
At this time, the festival is a joy, but it is a joy. It’s easy to connect with the various servants. Since the last siege of the Linjiang Li Family was broken, the tense atmosphere in the house has eased.

“Adult, this is the brocade from Wang Family, woven with gold silk and silver thread, brilliant and brilliant, matching with adults!”

“The Zhang family sent five BMWs, all of which were smuggled from the grasslands. I heard that there are Tianma bloodlines, handsome and elegant…”

“Yun Family has ten dancers and five violinists. I heard that I have spent a lot of time, it is very famous!”

It is Song Si who said this.

Song Yu picked up a wishful way and played it with his hands. This azure was actually carved out of a whole piece of jade stone. It was not a popular item, but the Aristocratic Family, which was used as a heirloom, was enough. .

The rest are not general, they are treasured. Ordinary civilians can’t see a few in their lifetime.

But at this time, here, it is full of the entire room, shining on the wall, full of fluorescent, Baoguang dim room.

“It seems that Xin’an Aristocratic Family is very afraid of the handsome!” Song Yu laid down his wish and smiled.

“The Lord is destined to be in the body, and the natural hopes are returned.” Song Si said sleek.

Xin’an Aristocratic Family, during Li Rubi’s attack on Xin’an Fucheng, there were many people who had a dark pass, and now Li Rubi was defeated, and the major Patriarchs had to come to sin when the darkness of Li Rubi was incompetent.

These days, the rare treasure that was sent, almost filled the entire festival, even the Song Jade hand. There are also many RBIs.

For these, Song Yu Heart Like a Mirror, but can only glance at it.

after all. He can’t always take the entire Xinan Aristocratic Family. In addition to the particularly bad circumstances, it must be severely punished, and the rest of the Aristocratic Family can only let them fool past.

Although so planned, the necessary blood is still drawn.

Song Yu thought so. Just say: “Well, these Aristocratic Family. I want to come to the ant, there is nothing to do, so you go down. Just say that Xin’an just wars, the city is broken, you have to pay for food, support reconstruction, the number of each family , all are written down!”

“Nuo!” Song Si knows that these Aristocratic Family will inevitably have a big bleeding, but as long as the money is handed over. This time, even if it passed. Not by the dark breath, these days. There are also many people who come to plead with him. This is also a confession.

Song Yu looked at Song Si, his eyes were like the essence, saying: “You have been a lot of fun in the past few days, remember a little. Some people’s things are not acceptable…”

Song Si forehead. Cold sweats straight down, this time siege, there are several, but some have done a lot of lines, the big crime Song Yu taboo, has long been controlled, just wait for the end of the war, you must kill the chicken to warn the monkey.

These Aristocratic Family, in Fucheng, are also very important. They ask for help from all over the place, and the gifts are heavy.

Song Si once was almost tempted, but he had been with Young Master for so many years, and he knew that Young Master’s temperament was held.

Hurry up and down: “Please rest assured that the Song family is a person of Song Family. For those who are trying to shake my Song Family, they are all enemies of Song Si!”

“You know it, this handsome is very deep on you, I hope you don’t make mistakes!” Song Yu certainly knows that this Song Si has nothing to go out of bounds, just to mention a few words, otherwise, Song Si will not stand here. .

After reading the list, he said: “The gold and silver are in the warehouse, and the rest are sent to the master!”

“Master knows that Young Master is filial, and he must be very open!” Song Si Gong said.

“Well! Follow me to the Chamber!” Song Yu put down the gift list and took the lead.

Song Si has been in the body and waited until Song Yu went out to export gas.

This Young Master knows out of the ordinary since childhood. After defeating Li Rubi, every move is deep, unpredictable, and majestic out of the ordinary. Even Song Si, who has been with the elderly for more than a decade, has some guilty conscience.

Talking to Song Yu, I am extremely cautious.

At this time, I quickly told the next person to do things, and I quickly followed.

When I arrived at the Chamber of Deputies, I saw Song Yugao sitting.

Shen Wenbin and Meng Zhu lead, standing on the left.

On the right, Ye Hongyan stood upright, Luo Bin and Song Hu followed closely, as well as Dang Lang, Pan He and the others.

Song jade hand off work, basically, all here.

When the people are waiting, Song Yu looks around and says, “This war, you will work harder, and you will enjoy it later.”

Ye Hongyan, Shen Wenbin, etc. are all worshipping: “To be a public official, do not seek a reward!” This is the proper meaning, but to listen to it, it is a fool!

Song Yu smiled, even if his men are in order to promote the government to make a fortune, follow him, the income is also Song Yu himself, but at this time, needless to say.

In ancient times, you have to pay attention to some sages, and what is righteousness is also a piece of fig leaf.

The eyes are red, and the tone is sobbing: “Everyone treats me with sincerity, Song Yu will not disappoint you!” Song Yu realized that in ancient times, he has become more and more glamorous. The thicker the face, the crying and crying.

Under the guise of seeing the protagonist, I feel that it is really meteorological. I have to say: “I wish to die for the Lord!”

A harmonious scene of a monarch.

Song Yu packed up his emotions and said: “This time the siege, the loss in my town is not small, Wen Bin, let’s talk about it!”

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin was listed. He had talents. Now he is nourished by the official air and transportation, and he is more calm and calm.

Shen Wenbin’s voice was clear. “In this battle, our army killed One Thousand Two Hundred, and seriously injured more than 500 people. There are nearly 2,000 people, all of whom are minor injuries and can return to the team after the month.”

hiss! ! !

Everyone underneath, although there was speculation before, but the truth is heard, still sucked in a breath of cold air.

In this battle, Song Yu’s army has lost more than 30% and is close to collapse.

If Song Yu did not stand out and broke the Li Family army, it would be hard to say what the outcome was.

Song Yu is also a sinking face: “The death and wounds of the soldiers must be sent as soon as possible, calm the hearts of the people! This is the first priority, who dares to delay, immediately dispose of!”

Song Yu started his family and relied on the army. Naturally, he attached great importance. Under the people, I know that this army is the root of Song Yu’s life.

Song Yu nodded, told him: “Wen Bin, recorded what I think, can do the military medical system, each battalion is dedicated to the treatment of the wounded.”

These veterans are wealth. If they are killed in the first battle, they will be killed and wounded. It is too wasteful. They can only increase their medical strength and hope to improve.

Although this military medical system, although there are also many, but more chaotic, Song Yu wants to be full and perfect, forming a provision.

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin recorded, and then asked: “Excuse me, what is the system?”

“Specific affairs, you first consider, and then reported, the town only said a little, the military battalions, clear responsibilities, strict rewards and punishments. Can be given to raise the job, then go up, but also promote the official body, the town does not believe, this Also attracting talent.”

Now that the military doctors are not enough, when there are many people, special training can be set up to cultivate a large number of medical and nursing personnel. Song Yu’s heart is secretly planning.

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin respectfully led the life.

Song Yu waved his hand and let Shen Wenbin enter the ranks. This is what he said: “Linjiang Li Rubi, who dared to attack me, was really daring. Now, although there are little lessons, you still need to eliminate the evil!”

This is to kill to the last one, the following generals, look at each other, have some heart.

Ye Hongyan came out and said, “The Lord, our army just went through a big war. At this time, it is the time to recuperate. If you want to go out of the military, I am afraid…”

The meaning of this statement is obvious.

Song Yu shook his head: “The town has not been mad at the heart, and the soldiers are arrogant. These are all plans for the future. Now I know that you are familiar with it, and some preparations are available.”

“This time, the army has seized a small amount of grain, but the armor is heavy, so it can be armed with a soldier.” Song Yu said that the finger stopped and stopped hitting the table, giving a peng peng.

“As for the money, other Aristocratic Family, will be generous. Song Si, this matter, I will hand it over to you!”

“No!” This was said before, but now it is only repeated.

“The prisoners caught this time are all Linjiang children. It is impossible to drive them to attack Linjiang. They are all fined for hard labor.”

Although these captives have been trained in the military camp, they can use the soldiers after a little rectification, but Song Yu is still prepared to use hard labor and grind the temper.

After all, it is necessary to attack Linjiang afterwards. These soldiers, loyalty, are hard to guarantee.

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan has some pity, but I also know that I have to. Fortunately, after laying down Linjiang, these hard labors are available.

“There is a loss in this army. The notice will be posted tomorrow, and the recruits will be recruited. The strength of our army will be great, and I am very willing to apply for it.”

Song Yu’s brow, said.

In the troubled times, as long as there is money and food, expanding the army is a matter of words.

Of course, if you don’t prepare for the ordnance, then you can’t guarantee it.

Fortunately, the ordnance supported by Li Family is enough.

Besides, Linjiang has nearly 10,000 damages, and no one is more than Xin’an.

Song Yu knows that it doesn’t matter if he is bad, as long as the opponent is worse than you. The army of re-water, after a few battles, became a veteran.

Of course, you still have to try your best to win the military and become a strong army. Otherwise, it is a group of soldiers.

At this time, in Wunan, Song Yu can make a chest to ensure that his army is definitely the first force.

When the whole Wunan was laid down, the new soldiers were almost experienced, and they were called elite soldiers.

“Chen Yun, how is Linjiang moving?” Song Yu’s thoughts have been fixed, just ask.

“reporting to the main public, Li Rubi gathered the soldiers, about three thousand, has returned to Linjiang. On the road Aristocratic Family, see Li Family strength is still there, do not dare to disturb, have let them leave.”

“This kind of wall grass, bullying and fearing hard.” Song Yu hated. But in fact, I know clearly that this is the way to survive the Aristocratic Family. I didn’t have any hope.

The last Song Yu army was also exhausted and could only let Li Rubi retreat.

Since ancient times, in a spurt of energy, and then decline, three exhausted, Song Yu to Li Rubi, has been ignored, just wait for the next time, kill it in one fell swoop!

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