost repair, clearing the eyes of the evil spirits, you will see the earth boiling, reaching for a finger, and the air will come out, and the face will be red, almost inspiring the body.

This place is black and black, and when it comes to the vicinity of the soul and the soul, it will merge into the Qing and the soul.

The peace and the help of the earth. The spirit is gradually solidified.

As the yin becomes more concentrated, it becomes a large group, and it will clear the soul. The whole package was hidden.

Pa pa!! !

In the yin, the sound of the bones is faintly heard.

“Ha!!!” Qing and grit his teeth, bear the yin gas, he is a real person, naturally know that the monk turned into a ghost repair. At the beginning of the mana, it was the level of the soul. At this time, the more the yin is tolerated, the better it will be for future cultivation.

boom! ! !

I don’t know how long it took, and the atmosphere spread. There is a soul shadow.

The face is clear, the blood is gone, and it is intact.

It is the ghosts that repair and harmony.

“Junior Brother, how?” asked the concern.

“By the first time, the yin gas filling, barely have the rank of the Master, it is OK.” Qing and bitter smile.

“So, it’s not bad. The Junior Brother is in front of a real cultivation base. Now it’s turned into a ghost repair. Bottleneck is not there, and all the way to the * division is unimpeded…”

Qing Xu said with comfort.

Refining Qi turned into a ghost repair. Naturally, in theory, what is the cultivation base before life, although the mana is scattered after death, but there is no bottleneck when rebuilt. As long as the yin is enough, you can go along the wind.

Only real people. There are some exceptions.

“Although this is true, but the real ranks are different, there are real people’s military corps in the dynasties, but in the end, the ghosts make a real career, and they are just a real person in the Ming Dynasty!” Qinghe also read a lot of books, know more Secret.

This real person is in the business. When it comes to ghost repair, if you want to restore the old view, there is a big level, it is very sad.

The true people who have always been militaryized are stuck in this step. But once you cross it, I heard that there are also different powers.

At this time, the sun is falling, clearing the body and the body, and there is a wave of fluctuations, which seems to have the image of evaporation.

Qing and face changed, saying: “I am the Master level, see no daylight, and later talk to Senior Brother.”

Qing Xu quickly said: “White yang, for the Junior Brother, is a hindrance, go back to the Yinfeng Cave to cultivate…”

Baiyunguan inheritance for centuries, naturally there is a discipline to encounter the murder of the soldiers, had to renovate the ghosts, the door specifically opened up a sinful blessed land, named the Yinfeng Cave, for ghost cultivation.

This ghost repair, similar to the ghost of the ghost, not a certain cultivation base, can not see the daylight.

The Yinfeng Cave is where the yin converges, which is not good for living people. So there is some distance from the White Cloud Mountain Gate. This time Fang Ming went up the mountain, and a ghost repair was not seen.

What’s more, these ghost repairs, at most, are *cultivation base, which is equivalent to True Disciple, can not stop Fang Ming, and it is useless.

Qing Xu thought about it.

Send a discipline, treat the wounded, and clean up the mountain gate.

The Baiyun view of this robbery, but the strength is greatly damaged, and then there are more violent winds and waves, I do not know how to spend it.

Qing Xuan holding a white cloud sword, suddenly a little powerless feeling…

Time is unknowingly at night.

The monk, although the temperament is weak, is not ruthless.

At this time, within the entire sect, although not crying, but there is also a sadness floating around.

Even the faint feeling of decadence is a bit of a loss of heart.

Baiyunguan inheritance has passed for 500 years, and Weiming has passed the long-distance, and he dominated Wuzhou. Today, he was killed by a person on the mountain gate. Two real people, plus the town to the treasure, were not rivals. In the end, they even forced a real person.

This matter, the white cloud discipline, is definitely a heavy blow, many people, are uneasy, almost Heart Demon invasion.

Qing Xu is in the central great hall, sitting on the futon, but also frowning.

“Senior Brother!” The wind blew past, and there was another silhouette in the great hall. It was Qinghe. At this time, his soul was round and fluorescent, and it seemed to be consolidated in the Yinfeng Cave.

“Junior Brother, you are here!” Qing Xuji, said: “This time, for the brothers to calculate the bad, the harm of the Junior Brother military, it is …” The sound could not help but choke.

“This is a robbery, can’t hide. Now, there is a real person in the door, but there is a big worry!” Qinghe looked pale, but it was another matter.

Today, Baiyun Guan, two real people are seriously injured and injured, even Baiyunjian, are somewhat damaged.

It can be considered that the strength is greatly reduced. Those small groups that have been suppressed by Baiyunguan have been scattered and heard the news, and they are not allowed to hear the wind.

The state’s big factions will also intervene, and even more considerate, or Ann Prosperous City!

These things, there is a solution to the problem, Baiyunguan, it is facing the disaster!

Qingxu brows gather together, and the blue veins move slightly. This is a proof of hard work. After a long period of silence, I still said: “I have been seriously injured before, and forced to display the bloody method, can save the real person’s ranks, is fortunate, non-reconciliation for 20 years can not make up!”

“At this time, it is the wind and rain, the absolute can not be so. I want to swallow the Poison Dragon pill, and then protect the white cloud for ten years, as long as in this decade, can come up with another real person, my Baiyun Dao , but also preserve!”

This Poison Dragon Pill is a secret medicine of Baiyunguan. It takes five hundred years of the essence of the poisonous scorpion, and adds various precious medicinal herbs. It is refined and refined.

After being taken by a real person, regardless of the injury, it can be suppressed for ten years. In this decade, it is no different from the state of prosperity.

But ten years later, the accumulated injuries will occur together, and it will definitely die!

In the act of clearing the emptiness, it is also necessary to guard the body and keep the road.

“Senior Brother!” Qing and his voice choked, “If it was the original…” Seeing that Baiyunguan’s loss was so heavy, he could not help but repent.

“Oh… this is the end of the matter, what else to say! The world is fighting for the dragon, not the achievement of death, this poor Daoist has long been aware!” Qingxu seems to be bearish.

“That…the thing of dreams, is it…” Qinghe remembered another thing and asked.

Qing Xu and Qing He have done fellow apprentices for decades. Seeing the clear and expression, I know that Qinghe wants to use the tiger to swallow the wolf!

In the heart of a move, but for a moment, still shaking his head: “Not right! Not right! Baiyun view is a great loss of strength, any strategy, can not be recovered, this is the reason for the gas!”

The number of qi is the strength, in the end, or the strength problem. Baiyunguan now lacks his own strength. Even if he borrows too much power, he will destroy the city, and eventually he will be a former wolf and a tiger.

“I can tell the story of the dream to be too good. I am a white cloud, and I have closed the mountain for ten years. I ignore the foreign affairs…” The eyes were bright and the decision was made.

“Senior Brother…” said and said. This is to have a strong man’s broken wrist, many of the disciples outside the White Cloud Mountain, the hard-earned business network, have to give up.

Even Yu Heng has to give up.

“Others are branches and leaves. As long as my Baiyun view is still there, it is no problem to give up, but Yu Heng is a real human seed. Just let go…” Qinghe still has some regrets.

“oh! Yuheng’s thoughts are clear and transparent, and I know how to advance and retreat. I have always regarded it as a gem of the great white cloud view, but unfortunately it has been deeply intertwined with the dragon and can’t get away.”

“That city gods, it is already clear that the horses support Song Yu, Li Rubi’s defeat, the potential of the dragon is damaged, and then the offensive and defensive, to save, difficult! Difficult! Difficult!”

Qing Xu thought about it, or shook his head.

“There is another thing, Senior Brother, my White Cloud Mountain door, I have always known only the real people, other foreign guests are drawn through the legal array, how did God find it here?”

The White Cloud Mountain door has always been secret. If there were two real people sitting in the town, it would be nothing to protect.

Now, the strength of Baiyunguan is greatly damaged. If the roots are also leaked, it is really a rainy day and the consequences are unimaginable.

“This matter, blame for the brother!” Qingxu said with a smile: “When I came back, I used the Baiyun sword to wash my breath, and finally found out that this god had done my hands and feet on me, and was followed by all the way, only to leak secrets… ”

Speaking of this, I am still a little scared. “This city Divine Ability is really strange. Even my cultivation base has not been discovered. It seems that he had intentionally let me go and explore the mountain gate…”

“It’s the old way to kill Sect!” The red eyes were red, and the voice choked.

“This is a city treacherous, you must blame the Senior Brother!” Qing and gritted.

At the same time, however, the means of the city’s minds are also awe-inspiring.

“With this god, this Wuzhou, this world, I am afraid that there will be chaos!” Qingxu has seen farther.

“Senior Brother is saying this!” Qing and nodded, asked: “That, do you inform the factions about this…”

Qingxuan shook his head. “At this time, the factions are fighting for the heavens, and they are doing everything they need.

“Not to mention, others will only laugh at me, and the white clouds are incompetent, which is detrimental to the ancestor’s reputation…”

“Wuzhou Longqi, really fell into the hand of Song Yu?” Qinghe is still unwilling, until Li Rubi defeated, he and Qing Xu, have to receive a round of Heaven’s Punishment, although now can be prepared in advance, disconnected.

But it’s just a lightening of Heaven’s Punishment, and it’s hard to say what the outcome is.

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