“Blooming job… humiliation knows sin!”

Xu Chun knows that if there is any objection at this time, it will be a great disaster!

Hit the ground with a head, sputum bleeding, do not dare to shake.

This gesture is very low. Zhu Xie met, and his heart was angry and dissipated a lot. He also remembered that Xu Chun was the brother he had followed since childhood. He could not be too harsh and cold.

Speaking casually: “You know the sin, then this General can not be punishable, strict military discipline … after the siege, your first camp, ranked first.”

“Nuo! The position of the squad will lay down this city for the general!” Xu Chun once again deeply decapitated, respectfully retired.

In my heart, I secretly sighed.

“Report!” At this time, another soldier came forward and said.

“reporting to the general, we explored the Malay newspaper, Linjiang Li Family, sent five thousand troops, and Li Rubi sent it to Wenchang, and soon arrived…”

“hmph!Li Family is so courageous, Li Rubi? The defeated army is unspeakable…”

Zhu Xie first was angry, and then thought of the intelligence, Li Rubi last time with more than 10,000 people, attacking Xin’an, but was defeated by Song Yu with more than 5,000 soldiers, and his heart was fixed, disdain.

But at this time, I have to ask: “Is it going to be out?”

Although on the bright side, Zhu Xie does not put Li Rubi’s army in his eyes, but in his heart, he is still shocked. After all, under his command, he has only two thousand warriors, even if he has a displaced person, he can’t use it. On the Li Family, there are some guilty consciences.

A temple wished to come out and said: “For the sake of the present, only play the following Changfu City. With the city wall to defend the enemy…”

Zhu XVI nodded, very agree.

Before in Xin’an, Song Yu did not rely on the city wall. Li Rubi’s army was sharpened, and it was only after the surprise attack.

Now, Zhu Xie can also use this meter.

But in time, it must be fast, otherwise, it is the combination of Wenchang and Li Ru. Together with the bureau of Zhu Xie, it will be time. The consequences could be disastrous.

“The order is passed down, let the displaced people, attack again, in the middle. Mixed with our army elite…”

Zhu Xie Siquan has been determined, calm and unwilling, issued a command.

In fact, there is a policy to withdraw from the Fucheng area and return to the county town.

But in this way, the efforts before Zhu XVI were all in vain, how can he be willing?

not to mention. At the turn of the spring and summer, it is even more famine, Wenchang this year. The war is continuous, the food is not harvested, and the road is already hungry.

The food and grass that Zhu Xie grabbed was not enough. This is the root of his preparation for a fight!

At this time, Zhu Xie was forced to the stagnation, before the bachelor temper. It is exposed, and it does not hesitate to press everything. Make a gamble.

It became the deed of the famous general, and it was passed down for a long time. I can’t say that I can still leave a stroke in the history of the Qing Dynasty. At this critical moment, I will put all my personalities on the ground and dare to fight hard. It is the quality of the famous.

The defeat is the death of the dead, laughing for the world.

Winner is the king, loser is the villain, it’s that simple!

Zhu XVI put on a tight-fitting inner armor, and a layer of ordinary people’s clothing was worn outside. The attendant handed the sword to the posture and wanted to go out in person!

“General’s Wanjin body, you can be in danger, let me come!” Tang Yuan came out and quickly persuaded.

“Our army is a success or failure. In this case, how can this General sit safely and watch the children swearing with arrows and blood? I have decided, no need to persuade!” Zhu Xie looked determined and said quietly.


Around the soldiers, see the coach’s mind has been set, personally, not to avoid the knife and gun, are morale, and have to drink, to fight with the defending city, a male and female, broke Wenchang Fucheng.

“Good! The soldiers are available!” Zhu Xixi, waved.

An underground military order was issued.

All the displaced people were gathered, and they were divided into bamboo and bamboo guns to drive the city gate.

This momentum is unprecedented. Looking down from the city gate, the black-pressed head, like an ant, rushes to the city wall. From time to time, black spreads to the city wall halfway.

City gate Guarded, temporarily stunned by the momentum, forgot to attack.

“What are you doing, give me, put arrows!” The keeper will see this, kicking the soldiers who are still in a daze, and plucking the knife.

Other officers, who have come to wake up, urged the pawn to put the arrow.

Chi chi! ! ! The arrow is raining.

The people of the emigrants rushed into the city wall, splashed a piece of it, and cried.

“Kill!” A peasant dressed up, but an unusually fine man, climbed the city wall, slashed his sword, and smashed the defending city to kill a piece of open space and stand on the city.

This is the pro-Bing of Zhu XVI, filled with the brave martial arts, and loyal to Zhu XVI.

“General, there are enemy soldiers, mixed into the people!” Shou guard, a scribe reminded.

“This General knows, if it wasn’t for the previous few people who had attacked the city, how could it be so easy?”

The defender will not be willing to say, and roared loudly: “The gun array, on!”

Immediately there was a musketman, formed into a formation, and under the command of the fire, he went to kill the pro-Ban Han.

Long spear is like a forest, almost no way to escape.

This pro-Big Man can’t hide, roar and slash and kill: “Picture!”

Pu chi ! ! !

The sound of the knife and the gun piercing the flesh and blood sounded, and the big man was shot in the middle of the city.

As the gunman received a hand, the pro-Binger was a big man, and he had five or six large holes in his body, and the blood was like a spring, and he fell.

“Well, give me a closer look. Where are the anti-thieves coming up, they are all guns, and they must not let the enemy army. On the city wall, there is a place to stand…”

Shou will look at this scene, satisfied with nodded, and passed the order.

“Damn!” Zhu Xie was mixed in the army of the squadron, surrounded by all the soldiers, there are more than 50 people, but also make-up cover, mixed in the tens of thousands of people, not at all eye-opening.

“This city is really different!”

Zhu Xie also deeply felt the hardship of the ancient city.

Not only this city wall, but also a lot higher than the county, climbing is not easy. Even with the defenders, the number of people has increased greatly, the armaments are sufficient, and they are armed to the teeth.

The wealth of Fucheng can be almost equal to the sum of the five counties!

Zhu Xie compares in his heart and draws a conclusion. But for this Wenchang Fucheng, more eager.

“It should be time!”

Zhu Xie looked at the direction of Wenchang Fucheng, thoughtfully.

He is not a fool. Ming knows that Wenchang is difficult to fight, but still left to die, the reason why he dares to do this, or because he holds a card that is enough to change the situation of Wenchang!

“Your father, really will do it?”

Zhu sixteen looked toward one person around, asked.

“Nature. My father has made up his mind, how can he repent?” This person is only fifteen or six years old. But the eyebrows are clear, the eyes are smart, and the out of the ordinary.

“This is still too ridiculous, this General has to confirm. After all, you congratulate the family, but the county hopes, will actually surrender to me, really…”

Zhu Xun, some still can’t believe it.

This boy is actually a person from Wenchang County who looks at his family! Moreover, he has always vowed to resist the Zhujia’s Hejia, and he even had a dark song with Zhu. Prepare to offer the city!

He Jia, but the county is Aristocratic Family, the status is only under the gates. Putting it all over Wuzhou, it is prestigious, with a strict family style and a high reputation. It is praised by Wuzhou.

Such an Aristocratic Family will actually rely on Zhu XVI?

Who is Zhu XVI? Beggar was born. The bottom three streams are completely inferior to the civilian population.

Even if the family is extinct. I will not make such incredible things, even Zhu Xie himself feels like a dream. Do not ask questions many times.

“The generals have a destiny, and there are gods in the city, and Wenchang House is no longer guaranteed. My father is only for the children…”

This young man turned out to be a family member and was sent to the Patriarch as a hostage.

Zhu Xie looked at this young man, but he was relieved.

Since he started his work, he has paid attention to the collection of intelligence. This is the first of the Aristocratic Family in Wenchang. Naturally, it is the most important thing.

This young man, named He Dongming, is the eldest son of the family. He is loved. If he is a Patriarch, he takes out this child, and in order to lie to Zhu XVI once, Zhu 16 also recognized.

After all, he will not be the first to rush to the city, if there is a trap, it will only be a loss of vanguard.

Take a scorpion and change the lives of some people. He will be Patriarch unless the head gets into the water.

He Dongming looked at the sky and said: “The time agreed with the family is over, the general can prepare early!”

Zhu XVI nodded: “This time if the following Changfu City, your family is the first merit! This General words of enormous weight, will not commit crimes, but also a lot of praise…”

If the home of the family is true, then it is extremely beneficial to this war situation. Zhu Xie is also not rewarding!

“Many thanks General!” He Dongming bowed his hand, and there was an unspeakable elegance.

Seeing people around, they are all dark center folds, and they admire the home of the family. The people who come out are different. Every move is elegant and elegant.

Although Zhu Xie had received many gifts before.

But the birth of such a noble, or only He Dongming alone.

In my heart, I can’t say the comfort, I don’t move, I smile and help.

Turbulent, on the city wall, a hustle and bustle, there is a faint scream.

City gate “Oops”, slowly open.

“General!” He Dongming was drinking.

“Good! Good! Good! The whole army attacked!” Zhu Xie issued a military order, no matter whether it is really falling or falling, as long as the army enters the city, it is impossible for them.

“Kill!” Xu Chun took the first camp and rushed to the front. Although he had some opinions on Zhu XVI because of the people who lived in the country, he knew clearly that his life and death and honor and disgrace were actually tied to Zhu XVI. This is also very positive.

Xu Chun rushed through the city gate, and saw the chaos behind him, shouting and killing.

In the field, although the soldiers’ clothes are the same, but a wave of people, surrounded by red scarves on the neck, this is the previous appointment of the secret number, is driving the city gate, and strangled with the guards who came to block.

“On! Around the red towel, are their own brother, the rest, killing!” Xu Chun issued a command.

Behind them, they are all squatting.

Xu Chun took the knife forward and waved a few times. The blade light flashed and the head flew out. There was no enemy!

He is martial arts, he has come from the army, and he has read the military books. He is not an ignorant person.

The first camp that was linked to the team was trained like a wolf, and it opened the situation.

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