At this time, Fang Ming has returned to Anchang.

At night, Fang Ming carries a jug and decides on the moon.

The mind is not in the scenery, looking at the direction of Wenchang, his face is dignified.

“Wenchang land, bloody sky, there must be a big battle, death and injury!” Fang Ming said to himself.

This is also consistent with the news brought back by the Japanese god.

Zhu XVI, recently, is also unwilling to be lonely. In the Battle of Xin’an, he captured Dingyuan County and opened the road to Wenchangfucheng. Seeing the people of Wenchangfu City, you will have to be robbed!

“This Zhu XVI, it is quite ambitious! If it is not wrapped up by the potential of the Qianlong, it must be a great cause!”

Fang Ming faintly commented that he was influenced by the potential of Qianlong before, but since Song Yu defeated Li Rubi, he could feel that the power of World around him was greatly reduced. Now, the potential of the Qianlong, the clamping of Fang Ming, has been greatly weakened.

“Hey?” Fang Ming found out that he was in Divine Ability.

A red light, rising from the direction of Linjiang, such as Changhong, faintly with dragons, and Wenchang.

“It seems that Li Rubi is unwilling to be lonely, but also to insert a hand!” Fang Ming smiled and drank another drink.

Ding dong! ! !

The sound of the ring sounded, and it was pleasant to hear. With the unvoiced voice, a beautiful woman came slowly.

This beautiful woman is dressed in Chinese clothes, with a soft body, fair skin, and a beautiful appearance. It is a stunning color!

“Master! The night is cold and wet, but please go back to the house for a break! Just a few songs and dances…” Liren persuaded.

“hehe! I am the body of the gods. How can it be cold?” Fang Ming looked at the bright moon in the sky and said with a smile.

“It’s a lot of worry… For more than a decade, I thought I was in the world!” The eyes of the beautiful people were lost. It seems to think of something.

Fang Ming went forward, clinging to the beauty wrist, reflecting the moonlight, like fine jade.

“Man Yun, what’s in your home, true body doesn’t know much, let’s talk about it in detail!”

Fang Ming is playing with Manyun’s wrist. On the face of Manyun, there was a red cloud. Listening to the words of Fang Ming, the jade hand is slightly shrunk.

“Being here, I have already told the lord before, I want to be a busy person… I am a Wenchang person. I have a small asset in my family, a family of poetry and a book, and I am a child from a small body. When I am looking at aunt in Anchang, Cautious illness is not saved… Fortunately, Husband has been taken over…”

When Manyun said this, his eyes were fixed on Fang Ming, and all of them were full of love.

“Where, you are both talented and proficient in singing and dancing. With your company, true body is also very happy!” Fang Ming smiled and provoked Manyun’s chin. Appreciate the skin that Manyun blows and breaks, and speaks warmly.

“There is no long thing in the body, and I would like to serve Husband with color art…” The red on the face of the beautiful woman has spread to the jade neck.

“It’s awesome!” Fang Ming put Man Yun into his arms and asked, “Do you know why true body has a lot of wives, but is the most pampering you?”

Manyun leaned on Fang Ming’s shoulder. Softly said: “I want to know how to advance and retreat, and to recognize the general…”

Fang Ming laughed: “Not only that, but also. You are the person who sent Baiyun Guan, how can the true body be slow?”

When this statement comes out, Shi Potian is shocked!

This Man Yun, Fang Ming’s favorite for more than a decade, is actually the darkest under the Baiyunguan!

Moreover, Fang Ming seems to have been informed for a long time, but has always been cited.

“The adults laughed, what white clouds view…” Manyun was a stiff body and immediately wanted to break away from Fang Ming.

Fang Ming has a force in his hand, where Man Yun can come out, his face gradually turns pale.

“You are the lineage of Baiyunguan?” Fang Ming asked, it seems that Manyun is the person of Baiyunguan.

Man Yun is a bright woman. When I look at Fang Ming, I know how to distinguish it. It is useless. There is a bitter smile on the corner of my mouth: “The body is the outer disciple of Baiyun. There is no entry, but the father is the scholar of the jade. Virtual reality lineage.”

“You can’t be physically strong. It seems that for the sake of lurking, there is no sacrifice.” The ghost that was transformed into a Taoist method is different from ordinary people. It can be seen at a glance, but Manyun is no different from ordinary people.

“But it is abolished meridian, broke the sea Tianmen that’s all.” Manyun, although on the surface, the clouds are clear, but the slightly trembling body is betrayed her.

This monk has abolished mana and is no different from ordinary people. However, the pain of dispersing work is like a thousand.

Manyun raised his head reluctantly and looked at Fang Ming: “How do adults prepare to deal with the body?”

Fang Ming shook his head slightly. “You have been lurking for many years, but it is not damaging to me. What is sin?”

Manyun smiled bitterly: “It is a great crime to be ineffective in monitoring and harming the real person! When I did not know the adult, when did it be discovered?”

“In the beginning, I knew it.” Fang Ming said faintly: “I still want to keep it, to confuse the snake, to pass on some false letters, and to obtain benefits.”

“But with the true body’s recent thoughts, it is disdainful, and it is downgrading itself!”

This means that Baiyunguan is no longer worthy of using Fang Ming!

Also, in the event of a direct crushing of the past, it is clear that its own strength is greater than that of crafty plots and machinations, but it is a big drop.

This is also inconsistent with the mysterious meaning of the gods. Fang Ming recently, with the cultivation base moving forward, the promotion of the gods, and more importantly, the weakening of the potential of the dragon, only to feel that every move, not happy.

It has gradually come to the predecessor of Confucius, from the heart of what is desired.

As Fang Ming said, Manyun’s heart is gradually sinking. As a result, her ten years of humiliation is like a joke.

The blood on the face is gone, “The adult will point out at this time, and there must be instructions, please also show it!”

“Surely, you are smart!” Fang Ming said with amazement: “When you go to inform the people behind you, you say that true body is very interested in you and let you stay here. Also, true body is willing to join hands with Baiyun Guan to help Song Yu! ”

Man Yun Xiukou is slightly open and stays in place.

Immediately and bitterly: “Why should adults be entertained?”

“haha…” Fang Ming laughed and kissed him on the face of the jade: “You are too low to look at yourself. The true body is a sight to you, but it is also a color soul grant, you can’t yourself! Since Baiyunguan is so beautiful , true body, why not laugh?”

If you want to, you will pick it up.

Fang Ming loves Man Yunmei and keeps him strong. Who can stop it?

Manyun looked blushing and reluctantly said: “Come on this and go to the letter…” At this time, she was still in the arms of Fang Ming.

Fang Ming smiled and bitten Manyun’s earlobe: “Tonight, you come to sleep!”

Waiting for Manyun’s ear bead to be red and bloody, let go, Manyun is like a frightened deer, flying like a run away.

Fang Ming looked at Manyun’s back and smiled.

If Fang Ming is a mortal, then Manyun is no longer a national character, and will not be placed around, causing disaster.

But the yin world is different, and the gods and powers are attributed to themselves.

Every level of difference, in strength, is difference between Heaven and Earth.

The current Fang Ming is standing there, and Ren Yunyun is showing that he can’t damage half of the hair.

Divine Ability, if there is hostility, can quickly find out, not afraid of the other party to start, only to stay in Manyun.

It seems that this woman is also intelligent and has no bad ideas.

In the middle of the Baiyun Temple, there is more contact person, which is not bad. Fang Ming touch the chin, faint thinking.


At the same time, the Xin’an Festival made the government, Song Yu pen went to the dragon snake, and when it was not long, he wrote a letter, and when the pen and ink dried up, he only got the envelope.

“You send this letter to Jianye Baiyunguan!”

Song Yu handed the letter to one person. This person is dressed in a robe, three 40 years old, holding a handle and whisking, quite a bit of meaning.

This is the newly-received cultivator. The track number is leisurely. It has a *cultivation base and a pure red air. It is a sect master that sects the “Sanyuan Mountain”.

The windy people took it with respect and bowed their heads. Asked: “The lord, the subordinate does not know where the White Cloud Mountain is located, can only be sent to the vicinity of the general view, fearing that it is a delay…”

“No problem!” Song Yu smiled and said the White Cloud Mountain door.

Finally, instructed: “You can give this letter to Baiyunguan, and you don’t need to say anything else, go quickly!”

“As you bid!” In the eyes of the wind, the surprise color flashed past, and the strength of the main public, a little more judgment.

Before seeing Song Yu, it was the sublime that defeated the Baiyun Temple. The wind and the real person were the big moves in the heart, and they took the initiative to win the air.

Now see the main public and even the White Cloud Mountain door knows that this is hidden. How does Song Yu know? The wind and leisure, through a salute, glanced at it, only to see the golden gas full of halls, dragons and dragons flying, could not help but feel unfathomable, and quickly retired.

Out of the hall, only long export gas, Song Yulong gas majestic, like a heavy mountain, pressed the wind and some breathing inconvenience, now to the outside, is a chest, a lot of refreshing.

“Humanistic air transport, it is not the same as a small, the main public has this image, the future will be expensive!” Feng Xian said in his heart, quickly set off, rushed to Jianye to send a letter.

In the hall, waiting for the wind to go out, behind the screen, only one person was transferred.

Just now, I was busy here, with the *cultivation base, I didn’t find it!

“How do you see this person?” Song Yu asked to play with the paper in his hand and asked casually.

“Wind and leisure people, in Wunan, also have some fame. This time, but to get some air transport, funding cultivation, not a major event.”

This person sounds crisp and is actually a woman.

It is also the Taoist dress, it is the water lotus!

“Yeah!” Song Yu nodded.

“It’s the main public. What did you write about Baiyun Guan in the letter? Is the water lotus very curious?” The water lily Taoist smiled and defeated Li Rubi. The cloud that was pressed against her heart also dissipated a lot. At this time, the whole person, Have a lively anger, see Song Yu, are all in the eye.

“There is nothing wrong with it, that is to say, I admire the deeds of the Qing Dynasty, and master the classics. I specially sent people to send letters, and asked him to come and help one or two!” Song Yu smiled and said the words, but Shi Potian was shocked.

“Can this be done?” Shui Lian half covered the show and asked.

This master, doing things really arrogant, just had a big battle with Baiyun Guan, I thought about recruiting.

Shuilian still doesn’t know the details of the day. If she knows that Song Yulian is killing one of the real people, I am afraid that even the eyes will be thrown out.

“There is 70-80% to grasp.” Song Yu’s eyes fretting, the analysis said: “Qing Xuzhen, people have always known that advance and retreat, now Qianlong, has something to do, trust me, but can avoid Heaven’s Punishment … General Be tempted…”

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