Three days later, the White Cloud Mountain door.

“Senior Brother, you use the Fetion book to call me over, what is it for?”

Qing and the soul are erratic, half floating in the air, not asking.

Although this great hall is equipped with a method, it can keep the spirit, but how can it be convenient to have a shadow? Qing He has been living in the Yinfeng Cave since he became a ghost repairer, and he has made up his mind to make up the cultivation base.

Now I received a letter from the sect master Senior Brother. I don鈥檛 understand it, but I know that there must be something to do. I rushed in and asked as soon as I entered the door.

“Junior Brother, you are here!” Qing faint greetings, look gloomy and uncertain, said: “For the brothers today to receive two letters, they are all important, do not dare to specialize, specially invited Junior Brother to discuss… 鈥?/p>

Qing Xuyi refers to the table, Qinghe sees this, the great hall center, the sandalwood table, is holding two letters.

“Senior Brother has not decided, closed the mountain for ten years, ignore the foreign affairs?” Qing and faint thought, but did not say much, from the front.

When the hand flashes, the envelope is picked up.

Although this letter is a sacred thing, Qinghe is a real person. There are also many secret laws in Baiyunmen. It is still feasible to use the masculine things slightly.

These two letters, one is the intelligence in the door, one is the outsider, but it is almost the same thing.

“鍢?!!” clear and sucked in a breath of cold air.

“This Song Yu, even asked Senior Brother to help out. It is…” This Song Yu, and Baiyunguan, the relationship is absolutely not good. Suddenly, please ask Baiyun Guan, help and instinct, and want to refuse.

But look at the Senior Brother expression. It is a move in my heart.

If it is normal, Senior Brother has long been able to make its own decisions, and now he is called. In my heart, there are already some moves.

Qinghe once again associates with the current situation of Baiyunguan, and he understands the consideration of Qingxu.

The world is fighting for the dragon, not to die.

Although Baiyunguan has decided to abandon the potential of the Qianlong, the mountain will protect itself.

But, is it so easy to stop?

After all, Baiyunguan was from 16 years ago. It began to secretly fund the Qianlong, entanglement. penetrating.

Now give up, Yu Heng will die, and Baiyun Guan will also suffer a lot of damage. Even Qing Xu and Qing and two real people, there is also a Heaven’s Punishment.

If the two real people were in good condition before, and then rely on the Baiyun sword, they would always be able to spend.

But all this, since Fang Ming hit the mountain gate, it is different!

Qing and death, become a ghost repair, the road is greatly damaged. Now is the mage cultivation base.

Although Qing Xu relies on Poison Dragon pills to suppress injuries, it can’t be easily done. Avoid injury early onset.

As for the Baiyun sword, which was regarded as the treasure of the town by Baiyunguan, it was also damaged because of the previous events. Although Qingxu tried its best to repair it, but in a short period of time, what effect?

The current view of Baiyun. It is really impossible to experience the twists and turns!

Qinghe Shen said: “Senior Brother thought, I can guess one or two. But that Song Yu, is it really the Lord? Not to mention, there is the city god, do you agree?”

“Now, the sky is awkward. Since the rise of Song Yu, after defeating Qianlong, it is even more chaotic. The matter of Wuzhou has already left us to control.”

“When Song Yu, if he can overcome the Qianlong, his body will not only be the dragon of the great ancestors, or is this cloak?”

Qing Xu caress the goatee, and he screams.

Qing and nodded, in the past, the dragon has also had the situation at this time, Qi of True Dragon hides, borrowed from the Dragon Dragon to protect himself, so that several of the investment at that time, almost lost bleeding, removed from the cultivation sector!

Li Rubi’s strong ancestors, Flood Dragon’s gas is sufficient, Song Yu only rely on a trace of dragon, it is really unlikely to support under Li Rubi, and finally won.

“This child is a gas, with a dragon mask, and the city god, for his cover, I can’t see the foot.”

Qing Xu shook his head and sighed. When the Qianlong was defeated, he was naturally unwilling to go back to the door, calculus many times, and almost evoked the body injury in advance, but he still had nothing to gain.

“But since you can’t look at it, you can compare it from the strength of Yangshi.”

鈥淚 have been collecting Song Yu鈥檚 intelligence since the last time. Now I can explain to Junior Brother.鈥?/p>

Qing Xu went aside and came to the bookshelf, picking up a thick stack of papers and talking to Qing.

“I want to hear the details!” Qinghe listened.

“This Song Yu was born, it is very ordinary. Whether it is Song Family or the mother family Shen Family, it is not a famous name, just a big family!”

“I don’t know, the city god, how to choose him, give the dragon a gift, want to come to the dragon from now on, and never get out of it.”

“Keep the Great Accomplishment, defeat Qin Zongquan, self-styled Xin’an Town, make it a hegemony!”

“Today, I have already lost the dragon, and I have nearly 10,000 troops. In Wunan, I can count the strength first.”

鈥淟ooking at Wuzhou, the Imperial Court鈥檚 power is getting weaker. Although Jianye is still in control, but in the towns and towns, which one is not secretly recruiting and expanding the strength? Recently, Peng Ze and Yu Zhang both also formed swords. After the event, although Imperial Court has a swearing, but who is listening to the whole Wuzhou?”

“At this time, if someone can take advantage of the situation, they will be able to sweep across Wuzhou, Successful Dominance!”

“Original, this is an opportunity for Qianlong, but at this time, the potential of Qianlong鈥檚 take-off has been broken. Only Song Yu can follow it…”

Qing Xu slowly said that Wuzhou and Song Yu, very deep understanding, it seems that it is a lot of effort.

“So, is the Senior Brother very optimistic about that Song Yu?” Qinghe asked.

“Not so, who can choose?” Qingchao smiled and asked.

Qing and his lips moved, or did not say anything, the heart must also admit that Song Yu, indeed has the hope of unifying Wuzhou.

“If I wait at this time, I can not only avoid the robbery, but until later, Song Yu will achieve Wu Wang. In the past, all the sins can be written off, and the humanity can be enshrined and the Baiyun sword can be repaired.”

The voice of Qing Dynasty was clear, but Qinghe still came from it, and heard a hint of excitement.

“If the Senior Brother said, it is natural, but the god of the city…” Qinghe has some worries. Since the last time Fang Ming was so powerful, there was a shadow in Qinghe鈥檚 heart.

“It’s a good thing, Qing and Junior Brother, you know, I have been waiting for the dark child in the Chenghuang Temple. I have already heard the news. The city god, I have the intention to join hands with me!”

Qingxuan was cautious. In order to test the strength of Fang Ming, I specially selected several excellent outer disciples, abolished the cultivation base, and sent them to Anchang. I don’t want any useful news.

It is also wrong to estimate the strength of the city, causing the disaster of today.

Today, even undercover is discovered.

If it weren鈥檛 for the Manyun, it鈥檚 still quite favored by the city, and Qingxu has already recalled these people and asked for sin.

“Why is that god doing this? Isn’t it afraid that I will divide the air?” Qinghe is somewhat puzzled.

“Nature is to see that my white clouds are deep and leafy, and I know Wudi very well. I am very helpful to Song Yu.”

“He had funded all the way before, and he had a relationship with Song Yu. It was extraordinary, and he did not worry that I would grab the position.”

I have to say that after the reincarnation of the reincarnation, Song Yu鈥檚 soul and soul have changed, and it is awkward to let the Qing Dynasty guess.

“Is this God so easy to let me wait?” The city is a god, it will be better, this time will be so kind, help Baiyun view, get out of the difficult, clear and the first unbelief.

“Which is so simple, there are requirements, let me wait for the dragon to be a name.” Qingxue smiled and said.

This matter is also natural, to prevent the white clouds from walking on the two boats, when the wall is grass.

As for Yu Heng鈥檚 advice, Li Rubi said that he was determined to attack Wenchang.

“This… Qianlong is now like a building that will be tilted, irreparable, and will be retired, but Yuheng, there are still some pity…”

Qing and Shen for a long time, there is no contradiction to give up the Qianlong, after all, before, it has been fixed. But when you look at the way, you can get away from it, and you can’t help but persuade Yuheng.

“In order to survive, I can sacrifice! I believe that Yu Heng will understand that I am waiting for my pains.” Qing Xu said, in the words, Dao Cultivator is ruthless!

In addition to seeking self-improvement, the world’s Refining Qi is a free-spirited one, and there is still some concern. The rest are indifferent.

Qinghe can ask twice, it is enough to see the truth.

Now I saw the decision of Qing Xu, and finally closed my mouth, no longer persuaded.

At this time, Yu Heng did not know that the city was the background of Song Yu, only to offer, attack Wenchang.

This matter, as long as Baiyun Guanlian Yu Heng lie together, on the bright side, still support the Qianlong, secret, but with Song Yu teamed up.

That attack on Wenchang, the potential of the dragon is not spared.

This is also the vote for Song Yu, the name of the cast!

鈥淪enior Brother has made up his mind, then I only agree, but it鈥檚 about the survival of Baiyun, and I鈥檓 looking for Senior Brother, properly disposed of!鈥?/p>

Qing Heji said.

“For the brothers will have it!” Qingxu sees clearly and has no objection, said with a smile.

Seeing the Qing and the face, some were unwilling, and persuaded: “The city is stunned, and now it is a big man. It is also looking for the Junior Brother. For the time being, I can鈥檛 help but have to be a minister…”

Clear and bitter smile: “Senior Brother rest assured, I won’t be mad at it!”

Clear and clear, and the face is gray and defeated, quite a bit disheartened.

I can鈥檛 bear it, or I鈥檓 going to put it out.

鈥淛unior Brother rest assured that the city is blasphemy, breaking the mountain gate and forcing the enmity of the Junior Brother, and remembering for the brothers, there will always be one day, the city will be blasphemed, and will receive retribution…鈥?/p>

There seems to be a flame in Qinghe鈥檚 eyes. This kills the flesh and breaks the hatred of Yang Shixian. How can I forget it? Before, he heard that he had to join hands with the city to reconcile. Although he knew that this was the best disposal at the moment, his heart was still stagnation. Now he listened to the whispering tone. It seems that there is law to revenge, the heat in the chest rises, and the face is earnest. The color is full.

“Hey! Qianlong temperament, is still going forward, let alone True Dragon?”

“That Song Yu, although it was only before, with the help of the city, can you do something, but you see, now there are several city temples in Xin’anfu?”

Qinghe鈥檚 eyes are bright, “Do you mean?”

“Yes, I think the festival will make my heart, and there is some scruples about the city. After all, how can the yin of the jurisdiction be manipulated by one person? It is the Dagan, the banned ghost department, and the management of the state. Not all are entrusted to the road.”

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