Baiyun Temple.

Qing Xu and Qing He looked at the sky, silently.

After a long time, Qingxu sighed: “The spirit of Qingyi has been folded, and the red scorpion has risen! It seems that Song Yu has killed Li Rubi and won the dragon…”

Qinghe sighed: “Oh! Unfortunately, Yuheng Shijun!” He is still a little sorry for the fine jade, especially when the white clouds are not picking up.

“When the soldiers are in danger, even if True Dragon, there is also a fall, Yuheng casts the wrong monarch, this is his robbery…”

Sighing and sighing.

At this time, see the distant thunder faint, this is different from the rainstorm Thunder, but the Heaven’s Punishment!

Qingxu and Qinghe are all white on the surface, and the cold sweat is hidden.

At this point, you can see the light above the Baiyun Temple, but with a layer of white gas protection, the Thunder can’t fall.

This is the shelter of the Baiyun Sword, the Qingxu can see, can not help but Changsong tone.

Said with a smile : “Fortunately, this time, Strength of Heaven’s Punishment, not too strong, but also…”

If you haven’t finished talking, you will see the sky, the lightning is great, and the white air is crumbling.

“Not good!” Qinghe said, “The Baiyun sword was damaged last time, and it was not as good as repairing with gas. This time, the aftermath is not enough…”

The illusory laughter nodded, saying: “The misfortunes are self-inviting, and there is nothing special with people. I wait for peace of mind!”

Clear and nodded, expression clear, restore the former temperament, the two sitting on a futon, waiting for Heaven’s Punishment.

At this time, the sound of the dragon and the dragon came from afar, and the situation was bare.

The red gas and the Baiyun sword swept together, finally dispelling the clouds in the sky, and Heaven’s Punishment did not fall.

“hu ……” clear and long export gas. I muttered to myself, “Fortunately, I have to abandon the dark cast and vote for the new master. Now the commander of Song has become a Flood Dragon, and he has been recognized by Wuzhou Heaven and Earth. Before he was defeated, I waited for nothing…”

“After that, I waited for the help of the Qianlong, to make up for the loss, if you can be lucky. There is no glimpse of immortal dao!” In the syllabic tone, there seems to be a different kind of vitality, connected to the eye. There is a look.

He and Qinghe, strictly speaking, have sin on their bodies, but they are sheltered by the dragon. Heaven’s Punishment is not falling.

Thereafter. You must extensively cultivate merits, and help Song Yu to become a dragon before you can cleanse your sins.

“Senior Brother, look at this child, can you make it?”

Qing and worried, just now, Heaven’s Punishment, if it falls. Qing Xu is still a real human cultivation base, or can save a life. However, he was only a magistrate, but he was sure to die. He also paid more attention to Song Yu’s affairs.

“How can we say clearly in the world?” Qingxie also had some bitter smiles, and then he looked positive.

“But within Wuzhou, the power of Song Yu is the strongest. If it works well, the position of Wu Wang is stable.”

This became Wangye, and Tianzhu was established. Song Yu can be regarded as a dragon, and the sin of Baiyunguan is almost eliminated.

Prior to this, Song Yuruo was defeated by the soldiers, and the Qing and Qinghe, or less, must not go under Heaven’s Punishment.

“Well!” Qing and nodded, “I look at this child, fire is a life, but it is a blessing.”

“Yes, the dynasties, the world, the fire is mostly, Song Yu has this image, it is cheap!”

Qing Xuan nodded, think of Li Rubi, and some embarrassment.

This world, before the Qin and Han Dynasties, was similar to the previous life of Fang Ming, and there was also an old saying that Zhou was old and his life was new.

Scarlet, which is the fire, represents the new, is suitable for the chaos, sweeping the universe.

This Li Rubi, but it is green, although there is a big image, but in heaven, it is restrained.

Although the gas is good, it also needs to look at the details.

Although Li Family has some short names, it is still a big family, and its foundation is not deep. Even if it is a ancestral dragon, it is not particularly strong.

Li Rubi is also the image of Qinglan. This white gas is red, red gas is golden, gold is green, and every step, gas transportation is reduced tenfold.

So, although the quality has gone up, the quantity is scarce.

The same air transport, Song Yu only one step, this consumption, greatly reduced.

The result is that although Li Rubi is prosperous, he spreads to the whole territory and can only protect himself.

But what if the roots are destroyed and they are transported by themselves?

Eventually the soldiers died.

This kind of example, going to the big point, is that Fang Ming’s past life, he has no foundation, but he claims to be the emperor’s miscellaneous goods.

Which one is better?

Qinghe even claimed to be.

Qing Xu said: “After this war, Song Gong will send out Linjiang, pass me orders, Linjiang Baiyunguan discipline, all attached to Song Gong, spy on the news, buy inside.”

Qing and stunned, this is the name of a certain public, but it is a respectful saying. Qingxu said that he has completely placed himself in the position of his subordinates.

But then, the heart smiled.

The world is fighting for dragons, and it is extremely dangerous. He and Senior Brother, this time, escaped from Heaven’s Punishment by Song Yu, and it is fortunate.

This matter can never be repeated, but I still want to do it, but it is impossible.

At this time, I can only do my best to help, hope that this Song Yu, can be a thing!

Clear and look at the sky, silently praying.


Cliff Hill official road, Li Ru wall body.

At this point, the heavy rain gradually stopped, turning into a silky lingering, lingering.

Before the heavy rain, the ground blood was washed away. At this time, the air was fresh, and the outsiders did not see the previous scene. It is unexpected that there is a dive dragon body here!

In the Void, red light flashes and a silhouette emerges.

This is the soul of the dying soul, but the general body scarlet, the eyes are heavy, the majesty out of the ordinary, the physical pressure is compelling.

However, there is a red line on the neck, which reveals blood.

This soul scorpion, first confused, then, a lot of memory emerged, Wuzhou, Linjiang, the war, and … Song Yu!

Expression Clear, memory is full, it is the soul of Li Rubi!

“Lord!” The gray air around the flash, a few silhouettes came out, is the self-defense guard, and Yan Fei.

At this time, they were illusory, and they saw Li Rubi. They were all shackled by the spiritual pressure. They were not close to the body, and they did not dare to move.

“Yan Fei! I didn’t expect you to be like this!”

Li Rubi smiled, then converge on the red mans, Yan Fei and the others. I feel a light body, such as the lack of a mountain.

Going forward, “I will see the Lord!”

“I have heard. After the death of a person, I thought I would laugh. I don’t want to have it.” Li Ru was confused and faint.

Looking around again, I asked:

“Yu Heng? He is a monk, I must know more…”

“reporting to the Lord, I wait… I don’t see Yuheng Daochang…” Yan Feibrace oneself. Come out.

They died, all before Heaven’s Punishment, and there was no scene in which Yu Heng was dying. Now, naturally, Yu Heng has not been robbed, but will die if he does not die.

Li Rubi first angered on the face and then converges. Said: “Well, let him go, I want to go back to Linjiang to see, what about you?”

“We swear to follow the Lord!” Yan Fei and the others, are all worshipping.

“Good! Then I wait…”

What Li Rubi just wanted to say, in Void, suddenly leaked a hole, golden light sown, shining on one side.

following. There is also a majesty that governs all beings and kills them.

This oppression. More than ten times bigger than Li Rubi?

Yan Fei and the others, immediately oppressed to the ground, Li Rubi, is also cautious, and even back a few steps.

Then they saw:

A round of red gold and gold, the flame spread more than 100 feet, coming to them.

As the big day approaches, Li Rubi can even feel that the surrounding temperature is rising, and Yan Fei and the others have become unsuccessful.

Until the big day stopped, Li Rubi saw it, and the silhouette of the sun appeared.

This is an eight-shoulder shoulder. On top of it, there is a large yellow umbrella. The one below is wearing golden robed, a jade belt around the waist, and a foot-shoe.

This person is half-closed and seems to be pretending.

“The gods of the city are coming, what are you waiting for?” One will come out to drink, and there are also a few inches of flame on him. It is Xu Yuan.

“It turned out to be a god of the city!” Li Rubi’s heart, darkly inwardly shouted bitter, this Wenchang intelligence, he naturally understands, knows that the city is always the backstage of the Red Scarf Army, and today’s events, must not escape.

Looking for the door now, it is not good.

He has arrogance in his chest and said in a cold voice: “This General is the Imperial Court, and the government is defensive. Why do you want to salute?”

Fang Ming on the shoulder, heard this, suddenly opened his eyes.

Li Rubi saw two eyes, like the essence, shot at himself.

At this point, he can feel the height of the other party! That is pure power, above him thousands of times. On the realm, there is more.

Li Rubi was stunned by this gaze, forcing a few steps backwards, and eventually his legs were not supported, lying on the ground.

This humiliation, when you are full of chest, Li Rubi’s eyes are red, you have to go forward!

“In the yin world, only stress the strength, the rules of the world, but it is not here.” Fang Ming said quietly.

One word and one sentence, such as heavy weight, will press Li Ruqiang to the ground, unable to move a single step.

Fang Ming looked at a few people, but it was secretly sighed.

In this world, people die into ghosts, but how the ranks, but also look at air transport.

Li Rubi is a state of Qianlong, talented and talented, and the air transport is prosperous. Although he is dead, the air transport is 90%, but even if it is, there is red, big out of the ordinary.

Putting it in the world, it is the core of the gate, the level of the ** division.

In the yin world, it is the evil spirit cultivation base, which can be seen in the sky.

Compared with him, Yan Fei has a life of azure, but it is only slightly stronger than ordinary ghosts, and he is on the threshold of the ghost.

This level of the ghost, seeing the air transport in front of him, and the Qi of Life, it has nothing to do with.

Even if the life is pure purple, if it is a small people, only a few white air, after death, that is, a wandering soul, the most, longer than other wandering souls, Fang Ming can blow to death in one breath.

In other words, if it is a small people, the life is white, but one day, sitting in the nine or five. After the death, at least there is gold, even Fang Ming, have to worry about one or two. Of course, the emperor can do it, and its Qi of Life is definitely not only white, even if it is at the beginning, there will be changes in the back.

“Li Rubi, you know, why is true body looking for you?” Fang Ming asked.

“Isn’t it because of Song Yu’s request, to destroy me?” Li Rubi guessed.

“No! The things in the sun have nothing to do with the yin world. What’s more, when people die, what good care?” Fang Ming shook his head.

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