Linjiang Fucheng, although after a military disaster. ?

However, fortunately, the soldiers were robbed fast, and they went fast. Song Yu’s army, and the military discipline were serious, and there was no disturbance to the people. It was a great fortune in misfortune.

In the prefecture of the prefecture, at this time, it has been blood washed.

Song Yu has orders, Li Family clansman, all imprisoned, resisters, directly kill without mercy!

Last night, the killing was the most prosperous. At this time, it was still bloody.

On the lobby of the mansion, there are people of all colors.

At first glance, there are Aristocratic Family Patriarchs such as Zhang Family and Hu Family. There are also generals who voted last night. At this time, it is a bit guilty.

Most of them are Song Yuyuan’s first generals. At this time, they all have a happy look. The power of Song Yu has expanded a lot, and even these people, they are also rising.

“The festival makes the adults come!” With a clear singing, Song Yu walked slowly.

At this time, no one has regarded him as a weak-crowned boy. He only walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger.

Everyone under the scene is bright.

Song Yu sat, and at this time did not cover up, a deep and resolute, wise and wise, and then born.

This is Song Yujiu who was a god and led the army to fight and cultivate it.

“Although I heard that Song Gong is only a small family, but I don’t want to, I have some attitudes. It is no wonder that I can make a unified three-house, Wu Nan is looking forward!” Many Patriarchs are secretly thinking.

Song Yu looked around in a circle and smiled. “This time, the town can get down to Linjiang, thanks to your help!”

Everyone below is not even dare.

Song Yuyi waved his hand and the sound below stopped.

Just listen to Song Yuxi: “It is advisable to chase after the poor and not to learn the overlord!”

This World. There is also an allusion to the Overlord, but it is not Xiang Yu.

Everyone below. I have never heard of this sentence, and I feel that the aftertaste is endless. It is even more appropriate to use it at this moment.

Ye Hongyan was listed and asked: “The Lord is worried about Azure Dragon!”

“Ran! Azure Dragon Guandi 扼吴南 throat, has always been without Azure Dragon off and keep the South. The town wants to unify Wu Nan. This Azure Dragon off, not the next, who. Who is willing to town Divided?”

Although it is only a question, but the following people, who are rushing to slow down, have squatted: “I am willing to drive for the Lord!”

“Good! Ye Hongyan. You bring Dongshan. There are also the pulse, Pan and two, one step ahead, the town is your temple!” Song Yu issued a command.

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan naturally knows that the Azure Dragon off at this time, although nominally still in control of Li Family, but the force is empty, can be said to be no one.

Li Xun is dead. The entire Li Family is in the Song Jade hand. The will of the defenders will be shaken, and it may be very big to drop without fighting. If you can persuade, it is great!

Even if I can’t, my own three thousand soldiers passed, Azure Dragon shut down, and only a few hundred at this time, how dare to go out and fight? Just plug them in the customs, wait until Song Yu settled in Linjiang, and then bring the army to come, it is also meritorious!

This is obviously an promotion, giving him the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Ye Hongyan was excited, and suddenly slammed the dagger: “Please be handsome and relieved, even if you are smashed, you must do this for the coach!”

“So good! Luo Bin, you presented Li Xun’s first level, it is also a great achievement, first remember, wait until Azure Dragon closes, and reward together… Now, you have to bother you, take the black feather ride, patrol Linjiang, Monitor the lawlessness, suppress the change, if anyone, dare to go out at this time, kill, don’t worry!”

Song Yu turned to the head and looked at Luo Bin, telling him.

This Luo Bin is worthy of being a general. In these battles, he has repeatedly made great achievements and almost compared Ye Hongyan.

At this time, the promise is a promise, and the golden life is proudly erected, exuding a faint golden glow, which is very different.

The cloud on the top is also a gathering of red gas, and even yellow gas, which is born.

This weather is catching up with Ye Hongyan.

This Luo Bin and Ye Hongyan, Song Yu is now in his hands, the strongest generals, all have golden life, the generals.

The essay minister, but it is somewhat weaker, but before he discovered the azure talent of He Dongming, it is also a great supplement, just wait for it to be promoted.

Song Yu figured out that he was kneeling down, but he also had a feeling of fullness of the wings. Then look at his own air transport, Jinyun gathered, the top micro-discharge azure, which has a red 蛟 hovering, an azure life, straight upright, unified shooting.

Can not help but laugh, very happy.

Now, I have officially become a climate. Before Fang Ming’s investment, I can already say that I have returned.

Next, it is when you make a big profit.

Fang Ming splits the distraction, the main purpose is to break the potential of the dragon and get out of the shackles.

Now, the most important purpose of Li Rubi’s death is to be achieved.

However, with the influence of Song Yu, Fang Ming looked at the world and found that he had the opportunity to compete for the True Dragon.

This person is a hegemony, and the resulting air transport is much faster than Fang Ming’s hard work of cultivating believers.

Relying on the kingship and spreading the faith, this speed is also a lot faster.

The progress of several years is even comparable to the accumulation of Fang Ming for hundreds of years.

Fang Ming naturally doesn’t want to let go.

It is already decided that on this chessboard of the hegemony, he will also drop one of his own.

After all, he is a god, the starting point is different from the mortal.

Song Yu is now back to the present, and Fang Ming’s previous investment has made up for it.

Then, down, how much is made, is pure profit, there is no loss.

Naturally, we must vigorously develop and compete for the world. The most unsatisfactory, but also the division of Wuzhou, the dominant side.

Others don’t need to be used.

Even when the time comes, True Dragon is born, and things can’t be violated. Song Yu has no power to fight back, and he doesn’t have to be afraid.

Big deal, donate Wuzhou, and sin.

Although there are many examples in the history that the courtiers can descend, and the master can’t descend, Song Yuruo may have a monastic seal. However, after two years, there will be no more “sickness” or “falling into the water”. With Song Family, there is nothing to end.

However, from Fang Ming’s point of view, Song Yu took the initiative to surrender, exempting Wuzhou soldiers from robbery, and before the Enze side, to avoid the suffering of the Wuzhou people, this cause can be counted. Song Yu is a god, and he has no merits for Wuzhou.

Really count it. Not only is there no sin, but it has great merits.

At that time, the distraction will be recovered. Re-shooting and preserving Song Family bloodline is also a complete fate.

In this way, although Song Yu died, but the entire Wuzhou. You can spread the beliefs of the city, and this one is still earned.

God and mortal look at the perspective of World. It is different.

Fang Ming (Song Yu) is a god, and naturally puts the position in the right direction. As long as it is conducive to the belief of the city, it can be done. As for the secular cause. However, Cheng is also happy, and the defeat can be happy.

Of course, this is only the worst plan.

At this time, Song Yu is leading step by step, but there is also a chance to compete for True Dragon!

In the past, there were no sacred people, and the most examples of the True Dragon were the most. Become a True Dragon first, and have a spirit after death. Re-certify the gods. This is because Heavenly Dao is supervised and must not be violated. Second, there is an immortal dao intervening, a horizontal variable.

But Dagan World, before the Fang Ming, the Shinto does not exist, the power of the supervision of Heavenly Dao, can not take this.

Moreover, immortal dao forces, without Fang Ming’s past life, are promising.

“I can come to this world, but it is also a good luck, big Good Fortune!” Song Yu heart, silently thinking.

Once you have decided to compete for the True Dragon, you don’t have to hesitate.

Song Yu’s heart is tidal, looking at the distance, thoughtful.


On September 20th, Ye Hongyan led the team to Azure Dragon.

Ye Hongyan, immediately before, looked at 巍峨Azure Dragon, could not help but admire.

This Azure Dragon is extremely dangerous. The ancient book has a cloud: “Da Qingshan has two mountains and two mountains facing each other. It is shaped like a door, and Azure Dragon is named after it.”

There is also “Wuzhou Jiusai, headed by Azure Dragon.”

Xiongguan is in danger of mountains and high mountains. The east and west wings, the mountains are ups and downs. The Great Wall of the Ridge, its momentum. There are two gates in the east and west, all of which are stacked with giant bricks. The clouds pass through the clouds and the atmosphere is imposing. The gates are carved into the “natural insurance” and “land”. There was a tower on the east and west gates. It was volleyed, and it resembled the image of the Wujia group and was outside the east city gate.

Ye Hongyan looked far away from Azure Dragon, and could not help but sigh: “So close, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack!”

In the calculation of the heart, if you want to attack hard, even if there are fewer defenders, but with the city defense, these three thousand people, even if they are all here, may not be able to lay down.

“This level is only suitable for intelligence, not capable of enemies!” Ye Hongyan sighed.

Pass the order: “Send someone to go down and say!”

Immediately there was a big squad officer, single ride to Azure Dragon, and screamed loudly: “Close the guard will listen! My Lord Song Yu, is the Xinan Festival, sitting in Sanfu, Yingming Shenwu… before, Li Family has succumbed to the army and has been taken down and listened to it! If it falls, my lord will be able to reuse it. If not, the army will arrive, regret it!”

The officer’s voice was so loud that Azure Dragon was closed and audible.

This has been shouted three times.

Closed upstairs, fell into a silence.

After a while, a arrow fell. This is not the meaning of falling.

The officer’s face was blue and green, and he urged the horse to go back.

When I came to Ye Hongyan, I was sinned: “I am incompetent! Please also ask the grown-up to sin!”

Ye Hongyan is also frowned, saying; “This must be no wonder, go on!”

And passed the order: “The army is camping!”

Three thousand army, suddenly dispersed, check out.

The next day, Ye Hongyan once again persuaded him to drop down, but he was stubborn and could only start siege.

After a few days, the losses were heavy and I had to stop and wait for Song Yu’s army.

In October, Song Yu rectified the Linjiang affairs, rushed with the 3,000-strong army, and summoned the Xinan reinforcements.

At this time, the army, really over 10,000 people, the battalion stretches seever li, extraordinary momentum.

“Oh? Still not falling?”

Song Yu wore a gold armor and looked at the Azure Dragon pass and asked.

Before he wrote a personal letter, he shot into the Azure Dragon and advised him to drop it. He was a high-ranking official, and the conditions were extremely rich.

However, if you do not agree, it will be suspicious.

“The handsome man, the defender Li Peng, is the Li Family family. Now the Lord promises to be unscrupulous and release his family. He does not agree, there must be weird!”

Ye Hongyan is also aware of it.

This Azure Dragon off, unlike the previous estimate, one attack.

On the contrary, there are sufficient soldiers and sufficient food and grass. These several sieges have been blocked.

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