What’s more, helping Zhu 16 reincarnate as a person, this consumption of Heavenly Dao merit, Fang Ming is not so heartbroken.

But if you keep the memory, this consumes, and the sea goes.

Fang Ming asked himself, this Zhu XVI, still not to let him do it for him.

After all, Heavenly Dao merit is not more humane than rare.

“Reincarnation! Open!” Fang Ming Qing.

The power of the surging, in the Void, suddenly broke open a big mouth, revealing the dark cycle of passage.

“Go!” Fang Ming waved.

The source of the densely packed true spirits, all put into the reincarnation, in the black vortex, with the flow, and eventually disappeared.

At the end of the day, Zhu Xie was wrapped in Tiangong and also entered the reincarnation and disappeared into the center of the black circle.

“My relationship with you, thoroughly understand today!” Fang Ming said to himself. The reincarnation channel is closed.

As the passage is closed, Fang Ming will see it, clear and splendid, and descend from heaven.

Fang Ming’s Heavenly Dao merits around the air, suddenly increased by 20%.

This is a god of grace and a reward for Fang Ming.

Before the loss of the reincarnation of Zhu XVI, it was all made up and made a lot of money.

“It seems that surpassing the soul is a means of gaining merit. If there is a lack of merit in the future, you can do it…”

Fang Ming thought about it.

This Zhu XVI, but it has to be killed, after all, he started his luck, relying on the support of the potential of the dragon, the roots will grow up, and the Late Stage will make up for it, and will not save it.

Instead of staying in the yang, the number of variables increases. It is better to send in the reincarnation, completely eliminating the influence of the dragon.

At this time, Fang Ming thought about it. A divine power is sent out.

“I didn’t expect Yang Shi, but at this time, just right, I should go to the Qianlong!”

Fang Ming smiled and seemed to penetrate Void in his eyes and saw a scene.

At this time, Wenchangfucheng. Inside the military camp.

Zhu Liujun, seniors. Come together, look at the first person.

Li Dazhuang was dressed up and said: “You don’t give up, I am the agent of the alliance lord. I issued the order, the city red towel army, all cast the Song Song Song Festival, to drive it…”

This made one out, and there was some commotion underneath.

After all, before Li Dazhuang, he did not explain to them, and suddenly said this. Underneath, although it is not to question the rebellion, there is some commotion. It is inevitable.

“Quiet quiet!” Li Dazhuang sipped, stopping the shackles underneath.

“I also know that it is so hard to wait, you must be dissatisfied, but this is not the meaning of my old Li, but the gods!!!”

Li Dazhuang tiger eyes look around. Speak loudly.

“God!” The temple underneath is a big surprise.

Since Fang Ming’s sixteen years ago, he has set a plan to keep a low profile, and since he became obsessed with wine, he has shown less before the believers.

The new temples are all passed through the seal, and have never even seen the gods true body.

Everyone is getting used to it. But now, there is a god who has fallen?

At this time, the camp opened and a woman came in.

This woman seems to be only twenty-eight years old, dressed in a ritual robes, but still beautiful and alluring.

The temples wished, but did not dare to neglect, and got up and greeted: “I have seen Wu Sacrifice!”

This woman is Wu Xinling, who has a psychic body. Fang Ming later, with her gods, passed through her and gradually spread the name of Goddess.

Wu Xinling expression is cold, straight up to the high platform, Li Dazhuang lightly smiled, let go and let go.

Wu Xinling was on the verge of the middle and said, “There is a god!”

With the words, the entire camp seems to fall into a strange atmosphere, Wu Xinling, even with golden light, silky, visible to the naked eye.

This is divine power, and all the temples are recognized, but Wu Xinling can invite such a huge amount of power, but he is a cultivation base that he is far behind.

They are kneeling down, listening to the gods, and even Li Dazhuang. Even though he is in a very high position, Wu Xinling represents Fang Ming true body at this time, and naturally he has to kneel down.

“The belief in the city, come and go, can you fight with the swordsmen? My believers, can’t be forced to force … the day is down, life is in Xin’an, you are close!”

Every time Wu Xinling said a word, there was golden in the Void, and it turned into a golden word. When all was finished, Wu Xinling had a golden god in front of him, floating in the air and golden light.

“Below your subordinates!” The following temple wishes, respectful decapitation.

They also silently prayed and recited the scriptures of the city.

Golden god glory flashes, rises to the sky, turns into golden rain, drops drop.

The city seat of the temple, I wish to know that it is the power of the body to wash the marrow, it is of great benefit, can prolong life, usually more devotion, but also several years, only have this merit, are happy, thanks to the grace: “many thanks City lord reward!”

After Wu Xinling read the will, he stood on one side and stopped speaking.

Li Dazhuang got up and asked, “Now, who still has questions?”

“The city is willing, I will wait for it to be violated? All of them are sent by Li and Wu.”

No matter what your mind is in your heart, it is extinguished.

He waited for Anchang, and he was able to dig into the city.

Knowing that at this time, if there is any disobedience, it is to arrest who is destroying, and there is no discussion. Even the question of Yang Shi is not only a bad thing, but it will also plague the family.

“Good! You wait for it, reorganize the soldiers, open the city and the Song Festival to make a concert with Li Rubi!!”

Li Dazhuang issued a military order.

This Wenchang change, although Li Dazhuang has a prior arrangement, tightly sealed.

But people are so complicated that it is difficult to prevent them from leaking out.

Every time a minute passes, it will be more dangerous. Naturally, the sooner the better, the more effective.

If it is a normal army, the first will be easy, at least it will have to run for a few months before it can pull out the big battle.

However, the red towel army of Zhu XVI is different. It is a belief in becoming a military, and all the temples have great influence. At this time, all rebellion can be forced to drive.

At this time, the temple wishers also know that their own master, I am afraid and Song Yu. What agreement has been reached is already decided to help.

It is no longer awkward, and the power of God is gone like water.

They have a god-like symbol. There are also some superficial experiences in the use of divine power. At least, some methods of enchanting charm still exist.

Every time you ask for divine power, the gods of the city are responsive, this attitude. The temple is naturally clear.

Through the power of religion, the Red Scarf Army will be after the exchange. Actually, it is hard to complete the preparation, and the armor is strong and can play.

As for the private sector? That has always been used by Zhuang Sheng, and it is not enough. More than enough, Li Dazhuang, did not go to multiple management.

“Report! The seven hundred steps of the Song Dynasty have arrived!”

“Good! Blow up the horn!” Li Dazhuang ordered.

The sound of the bleak and heavy horn sounded loudly, and the sound was severe li, three long and one short.

This is a signal agreed with Li Rubi. Once there is a horn, the two immediately dispatched troops and besieged Song Yu.

Li Dazhuang sneered. I took two sledgehammers and sat on the horse and sipped: “Out of town!”

Bang! ! ! !

Closed Prosperous City Gate. Opened openly.

“Nuo!” All the temples wish, but also the armor in the body, promised.

The temple has a god-in-the-shoulder body, and it has many military squads, and the move is big and big, and it is most like to use heavy weapons.

At this time. The temple wished to focus on A, with a big knife and a hammer. Straight like steel giant beast, arrogant.


The temples wished a big sigh, with nearly two thousand soldiers behind, and then went out of the city, and Song Yu and Li Rubi army, into a triangle confrontation.

“Good! This time, you will be able to kill Song Yu, a shame before snow!”

Li Rubi stood on the high platform and saw the situation of Wenchang. He hit a fist and said.

“The Lord, the unrest, is not…” Yan Fei felt a little uneasy and asked.

“The military ranks are strict, how can it be passed? At this time, Jingjing must be in the Prosperous City, don’t worry…” Li Rubi did not care, said.

Wenchang mutiny, appeasement and so on, naturally also under the guise of a brain, waiting to be heard, can not send a message.

“Dao Chang, you see this time, how is my army’s victory?” Li Rubi said, but he still had some concerns, and asked Yu Heng.

Yu Heng opened the eye of the spirit. At this time, he was affected by the sham-casting method, and the five connotations were all fascinated.

In his eyes, Li Ruqi is as airy as the Tianzhu, and it is skyrocketing. Among them, there is a Flood Dragon hovering.

Congratulations on the heart: “The generals are prosperous, and the Lord will have a victory in this war. Congratulations to the generals!”

“Good!” Li Rubi was overjoyed. He knew that Yu Heng had the power to look at it. He saw that there was nothing wrong with it. Now he heard this and his chest was fast.

Drinking: “Through my military order, the whole army attacked, and Wenchang defender, combined with Song Yu!”

“Nuo!” Yan Fei forced the heart to be upset and went on.

Li Family army, also surging out, array and Song Yu army confrontation.

Li Family Army, although after the last injury, but the military array is neat, the command is unified, Song Yuze Ma, watching for a long time, said: “The fruit is a strong army! Unfortunately…”

Ye Hongyan stepped forward and asked: “The soldiers are in danger, the enemy has at least 5,000, and the Wenchang red towel helps. I have fewer soldiers. It seems…”

However, I want to persuade Song Yu to temporarily avoid the edge.

“haha…” Song Yu pointed to Li Rubi’s army and said with a big laugh: “Li Family army, although majestic, but in the town’s view, it’s like clay chickens and pottery dogs. You see the town break…”

Ye Hongyan expression confused, I do not know the Lord, from where to come with confidence.

“More to say, no benefit, you will see yourself,” Song Yu said. Also issued a command.

“send troops!”

The horn rumble, Song Yu’s one-time soldier, also formed a military array, slammed on.

Although there is only one city, the morale is strong, and it is still above the army of Li Rubi.


The strikers of the two armies have been handed over together, and they have been killed in the collision.

The two soldiers, squatting, will put the blade in their hands, pierce the enemy’s body, and bring hot blood.

“This Song Yu, is it crazy?”

Li Rubi said, “In the case of Li Rubi, it is natural to temporarily avoid its front and seek opportunities to fight again.”

How can it be like Song Yu, when the whole army is pressed, the truth of a battle is determined?

After all, he only has a thousand people, but he has to fight against nearly 10,000 troops!

Li Rubi’s heart, the ominous premonition.

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