Li Ru’s body is full of dragons, and there is no advantage before.

The momentum is now blocked, and in terms of air transport, it is very bad.

This is called the dragon in the sky, see the dragon have regrets. Flying for nine days, looking back at the land, there is remorse, it is difficult to recover. Song Yu’s insight into the number of gas has been clear comprehension.

Of course, strategically, you can look down on the enemy, but in tactics, you must pay attention to it.

He said: “Increase the investment in Linjiang Prefecture. I want Li Family’s every move to appear in front of the town. Do you understand?”

“Nuo!” Chen Yun decapitated, he is responsible for intelligence, naturally know that the main public’s attention to Linjiang, not to mention, now the main public, is already the first force of Wunan, and later is indispensable!

This World, there is also an allah attains the Dao, even his pets ascend to heaven’s allusion, now, the Lord is still Cao Ye Yingjie, from the Dragon Dagong, just in my hand! At this point, it is the heart of the fire.

Song Yu smiled, since the Xin’an attack and defense, the eye can see his advantage.

Letters from all over the world, Aristocratic Family, are coming from all over the world.

There are also many talented people who have invested in it, greatly enriching the Song Yu regime. At least, the five counties of Xin’an and the government, the lack of bureaucrats, can be filled.

Expressed in the air transport, it is the return of hundreds of rivers, the white gas creeks everywhere, flowing to Xin’an, supporting the Song Yu gas number.

Let Song Yu himself have some feelings of “the life is in the body.”

“The time comes to work with the same force, the hero is not free!” Song Yu somehow, think of the previous life.

Presumably Li Family, Li Rubi’s days are very difficult. Song Yu looked at the direction of Linjiang, and smiled on the surface…

As Song Yu guessed, Li Rubi recently. It is really a cloud of fog.

At this time, Li Rubi is drinking and drinking, and the expression is gloomy.

The defeat of this time is a major blow to his reputation.

The pre-existing fame, not to mention all the passage, is also dissipated a lot.

The most terrible. Still just, I was scorned by Father Li Xun. To know. At this time, Li Xun can be more than a son of Li Rubi!

The reason why Li Rubi can lead Wan Jun, in addition to his own talent, depends on the support of father Li Xun.

Although Li Xun did not make a clear statement, he was to ruin his youth. But you can’t guarantee other children, you have a mind.

Even if Li Xun finally passed the family business to Li Rubi, if he gave up a few points and gave other sons, it would be extremely unfavorable for Li Rubi.

Li Ru was sighed then said and drank another drink.

“Lord!” At this moment, the three came in and said the ceremony.

Li Rubi looked at it. It was three people from Jingjing, Yanfei and Yuheng. They couldn’t help but say, “You’re just waiting, let me drink a few more cups!”

The three men looked at each other. Or Yan Fei’s temper is the straightest, and he said loudly: “The lord! The husband is indomitable, how can he be discouraged by the loss of a moment. You must have experienced a great defeat in the history books, and you have experienced a big defeat. Become a generation!”

Strong, great English ancestors. When the youngsters started to fight for twenty-seven years, they were only able to win the British dynasty. In the middle, they were defeated. The soldiers died and died. Thanks to the women of Wu Jie, they have the courage to bear the escape and save their lives.

Luo Yi is even more unfortunate. It is the former ancestor of the dynasty. The founding of the three hundred 70 years, there are two prosperous times during the period, in the history books, are the model of the Ming master.

Yan Fei compares these two people and sees expectations.

Li Rubi was too nervous to listen, only to feel the big move in his heart, recalling the past and feeling more. The face is red and white.

When Yu Heng decided to see God, he saw the top of Li Ru’s wall, and the Flood Dragon was unyielding. Can not help but rejoice in the heart: “Yan Fei does not want to be a general, the fate of the stars, assisted Qianlong, a few words, you can stimulate the Qianlong, and then fight!”

The current Li Rubi, not to say that he can retreat, on his body, has lived in the expectations of too many people.

Even at this time, Li Rubi wants to rush and retreat, Yu Heng will not agree.

Li Rubi pondered for a moment before he got up. He solemnly said to the three men, “Many thanks the three came to enlighten, but before the wall, it was a little disheartened. Fortunately, Yan Fei advised… Yes, it is Taizu. When there are dragons swimming in the shallow water, I am discouraged by the loss of time. It is really big and should not be sinned!”

“Don’t dare, the Lord can think so, that is, I am waiting for a big blessing!” Feng Jing quickly stepped forward and said.

Yu Heng is also grateful. But in my heart, there is still a cloud. Ruan Lie and Luo Yi, before the defeat, the foundation has been established, the gas transport is deep, and the situation of Li Rubi is different. However, when Li Rubi re-ignited his fighting spirit and stopped, he would not say it.

Li Rubi thought about it, and restored his previous style, and he was very happy with Yuheng.

In the middle, looked toward Yu Heng, and asked: “The Taoist can find out who was attacking at that time?” This happened before Song Yu’s night attack, and Li Rubi could not pay attention.

Yu Heng shook his head and said: “Our army is defeated, and there are many things in the aftermath. I didn’t take care of it for a while…”

This is a lie, Yu Heng has been in the door for many times, questioning the real person many times, but no reply at all, this situation, let his heart, sinking in vain.

This posture is a situation in which the dragon is completely abandoned in the door. Connected, you need to cut off, try to reduce Heaven’s Punishment.

Yu Heng is in a hurry, but Qianlong is also a major event, and it is not allowed.

What’s more, he is connected with the Qianlong gas number. It is already a glory and a loss. If you want to break the connection between Qianlong, you have to abandon him.

This speculation, like the poisonous snake, keeps biting the heart of Yu Heng, these days, Yu Heng has not dared to meditate cultivation, to avoid the Heart Demon invasion.

Now, it is already a bureau of internal and external difficulties. After Yu Hengsi thinks about it, the only way to crack it is to help the Qianlong as soon as possible, to win, to build confidence, to lobby inside and support again.

Now take the opportunity to say: “The Lord is new and defeated, and it is greatly ruined. You still have to try to make up for it…”

Li Rubi smiled and said: “What is the law now?” He lost every day and lost his luck. Many formerly respectful people, now the relationship is cold, and the right to speak is greatly reduced.

“When this is the case, there is only one policy that can be saved!” Yu Heng chop nails and sever Iron.

“How can the Taoist teach me?” Li Rubi’s eyes brightened and asked.

“Come on the next house and give it to the adults.” Yu Heng said quietly.

“Dao Chang is going to make fun of it!” Li Rubi’s face was unpleasant, and he thought that Yu Heng was coming to enjoy him.

Instead, he calmed his eyes and said slowly: “Wenchang!”

Yu Heng nodded: “It is Wenchang! I have already found out that yesterday, Zhu Xun has already laid down Dingyuan County, clearing the obstacles to Wenchang House, and then there will be a big fight!”

“Zhu XVI has a temporary temperament, but the Wenchang Aristocratic Family is not universal. The county is looking forward to the family. The inheritance is 100 years old. It is famous for its killing of the Aristocratic Family. This is a matter of life and death. Wenchang Aristocratic Family It is bound to join forces to resist Zhu Jun!”

“The lord’s failure to attack the new security before, but because Xin’an has long been unified, the command is unified, and there is a defense of the city, only a small setback.”

“Now Wenchang is a loose sand, just take it!”

Yu Heng’s eyes are bright, one after another. This is also the only way he has broken down in the past few days.

This strategy, which was planned by Li Xun, should have been launched. Because of the Song Yu thing, he was forced to run aground.

Now that the old things are mentioned again, Li Xun will be able to accept it.

After all, there were layouts, but now it’s just a reboot.

What’s more, Yu Heng has already seen Zhu XVI air transport, and has been deeply influenced by the Qianlong. In congenital, he was restrained by Qianlong. If Li Rubi personally went out, it would be Kenting Jieniu, very easy!

Yan Fei has a heavy clap: “The Dao Chang this policy is very reasonable. Before, the army’s She Wenchang did not take it, but he went to attack Xin’an. I thought it was not appropriate for the old Yan. The way of the art of warfare was easy and difficult. Easy to take care of?”

Yu Heng and Li Rubi looked at each other. This ancestral warning is a big secret. Even now, knowing it is also awkward. Although Yan Fei has a handsome talent, but has not really entered the core, of course, he does not know.

The more I think about Li Rubi, the more I feel that Yu Heng’s policy is big and symptomatic, and I can’t help but notdded.

Yan Fei said again: “As long as you hit the following Chang, when you go to the two government to attack a government, then Xin’an, no luck, you will be able to revenge in the past!”

When it comes to this, Li Rubi’s eyes are also full of resentment. Since he was born, he has had nothing to do with it. Only in Xin’an, he suffered the first defeat in his life.

Song Yu, the same age, almost took away his brilliance.

Before the Wunan land boundary, the evaluation of the two people was to favor Song Yu. Now, it is a high judgment!

Li Rubi strong export gas, will be under the pressure of the air, and immediately asked: “But if Xinan is involved, Wenchang situation, but it will be difficult to predict!”

Song Yu is not a fool. If Li Rubi attacks Wenchang, he will not sit down. When the two are in Wenchang, they will inevitably collide.

“Lord Gong. Although our army has suffered a small defeat, but the Song Yu army is also a man who is sleepy and has lost more than half. It must be recuperated. But I have support, money and food are not lacking, and I can re-start the army at any time. Song Family is shallow. I am afraid that it is stretched! This is a godsend!”

“What’s more, if Song Yu intervenes, I should wait for the action to be more intensive. Otherwise, I will give Wen Yu to Wen Yu, that is, he will attack me with the land of the two houses. When the situation is really corrupt, it will be irreparable… ”

Yan Fei said with a cut.

“Not bad!” Yu Jing also expressed support.

Li Rubi sees that all three are like this. I have calculated it several times, and I feel that it is not possible to send troops.

“Good! I will go to the book father tonight, ask him to send troops and attack Wenchang!” Li Rubi finally made up his mind.

“The Lord is wise!” Yuheng three, are all talking.

But at this time, Yu Heng, but there was a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, he was afraid of it, then he shook his head and forcibly threw the thought out of his mind.

After making up your mind, after going back, you will report the matter in detail and hope to get support.

After all, giving up the potential of Qianlong, Baiyunguan will not be damaged. If there is a way to support Qianlong to take off again, then Baiyunguan is still not successful, and I will be happy to see it inside.

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