Song Yu secretly thought about it, only looked at towards the following, only to see Ye Hongyan and Li Dazhuang and the others.

At this time, everyone is waiting for the main tolerance.

Song Yu, now the master of Xin’an and Wenchang’s two houses, can be foreseen, and then Linjiang will fall into his hands.

The three prefectures, the entire Wunan, suddenly no resistance.

At this time, the world, although chaos, but like Song Yu, can be divided according to the five government, it is still rare.

Can be counted as a big prince. Say no, the wind will meet, you can also win the position of the world!

In my subordinates, I also gave birth to a few points from the dragon’s mind, attitude, and more respectful.

Song Yu saw the gestures of everyone below, and he felt satisfied. He said: “The town is only shallow and shallow. I don’t want to be a coincidence. I am the master of the two houses. I am going to spend the night, like a thin ice, when the suspension is waiting for Daed… …”

Under the people, they all fell down: “The Lord’s father will inherit the fate of God, and he will be able to enjoy this big place. This is the cultivation base of the Lord’s lord. When you enjoy the welfare…”

So, Song Yucai officially agreed.

This is still a small scene. If he is the emperor of the day, he must have a group of officials, and he will choose the representative.

It is not a matter of its own, but it is a must-have ceremony. Otherwise, it is not correct and is criticized.

At this time, Song Yu was officially worshipped by the following officials. “We have seen the festival to make adults!”

The heart is a sigh, this Xin’an town has a reputation for its name, and it is of great use to take charge of Xin’an. However, as the Song Yu site becomes wider, it is slightly insufficient. It is a different name. This is also a complete isolation of Imperial Court. influences. The bottom of the plan.

However, at this time, you can also use it first, and then lay down the entire Wunan. It is the time to call it!

“Flat!” These thoughts are just a flash, everyone below, I heard the sound of Song Yuqing’s mellow voice.

“Xie Daren!” The crowd got up and looked at Song Yu.

I saw the first person, wearing a golden crown and dressed in a robe. There is a jade belt hanging around the waist, and the forehead is wide and bright. Between the eyebrows, the British is compelling.

The most memorable one is a pair of scorpions, warm and dark. Fluorescent. It seems that people should be absorbed into the mind.

This is Song Yu, the Xin’an Town Festival, sitting in the land of the two provinces, the gods of the gods and gods!

Under the temple, I still saw Song Yu for the first time. I couldn’t help but observe it in secret and contrast with Li Rubi.

“Song Gongqiqi. Such as the deep sea, unpredictable. Although Li Rubi has a natural phenomenon, but the momentum, but it is not as good as…”

Li Dazhuang also thought about it.

I have to say that Song Yu’s weather at this time is still a bit worse than Li Rubi’s, but in the eyes of the people below, Song Yu’s temperament is far better than Li Rubi.

Traditionally, the winner is the king, the loser is the villain, that’s it.

Song Yu looked around in a circle and said: “Wenchang Red Scarf Army, today, officially merged into the sequence of Xin’an Town! After you wait, you are all the same, you can get close!”

Going down again, clinging to Li Dazhuang’s hand, he came to Ye Hongyan’s front and introduced: “This is the command of our town Dongshan, Ye Hongyan, the first general.”

Li Dazhuang and the temple behind him wished to pay respect.

Ye Hongyan knows that the Lord is really pulling on these people and he is also solemnly returning gifts.

Later, Song Yu led the temple, one after another, introducing the new high-rises present.

This is the proper meaning. It is almost half an hour after seeing each other on both sides.

After the people returned to their place, Song Yu returned to Gaotai, and Shen Sheng said: “The town issued a decree. From now on, all the royal ancestral temples in the area under the jurisdiction of the town will be demolished, and the temples will be replaced by the first and the fifteenth. But officials don’t have to visit…”

This is the policy Song Yu had long wanted to implement, but before, in order to conceal the relationship with the city, it has not been used. Now, the cards are all out, killing the dragon, but there is no more scruples.

This order is out, the following is a big deal.

Before Song Yu, it was only the ancestral temple, and no sacrifices were allowed. It was left to the royal family to leave a layer of face. Now, it is the anti-heart that does not cover up.

Ye Hongyan and other veteran hearts, but it is a move, secretly thought, this is the conditions for the main public to recruit the Red Scarf Army, not too harsh, just, promised all jurisdictions, but some have passed.

Song Yu looked at the look of the old part below and knew what they thought.

A smile in the dark, not broken. After all, he is the god of the city, the god of the city is him, the two minds are connected, regardless of each other.

Really want to be true, Song Family ancestors, is an outsider, after Song Yuruo has won the world, then naturally will not let the faith!

Now, it is to bury the foreshadowing.

The following temple wish, see Song Yu personal commitment, but it is happy.

“In addition, the first level of Zhu XVI, suspend the counties!” Song Yu said, this Zhu Xie, will Wenchang Aristocratic Family, but blood wash half, not so, can not settle their hearts.

As for the original land that was captured, Song Yu did not mention it.

The one belonging to Zhu XVI is now naturally returned to Song Yu. The rest are all divided by the temples, and others are given to the following talents and displaced people.

These people are the foundation of Song Yu’s current governance. If I change to Aristocratic Family, I don’t know what will happen!

Some of these people changed the Wenchang Aristocratic Family by half of the blood, and conquered the county and looked at the home. In the future, Wenchang said that it was not safer than Xinan.

As for the bitter Lord? Basically, they have been killed by Zhu XVI. Who is going to scream?

Even if there is a bloodline, now I only dare to clip the tail, bow down to be a man, if it jumps out, Song Yuming face, although not what to do, but in the dark, there is no need to kill people!

These Aristocratic Family geniuses are all savvy and savvy, and they are not so unwise.

“Wenchang is broken, when tax-free for one year, the people who have settled down the levy…” Song Yu said, this time, it is the people’s livelihood.

Zhu XVI is a serious disaster. Wenchang House is called the ten rooms and nine airspaces, but it also vacates a lot of wasteland for the people to open up.

The white paper is good for painting. Now Wenchang is a big blank. You can arrange your own power, cultivate the foundation, and deepen your gas.

“The Lord is relieved, the minister will do his best, the Lord and the herdsmen!” The speaker is Meng Zhu, Song Yu killed Li Rubi, and even the night flying book Xin’an, moved to Wenyu.

Now the officials in Wenchangfu are almost killed by Zhu XVI, or they are abandoning their officials. If they are not forced to take over with a group of newly trained bureaucrats, they will be defeated.

“You work, the town has always been assured!”

Meng Zhu is cultivated by Song Yu, and he knows his talents.

Song Yu let Meng retreat, and looked towards Li Dazhuang, and asked: “Now the Red Scarf Army, how many people are there?”

Before Li Dazhuang, although he was a rough man, he lived a rich life for more than a decade, and he also gained a bit of tolerance.

Come out to salute, said: “reporting to the main public, our army this battle, killed in a hundred, light and serious wounded more than 400, to the present, there are still about 1,500 or so!”

Song Yu nodded, Shen Yu for a moment, it makes: “flow private, disbanded on the spot, choose its elite to enter the army, the rest, led by Meng Zhu, open up wasteland… Red Scarf Army should also choose to eliminate and choose one thousand Two hundred people, set a capital, the town gave the name, it is called the red towel.”

Another refers to Li Dazhuang, “Li Dazhuang, this town seals you as the Zhengqi Pin Zhaowu school, and all the red towels are commanded! The rest of the temple wishes are under the jurisdiction of the red towel, and you will be the guardian of the camp. You will write a later article. Newspaper!”

“Following the job!” Li Dazhuang squatted, and took the lead.

When the voice fell, Song Yu saw it. Li Dazhuang’s head was red, but there was some instability.

A sigh in the heart, this Li Dazhuang, originally only a small village in Qingyu Village, the life of pure white.

Afterwards, although there was promotion, when the temple was given, there was an opportunity. With more than ten years of self-cultivation, this life was also changed, with a scarlet, red and white.

This one, but only when it is the position of the eight products, and then go up, there are some can not suppress.

However, Li Dazhuang led the temple to wish, relying on it, it is not its own power, most of which rely on the city.

These temples wish that the true allegiance is also the god of the city, which is no big problem.

“For the time being, just raise it, I can’t say it. Li Dazhuang has been affected by this, and he can change his life.”

“If it is not, it will not be late…”

Song Yu’s heart, faint thinking.

Also passed the order: “The red towel is reorganized and must be completed within two months. Next time in the town, it is necessary to send troops to Linjiang and destroy Li Family!”

“Nuo!” Li Dazhuang suddenly obeyed, this red towel army and the private sector, have been beaten, seen blood. Now, just choose it to be strong and re-familiar. You can become a military without a month.

Waiting for the next month, Xin’an’s soldiers can also recover most of them. At that time, there will be at least five thousand capable troops.

On the other hand, in Linjiang, Li Rubi was defeated twice, and the soldiers were defeated. Now, it can be said that no one is.

In addition, Baiyunguan secretly stalks, I am afraid that the army will arrive at the time of extinction.

This time, it is necessary to destroy Li Family.

Song Yu looked at the direction of Linjiang and measured it.

This Li Family, who attacked him twice, is it really new?


Yongan eleven years, September.

The Xin’an Town Festival made Song Yu, with Li Xun’s false pretense, and sent troops to attack Linjiang House on the grounds of great rebellion.

In Xin’an, there was also a rumor that counted Li Family’s eight disrespectful sins and called on the Aristocratic Family of Wunan to attack.

At this time, Song Yu, in Wunan, can be said to have a unique existence, and the momentum is extremely prosperous. For a time, Wu Nan went up and down, and fell into a strange silence.

Song Yu can not care so much.

The army started from Xin’an and Wenchang and broke into Linjiang, which opened the war.

At this time, Linjiang House, after two defeats by Li Rubi, the potential of war has been exhausted.

Even if Li Xun has Heaven Warping Genius again, there is nothing to help.

Song Yu took the red towel, Feihuwei, and black feather ride, totaling more than 2,300 people. Starting from Wenchang, Ye Hongyan took Dongshan, and Song Hu, Dian Lang, etc., totaling more than 3,000 people, from Depart from Xin’an.

The two-way army, known as the 10,000 people, is like a hot knife through butter. Looking at the situation, it is necessary to meet under the Linjiang City.

At this time, Linjiang House, but almost no one in the city can not find out, overnight, was put down two counties, suddenly, Linjiang shocked.

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