This is somewhat uncertain.

When hesitating, Yu Heng was listed and said: “The main public security heart! The military commander will go here, and will be able to achieve success! Convince Zhu XVI!”

Zhu Xie is fine, is Yu Heng still unclear? Although the potential of the Qianlong was weakened, the clamping of Zhu XVI was somewhat reduced.

But Zhu XVI started, relying on Qianlong gas transport!

This foundation is all others, now I am facing the Lord, what is the end, what do you use?

If Fang Ming is here, I will definitely sigh, come out and mix, still have to pay back. Zhu XVI started from the Qianlong Grand Canal. Now, it is time to return.

Yu Heng can conclude that this time he went to Jingjing, not only did he feel no danger, he said no, but he could also convince Zhu 16 to rely on him to win the Wenchang Fucheng and the army. No need to kill a soldier.

Li Rubi knows that Yu Heng is not only strong in mana, but also proficient in the method of counting, there is nothing wrong with it. It’s all right, it’s going to be smooth.

Just said: “Good! Just ask the military division as the messenger, go and say with Zhu Xic…”

“Nuo!” Appease Zheng Zheng solemn salute, “will not be held by the Lord!”

“Military situation is urgent, you will start!” Now that he has made up his mind, the Song Yu army will arrive in the next day, and it must be prepared in time to kill Song Yu a completely unprepared.

Yu Jing respectfully retired, out of the account, only brought two followers, led three horses, and all the way to Wenchang Fucheng.

The army of Li Rubi, at this time, is not far from Wenchangfucheng. The trio are light and simple. Less than an hour, it was under the Prosperous City.

“Stand up, what?”

Wenchang Fucheng is at this time. It was also stained with blood, and the dead bodies under the wall were not completely buried. In the twos and threes, the corpse is collecting the corpses, stacking them together, burning them and burying them, and the scorching gas mixes the stench. It’s fascinating!

Both Jing Jing and the two followers were somewhat white.

Yu Jing looked at Wenchang’s misery. My heart silently thought: “The people in troubled times, really pigs and dogs are not as good as… What is the life of the people? The big man was born in a troubled world, and when he assisted the Lord, he helped the community. It is not a world!”

The defending city pawn, has long been replaced by Zhu Xie’s people, dressed, and ordinary county soldiers, no different, just a neck, tied with a red towel, this is also the symbol of Zhu Jun.

“Stand up! What are you doing?” The defender saw the three men, and asked loudly.

“I am the messenger of Linjiang Li Family. Come to see your general, not fast!” This matter, of course, do not have to calm down. Do it yourself.

“The messenger?” Since it can be used to defend the city, this soldier is quite knowledgeable compared to other big soldiers, at least know, Li Family and the messenger. What is it.

See also the out of the ordinary, not like a fake. Just say: “You wait here, wait until I tell the team, and then pass.”

Fly and ran to the tower.

Not long after, a big man came and wore a leather armor. This is the team that defends the city.

The team looked suspiciously at the appeasement and said: “My family general, and Li Family, there seems to be nothing to do with it, but you Li Family, when the generals attacked Wenchang, they took the soldiers to peep, and they were misbehaving. At this time, come again. What are you doing?”

When the words came out, the city gate atmosphere was a little nervous. The defending city soldiers held the knife and guns. Just wait for the team to make a sound, and they must start to divide the three people into pieces!

The two followers who were squatting behind the cold, sweating down, almost fell to Malay.

The look of Jingjing remained unchanged, saying: “There are many misunderstandings in this matter. I will explain to the generals of God.”

I took another letter and handed it to the team: “There is a personal letter from my Patriarch public to the general of God. You should first hand this letter to the general. I will wait here. If the general saw this letter, he still insisted on it. We are destined to kill, and we must kill them and listen to them.”

“Otherwise, if you delay the military, even if you are an adult, you have to eat it…”

The last sentence is a direct threat.

The team was on the face, murderous aura flashed, but forcibly pressed down, laughing said: “haha… good courage! It’s so courageous! Just rushing this volume, you can see out of the ordinary… Waiting, A family is for you…”

Appease smile nodded: “many thanks adults!”

This is a full time, when the sun will go west, the team is just coming back, his face is strange, saying: “The general will call you, wait for me!”

When leading the way, the Jingjing three followed.

Jingjing carefully watched, along the way, a lot of broken walls, but has been sorted out, the water is not dry, faint or some bloody.

It seems that before, Zhu Junjun also experienced a fierce street fighting.

This Wenchangfu City was regarded as the foundation by Zhu Xie. It was prepared for proper management. It did not allow the militia to wash the city. Compared with the previous counties, it was a lot of luck.

The team was leading the three men, and they stopped until they were in front of a big house.

This is where Zhu Xie paused.

The mansion and other places, after the war, have not been cleaned up, He Jiali set up a large mansion, there is also a wine and wine Ji Ji, for Zhu Xie pastime.

Although Zhu Xie has used a lot of beauty in the county town, the Fucheng County is expected to be cultivated from a young age, but it is still somewhat different.

“The weapons are unloaded, and your two followers don’t need to go in, just wait outside!” the team was telling.

“Good!” Appease nodded, hand over the waist to the entourage: “You wait here, don’t make a living!”

“As you bid!” Two followers led the way.

Appease this to the team is saying: “Please also lead the army!”

“Yeah!” The team is taking out the block token and handing it to the gatekeeper. The soldier carefully looked at it and said, “Okay! This token can bring two people, go in!”

The team’s Rightse Path thanked him and led the appeasement into the mansion.

The house was built to a great extent, and the layout was exquisite. The water towers and the gardens were all specially arranged. One step at a time, it was obvious that the people who designed them had spent a lot of effort.

It was appeasement, and there was some shock in my heart, and I refused to appreciate the beauty.

“This Zhu XVI, although born low-lying, but the chest has a gully, the management of the military is strict, the picture is not small!” This thought, just a pass, the state is even lower.

About Moo Xiangxiang Kung Fu, the two went to a front door, the team was saying: “My general, just inside, you don’t want to be slow, otherwise, no one can save you!”

“I am awake!” Yan Jing said with a smile.

“Know it!” The team is taking the lead and opening the door.

Into the purpose is an extremely open hall.

Here, this is the place where Patriarch is hospitality. After Zhu Xie came, it became the Chamber of Deputies.

At this time, Jing Jing saw a middle-aged man, wearing a gold armor, chin slightly tilted, sitting high in the main position. There are still some people standing on both sides, all wearing armor, and they are brave.

“See the generals of God!” Jing Jing finished the whole dress crown, respectfully worshipped.

“Get up and talk!” Zhu XVI said.

Appeasement hearing this up, Zhu Xie eyes swept away, I saw this person Although the face is ordinary, but the eyes are warm, temperament out of the ordinary.

Zhu X16 somehow, when I saw the appeasement, I felt a little good, as if the two were not meeting for the first time, but they were friends for decades, and my heart was also a big surprise.

“Your Patriarch public letter, this General has already seen, you Patriarch public to join me, against Song Yu! Have to say, this is big out of this General!”

Zhu XVI is the master of one party, and will not be affected by a little affection, straight to the point.

“The general is a great man, and his eyes are long-term! As you can see, now Wu Nan and Song Yu are the most powerful. If I don’t join hands, I will be divided by them sooner or later. It is too late to regret it!”

In this case, I would like to say that in the heart of Zhu Xie, he has occupied Wenchang and has a guilty for Wu Nan.

But I also know that now Wu Nan, Song Yu defeated Li Rubi, the momentum is growing, and it has already swept the momentum.

He didn’t want to see this, but he joined forces with Li Rubi. Before he put it, he didn’t want to, but now, it is a little shaken.

His face was unchanged and he said, “You are a messenger, but you are blunt, don’t you fear that I will kill you?”

“How the general is against me is just a matter of words, but I am Patriarch, and I have five thousand troops, just near Wenchang.”

“If the generals explicitly refused my Patriarch public goodwill, then I had to quit Wenchang and let the generals face the Song Yu army alone…”

Zhu Xie heart startled, although Song Yu has only a thousand soldiers, but its name for good warfare has already spread throughout Wunan, who dares to look down?

What’s more, these soldiers, not to be just a pioneer, behind the army, have long been ready to go.

Compared with Li Rubi, Song Yu’s army has more to see 6th-layer.

At this time, the face sinks into the water and silently speaks.

Jingjing sees this, plus a fire: “I Patriarch public, has promised, this time, our army as long as Song Yu first level, other, the text is not taken, willing to give the generals, and, in good faith, can also First send the grain and stone, the armor…”

Zhu Xie’s eyes are bright, it seems that this Li Rubi is still very sincere.

Satisfied with nodded, said: “I don’t want Li Shoubei to value a certain family. I would like to thank you first! Hmmm… Please let the messenger rest for a while, let me discuss with the public, and I will reply tomorrow…”

When Jing Jing saw Zhu Feng’s face, he knew that the matter could be achieved, and his heart was overjoyed, and the team was going on.

After the Jingjing walk, Zhu Xie looked around and asked: “There is Li Rubi wanting to form an alliance with me and attacking Song Yu. How do you wait?”

“General, Aristocratic Family, has always been sly, how can you know that it is not a false statement? This matter, absolutely can not agree!” Xu Chun came out and shouted.

“Xu commanded this rhetoric. Now Wu Nan, Li Family strength is indeed weaker than Song Family. In order to defeat Song Yu, only with the generals. These materials are proof…”

Tang Yuan came out and retorted.

Before him, he was not very friendly with Xu Chun. Now, it is even more prosperous.

“hmph! The interest is smoldering, I don’t know if the death is coming!” Xu Chun rushed out and blurted out.

“Mixed!” Zhu * angry, from the case.

“When the job is wrong, the general will forgive the sin!” Xu Chun said that he had regretted the exit and quickly pleaded guilty.

“hmph! The corpse outside the city, has not been buried, you are going to supervise this!”

Zhu Xie is almost not even think, just say.

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