Dagan Taizu, set up a banned ghost department, manages the evil spirits of the world.

Forbidden Ghost Director, there are three grades, from generation to generation, are all on the sect master.

At the central level, the Forbidden Ghost Division is also a member of the Taishang Disciples. Examine the ghosts, super savage ghosts.

But this situation is different in every state.

At the state level, the Ghost Division is in charge of the various states, and it is not the right to ask questions.

This is also the differentiation of Dagan Taizu.

“Junior Brother, you see, that Song Yu, recently secretly spread the list, soliciting strange people. Wunan Sanyuanshan, teaching and leisure, has been trusted, and has been reused. There are several small factions, all of which are somewhat move.”

“That Song Yu is doing this, and the city gods must be more and more centrifugally separated from Germany. This is our chance…”

Qingxu touched the goatee, said with a smile, and the hatred in his eyes flashed past.

“Not bad! Good!” Qinghe heavy punches.

“At that time, I will wait for the big sneak sneak in, and use the dragon to wipe out the city, to report the hatred of the past!”

This is also the struggle between theocracy and the kingship. No matter which side of World, there is a trace, the difference is only obvious or not.

Fang Ming If you are here, you have to be great.

This is why he was not willing to rely on Qianlong or a hero.

After all, the two are inherently wrong, and they want to put their hands into each other’s fields.

Fang Ming is a god, but there is no good solution to this, if you choose a side of the dragon to assist. In the end, it is bound to form a confrontational situation, so that the previous investment, all white.

So I would rather do it alone. Although it is dangerous, as long as you hold on, you are not afraid of divorce.

Although this plan is good, it is doomed to be unsuccessful from the beginning.

If Qingxu knows the identity of Song Yu, he can’t say it, he has to live alive and die.

But at this time. Qing Xu and Qing He, I feel. This is great.

“Well, I have made up my mind, but I have to prepare in advance.” Qing Xu said: “Through the letter to Yu Heng, it is said that two real people have nothing to do. Before the other important things in the door, I will return first and let him Continue to assist Li Rubi. Other dark veins can also be used to subsidize a batch of grain to protect their hearts.”

“And, I will shoot later, blinding Yu Heng’s secret!”

In the heart, Yu Heng has been regarded as a dead person.

As a chess piece, it is so miserable. For a little benefit, it was dragged out and slaughtered.

Baiyunguan has to fool Yuheng, but it is extremely simple. The emptiness is a real person, and the shots are blinded, and the method of acting in a way that defeats one’s purpose is given.

Qing and long sighed then said, before thinking of it, appointed Yu Heng as sect master disciple. When I was born to help the dragon, it was also in this great hall. At that time, Yu Heng, Feng Shen Yu Lang, corrective and unconventional, heart-breaking, but now it is going to fall into a dead!

And, the hands-on, or his Master, uncle, can not help but rise the impermanence, the sense of life and death.

On the same day, a secret letter was sent from Baiyunguan. After secret channels, it was sent to Yu Heng’s hands.

Li Rubi got the subsidy and successfully persuaded Li Xu to be able to lead the army again. The 3,000 people who had been withdrawn from Xin’an, plus the newly recruited two thousand soldiers, gathered 5,000 people, and claimed to be thousands of people, killing Wenchang!

The great army, out of the city gate, in the middle of the line, Yu Heng Zhang Kai Ling eyes, looking at the heavenly machine, look dignified.

I saw the distant mountain range in the green hills, the dragons are constantly flowing, the silk is transported, and the boiling is uncertain. At the bottom, even with a scarlet, it is red as blood.

In the end, a large group of Huang Qingqi rushed out and merged into Li Rubi’s air transport. The green scorpion got these, and the wounds were full, and the baring fangs and brandishing claws seemed to be preparing for the war!

“The dragon is boiling, this is the nest!” Yu Heng feels that the dragon is also consumed, Li Rubi’s last defeat, the air transport will hurt a lot, and now, to send troops.

We cannot build a solid foundation, and the gas transportation is deep, and we cannot get the support of the people’s air transport. Our own expenditures are constantly increasing.

Although the Daqingshan Dragon Vein is thick, it must not be so consumed.

Now there is blood color at the bottom of the dragon’s air, but the ancestors have spared no effort to consume the source and support it.

“If you can’t win this time, the Li Family will be broken down to irreparable. When the body is dead, it is possible!” Yu Heng naturally knows what this means.

In my heart, I felt a sense of ominousness.

“No! No.” Yu Heng comforted himself.

“I was stunned last night, but I got the image of the big man. The lord of this time will be able to win the flag and successfully play the following chang. When the time comes, Xin’an Song Yu, but the clown, will disappear.”

“It is the battle of Wenchang, and the city is bound to be shot.”

When I thought of Fang Ming and Yu Heng, there was a complex color. He was concealed from intelligence, and the memory of Fang Ming stayed a dozen years ago, but even so, it was impressive.

After all, he came out of the mountains and lost for the first time, which was folded in the hands of Fang Ming!

“Fortunately, Master, this time, also promised to take the shot, Master is a real person cultivation base, that city god, this time even if you have a plan, you can’t escape the robbery…”

Yuheng’s heart is somehow, some kind of pleasure.

Immediately before, I can’t wait to get to Wenchang as soon as possible, and then the enemy of the past.


At this time, Xin’anfu.

The city gate opens and the camps come out.

The sergeants looked awe-inspiring, the lineup was neat, and the knife and gun in the sun gave a faint chill.

At the forefront, Song Yu, at this time also dressed in armor, Yingwu out of the ordinary.

Song and his face were calm and followed. The injury on him should not be so fast. However, for the sake of this Raiders, Song Yu secretly revived the Song and the Spring Festival, supplemented by herbs, Song and injuries. It was so fast that it was now ready to go with the army.

“The main public, is there any rush in sending troops this time?”

Ye Hongyan shot immediately before, said.

At this point, the army has come out, a little look, only ten camps, more than a thousand people. Candidly compiled.

“Before our army, the damage was not small, the sergeant also needed to cultivate, and then removed the defending soldiers. These are already the most.”

Song Yu faded back. But the corner of the mouth is also a bitter smile.

He owns the intelligence system and has the news of Baiyunguan. Knowing this time, Li Rubi brought a total of 5,000 people.

Among them, although there is funding from Baiyunguan, the most important thing is Li Family itself.

Song Yu has recently received some support, but it has to be transformed into an elite soldier. It still takes time, this contrast. He has to sigh the deep roots of Li Family.

If it is normal, he will never go to the stone, but it is different now. Baiyunguan became a ghost, this time is a godsend opportunity.

And the grievances of Qianlong can also be solved in one fell swoop.

Ye Hongyan bite his teeth, he also knows the news, knowing that at this time, absolutely can not let Li Family get Wenchang smoothly, otherwise, the next one, must be Xinan undoubtedly. At that time, the strength difference is doubled, and Xin’an will no longer be fortunate.

He claimed. Xin’an is eager to make Li Family out of Wenchang.

However, Song Yu seems to have another plan, only to send troops to one, although Ye Hongyan does not understand, but these years, follow Song Yu. It is also deeply admired for Song Yu’s unpredictable. At this time, see Song Yu’s plan has been fixed, not to mention.

“At this time, Li Rubi will also be out of the army. It seems that this time, it is finally possible to completely get rid of the Qianlong shackles and since then.”

Song Yu looked at the direction of Wenchang, and he felt more and more fascinating.

At this time, Wenchangfu City was caught in a mountain of blades and a sea of ​​fire.

Wenchang Fucheng, the city is deep and deep, and it is strictly guarded. This fashion has thousands of Yu Mansion soldiers.

Each Aristocratic Family elected the county to look forward to the family as the leader. The swearing swears to keep Wenchang and joins a thousand Zhuang Ding Academies to help defend the city.

In this way, the Wenchang Fucheng command is unified, not to mention the iron wall, but it is not comparable to the county town that was encountered before Zhu.

At this time, Zhu XVI, there are only about two thousand soldiers. The rest, all of them are squatting, and their combat power is weak and unbearable.

In order to consume the troops, Zhu Xun drove the people nearby, and the ants attached to the siege.

Suddenly, the Prosperous City was caught in a Corpse Mountain Blood Sea.

People from all over the country were driven away, both old and weak, and some even the whole family were there, with a look of horror.

These people were sent with bamboo guns and the like, and some were even forced to carry sandbags and rushed to the city wall.

“Let!” The army was originally used for repression. At this time, there is naturally nothing to dare to say.

Under the command of the keeper, they opened their bows and arrows and shot at the people below.

Chi chi! ! !

The emigrants and the people are unprotected. From time to time, the arrows fall to the ground and the blood is stained with the city.

The old man and the child shouted and shed tears, but under the guns of the Zhujunjun, they followed the brigade and rushed to the city wall, eventually falling on the road.

“Well?” Zhu Xie patrolled a circle, some frowning, thought about it, said to the soldiers.

“Tell me orders, these refugees, who can fill three bags of sandbags, or kill one person, you can let him go…”

This is to give the flow of people a vain hope, to squeeze their last drop of sweat.

“General generals, whether this is something wrong, they are also civilians…” One person next to me, some can’t see it, and come out to persuade.

Zhu Xieyi, this person is Xu Chun.

At this time, the big man, the eyes are red, some with tears, look of pity.

“These are not innocent people. They all have big sins!” Zhu Xie said with a smile.

“What is the sin?” Xu Chun gritted his teeth and turned a blind eye to the chill of Zhu XVI.

“They don’t respect the city. It’s a big sin. Now this General drives them to expand the land for the city’s faith. It is hoped that he will wait for the city to offset the previous sins. You plead for them, don’t you, but also rebel?”

Zhu Xie eyes staring at Xu Chun. It seems that as long as he hears a “yes” word, Xu Chun will be dragged out and beheaded.

“Yes! The general said very much. These fools, only in this way, can only sin the sins of life, offset the one or two, the generals this policy, very brilliant, I see the city defenders, has been tired, the day of the broken city is not far……”

At this time, some people said.

In Xu Chun’s heart, he gradually sank. At this time, Zhu Xie is no longer a devout temple. Zhu Xie, who was immersed in the royal power, has turned to the use of mentality in the belief of the city. In addition, several times before, the gods of the city did not show their spirits, which led to the courage of Zhu XVI.

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