“No, no!!!!”

Li Rubi is talented and talented. It is natural to know that at this time, Song Yu’s army should be abandoning the pace, relying on the mobility of the cavalry to avoid the front, bypassing the enemy and attacking from the rear.

In this case, Li Rubi has long been prepared to bury the ambush, and Song Yu will have no return.

However, Song Yu’s move was beyond his expectations.

In the battlefield, the military array was glued to kill.

“Kill!!!” Song Yu led five hundred cavalry, attacking the enemy ten times his own, and launched a storm.

Although the enemy also had cavalry, the last time, Li Rubi lost almost half of the horses outside Xin’an City. Now, the cavalry in Linjiang is not much, only two hundred. This time, all of them were brought out by Li Rubi and saw Song. The jade cavalry attacked and the first look was black.

Knowing that at this time, the cavalry charged, and it was difficult to resist. Only the same cavalry attacked.

But in his hand, there are only two hundred rides, but the face is five hundred cavalry, and Song Yu, Luo Bin and other fierce people lead.

This situation can be said, nine deaths and still alive.

At this time, Li Rubi looked at the back, escaped, and would also harm his family. The military law is strict, is it a joke?

Riding the heart and sipping, “Carry, let me go!”

Take the lead in a horseback, the mount is long and screaming, like a black cloud, rushing to the enemy.

“Spell!” behind the cavalry, screaming in unison, blood on the head, followed by riding will charge.

“hmph, act recklessly!” Song Yu saw it and sipped coldly.

boom! ! ! !

The two sides of the steel torrent. Far more than a step, collided in front of the military array.

A large number of people fell to the ground and blood splashed. Even with the armor, you can see the depression.

At this time, the cavalry charged and was driven by tremendous power. He was hesitant, no matter who he was in front of him, he could only crush it all the way.

Even the robe. At this time, the horse was dropped, and only the part that was stepped into the meat.

Song Yu expressionless. With a wave of hand, two people flew out.

He has a strong innate capital, and he has been constantly nourished by his youth. Even if you don’t have to use God’s technique, you can also do it at this time, not under the ancient fierce.

On the battlefield, Song Yu seems to be incarnation Asura, invincible, behind the cavalry, with Song Yu as the military front, and even slashed the enemy.

“Stop the thief!” The enemy army rider finally contacted Song Yu.

In his eyes. It seems that you can see every inch of skin on Song Yu’s face, even with the coldness in Song Yu’s eyes. It’s all undisguised.

The ride will forcibly crush the heart and slash it to Song Yu.

“clang! !!”

The sound of the blade of the blade sounded.

If the rider is to be thundered, he will only feel a strong force in his hand, with a long knife in his hand, and he will be unsteady and fly out.

Intentionally shouted in the heart is not good. At this time, you will see the blade light light up. Then I was black and I didn’t know anything.

“haha !!!” Song Yu’s bloody laughter, and he felt extremely smooth.

Song Yu led the cavalry and smashed the enemy team. After the two armies crossed, the cavalry of Li Rubi had only a few rides and was not a climate.

“Don’t stop, follow me!” Song Yu shouted.

The black feather ride, with inertia, followed Song Yu, rushing to the back infantry camp.

The black feather ride is like a whirlwind, and it has repeatedly broken the enemy.

Behind the leaves, Ye Hongyan, with his infantry, followed the path of the black feather ride and continued to kill the enemy.

Li Rubi looked at it.

I saw the Song Yu cavalry, although brave, but in the end the number is limited, but also the former cavalry, the consumption of physical strength, although still running on the battlefield Mercedes-Benz, but it has been seen.

At this time, as long as the army is surrounded, Song Yu will become the shackles of the shackles.

After all, Song Yu is brave and invincible. In the army, there is only a knife and a corpse, and it is the end of the meat.

However, at this time, the concerns of Li Rubi’s heart have not only decreased, but have become more intense.

A bright light is as loud as a thunder, “Not good, it must be Wenchang!”

Just open your mouth and say something.

At this moment, on the battlefield, the situation is abrupt!

“Kill!” A Li Family soldier, with a doubtful color, slowly fell down.

It is not clear to him that he is dead. Why is this deadly blade coming from the rear?

With the sound of the military drums, Li Rubi behind, Wenchang army, launched an offensive!

Before the alliance with Li Rubi, the Gongchang Red Scarf Army, who was attacked by Song Jun, was attacked by Li Dazhuang.

This time, suddenly hit the seven inches of Li Rubi, his army, was controlled by Song Yu, the turnover was not working, although there were precautions before, but it also failed most of the time, now, what to take to resist the Red Scarf Army?

Li Rubi looked at the Red Scarf Army from the rear into his own camp, all the way to crying dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and Song Yu army, Deng Cheng before and after the attack, not much time, the army has collapsed.

Suddenly, my hands and feet are cold, my chest is sweet, and my mouth is spurt.

If Song Yu is here, it can be seen that with the export of blood, the blue-purple movement of Li Rubi is also rapidly dissipating. In a short time, Purple Qi goes all out, and Qingqi only has a thin layer.

In the sky, it is also a sudden change of the wind, the clouds cover the sun, and the wind is angry.

In a short while, the raindrops of the silky trees fell down, and the rain became more and more urgent, which became a downpour.

“This is a sense of heaven and earth, is it a trip to Qianlong?” Song Yu secretly said in one’s heart.

Laughed heartily, “: This town has been with the Red Scarf Army, now, Linjiang army, is an arrow at the end of its flight, even the heavy rain, can not change, you wait for me to go forward, do not let go Li Rubi!”

Until this time, Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin and the others, only know that Song Yu is in the chest, but the root cause is here, can not help but praise: “The handsome man is like a god, no solution. Li Family children, how is the opponent? ”

In my heart, it is a glimpse. They ask themselves, in Xin’an, they are also highly weighted. In advance, they have not received any news.

It seems that the Lord, in the dark, there are still many forces, the two looked at each other and looked at the back of the Lord, and felt unpredictable.

“The Lord?” saw Li Rubi vomiting blood. Almost fell to Malay. Yan Fei and Yu Heng quickly stepped forward to help.

“Song Yu thief, I am Li Rubi, and you are not standing!” Li Ru on the wall. There is no blood, it means the Tianmeng vows.

“Lord!” Yan Fei stepped forward and said: “At the moment, outside the Prosperous City, it has become dragon’s pool and tiger’s den. Please leave quickly and keep useful…”

Li Rubi is anxious. This time, he brought it out. However, most of the remaining people in Linjiang are. If they are all lost here, what will they do against Song Yubing?

The heart is in a hurry. Just want to say something, it is black in front of me, it is already fainting.

“The main public?” Yan Fei stepped forward, a breath, but fortunately there is still gas, said: “Zhang Dong, Li Lei, you two left resistance, the rest. I escorted the Lord to leave!”

“Nuo!” Zhang Dong and Li Lei both looked solemn and solemn.

These two people are Li Rubi’s cronies. Now knowing that I am staying for time, it is a dead end, and I have no hesitation.

“When the crisis is in danger, I will see the loyalists!” Yan Fei felt a lot of emotions, and some regretted these two people. They are all talented and will be able to stand alone in the future. Now, I am afraid I have to fold here.

However, at this time, the situation has reached a critical situation. Yan Fei tied Li Rubi to the horse immediately, with the last dozen rides, and quickly stood out.

“Great coach! Li Rubi ran!” Luo Bin sipped.

Song Yu fixed his eyes and saw a group of cavalry, surrounded by a group of people, this person’s head, although the life of the purple king, but the air transport, has been mostly exhausted, only the skeleton, no longer before the power.

Knowing this person, it must be Li Rubi undoubtedly, “: Ye Hongyan, you and the Red Scarf Army meet, kill the camp. Luo Bin, bring a battalion, follow me!”

A whips, in the long sound of the horse, more than a hundred riding a flying horse, and chasing Li Rubi.

Ye Hongyan shouted: “Li Rubi has escaped! Seoul is not surrendering!”

At the bottom of the class, they also shouted: “Li Rubi escaped! Don’t kill!”

In connection with the red towel on the back, this voice was also heard. For a time, the entire battlefield could be heard.

The Li Family sergeant, listening to the sound, and seeing Li Rubi, did escape from the scene, and could not help but drop morale. At this time, it was an unfavorable situation. They threw weapons and armor and surrendered…

Hua la la ! ! !

The horseshoe stepped over the waterhole, making a sound, heavy rain pouring down, there was water on the ground, and the horse was riding, and it was even worse.

“This ghost weather!” Yan Fei cursed, with the heavy rain, the ground mud, the speed of the horses, was dragged down a lot, in case of delay, was chased by the back, then the major event is not good.

Looking at one side, Yu Heng’s face is like a dead man.

Before Li Rubi vomited blood and fainted, the gas volume was greatly reduced, and Yu Heng was also affected and seriously injured.

At this time, with the body meridian, still severe pain, can not move a little mana.

However, the physical pain, how can it be painful in the heart.

Yu Heng is also a smart person. Before being blinded, he was slightly dizzy. Now, everything is clear.

He is proficient in Bu, this method is the secret of the division, and the result is actually acting in a way that defeats one’s purpose.

The city god is so powerful that it can only make his spells malfunction, and the results are not counted.

To be like this, it is only possible to take a real shot.

“I didn’t expect that Yu Heng entered the WTO to fight for the dragon, and the spirit of the wind was coming. In the end, it was still necessary to abandon the fate of the son…” Yu Heng was a time to die.

“This Yu Heng Taoist, will only pretend to be a ghost, can not be used, if you can return to Linjiang smoothly, do not play the Lord, away from these other warlocks, falsified generations …”

Yan Fei saw this, but thought that Yu Heng was scared by the scene before, and could not help but despise.

“The Lord is awake!” At this time, the relatives who had been taking care of Li Rubi were very happy to drink.

The raindrops of the patter, hit the face of Li Rubi, and the ice was cold, but finally he was awakened.

Eyes opened, I saw the rain pouring down, the bumps underneath, the scenery on both sides, quickly regressed.

“This is…” Li Rubi was a little confused, and then his mind cleared, the three sides fought, the red towel was turned down, and it came to mind.

Philip sipped: “Stop… Stop!”

Call! ! !

More than a dozen horse rides are sudden stops.

Yan Fei stepped forward and said: “Lord, you are awake! Let me wait for a good life to worry…”

Li Rubi waved his hand and his face was not pleasant.

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