This agitation of the corpse’s dirty work, has always been a class of miscellaneous soldiers.

Now, Zhu Xie has made this order, and the eyes of other people underneath are somewhat wonderful.

“No!” Xu Chun expressionless, decapitation.

Then, he got up and walked heavily.

Zhu Xie looked at Xu Chun’s back, only felt a pain in his heart, and seemed to have lost something important.

Just open mouth, want to retain Xu Chun.

But the lips moved, and finally stopped, did not say anything.

Xu Chun came out and felt that he had put down the burden of 10,000 jin and looked at the sky.

There is some sort of decision in my heart.

No more thinking, big step away.

Without Xu Chun to stop, the next discussion is naturally smooth and smooth. Unanimously passed the alliance with Li Rubi to jointly attack Song Yu’s decision.

On the second day, Zhu Xixi told Yu Jing about the incident. The latter immediately returned to the Li Rubi military camp and informed the news.

“Good! If this is the case! The military division is the first!”

Li Rubi was overjoyed and passed the order: “The army is starting!”

Suddenly, the entire battalion seemed to have survived. The soldiers packed up their luggage and camped them. They went to the direction of Wenchangfucheng.

In the afternoon, go to Wenchangfucheng 10 li and set up camp.

Li Rubi looked at Wenchangfucheng. For a time, he was full of enthusiasm. It seemed to kill Song Yu and lay the whole Wenchang, just in front of him!

Song Yu’s army, also all the way, almost with the Li Family army front and back feet, cavalry like a dragon, like a black wind, and Li Rubi confrontation.

Wenchangfu City at this time. Into the tripartite hegemony!

Song Yule immediately before, a slight gaze, you can see. Three military forces, around Wenchang Fucheng, tried each other.

The redness sweeps, the golden gas is majestic, the clouds are filled, and the dragon body shadow is faintly seen.

“This is a green, recovering quickly! Unfortunately, the foundation is unstable, it is the end of the shackles!”

Song Yu carefully watched Li Rubi’s air transport. get conclusion.

At this time, Li Rubi, although still a prosperous, but Jinqingyu, has been thinned by 50%. No power before.

The Qing dynasty on it, although the old view, the dragon is boiling, the bottom is bloody, the big is ominous.

“The Qianlong Grand Canal, which was broken by me before, blocked the fortune, and it was not easy to smash before, and it was difficult to dong!”

“As long as this time. Li defeated Li Rubi, the Li Family air transport is unfortunate!”

Song Yu heart. Has a clear comprehension. Look back and watch yourself.

Since he defeated Li Rubi, his gas has risen sharply and has changed with each passing day. He is now almost out of Li Rubi.

Song Yu’s head, a golden one’s life is standing upright. Zhuo Zhuo is not a group.

The golden gas gathers and becomes a cloud. Brilliant and splendid, can look at the gas, separated by the single li, you can see.

The top of Jinyun, even with a hint of green gas, polymerization, lush and green, is not a product.

This azure is already a noble atmosphere. If it is on the official position, it is above the four products, and it can be there. At this time, Song Yu made the position, and in the air transportation, it was officially reached.

In the golden Qing air transport, a scarlet dragon, flying in the air, in the eyes, the golden light, provoked Li Rubi, not afraid.

This is the rule of the gas, although the dragon is a level lower than the Flood Dragon. However, Li Rubi last time, Qinglan was defeated by Xiaolong, leaving a foreshadowing.

After Song Yu’s confrontation with Li Rubi, there is an inherent advantage.

Long Qiqiu, the reason why it can be turned into a dragon, thanks to the dragon gas captured from Li Rubi Qing, now see, and is eager to try.

“I didn’t expect it, I grew up to this point!”

Song Yu is somewhat lost. Knowing that this time, if Li Rubi is completely defeated, then the dragon will be officially smashed, and its own air transport will also have major changes. It really has the capital of a state!

At this time, the three air transports have changed.

I saw that the three military forces on Wenchangfu City were the strongest in Li Rubi, Song Yu was slightly, and Zhu Xie was the weakest.

Among them, Zhu Feng’s air transport is close to Li Rubi’s air transport, and there is communication between them. This is the proof that the two have colluded!

But Scarlet 腾 腾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This strange light, with the sound of dragons and tigers, the land that has passed, the military has dispersed, like a hot knife through butter, into the depths of Zhu XVI.

The military spread out, revealing the body of Zhu XVI, and saw a wolf with black, red and gold on his body. His mind was fierce, his eyes were green, and he wanted to choose someone!

Against the dragon red light, roaring loudly, as the wolf whistle.

But this wolf, after all, is not the opponent of the dragon, scarlet with the sound of whistling, direct shot in the belly of the wolf!

Hong long! ! !

The wolf screamed, fell apart, turned into a cloud, and quickly dissipated.

“It’s like a landslide!” Song Yu said with emotion.

At this time, he is already deeply aware of the way of air transportation. This Zhu Feng’s air transport is smashed and it is a great omen!

According to the law in advance, now, in the layout of Wenchang, it should have been launched, Zhu XVI, is no luck! ! !

Song Yu looked at Wenchang Fucheng, and in the eyes, it seems to have a different look.

At this time, Zhu XVI, already came to the city wall, watching the two army, silently.

The army of Li Rubi, with its orderly ordering and mighty and majestic, will compare the army that Zhu Feng’s painstaking efforts to make him feel discouraged.

But what makes Zhu 16 shocked is the army of Song Yu.

Because he was afraid that things would change later, Song Yu did not go slowly. He left the army and only took the cavalry, and went straight to Wenchang Fucheng.

At this time, he had the seizure of Li Rubi, and he could already make up five hundred cavalry and put it in the south. It is even rare!

Song Yu took the lead and led more than five hundred rides. It was really like a wind, Ma Rulong, a whirlwind, swept the arrogance, but it was forbidden.

With five hundred people in the district, they dared to confront the five thousand troops of Li Rubi, and, in the momentum, did not fall into the wind, see Zhu XVI, are dark center folds, even the comparative mind is gone.

of course. He also knows that Song Yu’s emboldened spirit is still on the cavalry. This machine power is not comparable.

Once things are unharmonious, he can take a horse at any time, taking advantage of speed, constantly harassing the army, like a wolf, to divide the army.

This tactic. In the wild, there is almost no solution. Otherwise, Fang Ming’s previous Genghis Khan Temuzhen, what conquered Eurasian continent?

Song Yu has these, naturally has the confidence. You can compete with Li Rubi. Of course, Song Yu will not do the hard work of preparing a military camp and attacking the city wall.

“This Song Yu, the real person is also!” Zhu sixteen silently, only to say.

It is a feeling of disheartening.

“With this person, how can I dominate Wu Nan? Then look at the world?” Zhu Xie heart, silently calculated.

But then, I remembered the agreement with Li Rubi. The heart is hot again.

Passing the order, “The officer is waiting in the Chamber, this General has something to tell!”

“Nuo!” There are soldiers. Run away and pass the military order.

Seeing Song Yubing Feng, Zhu Xie has completely resolved, and Li Yubi united, killing Song Yu Yuwen Prosperous City!

The gathering place is still in the last big house.

Zhu Xie took the soldiers for a long time. Also understand the situation. For Li Rubi, although promised to form an alliance. But I never forgot to guard.

Outside the city, Li Rubi and Song Yu’s army are all confrontational, and they can’t fight for a time.

Not to mention Wenchangfu City, it is tall and thick, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is only by the two thousand troops of Zhu XVI that they can defend the enemy, let alone the squadrons. These people are attacking the city and have little effect. It is almost cannon fodder, but it is still used to defend the city. Can be used.

Can replace the regular military station guard defense, free up time for the rest of the guard.

In this way, Li Rubi has only 5,000 people. Even if he is all lighted up, he would like to embark on the city gate half step, let alone the Song Yu cavalry, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

As for the Song Yu aspect? Although the cavalry is sharp, it is a joke!

Therefore, at this time, Wenchangfu City seems to be in danger.

Zhu Xie naturally did not want to accompany the following two parties, drinking the wind here, telling his confidant, carefully guarding, and once there was news, he immediately reported it and returned to his own house.

“Adult!” As soon as I entered the house, a maid, light-hearted maid, immediately stepped forward, took the cloak of Zhu XVI, and carefully served, very thoughtful.

This is the beauty of the family, but also the surname, it is said that it is still a distant relative of the family.

In this regard, Zhu X16 is very satisfied, and recalls the enthusiasm of the beautiful woman last night, the heart is a swing.

I touched the maid’s chest and looked at the red cheeks of the lady, laughed heartily.

But in the end, I know that this is not the time to succumb. Forbearance and anger, let the maid-looking maid return.

Came to the Chamber of Deputies.

At this time, among the halls, there have been dozens of people standing in the middle and upper levels of the Zhuliujun.

“General grace is coming!” Zhu Xieyi came in and sang in his own voice.

Under the general, it is a quiet, awe-inspiring.

Wait for Zhu Xix to sit on the main position.

The public will worship: “I have seen the generals of God!” The voice rumbling, seems to be turned into a wave, sweeping the hall.

“People are exempt!” Zhu XVI hands vain, said in the mouth.

“Xie General!” Under the crowd, this got up, his face was low and he didn’t dare to move.

This set of etiquettes was taken after Zhu Xix’s incident and it took a lot of time to get used to it.

The audience of Zhu Xie will pay homage to the audience. It seems that they are in the clouds, and the eyes are slightly narrowed.

“This is the joy of the people! Compared with this, what is the wine pool, the beautiful city, like the fire and the moon…”

In Zhu Xie’s heart, I suddenly had this idea.

At this point, the tiger eyes looked around and said: “Before the covenant, you also know that the order is passed, the army will take a day off, and tomorrow will join forces with Li Rubi to fight Song Yu…”

I asked the following person: “How do you say Patriarch?”

This person is in Tsing Yi, his eyes are warm, it is appeasement. He returned to the Li Family military camp and reported the news. He was sent by Li Rubi as a contact for the two armies.

“As long as the generals make up their minds, I am Patriarch, and there is nothing wrong with it!” Jingjing said without thinking.

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