Ye Hongyan said doubts, but saw Song Yu, murderous aura, with a sneer.

A glimpse of the heart, knowing that this master, has always been thoughtful, and has a mysterious channel, knowing a lot.

Can’t help but ask: “The Lord is guessing!”

“Not bad!” Song Yu said coldly.

Not to wait for Ye Hongyan to ask, and continue to say: “This is a strange thing, it must be Wuzhou or even elsewhere. Some people can’t see me to unify Wu Nan, give Azure Dragon support, and vow to delay the town’s great cause, it is the kill!”

At this time, Song Yu, the image of the Flood Dragon, is almost another dragon, with every move and majesty.

Killing intent Together, although not against Ye Hongyan, but Ye Hongyan, is also feeling around, seems to fall into the world of ice and snow, chilly.

Just listening to Song Yu’s voice, cold and cold, seems to be a little angry:

“Since there is a generation of rats stealing dogs, and trying to delay the great cause of the town, the town will not give him the wish!”

“Through the town’s order, tomorrow the whole army will be pressed, staying up all night to attack the city!”

“Be the first to climb the city gate, rise to Level 3 and enjoy the silver!”

“After breaking the barrier, there is no drop, and the customs will be cleaned for three days. The town wants this Azure Dragon, and the chickens don’t stay!”

Song Yu looked at the Azure Dragon and issued a military order.

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan’s heart is awkward, this is to pay no price, regardless of the loss, attack Azure Dragon off.

Ye Hongyan guessed that the casualties were a little dizzy. This kind of force, he asked himself, could not be taken.

Of course, Song Yu’s army is like this, and the defenders will not be able to go there, and. After breaking the border, it is really necessary to blow into a river and kill it into a white land.

Watching Ye Hongyan go down and order. Song Yu’s complexion returned to calm and opened up the Divine Ability.

In his eyes, Azure Dragon was shut down, the military was in turmoil, and there were several large airlifts that continued to support.

Several of them, with red and yellow colors. Not so amazing, but there is a strong, white. Even with a little bit of purple color.

“Imperial Court, the state, and a few counties look at the Aristocratic Family?” Song Yu recognized.

He is not only thoughtful, well-informed, but also promising Divine Ability. Can be mutually confirmed. At one point, the fog of war was opened.

Now, Song Yu occupies the Sanfu, and if he gives the Azure Dragon, then Wu Nan is immediately unified.

This situation has been in history.

But now, it’s too early! Whether it is the Imperial Court or the state’s Aristocratic Family. If you don’t want to see this scene, you will join hands to support.

It is necessary to delay Song Yu’s time to unify Wu Nan. Give them their own Jackie Chan.

But is it so easy to get out of it?

Now Azure Dragon is the largest, supporting thousands of people, plus a large number of ordnance food.

If you delay, give the state time, send the state soldiers down, that is the real major event is not good.

Song Yu ordered that the whole army attacked the city, that is, before the arrival of the state soldiers, lay down the Azure Dragon and take the initiative in their hands. Rely on the influence of Azure Dragon, isolate the outside influence, and then calmly unify.

The people inside the customs must be clear about this point, and they must be steadfast.

It seems that tomorrow, the blood station will continue to be a place, but it is a good place to gather the soul of the army!

Song Yu looked at the scenery of Daqingshan, somehow, suddenly thought of this, as if before, casually, not worth mentioning.

“Is this the chess player’s mentality?” Song Yu muttered to himself.

The second day.

The Xin’an army, all set up, moved to the siege equipment, took turns siege.

Li Peng stood in the Guanlou, looking down, countless Xinanjun, screaming, rushing to death.

This scene, Rao is his long battle, but also cold sweat.

“Song Jun is crazy!” Li Peng said to himself.

The madness of this Xin’an army, out of Li Peng’s expectation, and the confidence that had been adhered to before, also reduced a lot, my heart, for the first time, gave birth to regret.

But at this time, you can only stick your teeth.

Drink: “Children! Put the arrow! Don’t let Song Jun come up!”

Drinking again: “As long as you insist on it for a few more days, there will be reinforcements in the state. At that time, everyone will have a reward, and they will be promoted!”

Although it is so sipping, can the reinforcements come when? Whether he can keep the arrival of the reinforcements, even Li Peng himself, there is no bottom in his heart.

The development of the situation is beyond the expectations of Li Peng.

Under the crazy siege of the Xinan Song Family, the Azure Dragon was only broken for ten days.

On the day of the break, the rain fell and the blood blew.

Song Yu army, three days without a knife, Azure Dragon Guan, chicken dogs do not stay!

Li Peng and several other generals were arrested. Song Yu personally ordered and implemented the sentence of Ling Chi. In front of the three armed forces, these people will be squandered!

According to the records of the classics, the Azure Dragon at that time, the corpse was stacked on the ground, and almost the entire level was dyed dark red by blood.

Converging the dead bodies afterwards, it took more than ten days to complete the pile of corpse mountains, up to severe feet.

Because I couldn’t draw a man’s hand to bury it, the last thing was a fire. The smoke was covered by the sun, and the corpse smelled for months.

Song Yu was at a juncture, looking at the situation inside, looking good, not good-looking.

In this war, although the Azure Dragon was laid, the army brought by Song Yu was more than half killed and injured.

These are all the capital he will fight for in the future!

At this time, Ye Hongyan came up, but also sinking into the water.

“Is it all counted?” Song Yu asked.

“All counted, our army killed 1,300, and injured more than 700.” These are the hands of total loss.

Not to mention the ancient times, medical conditions are backward, these serious injuries, even if there is a temple to return to the spring, will die more than half. It is fortunate to save the life, but also can only return to the field, can not fight again.

“Slightly injured more than 2,500, because there is a city sacred water, with the military doctors, after most of the recovery, can return to the team!” Ye Hongyan said here, the look is good to see a few points.

In Song Yu’s heart, it is also certain that he can afford this loss.

Handed a paper to Ye Hongyan and said, “Hongyan, look!”

Ye Hongyan took over and fixed his eyes. It turned out to be a military newspaper. It was very short and he took a few lines.

But the content is not the same.

The state has obtained the news of Li Xun and dispatched the army. There are tens of thousands of people, led by Huo Li, starry night to Wunan.

It is now off from Azure Dragon. Only less than 50 li!

Ye Hongyan’s forehead was cold and sweaty, and he said with joy: “Huo Li’s name is also heard by his subordinates. It is said that this person is not only good at using soldiers, but also able to defend the city. Once in Yandi, he was dissatisfied with thousands of people. After ten thousand rides, I have been insisting for nearly three months… I am a famous!”

“If you give this person, the army will enter the Azure Dragon. The consequences are unimaginable!”

Ye Hongyan bowed to Song Yu: “The Lord’s public sees thousands of miles, one leaves knows the autumn, and the plains admire!”

This is also his heart. If it is a few days in the evening. That Song Yu’s death and injury can be more than just five thousand.

Say no, the unification of Wu Nan’s hegemony must be blocked.

Now step by step, it is a broad sky.

Song Yu smiled and said: “The road to battle, life and death, in the twinkling of an eye, for the will. Can not check!”

“According to the exploration of the horse, now Huo Li army. I got the news of our army to lay Azure Dragon off, hesitating! Hehe… Now my army is in the customs, if he dares to come, it must be a headache!”

Ye Hongyan nodded.

To deal with the Azure Dragon, you must have ten times the strength and the loss can be taken.

Before Song Yu, the army of tens of thousands of people attacked and attacked, and both of them were killed and wounded. At that time, there were only a thousand defenders in the customs.

Now in Xin’an Town, there are 5,000 troops here. Huo Li is a famous player, and at least 50,000 people can try to attack.

“Huo Li this person, there is a bit of reliability, when the break is broken, he still understands, the town estimates that after a few days, he will withdraw!”

Song Yu looked at the distance and said his judgment.

“After this war, the Lord will be able to unify Wu Nan, the name of the world, the patriotism and congratulations to the Lord!” Ye Hongyan kneels and congratulates.

Song Yu smiled.

Since the Azure Dragon was closed, his airlift has been completely stabilized, and the back of Akasaka has two more bulges. It seems that two claws will soon be born.

Now the red peony is only two feet, it is a cub, waiting for the hind foot to give birth, that is the official adulthood, can wind and rain!

Azure Dragon’s battle, it really rumors.

At this time, Song Yu, already sure, can unify Wu Nan and divide the land of the five capitals.

Now the whole world, compared to Song Yu, only a few people, are all princes.

This Song Yu family was born, but there was such a prestige, suddenly shocked the world.

All major forces have sent spies and went deep into Wunan to inquire about the story of Song Yu.

Wu Nan, a place, suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

Of course, there are still many people who secretly bite their teeth.


These, Song Yu are all aware.

At this time, he has turned to Linjiang Fucheng, is enjoying a tour in the back garden, accompanied by a person, careful, face-looking, it is Chen Yun.

Song Yu said with a smile : “Wu Nan recently, but not calm!”

Chen Yun replied: “The job is eager to report, according to the position of the savage, recently, there are many powerful spies, mixed into Wu Nan, to inquire about the news, and some even put the map into the Shuai Shuai…”

“The hand stretched too long, and it was directly smashed!” Fang Ming said indifferently, and now he has this temper.

“As for the general spy, after scouting, keeping the surveillance is, if you can’t say it, there are some unexpected gains.”

Song Yu faintly told.

Chen Yun did not dare to support the big, his majesty said: “No!”

Song Yu came to the garden pavilion, just sat down, there was a servant, offering tea.

Song Yu picked up the tea pot and sighed a little and asked: “Li Family dark veins, how is it?”

This is what I told Chen Yun to do before.

This Aristocratic Family, for the survival of the family, has worked hard and has many backhands.

The most, or the dark pulse.

This dark vein is to send a few illegitimate children, mostly babies, secretly sent out, properly placed, just in case.

These dark veins are extremely secretive, and some even don’t even know about themselves. The people who have been killed are more difficult to check.

Chen Yun’s heart was inwardly shouted, and he quickly pleaded guilty.

“Being incompetent, only found one place, has all won…”

Song Yu does not care, this is the secret of survival, Aristocratic Family has always been very concealed, Chen Yun can find a place, is capable of outstanding.

He looked for the Li Family dark veins, not to kill to the last one, but to plan otherwise.

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