“Why is that why?” Li Rubi, this is really a bit puzzled.

“The generals are full of qi, can have feelings, after being a ghost, are they also above other souls?” Fang Ming asked.

“It is so!” Li Rubi nodded.

“Yang Shi Qi Yun, although it can affect the fate, but it is unpredictable. To the yin, but can increase the power of 100 times, Transcendent is refined!” Fang Ming explained.

“originally is this way!” Before Li Rubi, he felt faintly that he and Yan Fei were different, and the strength was far above. It turned out to be the reason.

“In the chaos of the grass, most heroes are heroes. The soul is dead, but also the ghosts! You have the old department, once it becomes a climate, you can’t contain it, you can prove the ghost king, smash one side!”

“Oh? Ghost King?” Li Rubi read, this name, he seems to have heard it, Yu Heng also mentioned.

“Opening a government building, the ghosts of the army are over 10,000, it is a real person, and you have to take a break from the front…”

Suddenly, I remembered the records of the classics. In Li Rubi’s heart, it was a heat, and the heart longed for it. I can’t wait for myself.

But then, the body pressure, let him understand that he is still a prisoner.

Unwillingly raised his head and asked: “I am afraid that I will be the ghost king, will I stop it?”

“Also!” Fang Ming nodded.

The current Li Rubi is the cultivation base of the evil spirits. On the battlefield, most of them are Li Family military souls. As long as they are a little condensed, they are a big force! It is not impossible to attack the city and destroy the land, to attract popularity, to expand the ghost army, and to achieve the ghost king.

This has obstacles to Song Yu’s grand plan. Naturally, we must first be strong.

Having said that, but if you really want to say it, you have to change it.

Fang Ming voices slowly: “Ghost King leads over 10,000. Slaughter is very heavy, true body has to come to stop for the welfare of Wu people…”

Although the words are light, the heart of Li Rubi has sunk.

Fang Ming is a language that clearly means to kill.

They are the ones who are sitting still waiting, flashing in red light. It is necessary to preemptively attack.

“Why is this?” Fang Ming turned his hand, and the golden giant palm emerged, with the majesty of reclamation. Li Rubi was pressed to the ground.

“The main public!!!” Yan Fei several people with a red eye, they must pounce.

“Noisy!” Fang Ming handed a bullet, a golden pill hit a guard, and the guard suddenly turned into black.

Jinmao is floating. suddenly. Turned into a Golden Armor Deity, hand-held knives, expressionless.

Yan Fei sneaked, then rushed to the top. Drinking: “Only, he has only one person!”

Golden Armor Deity slashed, and several of the guards fell down.

On the field, only Yan Fei was left alone.

Yan Fei looks around. It’s a bitter smile, this is a sinister world. Different from Yang, these loyal guards are all good picks, even if the opponent is Song Yu, they can withstand a moment.

But this golden armor, forcibly suffered a few blows, but if nothing happened, but also with the power of God, every knife cut out, such as carrying the wind and thunder, in the decisive, invincible.

“I didn’t expect it, I am old Yan, in a day, I have to die twice…” Yan Fei laughed and then killed with Golden Armor Deity.

Although he is skilled in martial arts, but where the golden armor will be, the natural power, the power is broken.

After a few rounds, he was also smashed through the chest.

Yan Fei looked at the chest blade, with a bitter smile, shouted: “The Lord! Go first!”

The voice did not fall, the silhouette spread out and turned into Silk Black Qi.

“This golden armor will, it seems that the formidable power is not small!” Fang Ming looked at it, and he was satisfied with this golden armor.

This is the last time he took the white clouds and got the spoils of war.

After re-refining, these eighteen gods have already recognized Fang Ming as the main, and Fang Ming has given the name, from Jinyi to Jin 18, which is easy to remember.

It is a matter of moments to release the golden armor from Fang Ming and to destroy it under Li Rubi.

Li Ru’s face is stunned, and he keeps watching. He is smashing his body and the red light is flashing. It seems to be violent.

But the golden giant palm, completely motionless, only on the ground, was picked up in a layer of brown soil, revealing the plant roots.

“Why is this hard?” Fang Ming sighed again, his heart moved, and the giant hand spread.

Li Rubi got a free, roaring, and rushed to Fang Ming, wrapped in a red envelope, but also a bit of weather.

But Fang Ming, just a smile.

A nail, Void, golden light flashes.

Li Ru’s body shape is a stagnation, such as the insect in amber, was set in the air in the middle, unable to move a single step.

Only eyes, still turning around, seem to be looking for ways to get out.

Fang Ming smiled and released the control. Li Rubi landed and his face was in doubt.

“Why did you make three trips and play with me?” Li Rubi had a moment to recover, but he was sensible and asked.

“Not so, how can you listen to the true body and calmly?” Fang Ming said faintly, it seems that before killing someone, it is just a joke, a small matter.

“Respecting God is a joke, so I have to be calm.” Li Ru’s face is gloomy, but he did not follow it. It seems that before, the blow to him is not small.

“How can you teach me to respect God?” Li Rubi silently, but still opened his mouth.

“You know, true body will not let you go, endangering Wenchang people. Now, you only have two ways, one is true body destroy both body and soul, the other is true body shot, send you into the reincarnation…”

Fang Ming’s words are plain, but they seem to have irresistible majesty.

In the plural language, it determines the life and death of a dragon!

“Destroy both body and soul …… into the reincarnation…” Li Ru wall muttered, these two choices, for him, is not a good road, but before the fight, has let him understand that this enemy is not him Can be countered.

For a long time.

Fang Ming is also very patient and has been waiting.

I don’t know how many times I heard, and I heard Li Rubi’s screaming: “I… choose the second one!”

Life and death are in the hands of people, so it is so helpless.

“So great!” Fang Ming nodded, a wave of hands, in Void, the reincarnation channel opens.

“Sit and forget Divine Ability!” Fang Ming drinks low.

In the hands of the 掐 method, Void. Mo Ran appeared a golden character, and faintness is a swearing word. It is the meaning of forgetting.

“Go!” Fang Ming once again drank.

Golden Divine Ability Fu Xi did not enter Li Rubi’s forehead, Li Rubi wanted to struggle, but did not know what to think, still silent, let the symbol, enter the mind.

With Divine Ability launched, Li Rubi itself. Also turned into the source of true spirit.

Around the light ball, the red light is faint, even the shape. It is also a few laps larger than other sources.

“It’s not a Qianlong, even a soul, it’s different.” Fang Ming praised.

Divine power is launched. Bring Li Rubi into the reincarnation.

Wait for the reincarnation channel to close. Fang Ming was in a sigh of relief.

This Li Rubi, although defeated by the army, turned into a ghost, but also a person who has been a Qianlong, in this Wuzhou, still favored by the heavens and the earth.

If it is Fang Ming, force him to break up his soul. No, things will happen suddenly. What are the bad consequences?

Now that Qianlong volunteered to reincarnate, it was a lot of trouble for him.

Until now, the potential of Qianlong wrapped in Fang Ming was completely broken.

Fang Ming only feels that his heart is loose and he can’t tell the freedom. The whole body and mind seem to have been washed, and the mind is pure, like a cloud.

Connected to the whole world, it seems that the last layer of tulle is opened and clearly visible.

Fang Ming laughed, knowing that he was a stranger, and there is still a film in this world, so the heavens and the earth will drop the disaster.

Now that I have been through the disaster, it is naturally beneficial. At least, the gap between this and the world has been thoroughly eliminated.

It will be easier to understand the Great Dao Law in the future.

This is not only the case, Fang Ming’s heart is moving, but it is Song Yu, and there is news.

Wenchang Fucheng, the house.

In the Chamber of Deputies, Song Yuduan sat in the main position and looked at the people below.

Among them, there are the original team, Ye Hongyan, Luo Bin and the others, as well as Li Dazhuang, Xu Chun and other original red towel army.

There is still a teenager, dressed in azure clothes, and is very romantic, but it is He Dongming.

Hejia Patriarch, who was injured in the previous battle, is still training. Now he is a family member. He is the principal of He Dongming. He can also suppress the body of the boy and take care of the affairs of the houses.

Song Yu looked at his head on light azure, and he was lightly smiled.

This is an unexpected discovery.

Before, He Jiaqian Patriarch, Fang Ming’s tea head, He Yuqing took the initiative to ask for help.

I want to see the development of Fang Ming, I don’t want my family, a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

He Jia is a county, and his reputation is not small. If he can rely on it, it is also a great help to Song Yu.

Fang Ming then promised to play Divine Ability and drag He Yuqing and Hejia Patriarch into the dream.

This Hejia Patriarch is a scorpion of He Yuqing, who is favored.

Otherwise, how can you not hesitate to stay at home?

This time, in the Wenchang war, there was a lot of effort. I just wanted to promote it. I didn’t want to send an azure talent.

This is the Qianlong Universiade has been broken, no more repressive power, all kinds of talents, are competing to emerge, into my shackles.

Song Yuyi was full of time.

At this time, the head was clear.

Song Yu startedled, looking at it. I saw the golden name of my head, suddenly exploded, and a light azure came out from it.

The life is light, and the gas is a Flood Dragon. In such a pattern, it is possible to win a big position in a state.

The moment when this life is changed is the time when Qianlong Li Ruye enters the reincarnation!

It turns out that after death, there is still a connection with the heavens and the earth. The fate of the body has not completely dissipated. Only when it is reincarnation, the reincarnation of the true spirit is the real conclusion.

Song Yu’s heart has a clear comprehension.

Fortunately, fortunately, the true body, forcibly sent Li Rubi into the reincarnation, did not listen to it, otherwise, it may be true that Li Rubi turned over.

At this time, the thoughts are accessible, the soul is clear and clear, and almost the light is released.

At this time, Song Yu, if you want to change immortal dao, it must be smooth sailing, without bottleneck, is regarded as a hundred years of rarely seen genius, the jewel of the rise of the gate.

However, Cheng Xian got the road, how can there be red and white, come to be refreshed?

Song Yu smiles, he uses Worldly Desire Refining Heart, the emperor and the Shinto parallel, how can it be a separate immortal dao comparable?

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